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Indonesia Economy Forum

Hey if you had to pick one island of Indonesia that has things good, Java is probably best to pick lol...maximum population is there.

Government is promoting people (especially State owned companies ) to build farm /agriculture estates in Sulawesi and Papua, and push Java into central industrial production and trading center. Right now gov. build thousands kilometer roads and highway in Papua along with seaports to brought goods



This move will benefit us in long term
Government remains focused on reinforcing industrialization
Minggu, 25 November 2018 11:21 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Head of Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) of the Ministry of Industry, Ngakan Timur Antara. (ANTARA News/ Ministry of Industry)

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - The government will remain focused on accelerating the country`s industrialization as it will bring multiplier effects to national economy.

"Therefore, the government is resolved to create conducive investment climate," Head of Industrial Research and Development Agency (BPPI) of the Ministry of Industry, Ngakan Timur Antara, said here on Sunday.

Ngakan said his agency has taken strategic steps such as economic policy packages, incentives and ease of doing business facilities.

The multiple effects of the policy included added values of raw materials, local workers absorption, increase in foreign exchange earning from exports, taxes and excise duties.

The efforts could accelerate even distribution and national inclusive and quality economic growth. This leads the government to carry out economic transformation which shifts consumption- to manufacturing-based economy.

"So, our economy would be more productive and provide wider multiplier effects," he said.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry is consistent with the implementation of the industrial down-streaming in the non-oil/gas processing sector with an emphasis on stock chain approach so that it would be more competitive in the domestic, regional and global levels.

"The development of non-oil-based manufacturing industries is prioritized in sectors that are resource-based and absorbing many jobs," added Ngakan.

Referring to Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data, in the third quarter of 2018, the manufacturing industry still has the largest contribution to the national gross domestic product (GDP) of 19.66 percent.

"The contribution is big enough, so Indonesia is in the ranks of the world`s elite as an industrial country," he said.

According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) report, Indonesia ranks the world`s 9th largest value-added country from the industrial sector.

In addition, seen from the percentage of industry contributions, Indonesia is also in the top 4 of the world.

"If it is assessed from the global competitiveness index, which is currently introducing a new method with the indicator of application of industrial revolution 4.0, Indonesia ranks up from 47 position in 2017 to 45th level in 2018," he explained.

Meanwhile, Nikkei and IHS Markit survey results showed that Indonesia`s Purchasing Managers` Index (PMI) in October 2018 was at 50.5 or still expansive.

In fact, Indonesia managed to rank third in ASEAN. Indonesia`s position is better than Malaysia (49.2), Thailand (48.9), Myanmar (48.0) and Singapore (43.3).

The three manufacturing sectors were able to surpass 5.15 percent growth in the third quarter of 2018, the textile and apparel industry grew to 10.17 percent, the food and beverage industry was at 8.10 percent, and the transport equipment industry was 5.37 percent.

"These three sectors are also a choice in Making Indonesia 4.0 as a pioneer in the application of industry 4.0 in Indonesia, besides chemical industry and electronics industry" he said.

Reporting by Sella Panduarsa Gareta, Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Sri Haryati

Indonesia`s agriculture challenged by lack of irrigation dams: Jokowi

A common problem in many parts of India too.

That because building a dam is expensive, not to mention in indonesia the problem is exacerbated by geographical & geological factors thus adding more challenge for building any major infrastructure.

Government is promoting people (especially State owned companies ) to build farm /agriculture estates in Sulawesi and Papua, and push Java into central industrial production and trading center. Right now gov. build thousands kilometer roads and highway in Papua along with seaports to brought goods



According to western medias (particularly Australian & Nederland based medias) those efforts are "Javanization" :hitwall:
DNI relaxation expected to boos investment
Senin, 26 November 2018 11:54 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Sella Panduarsa Gareta/A.Sarag


Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution (right) and Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto gave a press statement regarding the 2018 Negative Investment List in Jakarta on Monday (12/19/2018). (ANTARA/Calvin Basuki)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government is set to boost investment especially foreign direct investment (FDI) in industrial sector . The country`s manufacturing industry has remained in the doldrums despite rising trend lately.

