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Indonesia Defence Forum

After cooperating with south korea and now with turkey, i hope we can cooperate with others nation also, like sweden, Denmark and south Africa
Denmark with frigate is very good deals ... hopes Jokowi visit Denmark and sign MoU like in Turkey, coz Kemhan and others are too complicate and slow to deals.

South Africa from what i read , their weapon too expensive for ToT (CMIIW)
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Denmark with frigate is very good deals ...

South Africa from what i read , their weapon too expensive for ToT (CMIIW)
Yeah Iver is good
How about start to prioritize to learn about weapon , sensor and subsystem?
PAL already got the knowledge to build SIGMA ship, but we still cant build the weapon , sensor and subsystem,
Yeah Iver is good
How about start to prioritize to learn about weapon , sensor and subsystem?
PAL already got the knowledge to build SIGMA ship, but we still cant build the weapon , sensor and subsystem,
FFBNW is the answer ...:)

PT LEN , PT PINDAD need more bugdet to development such advance weapon, which is never mention by BUMNIS priority .. :(

for example if we ToT oto melara Merlin 30 mm gun .. will be useful for Navy ... navy need minimal 42 KPC 40 m and more for corvette, frigate and Bakamla if they allow to have one.
Yeah Iver is good
How about start to prioritize to learn about weapon , sensor and subsystem?
PAL already got the knowledge to build SIGMA ship, but we still cant build the weapon , sensor and subsystem,

well the ideal is like that, but as a notes we began everything at very basic level very recently. Eventhough Habibie had laying foundation in aviation industry sector (although still very rudiment and basic assembly process) in 80s decade the other strategic industry is still in very infantil stage at developing and designing military grade platforms. Just very recently our PINDAD capable to built a working design and assemble a decent APC called Anoa (2004) and PT PAL constructing their Patrol boat Nav series just in late 90's and just recently success in assembling proper LPD (2008) and light frigate (2016).

Actually government trying to nurture our other strategic industry just so they can becoming supplier for parts and systems for our main three lead integrator defense industries. PT Krakatau Posco steel starting to supplying PINDAD and PAL with their steel products. Meanwhile PT LEN starting to engaging in electronic related defense system engineering, PT Dahana is in cooperation with Pindad to supplying them with propellant charge units and so on. There is rumour about government starting to developing PT Barata industries as supplier for heavy engineery equipments needed
Nepal order CN 235 PT Dirgantara Indonesia


CN235 Senegal Air Force

Nepal Pesan CN235

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) baru saja menandatangani kontrak pembuatan satu unit pesawat dari Nepal. Diharapkan pembuatan pesawat selesai sekitar 18 bulan.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno mengungkapkan, penandatanganan kontrak ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pasar PT Dirgantara Indonesia di Asia dan Afrika.

“Kontrak pembuatannya untuk CN235 1 unit. Ini akan memperbanyak pasar pesawat itu di Afrika,” kata Harry saat berbincang dengan Liputan6.com, Minggu (9/7/2017).

Sebelumnya, PT DI juga telah mengirimkan pesawat jenis yang sama ke negara Afrika, yaitu Senegal sebanyak 1 unit. Bahkan saat ini Senegal menambah pesanan satu unit lagi ke PT DI dan saat ini tengah dikerjakan.

Harry menuturkan, untuk pesanan pesawat dari Nepal ini, akan dikerjakan oleh PT DI kurang lebih selama 18 bulan. “Jadi akan di deliver tahun depan,” tegas Harry.

Mengenai kemampuan CN235 yang diinginkan Nepal adalah pesawat yang dikhususkan untuk transportasi militer. “Untuk harganya, sangat variatif, tergantung pesanannya untuk apa, transportasi, patroli atau yang lainnya. Kalau patroli itu lebih mahal,” tutur Harry.

Perlu diketahui, saat ini PT Dirgantara Indonesia dan CASA menjadi dua perusahaan yang memiliki lisensi Airbus dalam memproduksi CN235. Hanya saja, dalam kesepakatannya, CASA memiliki hak pasar di wilayah Eropa dan Amerika Serikat (AS). Sedangkan PT DI memiliki hak pasar di luar dua benua tersebut.

mam @madokafc any info/update about Chinese Ashm TOT?
sepertinya ga mulus?


KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331 bersandar di Dermaga Pondok Dayung TNI AL, Jakarta Utara, Jumat (7/4/2017). Kapal itu dikukuhkan sebagai kapal perang pimpinan atau flagship. (KOMPAS.COM/LUTFY MAIRIZAL PUTRA)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT PAL Indonesia (persero) kini tengah menjajaki pengadaan kapal perang untuk Nigeria. Usai sebelumnya sukses mengirimkan pesanan kapal perang ke Filipina.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno mengatakan bahwa Nigeria tertarik mendatangkan kapal perang buatan Indonesia.

"Pelaksanaan pembuatan kapal perang itu masih belum dapat ditentukan. Apakah berjenis Perusak Kapal Rudal (PKR) atau Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV)," kata Harry dilansir dari laman resmi www.bumn.go.id, Minggu (9/7/2017).

Menurut Harry, jika tahun ini (2017) terjadi kesepakatan antara kedua negara. Maka besar kemungkinan kapal pesanan Nigeria tersebut bisa diselesaikan dan diserahkan pada tahun 2019 mendatang.

"Kedua pihak sudah melakukan pembicaraan untuk pengadaannya. Makanya nanti akan menyesuaikan kebutuhan serta pendanaan pembuatan kapal tersebut," kata Harry.

