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Indonesia Economy Forum

Jokowi inaugurates Sragen-Ngawi toll road
Rabu, 28 November 2018 14:48 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: ANTARA


President Joko Widodo (center) inaugurated a segment of the Sragen-Ngawi toll road stretching 51 kilometers in Central Java Province on Wednesday. (ANTARA Photo/Wahyu Putro A/wsj.)

Sragen, C Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated a segment of the Sragen-Ngawi toll road stretching 51 kilometers, which is part of the Solo-Ngawi toll road, in the Rest Area 538 B, here, Wednesday.

"I hope with the completion of the Jakarta-Surabaya toll road, regional leaders would integrate this toll road with tourist areas to attract crowds," he stated.

To derive optimal benefits, toll roads must be integrated with other sectors.

The president was also pleased to see local culinary delicacies being offered in the rest area.

"I am pleased this morning because I see soto kuali, lontong opor, soto Madura, roti ganep, and others being offered. We want the rest area to be filled with local products. Lest foreign brand products dominate, while the locals just become spectators," he remarked.

Minister/State Secretary Pratikno, State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno, and deputy governor of Central Java, as well as officials of PT Jasa Marga were present at the inauguration ceremony.

The Sragen-Ngawi segment is part of the Solo-Ngawi toll road, which is also part of the Trans Java toll road.

The Solo-Ngawi toll road has eight gates: Colomadu, Bandara, Ngemplak, Purwodadi, Karanganyar, Sragen, Sragen Timur, and Ngawi City.

Reporting by Agus Salim
Editing by Fardah

Editor: Bustanuddin

With a population of 10 million in 2016 expected to grow by 3.7 per cent a year, Indonesia's capital, Jakarta is facing rapid urbanisation. In response to this challenge and after the recent success in controlling traffic during the Asian Games this year, Jakarta is looking to further reform traffic and transportation in the capital. This involves plans to build safer and more efficient modes of transport such as the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and Light Rail Transit (LRT).

In support of this anticipated growth, Thales has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Len Indonesia to collaborate on delivering advanced signalling systems for railway projects in Indonesia.

The MoU is an extension of Thales' and PT Len's years of collaboration beyond the defence sector. Beyond the development, delivery and deployment of an integrated signalling system for potential local MRT and LRT operators in Indonesia, this joint development approach will allow Thales to continue to build local capabilities in the Indonesian workforce through transfer-of-technology and help PT Len in their ambitions to bring locally-developed, high-technology systems to the rest of the world and to become a regional player in transportation.

"Having worked closely with PT Len for several years and mindful of Indonesia's need to have better transportation networks to support a rapidly growing urban population, we are pleased to expand this partnership to the area of transportation. We are committed to partnering with the country as they work on building a transport infrastructure of the future, and are fully supporting of Indonesia's 2020 Go Digital vision to become a digital powerhouse in the region," said Erik-Jan Raatgerink, Country Director, Thales in Indonesia.
Indonesia`s new synthetic rubber factory on stream
Kamis, 29 November 2018 17:12 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto at the inauguration of a synthetic rubber factory owned by PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) in Cilegon, West Java, Thursday (Nov 29). (Mentari Dwi Gayati)

Cilegon, Banten (ANTARA News) - Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto here on Thursday commissioned a synthetic rubber factory the country`s first using environmentally friendly technology.

The operation of factory of PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) with a capacity of 120,000 tons will increase the added value of butadiene and styrene monomer, which are already produced in the country.

It will also strengthening the structure of petrochemical industry from upstream to downstream, the Minister said.

"The construction of the factory of PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia proves that investors are still interested in doing business in Indonesia," Airlangga said.

Development of synthetic rubber industry is needed to keep pace with the modernization of economy, he said.

Synthetic rubber is used widely for tires, conveyor belts, rubber components, footwear and electric cable coat.

Currently, there is only one synthetic rubber producer with a capacity of 75,000 tons per year. Meanwhile, synthetic rubber requirement in the country reached 230,000 tons in 2017. Therefore, imports are still needed.

President Director of SRI, Brad Karas, said the company is the first factory using environmentally friendly technology of Michelin.

PT SRI produces synthetic rubber the type of "Solution Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SSBR) and Neodymium catalyst - Butadiene Rubber (NdBR) both environmentally friendly.

SRI is a joint venture company between Michelin of France and PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk established in June 2013 with share split of 55 percent and 45 percent respectively.

The investment in the factory was cost US$435 million. SRI is granted the incentive "tax holiday" from the government.

SRI began commercial operation in August 2018 and already exported US$250 million.

Based on data at the Industry Ministry, Indonesia`s exports of manufactured products have increased from year to year. In the third quarter of 2018, exports of manufactured goods were valued at US$97.52 billion - up 5.71 percent from US$92.25 billion in the same period last year.
Editor: Andi Abdussalam

News focus - Indonesia`s economy improves amid economic turbulence By Azis Kurmala
Jumat, 30 November 2018 05:50 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo delivers his views during the session of Central Banking Forum 2018 at the IMF - World Bank Group Annual Meetings 2018 in Nusa Dua, Bali, in Nov 2018. The forum discusses a wide range of economic issues particularly thoise related to monetary policy and economic growth. ANTARA FOTO/ICom/AM IMF-WBG//Nyoman Budhiana/aww.

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - Global economic growth is flat and uneven, accompanied by widespread uncertainty blighting the global financial markets.

Solid economic gains achieved in the United States throughout 2018 will be restrained by consolidation in 2019. Nevertheless, inflation expectations in the United States remain high, and analysts expect the US Federal Reserve to continue raising its policy rate.

