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Indonesia says in early talks with Tesla on potential investment

JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's government is in early discussions with electric vehicles maker Tesla Inc TSLA.O about a potential investment in the Southeast Asia country, a major producer of nickel, an official said.

Indonesia passes jobs bill as recession looms

Ghina Ghaliya and Marchio Irfan Gorbiano

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Tue, October 6, 2020 / 08:36 am


Labors stage a protest in front of the House of Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Aug. 25, 2020. They rejected the deliberation of the controversial omnibus bill on job creation. (Antara/Aditya Pradana Putra)

The government and the House of Representatives passed on Monday the controversial omnibus bill on job creation into law, which is expected to bring a radical change in the country’s labor system and natural resources management.

The final draft of the bill, a copy of which was obtained by The Jakarta Post, is 905 pages long and amends 79 prevailing laws, including the Labor Law, the Spatial Planning Law and Environmental Management Law.

The Job Creation Law, which is one of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s key priorities in his second and final term, is expected to improve bureaucratic efficiency and cut red tape, particularly in regard to business permits and investment.

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "Indonesia passes jobs bill as recession looms". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/10/06/indonesia-passes-jobs-bill-as-recession-looms.html.

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Indonesia passes jobs bill as recession looms

Ghina Ghaliya and Marchio Irfan Gorbiano

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Tue, October 6, 2020 / 08:36 am

View attachment 676437
Labors stage a protest in front of the House of Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Aug. 25, 2020. They rejected the deliberation of the controversial omnibus bill on job creation. (Antara/Aditya Pradana Putra)

The government and the House of Representatives passed on Monday the controversial omnibus bill on job creation into law, which is expected to bring a radical change in the country’s labor system and natural resources management.

The final draft of the bill, a copy of which was obtained by The Jakarta Post, is 905 pages long and amends 79 prevailing laws, including the Labor Law, the Spatial Planning Law and Environmental Management Law.

The Job Creation Law, which is one of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s key priorities in his second and final term, is expected to improve bureaucratic efficiency and cut red tape, particularly in regard to business permits and investment.

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "Indonesia passes jobs bill as recession looms". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/10/06/indonesia-passes-jobs-bill-as-recession-looms.html.

Download The Jakarta Post app for easier and faster news access:
Android: http://bit.ly/tjp-android
iOS: http://bit.ly/tjp-ios

it is more better to get a job with small benefit compared to being a jobless, this is a recession and hard times. Some people had small mind and only pursue short term benefit.
it is more better to get a job with small benefit compared to being a jobless, this is a recession and hard times. Some people had small mind and only pursue short term benefit.

Yup and I hope our democracy will be a responsible system where populist agenda like low gasoline price and too much protection on labor that can harm our business competitiveness is not preferred since it is not good for our long term development, particularly considering fierce competition among current Asian businesses and economies.

I see PKS and Democrat party are not a responsible party and not surprising that during Democrat administration we need to spend 300 trillion Rupiah every year only for oil subsidy alone. We miss huge opportunity to build our infrastructure during SBY administration although Megawati administration IMO is even worst. So at least our democracy has been proven to produce better administration every time we conduct election. I hope this good trend to keep continuing.

In term of next 2024 election, I really see Ridwan Kamil as the next responsible leader that will not sacrifice his nation long term goal for the sake of winning the election and retain the power. Erick Tohir can be another good candidate if he is success in transforming our SOE or at least he can be VP. Those two guys IMO are also quite clever to see the important of R&D and willing to spend a lot in that area.

Despite so, I need to look further on the law in more detail. In my opinion legal small business should also be helped and differentiated with the medium and big one, I hope they still can get business permit despite the business address is not in a business area, as long as the operation dont harm neighbour and environment. Every one knows that Microsoft and Apple start their operation from the founder house garage. The more easy to create and run companies, the better for our economic competitiveness.
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Jokowi urges companies to support farmers, fishermen corporations

8 hours ago

A farmer harvests his paddy field in Blimbing, Malang District, of East Java on Monday (Oct 5, 2020). ANTARA PHOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto/wsj.

Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to state and regional enterprises as well as private companies to stand by farmers and fishermen corporations to assist them in establishing a healthy business model.

"State-run and private companies as well as regional-owned enterprises not only played their role as offtakers but also stood by them -- farmers and fishermen’s corporations -- until a business model can be established and run well. We do not have this yet," Jokowi remarked at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, at a virtual limited meeting on farmers and fishermen corporation during the economic transformation on Tuesday.

