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Indonesia Economy Forum

The United States-based International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) explored opportunities to invest in Indonesia's sovereign wealth fund in a meeting with Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Pandjaitan on Friday.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo announced in January that the DFC was planning to allocate US$5 billion for investment in Indonesia. Boehler visited Jakarta in the same month, during which he held a meeting with the President.


Petugas merakit mesin pompa air bantuan pemerintah yang telah menggunakan Bahan Bakar Gas (BBG) untuk diberikan kepada petani di Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (23/10/2020). Pemerintah melalui Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM, PT. Pertamina, dan Komisi VII DPR RI, memberikan bantuan 400 paket konversi mesin pompa air di Kabupaten Kebumen, sebagai upaya mendorong konversi energi dari Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) ke Bahan Bakar Gas (BBG), untuk mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan petani pada kegiatan pengairan dan penyiraman lahan pertanian. ANTARA FOTO/Idhad Zakaria/foc.


Seorang petani mencoba mengoperasikan mesin pompa air bantuan dari Pemerintah, yang telah menggunakan Bahan Bakar Gas (BBG), di Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (23/10/2020). Pemerintah melalui Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM, PT. Pertamina, dan Komisi VII DPR RI, memberikan bantuan 400 paket konversi mesin pompa air di Kabupaten Kebumen, sebagai upaya mendorong konversi energi dari Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) ke Bahan Bakar Gas (BBG), untuk mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan petani pada kegiatan pengairan dan penyiraman lahan pertanian. ANTARA FOTO/Idhad Zakaria/foc.
KKP: Udang masih jadi primadona permintaan global

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2020 20:09 WIB


Komoditas udang vaname. ANTARA/HO-KKP

Pandemi ini bisa menjadi potensi kita untuk memenuhi permintaan global
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Slamet Soebjakto menyatakan komoditas udang sampai sekarang masih menjadi primadona permintaan global untuk sektor kelautan dan perikanan.

"Meski pandemi COVID-19 masih berlangsung, namun udang masih menjadi primadona dengan permintaan global yang masih sangat tinggi hingga saat ini," kata Slamet Soebjakto dalam siaran pers yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu.

Menurut dia, udang merupakan komoditas yang memberikan pangsa dominan terhadap devisa ekspor yakni sekitar 40 persen terhadap nilai total ekspor produk perikanan nasional.

Ia berpendapat bahwa petambak udang di tengah pandemi COVID-19 ini masih tetap bersemangat dan produktif melakukan proses produksinya, seperti dalam bisnis budidaya udang di Pantura Jawa.

"Pandemi ini bisa menjadi potensi kita untuk memenuhi permintaan global, karena saat ini kita ketahui bersama sejumlah negara pesaing penghasil udang vaname terbesar dunia seperti India tengah lockdown," ujarnya.

Di samping itu, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Edhy Prabowo juga menyampaikan semangat UU Cipta Kerja (Omnibus Law) di sektor perikanan budidaya antara lain membuka peluang masuknya investasi di bidang akuakultur.

"Pelaku usaha maupun investor untuk tidak lagi merasa ragu terjun dalam bisnis budidaya udang. Saat ini Pemerintah tengah memfasilitasi penyederhanaan berbagai jenis izin yang tidak diperlukan dan dinilai menghambat investasi masuk di usaha ini," tegas Edhy.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Edhy Prabowo menyatakan, semangat Omnibus Law atau UU Cipta Kerja yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan investasi masuk, sebenarnya sudah berjalan di Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.

"Semangat omnibus law sudah berjalan di Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP). Ini dibuktikan dengan lahirnya Sistem Informasi Izin Layanan Cepat (Silat) untuk perizinan kapal tangkap ukuran di atas 30 GT yang berlaku secara online pada akhir 2019," kata Menteri Edhy.

Ia memaparkan, sistem Silat memangkas waktu pengurusan dari yang tadinya 14 hari menjadi satu jam.

Hingga 7 Oktober 2020, berdasarkan data dari KKP, Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) dari ribuan izin yang dikeluarkan Silat nilainya mencapai lebih dari Rp470 miliar.

Kemudahan perizinan kini juga berlaku di sektor perikanan budidaya, di mana sekarang prosesnya satu pintu di Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM), sementara KKP bertindak sebagai pengawas bersama dengan pemerintah daerah.

"Tadinya butuh 21 izin untuk bisa memulai usaha budidaya di Indonesia," ucapnya.

Baca juga: Indonesia dipersiapkan jadi pusat budi daya udang jerbung-putih dunia
Baca juga: KKP targetkan 1.000 hektare tambak udang di Buol Sulteng

Pewarta: M Razi Rahman
Editor: Ahmad Wijaya

Indonesia's manufacturing exports top US$94 bln

23rd October 2020

Head of the Data and Information Center of the Industry Ministry, R Janu Suryanto. (ANTARA/HO-Industry Ministry Public Relations/sh)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia’s manufacturing industry recorded US$94.36 billion in exports in January-September this year, contributing 80.5 percent to the country’s total exports for the period.

