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Indonesia Defense Industry

Indonesian developed smart bomb prototypes. Designed to be put on Aircraft and MALE UCAV.


Badak Pindad is seen during military exercise



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Private Sector and SOE join cooperation

Jakarta, 21 April 2021

Infoglobal and NTP Sign Cooperation Agreement Maintenance Research Engine Hawk 109/209

Marketing Infoglobal


CEO of PT. NTP, Tarmizi Kemal Fasya Lubis (left) and CEO of Infoglobal, Adi Sasongko (right) sign MoU Research Maintenance Engine Hawk 109/209 (20/04/21)

CEO of PT. Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta, Adi Sasongko and CEO of PT. Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (NTP), Tarmizi Kemal Fasya Lubis sign Cooperation Agreement research maintenance Engine Hawk 109/209 on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Studio Bela Negara, Ministry of Defence of Republic of Indonesia.

This signing of agreement is conducted on the event Ngopi Daring Bela Negara Bersama Industri Pertahanan and witnessed by Dirtekindhand Ditjen Pothan Kemhan, Laksma TNI Sri Yanto and the officers and also broadcast live via Zoom.

Infoglobal and NTP cooperates for research maintenance Hawk 109/209 engine. Adi Sasongko said that this project is started from a challenge to revive Hawk aircraft, in which it is not only talk about the engine but also the avionics, the work that comes together.

The cooperation which is motivated by the ideals of nation independence in the field of defense technology, is welcomed by Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan, because it is in line with the Ministry of Defence program, Defence Industry coaching. One of the points of the program is cooperation in order the defence industry ecosystem in Indonesia can collaborate to produce defence equipment needed.

With this cooperation between Infoglobal-NTP, the Hawk 109/209 can be life extended.

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Jakarta, 21 April 2021

Infoglobal and NTP Sign Cooperation Agreement Maintenance Research Engine Hawk 109/209

Marketing Infoglobal

View attachment 898390
CEO of PT. NTP, Tarmizi Kemal Fasya Lubis (left) and CEO of Infoglobal, Adi Sasongko (right) sign MoU Research Maintenance Engine Hawk 109/209 (20/04/21)

CEO of PT. Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta, Adi Sasongko and CEO of PT. Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (NTP), Tarmizi Kemal Fasya Lubis sign Cooperation Agreement research maintenance Engine Hawk 109/209 on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Studio Bela Negara, Ministry of Defence of Republic of Indonesia.

This signing of agreement is conducted on the event Ngopi Daring Bela Negara Bersama Industri Pertahanan and witnessed by Dirtekindhand Ditjen Pothan Kemhan, Laksma TNI Sri Yanto and the officers and also broadcast live via Zoom.

Infoglobal and NTP cooperates for research maintenance Hawk 109/209 engine. Adi Sasongko said that this project is started from a challenge to revive Hawk aircraft, in which it is not only talk about the engine but also the avionics, the work that comes together.

The cooperation which is motivated by the ideals of nation independence in the field of defense technology, is welcomed by Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan, because it is in line with the Ministry of Defence program, Defence Industry coaching. One of the points of the program is cooperation in order the defence industry ecosystem in Indonesia can collaborate to produce defence equipment needed.

With this cooperation between Infoglobal-NTP, the Hawk 109/209 can be life extended.

The upgrade and life extension program for about 32 Indonesian Hawk 200/100 have been accepted by both Minister of Planning and Minister of Finance this year. BAE System will be included on the program.

Worth of the program is 63.5 million USD

GCI Radar Function Test​

Nov 15, 2022


GCI Radar performance is expected to sniff air targets up to a distance of 515 km (photos : Defense Studies)

Balitbang of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense again conducted a function test on the GCI Radar, to further mature the system and the perfection of the radar that will be the guardian of the Indonesian sky.

This function test was reviewed directly by the Head of Balitbang of the Ministry of Defense and the Director of Business & Cooperation of PT Len Industri (Persero).


Radar Ground-Controlled Interception (GCI) R&D activities were carried out by PT Len Industri (Persero) together with PT LAPI ITB, PT Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI) and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta who joined the GCI Radar R&D KSO and were supported by the Balitbang Kemhan of the Ministry of Defense.

PT LEN Industri CEO, Bobby Rasyidin, leading other SOE defense companies in 2021 stake holders meeting

Private sector

Keel Laying Ceremony of 2 Offshore Patrol Vessels 90 meters for the Indonesian Navy at PT Daya Radar Utama Shipyard.



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Defense Minister Prabowo Visits ITB, Affirms Full Support for Defense Technologists

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Bandung - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto on Wednesday (3/11) visited the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to exchange ideas with defense technology experts regarding the contribution that can be made to the advancement of national defense.