In Europe, economic growth tends to slowdown amid inflation hike trend. The current monetary policy normalization in Europe, done by reducing purchase of financial assets, is expected to continue.

In the emerging markets, economic downturn in China stems from deleveraging in the financial system, coupled with the escalating trade war with the United States.

Global economic plateau and the worsening trade tension will cause the world trade volume (WTV) to remain low. Furthermore, international commodity prices are tracking a sliding trend, including the global oil price due to potentially higher supply.

Despite global economic moderation, Indonesia?s national economy posted solid growth, with stability maintained.

Bank Indonesia (BI) expects the pace of national economic growth to quicken in 2019, reaching 5.0-5.4 percent, the BI Governor Perry Warjiyo stated.

Meanwhile, inflation is predicted to remain under control within the 2019 target corridor of 3.5?1 percent, backed by contained price pressures on the demand side, volatile foods (VF), and administered prices (AP), along with anchored inflation expectations and stable rupiah exchange rates.

Furthermore, BI predicts a smaller current account deficit in 2019, reducing to around 2.5 percent of GDP in line with the efforts to control imports, while stimulating exports and promoting tourism. The bank intermediation function is also expected to improve along with economic financing from the capital market.

Therefore, credit growth in 2019 is predicted to reach 10-12 percent, with deposit growth expected in the 8-10 percent range as the banking industry maintains adequate liquidity.

In the medium term, BI has projected faster economic growth in 2024 in the 5.5-6.1 percent range, accompanied by a current account deficit of less than 2 percent of GDP, Warjiyo noted.

In his speech, the BI Governor emphasized that synergy is the key to strengthening economic resilience to global spillovers and maintaining economic growth momentum towards the transition to a prosperous, upper-middle income country.

Leaning against the global headwinds, the national economy has performed well in 2018, with stability maintained along with growth momentum.

The governor outlined three salient economic lessons that may be used to strengthen synergy towards tougher resilience and to stimulate economic growth moving forwards despite unconducive global economic dynamics.

First, economic stability and resilience must be strengthened. Second, competitiveness and productivity must be increased to catalyze a faster pace of growth.

Third, policy synergy between authorities is a prerequisite to reinforce the structure of the national economy.

With uncertain global economic dynamics, BI will strengthen its policy mix instituted in 2018 for 2019.

To that end, BI will implement policy in seven important areas. First, monetary policy will remain focused on stability, particularly in terms of controlling inflation in the 3.5?1 percent target corridor as well as rupiah exchange rate stability in line with the currency?s fundamental value.

BI?s pre-emptive and ahead-of-the-curve monetary policy stance will be maintained in 2019.

Second, accommodative macroprudential policy will stimulate bank intermediation, particularly in terms of economic financing, including maintaining financial system resilience by strengthening the surveillance of systemically important banks (SIB) and conglomerates, Warjiyo remarked.

Third, BI will continue to develop payment system policy in order to ensure efficient, available, and secure cash and noncash payment systems, particularly in the face of the digital economy and finance.

Fourth, BI will also continue to accelerate financial market deepening efforts, which will increase policy effectiveness and broaden economic financing, while actively participating in the innovation of various financing instruments for future infrastructure development.

Fifth, BI will advance the sharia economy and finance through BI programs and as part of the National Committee on Islamic Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (KNKS).

Sixth, MSME development will be expanded with a focus on controlling inflation and reducing the current account deficit, Warjiyo remarked.

And seventh, BI will orient international policy towards bolstering the positive image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community, while actively participating in policymaking at various international organizations.

"In addition, BI will also strengthen national policy mix synergy with the Government, Financial Services Authority (OJK) and other relevant authorities, which will be directed towards controlling inflation, improving the economic structure, maintaining financial system stability, accelerating financial market deepening, and developing an ecosystem for the digital economy and finance," Warjiyo explained.


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the uncertainty besetting global economy is feared to continue through 2019.

He added that the recent summit meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) showed that there has not been signs that trade war between the United States and China is about to end.

The United States and China are yet to meet again in the G20 summit conference, but Jokowi revealed that he did not expect much from the meeting.

It is still difficult to bring the two countries to a compromise, he noted.

However, the trade war also opens up new opportunity. "According to Kadin and Himpi many foreign investors planned to relocate their factories to ASEAN including Indonesia," Jokowi pointed out.

High import tariff slapped by the United States has forced China to look for other partners, he added.

"This is the opportunity. We have to grab that opportunity by making them our partners in investment and to increase exports," he remarked.

The president explained that the country`s main problem is deficits in trade balance and in current account balance.

"Big problem confronting us is trade deficit and current account deficit that could be coped with by an increase in exports," he stated.

Meanwhile, Senior Economist Boediono elaborated that the world economic condition was still prone to crisis as there were still uncertainties with unpredictable trend.

"The world economy is still prone to instability and crisis. This is inherent in the system," Boediono noted.

He stated that the crisis could arise anytime, and there was no one who could predict its intensity. There is no single country which has an effective method to overcome the problem.

For this purpose, Boediono, who was the vice president in the 2009-2014 period, added that efforts to strengthen domestic economy should continue to be made.

This could be done through reinforcing coordination among the fiscal and monetary authorities as well as through continuous implementation of structural reforms.

"We have institutions that can coordinate well for monetary and structural reforms. This can reduce the risk of instability or the economic crisis," Boediono remarked.

The professor of Gajah Mada University (UGM), Faculty of Economy, also told a story on how Indonesia was able to withstand the crisis many times because of the existence of appropriate mitigation policies.

He even recounted the rescue efforts made by the government to secure Bank Century in 2008, which were carried out to maintain public confidence in the banking system.

