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BPPT develops LRT technology
Sabtu, 10 November 2018 07:59 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


. (Foto: istimewa)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Deputy of Engineering Design and Industry at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Wahyu Widodo Pandoe, said BPPT has successfully developed the technology design applied in the Jabodebek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi) LRT (Light Rail Transit) development project.

"We continue to optimize the design of the Jabodebek LRT technology from that which has been operating in Palembang," he said in a written statement received by Antara here Friday.

Wahyu said BPPT encouraged domestic industries, especially PT INKA, to have high technology and be able to manufacture trains according to the national development program, primarily in making signaling technology, such as trains without machineries, which are operated in several developed countries.

PT INKA or PT Industri Kereta Api Indonesia is the state-owned company engaged in the industry of railway facilities including passenger trains, cargo carriage, electrical train, and locomotives.

"We are ready to enhance the Domestic Content Level applied in the Jabodebek LRT according to the president`s direction. In the future, we will also develop signaling technology so that LRT can run automatically, or be operated remotely," he said.

To improve this technology, BPPT has implemented various programs, including innovation, auditing, clearing houses, and technology transfer. In addition, BPPT has also implemented a capacity building program to increase the competitiveness of the Indonesian railroad industry.

"We want INKA to be able to produce LRT with a high domestic content level, so that Indonesia can make this transportation mode and the supporting technologies by itself," he continued.

According to Wahyu, PT INKA has qualified facilities for railroad production in terms of capacity and quality. These facilities are supported by BPPT, which also has qualified testing facilities, software and human resources to improve the competitiveness of the company.

"Some BPPT`s facilities are ready to facilitate the production of LRT. Hopefully, this is a right momentum to achieve the nation`s independence in the railroad industry," he said.

Reporting by Virna P Setyorini
Editing by Libertina, Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Surabaya designates old city as tourist destination
Senin, 12 November 2018 16:41 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Surabaya Old City (Humas Pemkot Surabaya)

Surabaya, E Java, (ANTARA News) - The Surabaya Municipality is renovating old buildings as part of its program to designate its old city located in northern Surabaya as a tourist destination.

The renovation work is being carried out in cooperation with paint companies, Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini stated here Monday.

The mayor suggested that bright colors be used to beautify the old city.

Irawan Bahtera, director of PT ICI Paints Indonesia, said a total of 117 old and historic buildings will be repainted as part of the urban tourism development program.

He is optimistic that Surabaya`s old city quarter would be able to attract domestic and international tourists visiting the second-largest city in Indonesia.

The buildings are located on the Veteran, Karet, and Kali Malang streets, among others.

Surabaya, East Java`s capital and the second-largest city of Indonesia, offers a blend of both religious and historical tourism attractions, as the metropolitan city was an important Dutch Indies port town since the 16th century.

Surabaya has a large modern port of Tanjuk Perak and a traditional harbor of Kali Mas, which are both located in North Surabaya. As a result, the city has a multiethnic population, with Javanese as the majority and others including people of Madurese, Chinese, Arab, and Indian descents.

Its old city area is located in North Surabaya, specifically around the Red Bridge, where one can find several of the best historical buildings, including structures with colonial Dutch architecture and Chinese temples.

The most striking landmark in Surabaya`s old city area is the 15th-century Ampel Mosque, which stands within the vibrant Arab quarter.

The Grand Mosque of Sunan Ampel was built by Sunan Ampel, one of the Wali Songo, or the Nine Muslim Saints, in the 15th century and has become one of Surabaya`s main religious tourism destinations.

Reporting by Abdul Hakim
Editing by Fardah Assegaf

Editor: Suharto

Surabaya designates old city as tourist destination
Senin, 12 November 2018 16:41 WIB

As the 4th generation whose been living in Surabaya, I would say the outcome of this project is pretty bleak as tourism goes. At best the project merely revitalize the old city including the old keraton along with what remain of the city wall (which is look like a slum to me)
Semen Indonesia takes over 80.6 percent of PT Holcim`s shares
Selasa, 13 November 2018 13:06 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


President Director of PT Semen Indonesia Logistik Arham S Torik . (ANTARA News/Ida Nurcahyani)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-owned cement company PT Semen Indonesia Tbk announced it has signed a Conditional Sales & Purchase Agreement to take over 6,179,612,820 shares or equivalent to 80.6 percent of PT Holcim Indonesia`s share ownership.

The US$917 million deal took place on Monday, and the process of transaction would be concluded through PT Semen Indonesia Industri Bangunan (SIIB), a subsidiary of Semen Indonesia.