During the meeting, Defense Minister Prabowo emphasized the Ministry of Defense's support for the efforts and innovations of technology experts from ITB through the signing of a joint agreement between the Ministry of Defense and ITB on the Implementation of Education, Research, Development of Science and Technology that Supports National Defense.

The joint agreement was signed by Defense Minister Prabowo and ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah. The agreement is intended to realize a strong and independent Indonesian national defense through collaborative activities in education, research, development of science and technology.

“The progress of defense technology depends on scientists. We really need you. We are ready to try to support your efforts and innovations," said Defense Minister Prabowo at the ITB Campus, Bandung, Wednesday.

Also attending the meeting, the Secretary of the ITB Institute, Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo, Head of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, Dr. Joko Sarwono, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara, Head of the Center for Defense and Security Technology Technology Djarot Widagdo, Ph.D, and researcher in the field of Defense Technology Dr. Joko Suryana and Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat.

At the event, Defense Minister Prabowo also had the opportunity to see some of the results of research and development carried out by ITB, including the development of AESA Radar and Passive Radar which were the result of joint research and development with the Balitbang Kemhan.

ITB is also developing a fighter plane simulator and an unmanned aircraft simulator together with Balitbang Kemhan and PT DI and developing natural materials for the manufacture of bullet-proof vests, as well as propellant raw materials for rockets. In addition, ITB is also developing unmanned aerial vehicles for serial surveillance of natural resources and the boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition to ITB, previously in September, Defense Minister Prabowo visited Airlangga University (Unair) and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and signed a similar cooperation in the field of education, research, and the development of science and technology that supports national defense. (Public Relations Bureau).





Ilham Habibie and PTDI Reveal Aerospace Technology for the Next 20-30 Years​

Stories from Tempo.co
7 hours ago

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The aerospace industry including PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) must adapt its technology to mega trends in the future. According to the President Commissioner of PT Regio Aviasi Industri, Ilham Akbar Habibie, there are three factors that must be prepared by the Indonesian aerospace industry in the next 20-30 years.

"Not only related to energy, but also the concept of building aircraft by optimizing materials and reducing waste," he said during a panel discussion, Friday afternoon, November 18, 2022.

Also read: Airbus and PTDI Sign Agreement to Expand Partnership

The discussion took place online and offline at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The title of the discussion, Application of Future Technology in the Development of the National Aerospace Industry.

According to Ilham, aircraft materials can be reprocessed from aircraft that are no longer fit to fly. "We modify, we process it again into a new aircraft," said the eldest son of BJ Habibie, the Father of Indonesian Technology who pioneered the aircraft industry in the country, this.

The second factor is related to net zero emissions. Someday, according to Ilham, there will be aircraft that use batteries in a hybrid manner. Currently, with the existing technological status, such an aircraft cannot be imagined to be able to fly tens to hundreds of passengers to thousands of kilometers.

At the very least, Ilham said, the hybrid aircraft engine can be pushed for taxiing, take off, landing. Then to an altitude of 35 thousand feet above sea level, the energy of the aircraft could be diverted to batteries and could fly far. "The engine of the aircraft could have been designed smaller," he added.


The CN235 type aircraft owned by PT Dirgantara Indonesia which is used for domestically made bioavature tests, Monday 6 Semptember 2021. PTDI

Then the third is digital simulation for wider use. The power of artificial intelligent technology is said to be able to solve the problem of design weaknesses and make simulations of use in terms of passengers and pilots. "The extreme is that we can fly in one metaverse environment," Ilham said.

In addition, according to him, the shape of airplanes will probably change by reducing the number of components that now reach hundreds of thousands. As a result, the production of aircraft will become environmentally friendly, the complexity and duration of their manufacture will be reduced.

Production Director of PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) Batara Silaban agrees with Ilham's thoughts. In addition to still producing CN-235, NC-212 aircraft, PTDI is said to be entering the commercialization stage of the N219 aircraft. "Now again the focus is on commercialization of N219," he said.

Meanwhile, in terms of key technology, PTDI was asked by the government to master one of them from cooperation with South Korea in the manufacture of fighter aircraft. "But there are limitations, not all key technologies we can get," Batara said, adding that aircraft material technology is also part of the plan, as well as the ability to integrate engineering and manufacturing.

Rocket technology

LAPAN (Indonesia Space and Aerospace Government Agency)
tested RX450 rocket in 2020

PT Dahana which is part of SOE defense holding (Defend ID) tested their MLRS system and indigenous RHAN 122 B rockets in 2019.

Private sector

Developer and Manufacturer: PT Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI)
This is radar made by Indonesian national company uses 60 % local content
Status : In Operation by Indonesian Army
Research fund from Indonesian Army (TNI-AD)

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PT PAL Indonesia, first cutting steel Merah Putih Frigates (Arrowhead based design).

Friday, December 9, 2022. Surabaya, East Java


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