"In our view, the atmosphere at that time was very serious and needed to be addressed. We had one thought on not to let the economy fall further, because, otherwise, the economic costs will be huge," he added.

Boediono admitted that he did not think of political risks while making decisions, because the policy was taken based on economic considerations.
Editing Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Suharto

Government continues to promote palm oil
Jumat, 30 November 2018 08:21 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Andi Abdussalam


Palm oil downstream industrial plant under construction in Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (KEK) Simalungun District, North Sumatra. (ANTARA PHOTO/Septianda Perdana)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government continues to improve the quality of its palm oil products and expand markets to non-traditional export destinations as negative campaigns in traditional market such as Europe still continue to take place.

As regards, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs has set a target to certify 70 percent of the oil palm industry at home through the "Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil" (ISPO) certification by 2020.

"We hope to meet the target. The government will also continue to promote the ISPO so that it would be known as Indonesian standard abroad," said Wilistra Danny, Plantation and Horticulture official of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, in Jakarta on Thursday.

He stressed that the government will seriously address turmoil in oil palm industry with efforts aimed at promoting the standard to the international community in an effort to face the negative campaign.

Besides that, Indonesia will also try to expand markets to non-traditional countries. The Ministry of Trade is therefore eyeing new markets, given the negative sentiment from one of its main markets, the European Union, still persists.

Indonesia, through the Ministry of Trade, is seeking to expand markets for its palm oil products and derivatives to new export destinations in the Middle East, South Asia, and other regions.

"The trade of Indonesian palm oil in the European Union market is disturbed, and we are looking at other countries outside the main market," Director General of National Export Development at the Ministry of Trade Arlinda stated in Jidda on Thursday (Nov 29).

The director general remarked that the products can be exported to markets of non-traditional countries in other parts of the world. She outlined non-traditional countries in several regions where Indonesia had yet to do palm oil trade.

"We can focus on the non-traditional markets of countries in the Persian Gulf border, such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar," she remarked.

In addition, Indonesia can focus on countries in South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

The Ministry of Trade also explores markets in Chile, which is adjacent to Latin America, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. "In eastern Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and even Russian fractional countries are also our target," Arlinda stated.

In Africa, the Ministry of Trade is negotiating with Mozambique; Tunisia, which is close to Italy; Morocco, which is close to Spain; and Algeria, which has a free trade agreement with Europe.

Speaking in connection with the negative palm oil campaign, Arlinda noted that Indonesia was striving to allay concerns and prove that the allegations filed were untrue.

The issue involving Qatar and other Arab countries can be an opportunity for Indonesia to enter and fulfill the product needs of the country.

Saudi Arabia, according to Indonesian Consul General in Jidda Mohamad Hery Saripuddin, is still interested in Indonesia`s oil palm products and its derivatives.

"In other parts of the world there is a trivial effort to launch a black campaign, thanks God there is no such a maneuver in Saudi Arabia because of business competition," said Saripuddin in Jidda on Wednesday (Nov 28).

However, Saripuddin explained that Saudi Arabia is still importing palm oil and its derivatives from countries other than Indonesia, where according to study, the products in those countries are mostly coming from Indonesia.

"This is the duty of the government, in this case the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Jidda and the Ministry of Trade, to find the clue that is still there," said Saripuddin.

In line with that, Director General of National Export Development Ministry of Commerce Arlinda sought to provide comprehensive information on palm oil products from Indonesia through palm-based business forums to entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia.

"We will do a business forum for palm oil, giving them knowledge about palm oil products and their derivatives, so they will understand," said Arlinda.

Saudi Arabia often imported palm products from third countries such as India and Malaysia, where some of their products come from Indonesia. For that, she continued, the Ministry of Trade will convince the Indonesian community in the country to adopt sustainable palm oil products.

"So, if they want, we do not need a third country, right from Indonesia, that is what we are looking for, we ask the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) to be the mediator between our palm oil producers and importers in Saudi Arabia," Arlinda said.

Palm oil contributed significantly to the country`s foreign exchange earning, amounting to US$22.97 billion, or Rp318 trillion, in 2017. The positive impact was the non-oil and gas trade balance gained a surplus of $11.83 billion.

Editing by Suharto
Editor: Heru Purwanto


French minister lauds Indonesia`s economic resilience
Jumat, 30 November 2018 08:10 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto (left) along with French Secretary of State for European and Foreign Affairs Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (second left) saw tire products during the inauguration of the synthetic rubber factory PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) in the Anyer Industrial Zone, Cilegon, Banten on Wednesday ( 11/29/2018). (ANTARA PHOTO/Asep Fathulrahman)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Secretary of State to the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne lauded Indonesia`s economy resilience which is supported by appropriate policies, and attractive climate for investment.

"I am impressed by the resilience of the Indonesian economy which has proven capable of coping with crisis. Indonesia has also carried out economic reforms to increase investment," Lemoyne said at a press conference here Thursday night (Nov 29).

The improvement of Indonesia`s investment climate was appreciated by France, which has just invested US$435 million in PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) to build a synthetic rubber factory in Cilegon, Banten province.

PT SRI is a joint venture company between Michelin and PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.

With a production capacity of 120 thousand tons per year, the factory will complement all materials needed for the manufacture of tires in Indonesia. The first production of this factory will be exported with a value of around US$250 million.

"Investing in companies operating in Indonesia is a form of our efforts to help increase Indonesia`s export to neighboring countries, especially the ASEAN market," Lemoyne said.

Indonesia is expected to maintain its good investment climate by maintaining the quality of human resources and the stability of democracy.

France through Business France will cooperate with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) to attract more investment into the country.

"We hope to double the number of French companies in Indonesia to export products throughout the world," Lemoyne said.