The government has sought to attract more investment as one of the main drivers of the country`s economic growth amid weak performance of the country in export.

The government is especially concerned with the deficit in the country`s foreign trade contributing to widening current account deficit, which has been blamed for the rupiah depreciation against the U.S. dollar lately.

More important still expected from the acceleration of investment is the opening of new jobs, Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto has said.

The Industry Ministry recorded significant growth in the investment in the manufacturing sector in the past four years -- from Rp195.74 trillion in 2014 to Rp274.09 trillion in 2017.

In the first half of 2018, investment in the manufacturing industry already reached Rp121.56 trillion, opening new jobs for 17.92 million workers.

Other no less important benefit from an increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country is transfer of experience, knowledge and technology.

In a bid to boost investment, the government has issued a series of policy packages such as offering tax allowance, tax holiday, import duty exemption and adoption of Online Single Submission (OSS).

The various strategic policies were to create more favorable and convenient business climate for investment especially FDI.

Most recently the government opened a number of business areas previously close to new investment including FDI in what was called relaxation of DNI (list of negative investment) which is a list of business areas closed to new investment or foreign investment.

The policy has triggered controversy with observers accusing the government of offering wide facility for foreign investment at the expense of domestic industry especially micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM).

The government defended its policy dismissing the accusation of being driven by lack of readiness to understand the government policy and socialization.

The policy package opens the wider the possibility of partnership between foreign investment and UMKM to promote their economic scale, it said.

The government said DNI has to reflect balance between the goals of economic development and national interest, therefore, DNI has to be dynamic or has to continue to adapt to the changing condition of the national economy.

The relaxation of DNI was a revision of the Presidential Regulation No. 44 of 2016. It is part of the 16th policy package, designed to boost investment both domestic investment (PMDN) and foreign investment (PMA).

Among the business areas excluded from DNI are cloth printing and knitting industries, crumb rubber, copra, ketchup, milk processing, sweet condensed milk, timber-based goods manufacturing, essential oil, and nail, nut and bolt industries.

The government gave a number of reasons for the relaxation, citing, in the period of 2012-2016, there was only one additional industrial unit in crumb rubber processing sector - from 201 to 202 companies.

Crumb rubber industry was closed to PMA and PMDN and appropriated only for UMKM but under the new policy the sector is no longer included in the DNI. It is partly open to PMA and PMDN as no significant investment by UMKM in the sector over the past three years.

Industry Minister Airlangga said under the policy of DNI relaxation, there is no requirement for foreign investors to operate in partnership with local investors.

Boosting Growth of New Industrial Business Units

Airlangga said increase in investment would increase the number of industrial business units. In the period of 2014-2017, there were significant increase in the number of industrial business units -- from 25,094 units to 30,992 units or an increase of 5,898 business units.

In the small industrial sector, there was an addition of 970,000 units -- from 3.52 million units in 2014 to 4.49 million units in 2017.

Therefore, through the relaxation of DNI, new investment is needed to produce new manufactured goods with higher added value, the Minister said.

Cloth printing and fabric knitting industries are excluded from DNI as production of printed and knitted fabric has continued to fall short of demand with demand averaging 236,000 tons a year as against domestic supply of only 169,000 tons that big imports continue to be needed and increases from year to year.

If the country is to cut its imports of printed and knitted fabrics, investment has to be encouraged to build new factories in the two sectors. Investment in fabric printing industry is quite large at around Rp100 billion - an investment not in the category of IMKM. The minimum limit for a foreign investment is only Rp10 billion.

In a bid to increase investment in the sector, the government even offers incentive in the form of tax allowance for investment in cloth printing and knitting industries. Tax allowance facility is offered to medium large investors.

In revising DNI, the government still maintains that a number of business areas closed to PMA and PMDN to protect UMKM.

Business areas reserved only for UMKM and cooperatives include fermented soybean cake, soybean curd, and food from soybeans, brown sugar, hand printed batik, embroidery, and rubber curing industries.

Airlangga said there were 87 business areas excluded from DNI including ones under the previous policy package in 2016.

