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Indonesia locks virus violators in 'haunted house'


Mar 24, 2012
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Fed up with people breaking virus quarantine rules, one Indonesian politician has decided to scare rulebreakers straight by locking them in a "haunted house".

Sragen regency head Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati says she issued the unusual edict this week to deal with an influx of people to the area after lockdowns in the capital Jakarta and other major cities.

Some newcomers, however, weren't respecting orders that they isolate themselves for 14 days to prevent the spread of coronavirus across the region on Indonesia's densely populated Java island.

So Sukowati instructed communities to repurpose abandoned houses that were feared to be haunted -- tapping widespread beliefs in the supernatural, which play a key role in Indonesian folklore.

Five people have been tossed into Sragen's spooky jails so far.

"If there's an empty and haunted house in the village, put people in there and lock them up," Sukowati told AFP Tuesday when asked about the rule.

Officials in Sepat village chose a long-abandoned house and outfitted it with beds placed at a distance and separated by curtains.

So far, the village has locked up three recently-arrived residents who are being forced to spend the remainder of their two-week quarantine in the spooky abode.

Among them was Heri Susanto, who said his punishment hadn't brought him face to face with any ghosts -- so far.

"But whatever happens, happens," said Susanto, who came from neighbouring Sumatra island.

"I know this is for everyone's safety. Lesson learned."
Most of Indonesian ghosts are gone.

Since early this year.

I think this is not the thing we should discuss it here.
Most of Indonesian ghosts are gone.

Since early this year.

I think this is not the thing we should discuss it here.
i dont understand your post at all. can u expand?

this was reported in Singapore's national flagship paper:


'Ghosts' scare Indonesians indoors and away from coronavirus


APR 13, 2020, 2:38 PM SGT

KEPUH, INDONESIA (REUTERS) - Kepuh village in Indonesia has been haunted by ghosts recently - mysterious white figures jumping out at unsuspecting passers-by, then gliding off under a full-moon sky.

The village on Java island has deployed a cast of "ghosts" to patrol the streets, hoping that age-old superstition will keep people indoors and safely away from the coronavirus.

"We wanted to be different and create a deterrent effect because 'pocong' are spooky and scary," said Mr Anjar Pancaningtyas, head of a village youth group that coordinated with the police on the unconventional initiative to promote social distancing as the coronavirus spreads.

Known as "pocong", the ghostly figures are typically wrapped in white shrouds with powdered faces and kohl-rimmed eyes. In Indonesian folklore, they represent the trapped souls of the dead.

But when they first started appearing this month they had the opposite effect. Instead of keeping people in, they bought them out to catch a glimpse of the apparitions.

The organisers have since changed tack, launching surprise pocong patrols, with village volunteers playing the part of the ghosts.

President Joko Widodo has resisted a national lockdown to curb the coronavirus, instead urging people to practise social distancing and good hygiene.

But with the highest rate of coronavirus deaths in Asia after China, some communities, such as Kepuh village, have decided to take measures into their own hands, imposing the ghostly patrols, lockdowns and restricting movement in and out of their village.

"Residents still lack awareness about how to curb the spread of Covid-19 disease," said village head Priyadi, "They want to live like normal so it is very difficult for them to follow the instruction to stay at home."
There are now 4,241 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Indonesia, and 373 deaths, with fears the numbers will rise significantly.

Researchers at the University of Indonesia estimate there could be 140,000 deaths and 1.5 million cases by May without tougher curbs on movement.

When Reuters recently visited Kepuh village, the supernatural strategy seemed to be working, with villagers running off in fright when the ghosts materialised.

"Since the pocong appeared, parents and children have not left their homes," said resident Karno Supadmo, "And people will not gather or stay on the streets after evening prayers."



also, Malaysians r also using the same stunt:

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