Reporting by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Editing by Libertina, Suharto
Editor: Heru Purwanto

SOE Ministry to accelerate revitalization of sugar mills
Jumat, 30 November 2018 17:00 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. Farmers harvest sugar cane to be sent to sugar mills, in Ngawi, East Java. (ANTARA PHOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry is accelerating the revitalization of the country`s sugar mills, particularly factories under state plantation firms PT Perkebunan Nusantara Grup (PTPN Grup) and PT Rajawali Nusantra Indonesia (PTRNI).

Aimed at increasing production and meeting national sugar need, the revitalization is carried out to increase efficiency, raise milling capacity, improve sugar quality and downstreaming products.

"This is important for supporting national food resilience and self-sufficiency in sugar. The steps will reduce costs for SOE sugar production which could be sold to the people at an affordable price," Wahyu Kuncoro, deputy for agro industry and pharmacy of the SOE Ministry, said in written statement on Friday.

Although it is sold at an affordable price level, yet it would not ignore efforts to improve the welfare of can sugar farmers, partners, company employees and state-owned firms` profit.

Kuncoro said SOE sugar production up to now is recorded at 1.16 million tons, consisting of 846 thousand tons by PTPN Group, 271 thousand tons by PTRNI and 35.5 thousand tons by P`T Gendhis Multi Manis (GMM).

The sugar is produced from sugar cane area totaling 224 thousand hectares, consisting of 172 thousand hectares of sugarcane area of PTPN Group, 46.2 thousand hectares of sugarcane area of PTRNI and 5.5 thousand hectares of cane sugar land of GMM.

"The sugar production of SOEs this year is estimated to be 1.19 million tons or increased from last year`s only 1.16 million tons. In the next 5 years, according to SOE sugar roadmap, sugar production is projected to increase to 3.2 million tons," he explained.

Reporting by Indriani
Editing by Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Rupiah up 80 points to close at rp14,281 per dollar on Friday evening
Jumat, 30 November 2018 23:42 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: ANTARA


Indonesian rupiah currency. (ANTARA /Puspa Perwitasari)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The rupiah rose 80 points to close at Rp14,281 per dollar at the Jakarta inter-bank spot market on Friday evening compared to the previous close of Rp14,361 per dollar.

"External factors are one of the causes of the rupiah`s appreciation against the dollar," Valbury Asia Futures analyst Lukman Leong said here on Friday.

Since Chief of the Fed Jerome Powell announced the Fed rate was slightly below the neutral level, the rate hike will not be aggressive, he said.

"The dovish stance put pressure on the US dollar against global major currencies including the rupiah," he said.

In addition, the relatively low global crude prices also helped the rupiah appreciate against the dollar, he said.

"The low global crude prices will help the performance of the trade balance," he said.

He added that the government`s optimism over the national economy that will continue to pick up will also help the rupiah strengthen.

According to Bank Indonesia`s mid rate on Friday, the rupiah strengthened to Rp14,339 per dollar compared to Rp14,408 per dollar the day before.

Reporting by Zubi Mahrofi
Editing by Suharto, Bustanuddin

Editor: Bustanuddin

Jumat, 30 Nov 2018 19:13 WIB

Observatorium Terbesar di Asia Tenggara Dibangun di Kupang
Agus Tri Haryanto - detikInet

Ilustrasi benda-benda di luar angkasa. Foto: Dok. LAPAN

Jakarta - Pembangunan fisik Observatorium Nasional Timau mulai dilakukan yang ditandai dengan peletakan batu pertama. Fasilitas pengamatan benda antariksa ini akan jadi yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara.

Observatorium Nasional Timau sendiri terletak di di Gunung Timau, Kecamatan Amfoang, Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

Peletakan batu pertama tersebut dipimpin langsung oleh Deputi Sains Antariksa dan Atmosfer Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Afif Budiyono diawali dengan penyerahan lokasi dari pihak LAPAN kepada pihak kontraktor oleh PPK Pusat Sains Antariksa LAPAN Anwar Santoso.

Baca juga: Bumi Digoyang Gelombang Seismik Misterius, Ilmuwan Bingung

Kepala Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat LAPAN Jasyanto mengatakan, faktor yang menjadikan Observatorium Nasional Timau jadi fasilitas obsevatorium terbesar di Asia Tenggara karena teleskopnya.

"Obsevatorium Nasional Timau ini punya kapasitas besar, dilengkapi dengan teleskop optik berdiameter 3,8 meter. Ini jadi obsevatorium pusat pertama yang terbesar dan terintegrasi di Asia Tenggara yang dimiliki oleh LAPAN," ungkap Jasyanto saat dihubungi detikINET, Jumat (30/11/2018).

Jasyanto menjelaskan pemilihan Kupang dibangunnya observatorium ini dikarenakan di wilayah ini musim panasnya jadi yang terpanjang di Indonesia. Begitu juga curah hujan yang sangat minim di ibu kota Provinsi NTT tersebut.

Foto: Dok. LAPAN

"Selain itu, polusi cahayanya sedikit. Ini sangat bagus untuk pengamatan benda antariksa yang dapat dilakukan peneliti siang dan malam," ujarnya.

Diharapkan pembangunan fisik rumah teleskop optik 3,8 meter dapat dilakukan sesuai jadwal, sehingga dapat segera berperan aktif dalam mengemban amanat keantariksaan.

"Pembangunan diharapkan dapat selesai pada tahun 2020 sehingga langsung beroperasi," kata Jasyanto.

Baca juga: Inikah Penyebab Gelombang Seismik Misterius yang Guncang Bumi?