The government hopes the policy would boost investment especially with other fiscal instruments and policy such as tax allowance and tax holiday

Business world

The government invited the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) and the Association of Young Indonesian Business People (HIPMI) after Kadin General Chairman Rosan Roeslani protested that the business people were not involved in the discussion before issuing the DNI relaxation policy.

Rosan representing Kadin and a chairman of HIPMI Ajib Hamdani met with Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution and Industry Minister Airlangga.

Rosan said KADIN need to know details of the policy as it will have big impact of the business sector. He said it was agreed that the government is socialize the policy .

Darmin said the protest and allegation came on wrong perception over a number of business areas which are appropriated for UMKM and cooperatives under the DNI of 2016.

The business areas include cloth printing industry, knitting industry particularly embroidery and internet service outlets.

"It is impossible that a foreign investment would operate in any of those business areas as a foreign investor is required to start business with a capital of at least Rp10 billion. Those businesses are not Rp10-billion class venture.," Darmin said.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economy Susiwijono said those business areas are no longer included in the list of business areas closed to foreign investment, but it does not mean that they are no longer appropriated for UMKM and cooperatives.

Particularly business in internet service outlet is excluded from DNI that it no longer requires license, Susiwijono cited.

"Now the business is excluded from DNI to simplify the procedure. It no longer needs business license giving wider access to UMKM to the business," Susiwijono said.

Susiwijono said the products of the two business areas are important to support import substitution program and to reduce imports. So far demand for the products of the two industries has been higher than domestic production that imports are high.

Meanwhile, Head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong said the 16th economic policy package is expected to revive investment interest.

Thomas said direct investment declined in the third quarter of 2018 on global economic crisis including trade war between the United States and China.

Under the condition, most investors chose to wait and see before embarking on big investment venture, he said.

The government, therefore, has to make a breakthrough to draw investors to the country.

Investment in the third quarter of this year was valued at Rp173.8 trillion or 1.6 percent lower than Rp176.6 trillion in the same period last year. However, cumulatively in the first three quarters of this year , direct investment rose 4.3 percent to Rp535.4 trillion from Rp513.2 trillion in the same period last year.

Editing by Fardah Assegaf
Editor: Heru Purwanto

EFTA Countries in December
The government has wrapped up negotiations for a free trade and investment pact with members of the four-nation European Free Trade Association, a final agreement is due to be signed in December, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said. (ID Photo/Tino Oktaviano)

By Bernadette Christina Munthe on 3:46 pm Nov 26, 2018
Category Business , Economy
The government has wrapped up negotiations for a free trade and investment pact with members of the four-nation European Free Trade Association, a final agreement is due to be signed in December, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said.

Negotiations on the Comprehensive Indonesia-European Free Trade Association Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IE-CEPA) between Indonesia and EFTA members – Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland – have taken seven years.

"This settlement is a milestone for Indonesia's relations with the four EFTA countries," Enggartiasto said in a statement released after Friday's signing in Geneva.

Indonesia will get better access to export products such as coffee, palm oil, fisheries, textile and furniture, he said in the statement.

Members of the EFTA will gain access to investment in Indonesia, including in the energy and mining sectors.

According to the statement, the next step is for "legal scrubbing" and translation so the agreement is ready to be signed in Jakarta in December.

In 2017, Indonesia-EFTA trade was worth $2.4 billion, with Indonesia enjoying a trade surplus of $212 million.


Government to increase utilization of natural gas for energy
Selasa, 27 November 2018 08:24 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


A natural gas strorage. (ANTARA FOTO/R. Rekotomo)

Medan, N. Sumatra (ANTARA News) - The government will continue to increase utilization of natural gas for fuel from 19 percent of the national energy consumption at present to 24 percent in 2050.

The increase in the utilization of natural gas is in line with the Regulation of the Government No 79 of 2014 on the National Energy Policy, head of Upstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BPH Migas) M Fanshurullah Asa said here on Sunday.

In 2036, the entire production of natural gas is expected to be used domestically in 2036 at the latest, Fanshurullah said.