The president spoke of having ordered his aides few years ago to take a cue from Malaysia's Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) and Spain's cattle cooperative.

FELDA is a Malaysian government agency founded to handle the resettlement of rural poor to newly developed areas and to organize smallholder farms growing cash crops.

Jokowi believes it would not be difficult to emulate such a good model of agencies.

"We can easily emulate that good model. However, I do not know, until now, we cannot establish one or two models," he remarked.

The head of state appealed to his aides to establish an ecosystem of farmers' businesses that are connected to the banking system, utilize technology innovation, and streamline its management.

"I think if we can do it, intervention can be made in the post-harvest processing, right from packaging to branding and to its marketing," he added. Related news: Farmers, fishermen to receive president's Rp34-trillion stimulus
Related news: Farmers should also benefit from economic stimulus: Jokowi


Reporter: Rangga Pandu AJ, Sri Haryati
Editor: Suharto

Many Covid 19 vaccine uses Shark and Indonesia is the country who catches the most Shark in the world.

‘Prioritized’: Indonesia to establish $5b sovereign wealth fund to support economy

The government is preparing Rp 75 trillion (US$5.1 billion) in capital for the nation’s sovereign wealth fund to attract investment and support the economy as global heavyweights from the United States to the United Arab Emirates have expressed interest to join.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said Rp 30 trillion of the capital would be in cash, while the remaining would be in the form of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) shares and other state assets.

The fund is aimed at attracting Rp 225 trillion in investment, with foreign funds from the United Arab Emirates, Japanese conglomerate Softbank and the US International Development Finance Corporation (IFDC) already lining up to invest in the fund, officials said previously.

It remains unclear where the wealth fund will be invested, although Sri Mulyani mentioned a combination of development fund and stabilization fund. Officials have previously mentioned projects in sectors including infrastructure, health care, energy and resources, tourism and technology. Other sovereign wealth funds elsewhere invest in financial markets as well.

“We are currently formulating the government regulation as the President has asked to prioritize this,” Sri Mulyani told reporters on Wednesday. “We are hoping to get strategic and reputable partners so that we can develop the fund to better attract investment.”

The establishment of the sovereign wealth fund, which will be called the Indonesia Investment Authority, is included in the Job Creation Law. The law has met with widespread protests and criticism from labor unions and civil groups over the potentially negative impact it could have on labor rights and the environment, although the government’s goal is to attract investment, boost economic growth and create jobs.

The fund will have a supervisory council led by the finance minister, with members including the SOEs minister and three more professionals, according to the law. The board of directors will include five professionals to oversee the fund’s operation, including to formulate the fund’s policy and work plan, among other things.

The government can inject more money into the fund should its capital decline significantly, the law states.

Indonesia would follow Russia’s sovereign wealth fund model as it would raise the required funds from private investors instead of from the country’s reserve funds, Deputy SOEs Minister Kartika “Tiko” Wirjoatmodjo said earlier this year.

The Russia Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has invested and committed 1.9 trillion rubles (US$24.35 billion), of which 1.7 trillion rubles came from coinvestors, partners and banks. It has also attracted over $40 billion in foreign capital into the Russian economy through long-term strategic partnerships since its establishment in 2011.

Although the fund could act as alternative financing sources to boost economic growth, the government must ensure that the fund should be transparent and independent, said Permata Bank economist Josua Pardede,

“Both the supervisory council and board of directors must be independent, transparent and far from political interest to mitigate the risk of corruption,” he told The Jakarta Post. “As the fund will manage a significant amount of assets, prudent management is the key to avoid potential state losses.”

Political interests should be avoided to prevent the fund from becoming like Malaysia’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), said Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) senior economist Aviliani.

The 1MDB fund came under the spotlight following alleged money laundering and financial fraud in which Malaysian and US investigators believe about $4.5 billion was misappropriated.

Aviliani said that if managed properly, the sovereign wealth fund could allow cash-strapped Indonesia to invest more in infrastructure as it would allow foreign investors to partner with or invest in the fund.

“The fund may be able to increase foreign investors’ trust in Indonesia, which has been hindered by regulatory uncertainty, but it should be implemented and supervised carefully to avoid any special interests,” she told the Post in a phone interview.

I prefer Indonesia to build medium speed train which has 160 km per hour maximum speed for Jakarta-Surabaya route instead of high speed train because PT INKA and BPPT is currently developing such train that according to their plan will make a prototype in 2024. So it is better to wait the prototype to finish development, inshaAllah, before building the infrastructure. I believe we should not in hurry to make it.