Seperti dikutip dari laman LAPAN, pembangunan Observatorium Nasional Timau penting bagi Indonesia karena mengemban amanat ganda.

Pertama, sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2013 tentang keantariksaan, memuat tentang kegiatan keantariksaan, salah satunya sains antariksa.

Kedua, menjadi salah satu agenda prioritas Presiden (Nawa Cita), yaitu membangun Indonesia dari pinggiran dengan memperkuat daerah-daerah dan desa dalam kerangka negara kesatuan, antara lain melalui pemerataan pembangunan antar-wilayah, terutama Kawasan Timur Indonesia.

Observatorium Nasional Timau bukan hanya berfungsi untuk penelitian keantariksaan, melainkan juga berdampak positif dalam pengembangan Kawasan Timur Indonesia.


VP meets with Saudi crown prince to discuss Cilacap refinery
Sabtu, 1 Desember 2018 14:50 WIB - 3 Views

Reporter: Antara


Vice President Jusuf Kalla meets with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman on the sidelines of his visit to Buenos Aires, Argentine, for G20 Summit on Friday (30/11/2018). (Tim Media Wapres)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Vice President Jusuf Kalla held a bilateral meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman on the sidelines of their visit to Buenos Aries, Argentina, on Friday to discuss bilateral cooperation.

Topics discussed comprised the refinery project in Cilacap, Central Java, in which Saudi Arabia has invested US$6 billion.

"We (Indonesia and Saudi Arabia) have signed an agreement to build an oil refinery in Cilacap. The investment is quite big around US$6 billion. They have called for its acceleration," Kalla noted in a press statement received by Antara here on Saturday.

He said Prince Salman had also sought cooperation on manpower training and technology transfer.

Speaking in connection with Saudi Arabia`s complaint voiced regarding the project, Kalla clarified that the obstacle currently faced by Indonesia was the land issue.

"We must admit that the problem is because we have not been able to settle the land problem. That is what they want us to speed it up," he noted.

Kalla said with the presence of the refinery, the government would later be able to store large quantities of oil, thereby helping to reduce oil imports.

"We hope that once the refinery project is completed, we would be able to reduce oil (imports)," he added.

Reporting by Fransiska Ninditya, Yoseph Hariyadi
Editing by Yoseph Hariyadi
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi

SOE Ministry to accelerate revitalization of sugar mills
Jumat, 30 November 2018 17:00 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Illustration. Farmers harvest sugar cane to be sent to sugar mills, in Ngawi, East Java. (ANTARA PHOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry is accelerating the revitalization of the country`s sugar mills, particularly factories under state plantation firms PT Perkebunan Nusantara Grup (PTPN Grup) and PT Rajawali Nusantra Indonesia (PTRNI).

Aimed at increasing production and meeting national sugar need, the revitalization is carried out to increase efficiency, raise milling capacity, improve sugar quality and downstreaming products.

"This is important for supporting national food resilience and self-sufficiency in sugar. The steps will reduce costs for SOE sugar production which could be sold to the people at an affordable price," Wahyu Kuncoro, deputy for agro industry and pharmacy of the SOE Ministry, said in written statement on Friday.

Although it is sold at an affordable price level, yet it would not ignore efforts to improve the welfare of can sugar farmers, partners, company employees and state-owned firms` profit.

Kuncoro said SOE sugar production up to now is recorded at 1.16 million tons, consisting of 846 thousand tons by PTPN Group, 271 thousand tons by PTRNI and 35.5 thousand tons by P`T Gendhis Multi Manis (GMM).

The sugar is produced from sugar cane area totaling 224 thousand hectares, consisting of 172 thousand hectares of sugarcane area of PTPN Group, 46.2 thousand hectares of sugarcane area of PTRNI and 5.5 thousand hectares of cane sugar land of GMM.

"The sugar production of SOEs this year is estimated to be 1.19 million tons or increased from last year`s only 1.16 million tons. In the next 5 years, according to SOE sugar roadmap, sugar production is projected to increase to 3.2 million tons," he explained.

Reporting by Indriani
Editing by Andi Abdussalam
Editor: Heru Purwanto


Thank god, so many of our sugarmills are still using colonial era technology, wasteful as hell.
Three Saudi companies win Indonesian business award
Minggu, 2 Desember 2018 10:10 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Jidda, Saudi Arabia, (ANTARA News) - Three Saudi companies that have been loyal to Indonesian business partners have won Primaduta Award from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.

The three companies are Abdul Latif Jameel Co., Jarir Bookstore and Said Bawazir Trading Corp. (SBTC).

"Primaduta is the highest award from the Indonesian Government to foreign companies for being loyal in buying and developing imported products from Indonesia," Director General of National Export Development at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Arlinda, stated here on Saturday.

The award was handed over on the last day of the 2018 Made in Indonesia Expo held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on November 28 to December 1.

According to her, these foreign companies have contributed to increasing Indonesia`s trading volume.

Arlinda said the award is a form of good trust and commitment between Saudi Arabian businessmen and their Indonesian partners.

Indonesia is one of the best countries and the right place to establish business cooperation in the world, she added.

"We have a pleasant business climate. I am sure these three importers enjoy their romantic and nice business with Indonesian partners," Arlinda said.

Indonesia`s business commitment is expected to spread throughout Saudi Arabia, so that cooperation between the two countries will increase.

"I hope their trust and commitment with Indonesian business people can spread throughout Saudi Arabia, which in turn will increase trade cooperation between the two countries," she said.

Arlinda is optimistic that there will be many more Saudi Arabian businessmen receiving Primaduta Award in the future, along with the enhancing trade partnerships between the two countries.