"We are happy to announce the transaction that Semen Indonesia Group would strengthen its position as the market leader in Indonesia," Chief Executive of Semen Indonesia Hendi Prio Santoso said here on Tuesday.

Under the more competitive in cement industry in the country, the combination of Semen Indonesia and Holcim Indonesia would enlarge and strengthen the foot print of the holding company of state-owned cement producers.

Holcim Indonesia is the third largest cement producer in Indonesia, having four factories with a total production capacity of 14.8 million tons a year and 30 ready mix facilities.

The take over of Holcim Indonesia will strengthen the position of Semen Indonesia Group on the domestic market.

Semen Indonesia would be able to expand its networks of cement factories, diversify products, improve efficiency in distribution, and strengthen position in ready mix business.

The business prospect in cement industry in Indonesia is still encouraging with the fast growing demand for cement in the country to follow the growing property sector and infrastructure projects.

Currently Indonesia has 15 cement producing companies with installed production capacity of 107 million tons per year. Private companies including foreign companies account for 63 percent of the capacity.

The acquisition made Semen Indonesia Group the largest cement company in Southeast Asia with a total capacity of 53 million tons a year.

PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk is a public listed company, which started operation in the country by acquiring PT Semen Cibinong Tbk in December 2001.
Editing by A Saragih, Bustanuddin
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Indonesian, Russian oil companies to build refinery in Tuban
Rabu, 14 November 2018 23:30 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. PT Pertamina Refinery Plaju, Palembang, South Sumatra, (ANTARA PHOTO/Nova Wahyudi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina and its Russian counterpart, Rosneft Oil Company, will build and operate a new oil refinery integrated with New Grass Root Refinery and Petrochemical in Tuban, East Java.

"The government has determined the construction site of the refinery in Tuban District, East Java Province. The site was decided following comprehensive studies and considerations, in terms of location, topography, and geological studies," Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan noted in a written statement received by ANTARA here, Wednesday.

However, the construction plan of the refinery is still facing constraints in the form of land acquisition.

To expedite the settlement of the land acquisition issue, the government has appealed to PT Pertamina to resend a team to solve the problem.

"If this problem cannot be solved, the refinery construction site should be moved," Jonan stated.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati affirmed that land required for the construction of an 800-hectare refinery is still encountering problems.

At the site where the refinery will be built, 350 hectares of land belongs to the Ministry of Environment, while the rest is owned by the local people.

"Since the last three years, several measures have been undertaken by Pertamina to solve the land acquisition problem. Pertamina has also followed up with the minister of energy and mineral resources` request to send back a team to solve the land acquisition problem. We will immediately send another team to solve this land problem," Widyawati explained.

She added that Pertamina is keen to build a refinery in Tuban due to the presence of a Petrochemical Complex at the site. Construction of the refinery in Tuban had been planned since 2016.

"The government is keen to build the refinery to reduce the imports of fuel oil for meeting the domestic demands, so we cannot wait any longer. We will immediately discuss this plan with the local administration, so that a decision can be taken," Widyawati added.

The Tuban Oil Refinery is a new oil refinery construction project, with a production capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day.

Construction of the Tuban Oil Refinery will use a petrochemical configuration that is integrated with PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama.

Construction of the Tuban refinery by Pertamina and Rosneft is estimated to cost some US$15 billion.

Reporting by Afut Syafril Nursyirwan
Editing by Libertina, Yoseph Hariyadi
Editor: Heru Purwanto

RCEP talks making substantial progress, says Indonesia

Indonesia, the Asean coordinator for what will be the world's largest free trade pact, has lauded the substantial progress in negotiations, which has seen leaders agree to complete the deal next year.

President Joko Widodo "had stressed the importance of a mandate" to agree on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and the progress so far has been good, the country's Foreign Minister, Ms Retno Marsudi, said on the sidelines of the Asean Summit yesterday.

"We are at the point of no return. We will build on assets and existing achievements to continue the negotiations," she said, quoting the President.

"All the leaders have given their strong commitment to conclude the negotiations next year."

Mr Joko has outlined four conditions he felt members should keep in mind as they strive to wrap up next year: Flexibility to achieve an agreement, recalibration of ambitions towards a common interest, discipline in the discussion of targets, and concrete cooperation and a constructive attitude.