In order to bring more benefit to Indonesia's industry, the project IMO should be 100% conducted by our local companies that could be started in 2026. Indonesian economy that is projected to double its nominal GDP in 2030 into 2 trillion USD where most of the money is circulated in Java island IMO will make this project quite feasible to get commercial funding from banking system, so we dont need Japan and China to built it for us.

Building medium speed train by our own will have more effect to boost our train maker and construction industry. Indonesia constructions company will likely to have already taken the necessary capability to build this after 2024 due to their involvement in current Jakarta-Bandung high speed train project together with China, thus will give more jobs to our own people and increase our economic complexity and industry shopistication instead of high speed train project that will give more benefit to either Japanese and Chinese construction and train making companies.

The spare time that we have, if inshaAllah we can build such train, will also be beneficial for our airline industries recovery since Covid really bring so much pressure for the industry and possibly the effect will still last until the next 2-3 years. Building medium speed train will give less pressure for our airline and aerospace industries than building high speed train, it is because high speed train project in lucrative Java market can really give direct competition to our airline and aerospace products like N 219 and inshaAllah future N245 an R80 planes.

This medium speed train if can be successful to be implemented in Jakarta-Surabaya route then will give required experience and track record for both INKA and state owned construction companies like Wijaya Karya, Adhi Karya and Waskita Karya and also state owned electronics company like PT LEN Industri to do similar project in other Indonesia islands and also grab medium speed train market abroad.

This can also make Indonesian company become Japan and China competitor since medium speed train can be another viable and more economical choice than high cost high speed train for other developing nations eager to improve their transportation system. Medium speed train is more economical and effective for short and medium distance journey and even can be still competitive compared to HSR for long distance route due to less expensive cost for both the infrastructure investment and the train itself.

For the mean time it is already good to improve our current train system by building more double track rail infrastructure, similar project could be done in Sumatra or even build more double track rail in Java.

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Indonesian PhD student Indra Rudiansyah is one of 297 researchers on the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccine team. Indra completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) before going to Oxford in 2018 to pursue a doctorate in clinical medicine, with a focus on the malaria vaccine. After the pandemic halted Indra’s research project, he applied to join the vaccine development team, where he is responsible for collecting antibody response data.

Papua government follows up on FMG's hydropower plant investment plan
13th Oct 2020 17:56
Papua government follows up on FMG's hydropower plant investment plan

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Papua government's officials from the Energy and Mineral Resources Office met with representatives of Australia's Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (FMG) to follow up on an investment plan for the hydropower plant project in Mamberamo Raya.

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment and Papuan provincial administration have striven to boost investment in the hydropower sector, Head of the Energy and Mineral Resources-Papua Office Frets James Boray stated here, Tuesday.

If investment potential in the district's hydropower plant project can be realized, its value is estimated to reach some Rp50 trillion, he remarked, adding that the hydroelectric power plant was expected to produce 20 GW of electricity.

The hydropower plant project would not merely produce electricity but its presence would also positively impact Papua's economic development, boost the growth of industries, and increase the province's locally generated incomes (PAD), he explained.

"If the investment is realized, Papua's locally generated incomes will not only rely on Freeport," Boray pointed out.

At the meeting, representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, FMG, Papua provincial government, and Mamberamo Raya district government had discussed matters to coordinate the ground feasibility study, he revealed.

In principle, the Papuan provincial government will assist in fulfilling requirements since the Papua governor and head of Mamberamo Raya had issued a recommendation for the ground feasibility study, he confirmed.

On Sept 4, 2020, FMG published on its official website that its wholly owned subsidiary, Fortescue Future Industries Pty Ltd, had entered into a Deed of Agreement with the Indonesian government.

The Indonesian government was represented by the coordinating minister for maritime affairs and investment, while FMG was represented by its chairman, Dr. Andrew Forrest AO.

"The Deed of Agreement gives first priority to the Fortescue Future Industries to conduct development studies into the feasibility of projects utilizing Indonesia's hydropower and geothermal resources to support green industrial operations, principally for exports to global markets," FMG stated.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan was quoted as saying that Indonesia and the Fortescue Future Industries had entered into a preliminary binding agreement to evaluate the development of Indonesia's substantial renewable power to drive green industries.

"For too many decades, proposals have been thrust upon Indonesia that rely on the Indonesian people assuming the full financial risk through the purchase of electricity at prices that underwrote these developments," Minister Pandjaitan was further quoted as saying.