The 2018 Made in Indonesia Expo was held for the first time in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to introduce Indonesian products in the country and the Middle East.

Earlier, Chairman of the Indonesia Expo 2018 Sukur Sakka pointed out that the exhibition was aimed at promoting Indonesia in Saudi Arabia, in particular, and the Middle East, in general.

The exhibition was held at the Jeddah Center for Forums & Events and featured 75 booths showcasing Indonesian products and services from various companies.

Seventy percent of the products on display are food items, including coffee, ready-to-eat food products, and chocolate. It is considered that Indonesian food has vast opportunities in the Saudi Arabian market.

Meanwhile, at the opening of the exhibition on November 28, Indonesia Consul General Jeddah Mohamad Hery Saripudin stated that since decades Indonesia has not held a single exhibition in order to introduce the potential of Indonesian trade, tourism, investment and professional labor to the public of Saudi Arabia.

In fact, Saudi Arabia is a captive market for Indonesian products because Indonesia is the largest sending country of pilgrims in the world with more than 221 thousand pilgrims and more than 1.2 million umroh (minor hajj) pilgrims per year.

Thus, Indonesian products related to catering, accommodation and transportation needs are urgently required.

This can be seen from the achievement of the performance of Indonesia`s non-oil and gas exports to Saudi Arabia at the end of 2017 reaching US$1.38 billion, up 3 percent compared to that in the same period in 2016 which was US$1.33 billion.

Reporting by Sella Panduarsa Gareta, Libertina Widya Ambari
Editing by Sri Haryati

Editor: Andi Abdussalam

News feature - Embodying Indonesia as leading exporter of ornamental fish by Eliswan Azly
Selasa, 4 Desember 2018 00:56 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: ANTARA


Indonesian ornamental fish. (pengging.com)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, where two-third of its territory is ocean, which means that almost all types of tropical ornamental fish are found in Indonesia.

At least 400 species of freshwater ornamental fish and 650 sea water species of fish have been recorded in the territory of Indonesia, which illustrates that Indonesia has the potential to become the largest exporter of ornamental fish in the world.

Indonesian freshwater is inhabited by 1,248 species of fish, of which 243 species are endemic species and 122 species are ornamental shrimps; while in Indonesia`s marine waters, there are around 3,476 species of fish.

Even though ornamental fish have not contributed much to the acquisition of national non-oil and gas export foreign exchange, it does not mean that ornamental fish is underestimated because of its potential that has not been optimized.

Currently, Indonesia is ranked third in the world for the export of seawater ornamental fish and is ranked fifth in the world for the export of freshwater ornamental fish.

The value of Indonesia`s ornamental fish exports in 2017 amounted to US$27.6 million, up $3 million from 2016, when it amounted to $24.6 million. Taking into account the diversity of ornamental fish available, it is no exaggeration that Indonesia is ranked number one in the world.

The value of world ornamental fish exports in 2017 reached $341 million, an increase of 10.57 percent from the previous year. This means that the share of Indonesian ornamental fish exports in the world market is still small and is a huge market opportunity because Indonesia is a "warehouse" for world ornamental fish. Moreover, Indonesia has a very high diversity of ornamental fish species.

Deputy for Natural Resources Coordination and Services of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs Agung Kuswandono noted that one way to realize Indonesia as the largest exporter of ornamental fish in the world is to cultivate as many of these ornamental fish as possible.

The government, especially the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, continues to encourage ornamental fish activists to be able to cultivate ornamental fish. But the government has also warned people to avoid assuming the sea as a bank of ornamental fish and stop overfishing, which may lead to running out of fish species.

Ornamental fish activists, including exporters, can cultivate ornamental fish, in order to avoid threat to their existence and enable sustainable exports.

A target of 2.5 million ornamental fish has been set for 2019. This can be realized if Indonesia has the willingness to maintain the sustainability of the ornamental fish life and not just sell it.

It is a sad reality that Singapore, has so far been known as the king of ornamental fish and not Indonesia, even though the fish are sent from Indonesia.

This is what must be changed, so that Indonesia will become a warehouse for ornamental fish, which means that Indonesia which manages ornamental fish in the Land of Air is to be disseminated throughout the world with the principle of sustainability.

Maintain the sustainability of natural resources

Although the opportunities for Indonesian ornamental fish exports are very large, it should be noted that preserve natural resources (SDA) should also be preserved, so that catching fish would not damage the environment.

Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut B. Pandjaitan revealed that regarding ornamental fish exports, the government supports exports but also reminds entrepreneurs to always pay attention to the sustainability of natural resources.

"The government is still in control. Therefore, similar to sea coral cultivation, it is a livelihood for MSMEs. We will allow it, but we cannot take it from nature," Pandjaitan remarked.

In Nusa Dua, Bali, in October 2018, the government carried out a program to replant sea corals that resemble spider webs. The results were amazing.

At present, there are around 21 provinces in Indonesia that are centers of ornamental fish production. Unfortunately, only about 96 percent of ornamental fish production in Indonesia is still in Java, especially in East Java.

The challenge in the future is to develop ornamental fish farming outside Java, because it has a large potential that has not yet been developed.

For this reason, the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, together with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Trade, LIPI, and other relevant ministries / agencies, will accelerate the development of the national ornamental fish industry, so that the targets in the Industrial Development Action Plan (RAN) Ornamental fish 2017-2021 to become the largest producer and exporter of ornamental fish in the world in 2021 can be achieved.

Regarding licensing issues, Pandjaitan added that his party would support and simplify the licensing process for ornamental fish entrepreneurs. He promised to embrace all relevant ministries or institutions to facilitate licensing, because licensing issues are in the national interest in the future.