In 2017, around 58.59 percent of the country`s gas production was for domestic consumption with 41.41 percent exported, he said.

Meanwhile, BPH Migas is improving services and protection of consumers, he said.

Based on data from Asean Centre for Energy, natural gas portion in energy mix in ASEAN is 24 percent.

Beside as fuel, natural gas is used as feedstock in industries such as in fertilizer industry and in power plants.

Development of gas pipe of Trans-ASEAN, would increase demand for natural gas, Fanshurullah said.

Indonesia has a reserve of 142.72 trillion Standards Cubic Feet of gas a clean source of energy and environmentally friendly.
Editing by Saragih, sri Haryati
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Government to finish certification of sailors and ships in 2019
Selasa, 27 November 2018 08:29 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


(ANTARA FOTO/Zabur Karuru)

Lampung (ANTARA News) - The Sea Transport Directorate General of the Transport Ministry said it is set to finish certification of all sailors and ships lighter than seven GT in 2019.

"Certification is in the process of ships less than 7 GT in weight in Java and is expected to be finished in the second week of April, 2019," Director General of Sea Transport R Agus H Purnomo said here on Sunday.

Based on data at the Sea Transport Directorate General by Nov. 20, there were 22,363 traditional sailors/fishermen in Java and only 1,551 of them had certificate.

The number of fishing ships already having certificate in Brondong or Lamongan totaled 452 units, Agus said.

He said the country had 78,656 units of ships measuring more than seven GT in weight. All of the ships, flying Indonesian flag, already have certificate.

The number of ships less than 7 GT in weight in Java totaled 24,055 units including 23,138 units of fishing ships, 295 units of passenger ships, 405 units of cargo ships and 25 units of other ships.

The number of ships less than 7 GT in weight in Java already having certificate include 15,848 units of fishing ships, 292 units of passenger ships, 405 units of cargo ship and 25 units of other ships.

The number of ships less than 7 GT in weight not yet having certificate totaled 5,449 units of fishing ships and 91 units of cargo ship.

"The Sea Transport Directorate General has programs - first to identify all ships and fishermen in Indonesia and second certification of the ships and the fishermen not yet having certificate," Agus said.

After a given time, measure would be taken against ships and fishermen not having certificate, he said.

"Therefore, we call on all sailors to utilize the time for certification and fishermen to have their ships measured again that the fishermen and their ships would have certificate as required by the regulation," he said.

Head of the Sub-directorate for Ship Gauging and Registration Capt. Diaz Saputra said the government facilitates the process of certification of sailors/fishermen and ships through the Outlet of Ship Remeasuring Integrated Service.

"The activity is an important agenda for ships not having certificate," Capt. Diaz said.
Reporting by Juwita T Rahayu, A Saragih
Editing by Sri Haryati
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Chinese investors invited to invest in indonesia
Selasa, 27 November 2018 14:33 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Coordinating minister for maritime affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan speaks at Indonesia Economic Forum (IEF) di Jakarta, on Wednesday evening (21/11). (ANTARA/Genta Tenri Mawangi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has invited investors from the People`s Republic of China to increase their investment in Indonesia.

"There has been significant progress and greater convenience for foreign parties to invest in Indonesia where high and stable economic growth has been maintained," Panjaitan remarked at the Indonesia-China Five-Year Strategic and Comprehensive Cooperation Seminar here on Tuesday.

He said Indonesia has a huge potential market, and the government at this time has also been focusing on developing progressive infrastructure.

In addition to focusing on infrastructure, the coordinating minister for maritime affairs highlighted the village fund programs, development of special economic zones, and improved RI global investment ratings, among others.

Based on data, investment from China as well as Hong Kong in Indonesia had reached some US$5.5 billion in 2017, or some 17 percent of the total investment.

The governments of Indonesia and China have also worked closely, especially in the past three years, and the minister is optimistic that various projects and cooperation programs would continue to be improved.

"Indonesia and China need to promote better global and regional partnerships. Both countries have the capacity to do that," Panjaitan noted.