The progress of the Asean-led pact, which covers nearly half the world's population, has been in the spotlight amid ongoing trade tensions between China and the United States. Asean countries have expressed support for the deal, saying it will open global trade and investments.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has said its completion would validate Asean's role in economic integration of this region, but noted that some Asean countries would require assistance in meeting market aspirations of developed economies.

"What we require is fair and mutually beneficial trade and investment cooperation rather than the dominance by anyone," Tun Dr Mahathir said in a keynote speech at the Asean Business and Investment Summit held at the Marina Bay Sands convention centre on Tuesday.

His foreign affairs minister, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, who presented the argument on his behalf, said part of Dr Mahathir's intervention at the summit was to highlight that Malaysia's move to remove trade barriers had gone unreciprocated, the Malay Mail reported.

"While countries like Malaysia are expected to eliminate or reduce our tariffs to provide greater market access to others, this is not reciprocated by some advanced countries in the current negotiations," he tweeted yesterday.


RCEP on track while IA-CEPA on hold.
Barata Indonesia dapatkan proyek PLTM Rp216 miliar
Kamis, 15 November 2018 16:30 WIB

Pewarta: Afut Syafril Nursyirwan


Mahasiswa melakukan Site Visit ke fasilitas manufaktur PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) di Gresik, Jawa Timur, Kamis (.)

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - PT Barata Indonesia mendapatkan kontrak pengerjaan Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro (PLTM) Sisira 2X4,9 MW dengan nilai total Rp216 miliar.

PT Barata Indonesia Persero mendapatkan kontrak untuk mengerjakan proyek PLTM Sisira (2 X 4,9) MW di Kecamatan Parlilitan Kabupatan Humbang Hasundutan, Sumut, sebagai solusi pengembangan energi baru terbarukan (EBT) nasional, berdasarkan keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Jakarta, Kamis.

Kepastian pembangunan tersebut didapat setelah dilakukan penandatanganan kontrak yang dilakukan antara PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) yang diwakili oleh Pelaksana tugas Direktur Utama PT Barata Indonesia Tony Budi Santosa dengan pihak PT Energi Alam Sentosa (anak perusahaan PT Terregra Asia Energy Tbk) yang bergerak di bidang energi terbarukan.

Plt Direktur Utama PT Barata Indonesia Persero,Tony Budi Santosa mengatakan bahwa proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan energi baru-terbarukan memang menjadi salah satu fokus utama Barata Indonesia.

"Karena itu kami berharap dukungan dari semua pihak termasuk dari pemerintah untuk memperbanyak dan juga mempermudah regulasi yang berhubungan dengan proyek pembangkit listrik energi baru terbarukan," ujar Tony.

PLTM yang merupakan renewable energy merupakan salah satu concern bisnis Barata Indonesia. Energi baru terbarukan merupakan alternatif dalam penyediaan energi semakin digalakkan karena Energi fosil akan semakin habis suatu saat.

Dari sisi posisi sebagai kontraktor, Barata Indonesia berkesempatan untuk meningkatkan lokal konten, serta turut mewujudkan program National Capacity Building (Membangun Kapasitas Nasional) dari Pemerintah.

Sebelum mendapatkan kontrak PLTM Sisira (2X4,9) MW, awal Januari lalu perusahaan yang berkantorlusat di Gresik tersebut juga memperoleh kontrak PLTM Batang Toru 3 (2X5 MW) di Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara.

Dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir Barata Indonesia juga telah menyelesaikan beberapa proyek PLTM, seperti PLTM Walessi 500 kW, PLTM Kayu Aro 950 kW, PLTM Lodagung (2 X 650 kW) serta Penstock untuk PLTM Parmonangan (2 X 4, 5 MW).

Barata Indonesia juga telah menyelesaikan proyek PLTM Lodagung (2X650 kW) milik Perum Jasa Tirta I.

Kedepan, Barata Indonesia pun berharap, proyek-proyek pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan energi baru-terbarukan semakin menjamur, sehingga tercapai kedautan energi nasional yang bebasis energi baru-terbarukan.

Baca juga: Barata Indonesia akuisisi pabrik Siemens Turbine

Baca juga: Barata dan perusahaan Spanyol kembangkan pembangkit listrik
Indonesian, Russian oil companies to build refinery in Tuban
Rabu, 14 November 2018 23:30 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. PT Pertamina Refinery Plaju, Palembang, South Sumatra, (ANTARA PHOTO/Nova Wahyudi)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina and its Russian counterpart, Rosneft Oil Company, will build and operate a new oil refinery integrated with New Grass Root Refinery and Petrochemical in Tuban, East Java.