"The establishment of totally new and future large-scale industries will drive growth in Indonesia's economy," Minister Pandjaitan and Fortescue's Chairman, Dr. Andrew Forrest AO, noted in a joint statement.

FMG expects new green industries in Indonesia to substantially diversify, broaden, and deepen Indonesia's already skilled workforce, Forrest affirmed.


Related news: Intan Jaya case TGPF's final report targeted on Oct 17

Related news: Fact-finding team interviews 25 witnesses in Intan Jaya shooting case

Translated by: Hendrina DK, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

INKA tanda tangani proyek pengerjaan kereta dengan Kongo
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020 16:30 WIB
INKA tanda tangani proyek pengerjaan kereta dengan Kongo

Kemudian kita akan ajak beberapa BUMN karya di Indonesia untuk mengerjakan infrastruktur perkeretaapiannya di sana
Madiun (ANTARA) - PT INKA (Persero) menandatangani kontrak dengan Republik Demokratik Kongo/DRC untuk pengerjaan proyek berskala besar berupa produksi kebutuhan transportasi kereta yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan negara di benua Afrika tersebut.

Direktur PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro mengatakan proyek kebutuhan transportasi kereta tersebut berupa pengerjaan kereta api, kereta barang, termasuk kereta rel listrik (KRL).

"PT INKA (Persero) akan menjadi project developer untuk perkeretaapian dan intermoda di DRC. INKA akan suplai lokomotif, gerbong barang, KRDE (Kereta Rel Diesel Elektrik), dan KRL (Kereta Rel Listrik). Kemudian kita akan ajak beberapa BUMN karya di Indonesia untuk mengerjakan infrastruktur perkeretaapiannya di sana," ujar Budi Noviantoro disela kegiatan penandatanganan yang dilakukan di gedung pertemuan PT INKA (Persero) di Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur, Rabu.

Menurut dia, proyek dengan nilai total sekitar 11 miliar dollar AS tersebut akan dikerjakan mulai fase I dengan target empat tahun mulai tahun 2021. Pada fase I yang akan dikerjakan meliputi proyek kereta api Kinsasha Urban Loop Line yakni transportasi di daerah perkotaan kemudian dilanjutkan jalur Kinsasha menuju Matadi Port dan Banana Port.

"Panjang jalur kereta untuk fase pertama itu sekitar 580 kilometer dengan target Kinsasha Urban Loop Line dan jalur kereta menuju Matadi Port dan Banana Port. Setelah ase I nanti kita lanjutkan ke fase berikutnya hingga total jalurnya mencapai sepanjang 4.100 kilometer terbangun mencakup wilayah utara dan selatan DRC," katanya.

Adapun, penandatangan proyek tersebut tidak hanya dilakukan oleh PT INKA dan pemerintah Kongo saja. Penandatanganan juga dilakukan bersama PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero), dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero).

Budi Noviantoro menjelaskan, pengerjaan proyek transportasi kereta beserta infrasrukturnya tersebut merupakan bagian dari sinergi lima BUMN dengan TSG Global Holdings dalam kesepakatan bersama berupa "Master Framework Join Development Agreement" (MFJDA) dengan Democratic Republic of the Congo yang ditindaklanjuti dengan kesepatan "Master Implementation Join Development Agreement" (MIJDA).

Selain PT INKA (Persero), lima BUMN tersebut adalah PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT LEN (Persero), PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero), dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero).

Selain proyek perkeretaapian, PT INKA (Persero) juga turut serta dalam proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berkapasitas 200 Mega Watt peak (MWp) di Kinshasa, DRC, Afrika.

PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), dan PT INKA (Persero) merupakan konsorsium yang akan mengerjakan proyek PLTS tersebut. Adapun acara "ground breaking" proyek PLTS telah dilangsungkan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2020 bertempat di daerah Kinshasa, DRC, Afrika.

Budi Noviantoro menambahkan, selain untuk memasok kebutuhan listrik masyarakat sekitar, PLTS tersebut ketika nanti sudah beroperasi, juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk pasokan listrik di sektor transportasi yakni dalam mendukung operasional sarana kereta salah satunya KRL (Kereta Rel Listrik).

Adapun ekspansi pengerjaan proyek ke DRC tersebut akan menambah "supply record" PT INKA (Persero) ke pasar luar negeri setelah sebanyak 250 kereta pesanan Bangladesh selesai dikirim pada awal Oktober 2020.