In line with the view of coordinating minister for maritime affairs, CSIS founder Jusuf Wanandi highlighted the importance for Indonesia and China to strengthen cooperation in an era filled with global uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Xiao Qian stated that the heads of state of the two countries had visited each other to strengthen cooperation.

In addition, Qian reminded that various cooperation programs had also begun to be implemented, such as the Jakarta-Bandung fast train.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla had earlier expressed optimism that the government`s policy of relaxing the negative investment list, or DNI, would attract more foreign investors to Indonesia, especially in the micro, small, and medium enterprises sector.
Reporting by Muhammad Razi Rahman, Otniel Tamindael
Editing by Suharto
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi

Great Harvest: Number of IPOs on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Could Reach 65 in 2018
26 November 2018 |
So far in 2018 a total of 51 Indonesian companies made their trading debuts on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), hence effectively completing their initial public offering (IPO). This is a remarkable number as well as a significant increase from 37 successful IPOs in 2017, and 14 in 2016. Moreover, the big number of IPOs in Indonesia this year is particularly remarkable considering there is plenty of uncertainty lurking about in global and domestic markets.

Stock investors have sold more stocks (that are traded on the IDX) than they have bought so far in 2018 amid global trade tensions (led by protectionism in the USA - and retaliation - in China), monetary policy normalization in the USA and European Union (EU) as well as the fragile rupiah (which is badly affected by aforementioned global turmoil and by Indonesia’s trade deficit and widening current account deficit).

This makes it particularly remarkable in our eyes that many local companies have decided to conduct an IPO in Indonesia this year. Meanwhile, economic growth in Indonesia has been rather stagnant in recent years around the 5 percent (y/y) level, which is often attributed to subdued consumer purchasing power in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, while weak global demand causes Indonesian exports to underperform. Moreover, forecasts for future economic growth in Indonesia and the world are not too optimistic. This would surely not be the ideal context to seek new funds for business expansion through an IPO.


Not only is there the threat of weak appetite for the issuer’s stocks (thus requiring the company to offer its stocks at a more attractive price during the IPO) but a sudden sell-off can also easily undermine the value of the company’s stocks. Lastly, weak domestic and global demand (which may not improve in the near future) make it not the best time to think about business expansion.

On the other hand, the fragile rupiah makes it less attractive to seek foreign-denominated loans, while rising interest rates at home (Bank Indonesia having raised its benchmark interest rate from 4.25 percent to 6.00 percent) makes it more expensive to borrow money. Meanwhile, we should also not forget that an IPO has more advantages than simply collecting new funds (although the primary objective is indeed raising capital).

Government aims to strengthen manufacturing sector to boost economy
Selasa, 27 November 2018 19:59 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution. (ANTARA PHOTO/Yudhi Mahatma)

Solo, C Java (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government aims to strengthen the manufacturing sector to boost the national economy, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution stated.

"We all know that after the Asian crisis in 1998-1999, our economy grew, albeit at a slow pace, owing to natural resources," he remarked at the opening of the national leadership meeting of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) 2018 here on Tuesday.

The manufacturing industry is expected to serve as the engine of the country`s economic growth in future, he remarked.

To this end, the government is reviving the manufacturing sector as an engine of the Indonesian economy, he noted.

"The government started all by building infrastructure while at the same time providing social assistance," he stated.

While admitting that domestic infrastructure still fell short of expectations, he affirmed it had contributed significantly to the economy.

"What is interesting is the combination of infrastructure and social assistance that results in relatively good economic growth," he pointed out.

In addition, the government is developing national strategic tourist destinations, he stated, adding that new tourist destinations will be developed to bring foreign exchange earnings to the country.

The other step is creating special economic zones and industrial estates that have been started, he remarked.

"The industrial estates are important. Without the industrial estates, the industrial costs will be more expensive," he stated.

Since four to five months ago, the government has applied the so-called "online single submission" (OSS) as part of the efforts to streamline licensing procedures.

"Between mid-September and mid-November, the number of registrations through OSS reaches 1,320 per day," he added.