“It means that our industry sector is still aggressively penetrating the international market amid this difficult time as an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” head of the Data and Information Center of the Industry Ministry, R Janu Suryanto, said here on Friday.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia’s total exports in January-September, 2020 were valued at $117.19 billion, with the manufacturing industry accounting for 80.5 percent of the exports.

“The trade balance in the manufacturing industry in the period of January to September, 2020 showed a surplus of US$8.87 billion,” Suryanto informed.

The food industry recorded the highest exports of $21.31 billion, or up 10.5 percent, compared to the same period of 2019.

The basic metal industry was next with $16.96 billion in exports, or up 30.7 percent compared to the same period of last year; followed by chemical goods ($9 billion); textiles and garments ($8 billion); and, paper and paper goods ($5.16 billion).

“During January to September, 2020, some industry sectors have shown significant increase in exports compared to last year,” Suryanto remarked.

Among the sectors that recorded export growth of more than 10 percent are printing industry and recording media reproduction, which chalked up exports of $29.78 million, or up 27.8 percent; furniture $1.59 billion (up 15.2 percent); and pharmaceutical industry, chemical, and traditional drugs at $484.79 million (up 10.1 percent).

Exports of the manufacturing industry in September increased 7.3 percent (m-to-m) to $11.56 billion compared to the previous month's exports, which were recorded at $10.77 billion.

“Manufacturing industry trade balance in September had a surplus of $2.04 billion,” he added.

The industry’s exports in September also recorded a year-to-year increase of 6.6 percent.

“In September, 2020, China became the main export destination country for Indonesia's manufacturing industry, followed by the United States, Japan, Singapore, and India,” Suryanto noted. (INE)

Related news: Minister flags off exports worth Rp10.68 bln to US, Europe
Related news: Manufacturing industry contributes 75 percent of total exports


Reporter: Sella PG, Sri Haryati
Editor: Suharto
Len Industri is working on the signaling system of Trans Sulawesi line


JAKARTA - PT Len Industri (Persero) is working on the construction of a signaling and telecommunication system for the Trans Sulawesi railway line.

Linus Andor Sijabat, Operations Director of PT Len Industri (Persero) said in a press release on Monday (19/10) said that his party worked on the Mandalle-Palanro route, while Len Railways Systems, Len's subsidiary, worked on the Mandai-Mandalle route. "The Mandalle-Palanro and Mandai-Mandalle routes are part of the Makassar-Parepare route," he said.

Len Industri, he said, supplies vital and non-vital interlocking signaling systems, as well as outdoor signaling devices, radio, CCTV, power supplies, and centralized traffic supervisory (CTS). (LK/AR)


More locally manufacture. Hopefully this will lower the cost of infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing purchases 20 excavators from Pindad


BANDUNG - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has purchased 20 Pindad Excava 200 excavators manufactured by PT Pindad (Persero). The contract is worth Rp 28.056 billion.

The excavators will be given as grants to regional Public Works and Public Housing Offices with notable achievements to build infrastructure in order to achieve economic equality and for disaster mitigation.

According to Bowo Sudiatmanto, Head of Planning and Programming at the ministry’s Directorate of Bridges, the contract is the second between the ministry and Pindad after another one in 2018.

“next year the ministry will make another purchase from Pindad per the Minister’s direction to use locally-produced heavy equipment,” Mr Sudiatmanto said in an official statement on the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises’ website, Saturday (24/10). (MS)
China's Delong Holdings targets 20 mln T of steel output in Indonesia
Min Zhang and Tom Daly

Oct 26 (Reuters) - Chinese steelmaker Delong Holdings said it has signed a letter of intent to lift the annual capacity of its steel project in Indonesia to 20 million tonnes - more than three times the volume the Southeast Asian country produced last year.
Mineral-rich Indonesia has attracted billions of dollars of investment from top metals consumer China as it looks to position itself as a hub for steel and battery materials production.
Delong, through its Indonesian joint venture (JV) Dexin Steel Indonesia, started investing in its steel project on the island of Sulawesi in 2018 and saw the mill reach designed output in June this year. Its JV partners are Shanghai Decent Investment Group and Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park.

Dexin Steel said on Sunday it had now launched a first-phase expansion of the project, raising annual capacity to 6 million tonnes, which is slated to be put into production by the end of 2021.

"With the help from Indonesian government and related policies, Delong ... will gradually expand the project's annual capacity to 20 million tonnes," it said in a statement.

Delong Holdings and Dexin Steel agreed with Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs, Luhut Pandjaitan, in China's Yunnan province in early October to further expand the project, according to the statement, which did not put a value on the extra investment.