Proyek ekspor lain yang sedang dikerjakan PT INKA (Persero) saat ini antara lain tiga lokomotif dan 15 kereta commuter pesanan Filipina dengan nilai kontrak Rp363 miliar dan 31 trainset LRT untuk PT KAI (Persero) dengan nilai kontrak sebesar Rp3,9 triliun.

Proses penandatanganan kontrak tersebut selain dihadiri oleh pejabat lima BUMN juga dihadiri CEO TSG Global Holdings Rubar Sandi, Duta Besar DRC untuk USA Francois Nikuna Balumuene, Penasihat Khusus Presiden DRC bidang Infrastruktur Alexy Kayembe De Bampende, dan CEO PT TSG Utama Indonesia Syaiful Idham.

Proses penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Yakni pengukuran suhu tubuh sebelum memaski ruangan, cuci tangan, penyediaan cairan pembersih tangan, masker, dan jaga jarak. Selain itu, para wartawan yang meliput juga difasilitasi dengan pemeriksaan "rapid test" guna mencegah penyebaran COVID-19.

Baca juga: INKA akan bangun jalur kereta api menghubungkan Mali-Senegal di Afrika
Baca juga: INKA selesaikan pengiriman 250 kereta ke Bangladesh

Pewarta: Louis Rika Stevani
Editor: Ahmad Wijaya

Turkish body seeks $1.5B trade with Indonesian SMEs
MUSIAD targets $10B in trade between Indonesia, Turkey by 2023, says association head
Pizaro Gozali Idrus |09.10.2020

Turkish body seeks $1.5B trade with Indonesian SMEs

JAKARTA, Indonesia
Turkey's Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MUSIAD) on Friday invited Indonesian Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the Turkish market, targeting $1.5 billion in transactions by 2023.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Doddy Cleveland Hidayat Putra, president of MUSIAD Indonesia, said the target for trade between Indonesia and Turkey was $10 billion by 2023.
"We aim for 20% to come from SMEs, which is around $1.5-2 billion," said Putra.
He said the exports made by the country's SMEs, including vanilla, coconut charcoal, coffee, chocolate, handicrafts, textiles, traditional medicine, herbal medicine and packaged snacks had great potential in the Turkish market.
Putra said that in 2020, an Indonesian coconut charcoal briquettes company was opened in Istanbul under the auspices of the Indonesian Coconut Charcoal Entrepreneurs Association (PERPAKI), which is currently supervising 300 companies.
"However, communication between the businessmen from both countries is still lacking," he said, adding that the body intends to facilitate Indonesian entrepreneurs to participate in the MUSIAD Expo in November.
The theme of the expo will be the Indonesian Entrepreneurs' Journey, said Putra, adding that this would emphasize the spirit of boosting economic cooperation between Indonesia and Turkey.
"To enter the Turkish market, we have to optimize participation in several trade events in Turkey," he continued.
Putra said there were more than 20 Indonesian companies, state-owned firms and SMEs registered at the expo to promote local products.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Indonesian Consulate-General in Istanbul held a virtual discussion with government officials and Indonesians doing business in Turkey on how to enter the Turkish market.
During the discussion, Indonesian Consul-General Imam Asy'ari emphasized the need to be proactive, such as by following a product promotion event schedule to uncover market characteristics and understand product quality regulations in Turkey.
"Indonesian SMEs need to build business networks, including channels with the diaspora business community in Turkey, to get best practices, and synergize to grip the market," he added.
* Writing by Rhany Chairunissa Rufinaldo from Anadolu Agency's Indonesian language services in Jakarta
Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form.

INKA tanda tangani proyek pengerjaan kereta dengan Kongo
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020 16:30 WIB
INKA tanda tangani proyek pengerjaan kereta dengan Kongo

Kemudian kita akan ajak beberapa BUMN karya di Indonesia untuk mengerjakan infrastruktur perkeretaapiannya di sana
Madiun (ANTARA) - PT INKA (Persero) menandatangani kontrak dengan Republik Demokratik Kongo/DRC untuk pengerjaan proyek berskala besar berupa produksi kebutuhan transportasi kereta yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan negara di benua Afrika tersebut.

Direktur PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro mengatakan proyek kebutuhan transportasi kereta tersebut berupa pengerjaan kereta api, kereta barang, termasuk kereta rel listrik (KRL).

"PT INKA (Persero) akan menjadi project developer untuk perkeretaapian dan intermoda di DRC. INKA akan suplai lokomotif, gerbong barang, KRDE (Kereta Rel Diesel Elektrik), dan KRL (Kereta Rel Listrik). Kemudian kita akan ajak beberapa BUMN karya di Indonesia untuk mengerjakan infrastruktur perkeretaapiannya di sana," ujar Budi Noviantoro disela kegiatan penandatanganan yang dilakukan di gedung pertemuan PT INKA (Persero) di Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur, Rabu.