"The government has determined the construction site of the refinery in Tuban District, East Java Province. The site was decided following comprehensive studies and considerations, in terms of location, topography, and geological studies," Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan noted in a written statement received by ANTARA here, Wednesday.

However, the construction plan of the refinery is still facing constraints in the form of land acquisition.

To expedite the settlement of the land acquisition issue, the government has appealed to PT Pertamina to resend a team to solve the problem.

"If this problem cannot be solved, the refinery construction site should be moved," Jonan stated.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati affirmed that land required for the construction of an 800-hectare refinery is still encountering problems.

At the site where the refinery will be built, 350 hectares of land belongs to the Ministry of Environment, while the rest is owned by the local people.

"Since the last three years, several measures have been undertaken by Pertamina to solve the land acquisition problem. Pertamina has also followed up with the minister of energy and mineral resources` request to send back a team to solve the land acquisition problem. We will immediately send another team to solve this land problem," Widyawati explained.

She added that Pertamina is keen to build a refinery in Tuban due to the presence of a Petrochemical Complex at the site. Construction of the refinery in Tuban had been planned since 2016.

"The government is keen to build the refinery to reduce the imports of fuel oil for meeting the domestic demands, so we cannot wait any longer. We will immediately discuss this plan with the local administration, so that a decision can be taken," Widyawati added.

The Tuban Oil Refinery is a new oil refinery construction project, with a production capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day.

Construction of the Tuban Oil Refinery will use a petrochemical configuration that is integrated with PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama.

Construction of the Tuban refinery by Pertamina and Rosneft is estimated to cost some US$15 billion.

Reporting by Afut Syafril Nursyirwan
Editing by Libertina, Yoseph Hariyadi
Editor: Heru Purwanto


New Refinary and Krakatau Steel expansion is very vital to curb our trade deficit. Steel import for instant account for 75 % of our total trade deficit. I hope within 2024 we can actually solve the situation and so that we can see strong currency after that.
New Refinary and Krakatau Steel expansion is very vital to curb our trade deficit. Steel import for instant account for 75 % of our total trade deficit. I hope within 2024 we can actually solve the situation and so that we can see strong currency after that.

And turbin engines along with engines for ships industry and some heavy duty trucks and busses
And turbin engines along with engines for ships industry and some heavy duty trucks and busses

Yup, high tech product is needed for import replacement and export. There should not be any excuse anymore for high tech and heavy industry advancement in Indonesia. With trade deficit problem that we face after we signed ASEAN-China free trade agreement 7 years ago (I see Marie Pangestu is a traitor and SBY is a fool who only see the failure to appoint Marie as trade minister after the FTA has already been signed), there is no way other than fighting back and start making advance stuff and compete with the Chinese. Thats why I am quite happy that PT Inka has made an aggressive move by setting up another factory with double production capacity to tap export market. We need to make the score 1:1 at least.

The policy to prioritize local product has also been made, even though I see it as a bit too late. We also need to expand Krakatau Steel as fast as we can while keep making it as efficient as it can. Refinery expansion is also a must. With weak currency that we have Today, I also believe that most acquisition for our military will be forced to be taken from our own defense industry. If Jokowi is about to win, he must make sure we can eliminate trade deficit problem before he leave (2024). Hard decision need to be made for that. No more business as usual thing.

We need to start to think to be the next South Korea within the next decade. South Korea can make advance product and sell it world wide by just having 4-5 companies as a base, we can use the same strategy for our state owned companies dealing with high tech and heavy industries. We have already had a big market to start, no more excuse. What is needed is government help and push.

For turbine engine in shipping industry I think it is a duty of PT PAL. PT PAL has turbine division and it is also cooperating with western countries. But it also need to cooperate with Barata since Barata is able to make turbine component, not just assembling. At least some of turbine being assembled by PAL need to have some percentage of Barata component.
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Oleochemical industry predicted to grow in 2019
Kamis, 15 November 2018 12:27 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


oilpalm seedlings . (FOTO ANTARA/Septianda Perdana)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Association of Oleo-chemical Producers (Apolin) said it is optimistic the oleo-chemical industry and market will grow in 2019.

General Chairman of Apolin Rapolo Hutabarat said the prediction is based on the support from the government in the form of regulation that stimulate palm oil processing industry.

Oleo-chemicals are produced mainly from palm oil and Indonesia is the world`s largest producer of palm oil.

Rapolo said the country`s oleo-chemical industry has grown steadily over the past three years . The production grew 10.68 percent annually in volume, he added.