Pandjaitan's spokesman said earlier this month that Chinese firms operating in Indonesia, including Delong Holdings, "made a commitment" to increase their collective investment in the country to around $20.9 billion by 2024.

Indonesia churned out 6.4 million tonnes of crude steel in 2019, according to the World Steel Association, making it the 26th biggest producer globally. (Reporting by Min Zhang and Tom Daly; Editing by Mark Potter)


China's Delong Holdings targets 20 mln T of steel output in Indonesia
Min Zhang and Tom Daly

Oct 26 (Reuters) - Chinese steelmaker Delong Holdings said it has signed a letter of intent to lift the annual capacity of its steel project in Indonesia to 20 million tonnes - more than three times the volume the Southeast Asian country produced last year.
Mineral-rich Indonesia has attracted billions of dollars of investment from top metals consumer China as it looks to position itself as a hub for steel and battery materials production.
Delong, through its Indonesian joint venture (JV) Dexin Steel Indonesia, started investing in its steel project on the island of Sulawesi in 2018 and saw the mill reach designed output in June this year. Its JV partners are Shanghai Decent Investment Group and Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park.

Dexin Steel said on Sunday it had now launched a first-phase expansion of the project, raising annual capacity to 6 million tonnes, which is slated to be put into production by the end of 2021.

"With the help from Indonesian government and related policies, Delong ... will gradually expand the project's annual capacity to 20 million tonnes," it said in a statement.

Delong Holdings and Dexin Steel agreed with Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs, Luhut Pandjaitan, in China's Yunnan province in early October to further expand the project, according to the statement, which did not put a value on the extra investment.

Pandjaitan's spokesman said earlier this month that Chinese firms operating in Indonesia, including Delong Holdings, "made a commitment" to increase their collective investment in the country to around $20.9 billion by 2024.

Indonesia churned out 6.4 million tonnes of crude steel in 2019, according to the World Steel Association, making it the 26th biggest producer globally. (Reporting by Min Zhang and Tom Daly; Editing by Mark Potter)

Krakatau steel apa kabar?
Most of Indonesian private industry is like this one, Government should give them more guidance to do thongs more properly and had quality standard


Kereta api ringan (LRT) berada di lintasan LRT Jabodebek Cawang-Cibubur di Cibubur, Jakarta, Kamis (29/10/2020). Pihak operator konstruksi LRT Jabodebek Cawang-Cibubur telah memulai tahapan uji coba "Grade of Automation 0" atau masih menggunakan masinis dan ditargetkan akan beroperasi pada 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Hafidz Mubarak A/foc.


Kereta api ringan (LRT) berada di lintasan LRT Jabodebek Cawang-Cibubur di Cibubur, Jakarta, Kamis (29/10/2020). Pihak operator konstruksi LRT Jabodebek Cawang-Cibubur telah memulai tahapan uji coba "Grade of Automation 0" atau masih menggunakan masinis dan ditargetkan akan beroperasi pada 2021. ANTARA FOTO/Hafidz Mubarak A/foc.
Don't know, but it seems our engineer and technician is mostly adept at building and designing or reverse engineering commercial articles or items. Even something as complex as Railway systems and locomotive, or cargo ships or aircraft.
Golden opportunity: Antam eyes Papua mine amid dwindling reserves

Norman Harsono The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Mon, October 26, 2020 / 07:17 pm


An employee shows two bars of gold produced by state-owned diversified mining company PT Aneka Tambang (Antam). (kompas.com/Garry Andrew Lotulung)

State-owned miner PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) has set its sights on acquiring the lucrative Wabu Block gold mine in Papua to replenish the company’s dwindling gold reserves. Antam is already drafting a work plan for the gold-rich block in Intan Jaya regency, as the miner waits for its parent company, state-owned mining holding MIND ID, to hand over the block, according to the company. MIND ID’s president director had previously confirmed the handover plan on Sept 29.

The holding company estimates the block to contain 8.6 million ounces of gold resources. “This will, of course, be a new hope for Antam,” Antam corporate secretary Kunto Hendrapawoko told The Jakarta Post on Friday Antam’s takeover of the Wabu Block is expected to further consolidate the company’s gold business, which contributes over 60 percent of its annual revenue, thereby making gold Antam’s best-selling product. The miner also produces nickel, bauxite, silver and coal.

Biggest sugarcane mills in Indonesia is inaugurated by Jokowi. The location is in North Sulawesi. It will get supply from 21.000 hectare sugarcane plantation around the mill.

The new sugarcane mill is needed to decrease imported sugarcane, thus can improve the trade balance that in the end hopefully can help strengthen Rupiah. Indonesia currency, Rupiah, so far has been quite fragile and has lost much of its value after being traded freely since 1997 when Indonesia get negative impact from Asian Financial Crisis.

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