For this reason, the government will seek a one-stop export permit so that entrepreneurs do not need to bother and the government will support it without hesitation.

At present, a legal umbrella for the National Action Plan (RAN) for the Development of Ornamental Fish Industry is being compiled, and the RAN of Ornamental Fish Industry is expected to become one of the guidelines for developing ornamental fish in Indonesia. Besides that, there will also be formulated mascot of ornamental fish, both freshwater and sea water ornamental fish.

Editor: Bustanuddin

Jokowi Released the 1.5 Millionth of Yamaha Units Exports
The president praises Yamaha for using local content up to 94%
Monday, 03 Dec 2018


- Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) to simplify the licensing process so that the export value can be increased.

According to Jokowi to encourage exports needed support from many parties, including relevant ministries. Support needs to be given, especially for investments or exports that use a lot of local materials.

"Export oriented investments, investments with high local content. We must give them space, as large as possible. If ministers don't give attention then I will pay attention myself," Jokowi said in the launch of the 1.5 millionth Yamaha motorcycle export at Head Office Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM), East Jakarta, Monday (12/03/2018).

"Next, I want to hear the future plans of Yamaha. How much investment. What can be helped from the Ministry of Industry because I don't want to have long licenses, tell the minister, if you can't, tell me (directly)," he added.

Exports on this occasion were carried out by PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) for its 1.5 million units of export motorcycles. Not only they're produced in Indonesia, the Yamaha-exported motorbike also uses local materials as much as 94.3 percent.

"This amount is very large, first the exports are high, the second is also the big investment of PT Yamaha, the third is also because the local content reaches 94.3 percent. This is a very large amount," he said.

Jokowi also wants Yamaha's investment value to increase even higher. According to him the use of local materials is something that supports the economy because if the content are imported it will result in a trade balance deficit.

The types of motorcycles that Yamaha exports this year are XMAX, NMAX, LEXI, AEROX, YZF-R3, YZF-R25, MT-03, MT-25, YZF-R15, MX-King, and several other types of motorcycles.

PT YIMM Vice President Director Dyonisius Beti explained that YIMM exports to 45 countries in 5 continents, such as Japan, the United States, Russia, Germany, France, countries in Asia, Africa and Australia. According to him, this proves that the work of the nation's children is recognized by the world.

"Hopefully with today's event, this is a good thing for the Indonesian economy. That Indonesia has a factory that has good quality standards, and this is what helps the economy. We hope that the government supports Indonesia's production continuously," said Dyonisius.
(idr / fig)




Indonesia announces drive to “control world market” in lithium batteries
3 December 2018 | By GCR Staff

Investors from South Korea, Japan and China are to put up $4bn to build a lithium battery factory on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, with work to begin on 11 January.

The announcement was made on Friday by Luhut Pandjaitan, the coordinating maritime minister.

“Looking at its resources, Indonesia will become the main player in lithium batteries,” he said, Reuters reports.

He added: “We will control the world market. We are lucky – we are starting in the third generation of lithium batteries, so it’s cheaper.”

Indonesia has large deposits of nickel and cobalt, two essential ingredients for the cathodes of lithium batteries. Demand for the product is expected to soar over the medium-term as more countries bring in policies to favour electric cars.

Reuters reports that the Morowali site where the proposed battery plant would be located has 20 nickel ore processing facilities that feed 1.5 million tonnes of nickel pig iron a year into a 3-million tonne-per-year stainless steel mill.

Pandjaitan did not say which investors or companies would be involved in the scheme, however Shenzhen battery firm GEM said in late September that it was teaming up with four companies to invest a total of $700 million in a project to produce battery-grade nickel chemicals in Morowali. The companies joining GEM include units of top Chinese lithium battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology and stainless steel-maker Tsingshan Holding Group.

They aim to establish nickel smelting capacity of at least 50,000 tonnes per year at Tsingshan’s industrial park in Morowali. The project will also have the capacity to smelt 4,000 tonnes of cobalt, and will be able to produce a range of battery chemicals, including 50,000 tonnes a year of nickel hydroxide intermediates.

Indonesia has also announced its own investment plans in lithium battery production. The country’s state-owned energy company Pertamina, has announced a plan to team up with state-owned mining company Aneka Tambang to set up production plants.

“We hope at least by the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021 we can produce batteries commercially ourselves,” Herutama Trikoranto, Pertamina’s senior vice president for research and technology said on Thursday.


Shrimp becomes Indonesia`s mainstay export commodity: minister
Selasa, 4 Desember 2018 16:59 WIB - 4 Views

Reporter: Antara


Minister of maritime affairs and fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti gives a soeech at a seminar on Innovative Aquaculture in Jakarta on Thursday (29/11/2018) (ANTARA News/Anggarini Paramita)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has urged stakeholders to increase foreign exchange from the exports of shrimp, as it is a mainstay commodity.

"I appeal to all stakeholders to cooperate in advancing the economy, from both marine and aquaculture fisheries, especially shrimp, as this commodity provides a dominant share in the structure of national fishery product exports," Minister Pudjiastuti noted in a press statement received by Antara here, Tuesday.

Earlier, Slamet Soebjakto, the director general of Aquaculture at the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, stated that shrimp is one of the most ready fisheries commodities in the face of industry 4.0.

"In terms of profit investment, shrimp cultivation and business are very well-prepared, in terms of technology, facilities and equipment, as well as trade and marketing systems," Soebjakto noted.

Soebjakto explained that good and sustainable practices were applied in several shrimp aquacultures. In addition, shrimp farms have applied a biosecurity system to protect the commodity from diseases.