Reporting by Aris Wasita
Editing by Suharto
Editor: Heru Purwanto


  • Julia Louppova in Review
Indonesia plans to become a transshipment hub, seeks investors

The future Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate. Source: JIIPE
Indonesia strives to challenge Singapore’s dominance in the region with a number of own port projects, aiming to become a new global transhipment hub on China’s maritime Silk Road, writes Nikkei Asian Review.

After taking office in October 2014, Indonesian President Joko Widodo endorsed the five-year plan worth 700 trillion rupiah (USD 50.6 bln) to develop the maritime sector. This included 243 trillion rupiah for developing 24 “strategic ports.” Slow at the beginning, the infrastructure development began to gather pace last year.

One of the ambitious projects is the Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE) – an immense industrial centre on a total area of 3,000 hectares, which would also include a deep-sea port and a residential estate. Strategically located on the eastern edge of Java, it is designed to become a trading hub and manufacturing center for Indonesia and Asia Pacific.

The JIIPE complex is developed by the state-owned port operator Pelindo III and the private partner AKR Corporindo and is due to be completed by 2030 to accommodate nearly 200 companies.

“By being integrated with a deep-sea port, this park will have direct access to domestic and international markets,” Joko Widodo said at the opening ceremony for the first phase of JIIPE in March.

The port will be constructed on a plot of 400 ha in Madura Strait, will have a total berth length of 6,200m with a draft of 16m to cater for vessels up to 100,000 DWT and to handle all types of cargo: from dry bulk, cars and container to oil and LNG. It is expected to reduce the workload at Tanjung Perak, Indonesia’s second-busiest port and the main gateway to the nation’s eastern provinces.

“At Tanjung Perak, ships often have to wait for a week outside [the port] before docking. We should have [developed the new port] three or five years ago”, a director of the JIIPE project said in May.

Other projects include the expansion of Tanjung Priok, the country’s busiest port in Jakarta; Kuala Tanjung Port at North Sumatra that will increase the container capacity. Port projects in remote cities like Makassar and Sorong are meant to reduce logistics costs, which today run to the equivalent of 24% of Indonesia’s GDP, that is significantly higher than in most countries in the region.

Indonesia, with its 17,000 islands has more than 1,200 ports but many of them are outdated and need refurbishing. In a recent study of 18 Indonesian ports, the World Bank highlights a “critical infrastructure gap” and writes: “The quality of ports’ infrastructure across the country is a weak factor in the overall country’s competitiveness.”

But the government can cover only a third of the 4,800 trillion rupiah (USD 348 bln) required for the port infrastructure development in the 2015-2019 period and therefore actively seeks investors worldwide. And not without success.

The Port of Rotterdam Authority provided consulting to Pelindo I on the Phase 1 development of Kuala Tanjung and is reportedly planning to invest in the next phase. The Japanese government signed a JPY 118.9 bln (USD 1bln) loan in November 2017 for the construction of the Patimban deep-sea port. Singapore’s port operator PSA International has been involved in one project and is said to may soon join another.

Apart from that, President Joko Widodo anchors big hopes on China’s OBOR initiative believing his maritime vision can complement it. And indeed, Beijing expressed some interest in port investment: Ningbo Zhoushan Port and China Communications Construction Engineering Indonesia have signed memorandums of understanding with Indonesian port operators to jointly develop New Priok and Kendal International Port, respectively. However, no actual investments have been made so far. And some analysts suggest that Indonesia is not a priority for China in its geopolitical plans.

Kuala Tanjung had starting operational test phase

Sumatera Utara - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) atau Pelindo I melakukan uji coba pengoperasian Terminal Multipurpose Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung, Selasa (27/11/2018).
1 dari 5


Petugas memantau aktivitas bongkar muat petikemas dalam rangka uji coba pengoperasian Terminal Multipurpose Pelabuhan Kuala Tanjung. Istimewa/Pelindo I.

2 dari 5


Pada tahap uji coba ini, dilakukan kegiatan pengapalan kargo domestik sebanyak 50 box milik PT Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia dengan tujuan Jakarta dan Surabaya. Istimewa/Pelindo I.

