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Indonesia Maritime defence and security issue

nah, it is not true, we had been fighting against illegal poacher and fishing for so long including against Phil. and Chinese. And believe me, we don't giving any shit against them, regardless from whatever country they come.
I know. Everyone poached, including Indonesian fishermen poaching in Australia water. That is just human nature, but to blow up a boat to send a message? Diplomatically, you got to choose the right target to send a message. Stop being so naive.
Vietnamese fishermen lament the downing of their ships.

The man behind all this bombing illegal fishing ship rhetoric, as part of bigger maritime axis agenda. soooo unassuming, yet his action punch way beyond his weight. Very promising leadership indeed.

this silly act of indonesia will have impact on our bilateral relationship. I don´t think we treat them nicely more. we were too nice to indo pirates and other indo aliens.
This is simply law enforcement to protect indonesia natural resources my friend, not a silly act. A fully calculated move, since all the friendly neighboring ambassador already given notice about our new maritime policy including vietnamese. Indonesian government must assert their presence, be there (on land and sea) for the people. See how vast indonesian water is, 2/3 of indonesian territory is ocean. This is our wealth, our future.


We hope this move doesn't create unnecessary tension between all of us. I do support any move that will be taken by vietnamese government to enforce the law on pirates, whether from indonesia or from anywhere else. We give no tolerance for illegal poachers, moreover pirates.
I lost my respect for Jokowi's handling on this matter. A smart leader will find better ways to deal with this kind of things. He opens a Pandora's box that others will follow, inadvertently if continue, it can lead to international maritime crisis. Fishermen ply their trade everywhere is as old as history such punishments are unlikely to stop that trespassing practice in a long run.

It's also very dangerous for the debits floating around the water and the pollution it creates.
How a Nation dare to call themselves as a Maritime Nation if she can't protect her wealth at sea? That's move is necessary to send a message to any Nation, if Indonesia starting to get more serious to protect her assets, her wealth and her dignity
this silly act of indonesia will have impact on our bilateral relationship. I don´t think we treat them nicely more. we were too nice to indo pirates and other indo aliens.
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Boat sinking policy to not affect ties with neighbors: Observer
Jumat, 5 Desember 2014 16:12 WIB | 456 Views

Depok, W Java (ANTARA News) - Hikmahanto Juwana, an international law expert, believes that the Joko "Jokowi" Widodo administrations policy of sinking boats found poaching in Indonesian waters will not affect ties with neighboring countries.

"There are five reasons why the boat sinking policy will not worsen international relations," Juwana, the dean of international law of the University of Indonesia (UI), stated here on Friday.

Firstly, no country in the world allows its citizens to commit crimes in other countries. Foreign fishing boats that would be sunk are the ones without permit to catch fish in Indonesian waters. They commit crimes because they operate illegally in the Indonesian maritime territory.

Secondly, the government will sink them in Indonesian territories of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Thirdly, the sanction is based on Indonesian Fishery Law 2009s Chapter 69, Article 4. Before 2009, any action to sink poaching boats could only be carried out based on the courts verdict.

The fourth reason is that any country that lodges a protest, must first understand that poaching activities by foreign fishing boats have caused huge material losses to Indonesia.

Allowing foreign boats to poach in Indonesian waters will lead to bigger losses to the country.

Lastly, the government will be heedful to the safety of the crew members, despite the decision to sink their boats.

The government of President Jokowi is committed to taking the strongest possible action against foreign illegal fishing vessels, warning that Indonesia will not hesitate to even sink them if necessary.

Following reports that at least 5.5 thousand vessels indulged in illegal fishing and inflicted a loss of Rp300 trillion per year on the state, Jokowi has stated that the concerned authorities will sink the fishing boats poaching in Indonesian waters, albeit after firstly taking their crew into custody.

Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief General Moeldoko revealed that the TNI has been looking for the best possible way to sink foreign vessels found fishing illegally in Indonesian waters.

"Following Jokowis instruction to sink foreign illegal fishing vessels, I have requested the Navy chief of staff to find the best possible way to carry out the presidents order," Moeldoko noted.(*)

Boat sinking policy to not affect ties with neighbors: Observer - ANTARA News
We still have to wait a little longer to see whether this treatment can stop the illegal fishing practice in a long run. For immediate effect, it's actually work. Our minister have confirmed this from satellite data, less and less boats detected fishing illegally on our ocean. This is $30billion/anum asset that must be secured.

Illegal fishing also usually using bomb and any illegal means to catch fish that proven destroying the biodiversity and natural preservation of the ocean. Less and less fishes can be hauled by our fisherman that usually using smaller boats because giant illegal boats robbing the fish. So, drastic measure must be taken.

The boats itself is emptied before bombed, so there's no dangerous material. And the shipwrecks will become the new home for the fish, creating fat and happy fish breeding ground.
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This is simply law enforcement to protect indonesia natural resources my friend, not a silly act. A fully calculated move, since all the friendly neighboring ambassador already given notice about our new maritime policy including vietnamese. Indonesian government must assert their presence, be there (on land and sea) for the people. See how vast indonesian water is, 2/3 of indonesian territory is ocean. This is our wealth, our future.

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We hope this move doesn't create unnecessary tension between all of us. I do support any move that will be taken by vietnamese government to enforce the law on pirates, whether from indonesia or from anywhere else. We give no tolerance for illegal poachers, moreover pirates.
indonesian territory

errrr ... you mean Indonesian's EEZ ???
ahh.. yes, that's what i mean. thanks for your correction. 200miles EEZ, 12miles territory.
Actually, we already have border-delimitation agreement put in place with vietnam, philippines and singapore leaving only malaysia in 3 areas around malacca strait, tanjung datu(west kalimantan) and sebatik(east kalimantan). And this sink the boat policy also already communicated with all the neighboring ambassador, and they said they (their goverment) can understand the new policy.

As long as all the party involved respect each other right and responsibility regarding the issue, everything can be handled properly and graciously.
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Actually, we already have border-delimitation agreement put in place with vietnam, philippines and singapore leaving only malaysia in 3 areas around malacca strait, tanjung datu(west kalimantan) and sebatik(east kalimantan). And this sink the boat policy also already communicated with all the neighboring ambassador, and they said they can understand the new policy.

As long as all the party involved respect each other right and responsibility regarding the issue, everything can be handled properly and graciously.
Do u need cheaper 056 corvettes to add into Indonesia Armory ?


Even can provide 056 Coast Guard ship to do some dirty work.:partay:
Looks good. As long as tiongkok can provide transfer of technology for building this ship ourselves, i think Indonesian government will consider. We also in the process of building our PKR (damen sigma 105m) right now.
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