The country`s exports of oleo-chemicals increased 19.61 percent on the average per year.

In 2019, Apolin predicted exports of oleo-chemicals would grow 12 percent in volume to 5.36 million tons from 2018 with export value rising 20 percent to US$5 billion.

"The increase in oleo-chemical industry is attributable partly to growing cosmetics and body care industry using palm oil as the feed stock," Rapolo said.

Expansion of tourism sector will also contribute to growing demand for oleo-chemical products, he said, adding travelers generally carry cosmetics and body care products such as soap and shampoo.

He said in the first six months of the year, the country`s exports of oleo-chemicals totaled 2.39 million tons. In the whole year, exports are predicted to reach 4.79 million tons valued at US$4.17 billion.

Oleo-chemicals are also needed in pharmaceutical industry, oil drilling, steel industry, tire industry, household goods such as laundry soap, and toothpaste industry beside cosmetics and shampoo.

He said global demand for oleo-chemicals is predicted to grow in the coming years and exports from Indonesia are increasing on aggressive marketing drives by producers with strong support from the government.

Indonesia has exported oleo-chemicals to the European Union, China, India, South Korea and Japan. Rapolo said Africa is also a potential market for oleo-chemicals nit yet sufficiently tapped.

Soap noodle is higher in demand , he said, adding, so far, there has been no significant problem in the market expansion drive.

"Producers have continued to seek to expand markets and strengthening market foothold in traditional markets," he said.

The country`s oleo-chemical industry has a total production capacity of 5.5 million tons and currently capacity utilization is 75 percent with 21 types of product of oleo-chemical derivative.

Apolin said it appreciated the government for its policy maintaining conducive investment climate with tax holiday and tax allowance including finance minister regulations No. 29/2018 simplifying licensing procedure and No. 35/2018 cutting corporate income tax.

The government hopes to boost development of the country`s oleo-chemical industry with the availability of the basic material in abundance.
Reporting by Subagyo (SYS/AS).
Editing by A Saragih

Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Germany supports Indonesia'`s sustainable palm oil development
Jumat, 16 November 2018 03:02 WIB - 5 Views

Reporter: Antara



Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - The German government supports the development of Indonesia`s sustainable palm oil which refers to the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) mechanism.

In a statement received by Antara here Thursday, the Director General of Plantation at Ministry of Agriculture, Bambang, hoped the German government would support Indonesia`s efforts to carry out sustainable palm oil and recognize the ISPO certification.

"With technology owned by Germany, we hope that the German government will support the palm oil waste process to increase farmers` income," he said.

Earlier, the Director General of Forestry, Sustainability and Renewable Resources at the German Ministry of Agriculture, Clemens Neumann, visited the Directorate General of Plantation Office in Jakarta on November 13 to discuss oil palm plantations.

Data shows that as of September 2018 Indonesia`s palm oil exports to Germany reached 105.9 million kilograms, with a value of US$72.7 million.

Neumann expressed high appreciation to the Indonesian government for its efforts to applyi sustainable palm oil management.

"We are interested to help because Indonesia is highly concerned about renewable and natural resource-based development, both as energy and industrial raw materials," Neumann said.

Previously, Neumann and his team have visited several oil palm companies which have secured ISPO certification in Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan Province, especially the ones located in the Sentarum National Park.

The German government provides grants and technical assistance to help people live in Sentarum in preserving the environment.

The assistance is also expected to increase the ability of the locals in producing rubber and oil palm.

Currently, there are 413 ISPO certificates and 407 company certificates have been issued. There have been also six certificates issued for farmers, consisting of one farmer association, and five Rural Cooperatives (KUD) with a total oil palm plantation area reaching 2.34 million hectares and CPO volume of 10.2 million tons/year.

Reporting by Muhammad Razi Rahman
Editing by Libertina W Ambari

Editor: Suharto

RCEP talks making substantial progress, says Indonesia
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has said its completion would validate Asean's role in economic integration of this region, but noted that some Asean countries would require assistance in meeting market aspirations of developed economies.

Look like Mr M was referring his own country there.

And turbin engines along with engines for ships industry and some heavy duty trucks and busses

The capabilities to manufacture turbine blade is the key enabler for many things, along with engineering know how to design and manufacture cylinder block.
BUMN (state owned company) holding companies.

There are 115 state owned companies with 7200 trillion rupiah (492 billion US) asset.

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Garuda take over operational Sriwijaya Air and NAM Air


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