According to Soebjakto, the application of sustainable aquaculture is part of the transformation towards industry 4.0. In addition to shrimp, other aquaculture export commodities, such as white snapper, grouper, and seaweed, are among the most ready fisheries commodities for transformation towards the industry 4.0.

The government is urged to overcome a variety of domestic obstacles that hamper the improvement of competitiveness and enhancement of export volume.

"If the government only pursues the target of increasing export value in the near future, the way is not by signing several free trade agreements but by resolving issues that hinder the increase of Indonesia`s competitiveness," Executive Director of Indonesia for Global Justice Rachmi Hertanti noted.

According to Hertanti, the government`s perspective is also expected to expand in seeing trade cooperation that is not merely limited to exports and imports.

Rachmi asserted that competitiveness should be improved with various forms of economic cooperation that also benefits people.

According to a report from Reuters released by the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 2018, Indonesia`s Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 was ranked 45th out of the 140 countries.

The ranking is below Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, which are at the second, 25th, and 38th position respectively.

Reporting by Muhammad Razi Rahman, Libertina W Ambari
Editing by Andi Abdussalam
Pegatron shifts from China to Indonesia as trade war bites
Leading iPhone assembler accelerates diversification strategy


Key iPhone assembler Pegatron has chosen Indonesia for its first diversification of manufacturing away from China in the wake of costly trade tensions between Washington and Beijing.

The Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer is preparing to shift production of non-iPhone products hit by U.S. tariffs on Chinese exports to a rented factory on Indonesia's Batam Island within the next six months.

A source with knowledge of the plan said the products -- which include set-top boxes and other smart devices -- accounted for close to $1 billion in annual revenue. Investment would start within the month, with full production expected by the middle of 2019, the person said.

Pegatron's move highlights the growing pressure on many manufacturers who have expanded in China in recent years and now find themselves squeezed by trade tensions, the country's rising wages and labor shortages.

Others who have recently indicated plans to shift non-Apple production from China include Pegatron's smaller iPhone rival Wistron, Apple Watch makers Quanta Computer and Compal, and AirPods maker Inventec.

Pegatron's decision to diversify out of China would not be altered by the recent fragile truce struck between the leaders of China and the U.S. at the G-20 meeting last weekend, the source said. "The Trump-Xi meeting will not affect the pace of Pegatron's strategy," said he said.

However the Indonesian investment was being fast-tracked in an indication that the tariffs have taken their toll.

"The investment will be made either by the end of this month or at the beginning of next month at the latest, as it will require two quarters for Pegatron to move, install, and certify equipment before the plant becomes fully operational," another person who familiar with the plan said. "This cannot be delayed for long," the person added.

Pegatron said it was "surveying all of the possibilities" but refused to comment further.

Nikkei Asian Review has also learned that Pegatron is also evaluating northern Vietnam as another possible manufacturing location. The country already has a growing electronics supply chain thanks to Samsung Electronics' sizable smartphone assembly operation. "But investment in Batam island is going faster than other places," the source said.

Pegatron Chairman Tung Tzu-hsien also recently told reporters that the company aims to expand its production capacity at its plant in northern Taiwanese city of Taoyuan to meet robust demand for the tariff-affected products.

Located only 20 km from Singapore's south coast, Batam is the closest part of Indonesia to Singapore and part of a free-trade zone in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle. Pegatron will rent a factory that can employ 8,000 to 10,000 laborers. The company needed to rent rather than build a new facility to ensure production as soon as possible, two sources confirmed to Nikkei. this would allow the group to transfer equipment from China more quickly, they said.

Compared with other Taiwanese peers such as Foxconn Technology Group, Wistron, Inventec and Compal Electronics -- which all have had facilities in Southeast Asia for years -- Pegatron has been reluctant to invest in manufacturing capacity outside of China.

Now, in addition to the trade war, conditions in China are growing more difficult.

During peak season between September and November each year, Pegatron, along with its subsidiaries, require more than 200,000 labors every year. It has become increasingly challenging to find these workers, given the high turnover of staff and fierce competition between electronics manufacturers for labor.

Pegatron Chief Financial Officer Charles Lin told investors in November that Pegatron's new facilities could be spread out over three countries in Southeast Asia.

Chairman Tung has said he expects multinational manufacturing management to become the norm in the next 10 years, with no single country capable of replicating the supply chains that have been built in China or of supplying the hundreds of thousands of workers needed in peak season. "China will remain Pegatron's main production hub for sure," he said recently.

However, multinational manufacturing presents a significant challenge to companies used to centralized supply chains in China. Analysts said they would now have to deal with the costs of new facilities, moving equipment, building expertise and training staff. They would have to do this while maintaining production quality at high levels, even as they shifted production from China, analysts said.

Wistron confirmed with the Nikkei Asian Review on Tuesday that it will relocate some of production for server motherboards and other products to the northern Taiwanese city of Hsinchu and to its existing facility in Subic Bay in the Philippines. Quanta recently spent NT$4.28 billion to buy a plot of land and a building near its headquarters in Taoyuan, as it is moving some high-end and highly-automated devices back to Taiwan.

"The latest development of the trade tensions between the world's two largest economies will not change Quanta's ongoing plan [for production diversification]," a Quanta official told the Nikkei Asian Review.

Terry Gou, chairman of Apple's main iPhone assembler Foxconn, on Tuesday predicted that trade tensions would last "five to 10 years" despite the truce. Global supply chains would have to adjust their strategies by building new international networks he said in a speech at the annual cross-strait entrepreneur meeting in Chinese city of Xiamen.

"Uncertain policies are causing pressure on manufacturers. Only through multi-location strategies can they respond the fast-changing dynamics," Gou was quoted as saying in Taiwan's Economic Daily.


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