Menurut dia, proyek dengan nilai total sekitar 11 miliar dollar AS tersebut akan dikerjakan mulai fase I dengan target empat tahun mulai tahun 2021. Pada fase I yang akan dikerjakan meliputi proyek kereta api Kinsasha Urban Loop Line yakni transportasi di daerah perkotaan kemudian dilanjutkan jalur Kinsasha menuju Matadi Port dan Banana Port.

"Panjang jalur kereta untuk fase pertama itu sekitar 580 kilometer dengan target Kinsasha Urban Loop Line dan jalur kereta menuju Matadi Port dan Banana Port. Setelah ase I nanti kita lanjutkan ke fase berikutnya hingga total jalurnya mencapai sepanjang 4.100 kilometer terbangun mencakup wilayah utara dan selatan DRC," katanya.

Adapun, penandatangan proyek tersebut tidak hanya dilakukan oleh PT INKA dan pemerintah Kongo saja. Penandatanganan juga dilakukan bersama PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero), dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero).

Budi Noviantoro menjelaskan, pengerjaan proyek transportasi kereta beserta infrasrukturnya tersebut merupakan bagian dari sinergi lima BUMN dengan TSG Global Holdings dalam kesepakatan bersama berupa "Master Framework Join Development Agreement" (MFJDA) dengan Democratic Republic of the Congo yang ditindaklanjuti dengan kesepatan "Master Implementation Join Development Agreement" (MIJDA).

Selain PT INKA (Persero), lima BUMN tersebut adalah PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), PT LEN (Persero), PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero), dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero).

Selain proyek perkeretaapian, PT INKA (Persero) juga turut serta dalam proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berkapasitas 200 Mega Watt peak (MWp) di Kinshasa, DRC, Afrika.

PT Len Industri (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), dan PT INKA (Persero) merupakan konsorsium yang akan mengerjakan proyek PLTS tersebut. Adapun acara "ground breaking" proyek PLTS telah dilangsungkan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2020 bertempat di daerah Kinshasa, DRC, Afrika.

Budi Noviantoro menambahkan, selain untuk memasok kebutuhan listrik masyarakat sekitar, PLTS tersebut ketika nanti sudah beroperasi, juga akan dimanfaatkan untuk pasokan listrik di sektor transportasi yakni dalam mendukung operasional sarana kereta salah satunya KRL (Kereta Rel Listrik).

Adapun ekspansi pengerjaan proyek ke DRC tersebut akan menambah "supply record" PT INKA (Persero) ke pasar luar negeri setelah sebanyak 250 kereta pesanan Bangladesh selesai dikirim pada awal Oktober 2020.

Proyek ekspor lain yang sedang dikerjakan PT INKA (Persero) saat ini antara lain tiga lokomotif dan 15 kereta commuter pesanan Filipina dengan nilai kontrak Rp363 miliar dan 31 trainset LRT untuk PT KAI (Persero) dengan nilai kontrak sebesar Rp3,9 triliun.

Proses penandatanganan kontrak tersebut selain dihadiri oleh pejabat lima BUMN juga dihadiri CEO TSG Global Holdings Rubar Sandi, Duta Besar DRC untuk USA Francois Nikuna Balumuene, Penasihat Khusus Presiden DRC bidang Infrastruktur Alexy Kayembe De Bampende, dan CEO PT TSG Utama Indonesia Syaiful Idham.

Proses penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan dengan mengedepankan protokol kesehatan. Yakni pengukuran suhu tubuh sebelum memaski ruangan, cuci tangan, penyediaan cairan pembersih tangan, masker, dan jaga jarak. Selain itu, para wartawan yang meliput juga difasilitasi dengan pemeriksaan "rapid test" guna mencegah penyebaran COVID-19.

Baca juga: INKA akan bangun jalur kereta api menghubungkan Mali-Senegal di Afrika
Baca juga: INKA selesaikan pengiriman 250 kereta ke Bangladesh

Pewarta: Louis Rika Stevani
Editor: Ahmad Wijaya

PTDI? Merpati? What’s their stake in this?
PTDI? Merpati? What’s their stake in this?

Of course it will be related with their current products and service, but the contract for these companies havent been sealed yet. We need to wait the next development further.
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