3 dari 5


Dalam uji coba ini, kargo tersebut diangkut menggunakan kapal KM Sinar Belawan. Istimewa/Pelindo I.

Automotive SMEs need two years to meet APM production standard
Rabu, 28 November 2018 00:45 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Director General of Small and Medium Industries (IKM) of the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) Gati Wibawaningsih (ANTARA / Genta Tenri Mawangi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) need at least two years to produce components with quality meeting the qualification of Brand Holder Agent (APM), a senor official said.

"It is not enough SMEs to be fostered only one year. They need two years to produce quality that is in accordance with the standards of APM and large industries," SME Director General of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih, said here on Tuesday.

The director general made the statement after attending a business meeting among automotive component SMEs, brand holder agents (APM) and large industries in Jakarta.

She said, so far, Automotive Component SMEs in Indonesia have produced various accessories as well as car and motorbike parts whose quality is in accordance with the APM standards.

"SME proves its ability to innovate and develop component products that so far have been fulfilled by imports," Wibawaningsih said.

?Fostering quality component production built through partnerships between SMEs and large industries, according to Wibawaningsih, is one of the efforts to reduce imports of components, parts and accessories.

"Of course our (Ministry of Industry`s) target is reducing imports up to 0 (zero) percent," said Wibawaningsih.

The import value of four-wheeled or more motorized vehicle parts in the range of January to June 2018 reached US$2.06 billion, an increase of 33 percent in the same period in 2017.

The "Link and match" business meeting activities among Automotive Component SMEs, Brand Holder Agent (APM) and Large Industries at the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday, connected at least 100 SMEs with 19 APMs and large companies.

Hundreds of SMEs came from several cities on Java, including Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Bandung, Pasuruan, Purbalingga, Yogyakarta, Tegal, Klaten, and Sidoarjo.

Reporting by Genta Tenri Mawangi

Editor: Andi Abdussalam

Government to cover 30 pct of small industry`s production cost
Rabu, 28 November 2018 08:18 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Director General for (SMEs), Gati Wibawaningsih (ANTARA/Genta Tenri Mawangi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Ministry of Industry will cover 30 percent of the production cost, especially related to machinery, of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs), a senior official said.

"The government will facilitate (machinery costs) up to 30 percent for domestic made machines and 20 percent for imported ones," Director General for (SMEs), Gati Wibawaningsih, said.

She made the statement after attending a business meeting among automotive component SMEs, brand holder agents (APM) and large industries in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The facility, according to Wibawaningsih, is an effort of the government through the Ministry of Industry to strengthen the SME industry in order to produce components, spare parts, and accessories whose quality is in accordance with the APM standards and large industries.

"SMEs only have to think about the remaining 70 percent cost. (Financing) can be obtained, for example, from the KUR (People`s Business Credit). The KUR interest scheme is relatively low," explained Wibawaningsih.

She further said, the Automotive Components SMEs in Indonesia had produced various car and motorcycle accessories with APM standards, and continued to develop component products which had so far been fulfilled by imports.

The import value of two- and four-wheeled motor vehicle parts in the January to June 2018 period reached US$2.06 billion, up 33 percent from the same period in 2017.

Thus, Wibawaningsih said, to reduce dependence on the import market, in addition to government assistance, partnerships need to be established between SMEs and APMs and large industries.

In that partnership, APM and large industries can provide assistance to SMEs related to the production of components with quality according to the set standards.

The "Link and match" business meeting activities among the automotive component SMEs, brand holder agents (APM) and large industries at the the Ministry of Industry, Jakarta, Tuesday connected at least 100 SMEs with 19 APMs and large companies.

Hundreds of SMEs came from several cities on Java, including Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Bandung, Pasuruan, Purbalingga, Yogyakarta, Tegal, Klaten, and Sidoarjo.

During the business meeting, the government through the Ministry of Industry also provided equipment machines to the Indonesian Tegal Manufacturing Cooperatives, and the Lingga Purbalingga KUB.

Reporting by Genta Tenri Mawangi, Andi Abdussalam

Editor: Fardah Assegaf


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