Diketahui, pada September 2016 PT PAL telah mengekspor kapal perang pesanan Filipina jenis SSV. Kapal perang dengan kecepatan maksimal 16 knot itu diberi nama Davao Del Sur.

Spesifikasi umum kapal SSV itu termasuk panjang 123,0 meter, lebar 21,8 meter, serat air 5 meter, bobot 7.200 ton, dan daya angkut 621 orang.


Indonesia bid to supply warship to nigeria*
Wait, can PAL export PKR? Will damen be okay with this?

*ntranslate ning inggrise mbuh bener pora, menjajaki = bid
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@jek spparoww nope, PT PAL can't exported PKR now because PKR only for indonesia navy now, but i dunno if in future PKR can be exoprted. as long i know nigerian interested wit LPD
SharpEye™ radar technology chosen by two Indonesian ports
07 Jul 2017
Kelvin Hughes, is pleased to announce that two ports in Indonesia have selected variants of the company’s SBS-800 Upmast X-Band SharpEye™ range to ensure the safe entry and exit, management and monitoring of vessels.

The second largest port in Indonesia, Surabaya has opted for the SBS-800-2. The centre of cargo distribution for East Java and a gateway to Eastern Indonesia, Surabaya is accessed from the North through the Madura strait, a 25-mile-long, 100m wide and 9.5m deep channel between East Java and Madura Island. The port has multi-purpose terminals, handling general cargo, bulk carriers, gas carriers, tankers, container vessels, Ro-Ro and passenger vessels.


The port of Bitung is being developed as an international hub and currently handles general bulk cargo, tankers, containers and cruise vessels. It is located in the Lembeh Strait, 50km east of Manado. The Bitung Port of Administration has selected the SBS-800-3 pulse Doppler radar with frequency diversity.

The SBS-800 radar systems are designed to align with the 'Basic' and 'Standard' capability types of IALA V-128. With their patented, solid-state SharpEye™ technology, they transmit a low power pulse sequence which enables short, medium and long range radar returns to be detected simultaneously.

Doppler processing of the radar returns provides coherent information concerning target velocity and enables the detection of very small and slow moving objects with a low Radar Cross Section (RCS). Through a series of electronic filters, the SBS-800 is able to distinguish between targets of interest and sea, rain and land clutter.

In addition, with no magnetron required for the system, maintenance costs are significantly reduced.


Kelvin Hughes mengumumkan bahwa dua pelabuhan di Indonesia telah memilih varian SBS-800 Upmast X-Band SharpEye ™ untuk memastikan keamanan lalu lintas, pengelolaan dan pemantauan kapal di pelabuhan.

Pelabuhan terbesar kedua di Indonesia, Surabaya akan menggunakan SBS-800-2 dalam menunjang aktivitasnya, sedangkan Pelabuhan Bitung akan menggunakan Radar Upmast X-Band SharpEye VTS.

Pelabuhan Bitung sedang dikembangkan sebagai pusat internasional dan saat ini menangani kargo, tanker, kontainer dan kapal pesiar. Terletak di Selat Lembeh, 50km timur Manado, Administrasi Pelabuhan Bitung telah memilih SBS-800-3 Pulse Doppler Radar dengan keragaman frekuensi.

Sistem radar SBS-800 dirancang untuk menyesuaikan dengan tipe kemampuan ‘Dasar’ dan ‘Standar’ dari IALA V-128. Dengan teknologi solid-state SharpEye ™ yang dipatenkan, sistem akan mengirimkan urutan pulsa dengan kekuatan rendah yang memungkinkan radar jarak pendek, menengah, dan panjang kembali terdeteksi secara bersamaan.

Data yang diolah oleh sistem memberikan informasi yang koheren mengenai kecepatan target dan memungkinkan pendeteksian objek bergerak sangat kecil dan lambat dengan Radar Cross Section (RCS) yang rendah. Melalui serangkaian filter elektronik, SBS-800 mampu membedakan antara targets of interest and sea, rain and land clutter.

Selain itu, sistem ini tidak membutuhkan magnetron sehingga biaya perawatan akan berkurang secara signifikan, sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Kevin Hughes (07/07).

Photo : VTS radar at Bitung (Kevin Hughes)

Editor : (D.E.S)
Pertempuran Jarak Dekat Siswa Diktaifib Sesus Marinir

Surabaya: Sejumlah siswa pendidikan intai amfibi (Diktaifib) angkatan ke-43 sekolah khusus (Sesus) Marinir melakukan parameter tempur pertempuran jarak dekat (PJD) dalam perang kota di salah satu apartemen di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Minggu (9/7/2017).

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President leads ceremony of Bhayangkara day anniversary
Senin, 10 Juli 2017 15:25 WIB - 530 Views


President Joko Widodo inspects the row of ceremonial troops during the 71st anniversary of Indonesian Police held in National Monument, Jakarta on Monday (July 10). At least, 2,048 joint personnel took part during the troops parade. (ANTARA/Rosa Panggabean)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo or Jokowi led a ceremony at the National Monument (Monas) Square here on Monday to commemorate the 71st anniversary of Indonesian Police (Polri), commonly called Bhayangkara Day.

The President and First Lady Iriana, in the company of Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Madame Mufidah Kalla, arrived at the venue at 8 am Western Indonesian Standard Time (WIB).

In contrast to previous years, this time, the anniversary of Bhayangkara Day was held at Monas Square, instead of at the Mobile Bridage Kelapa Dua Command Station in Jakartas southern outskirts of Depok, so that people can witness firsthand the event.

"Last year the similar ceremony was held at the Mobile Bridage Kelapa Dua Command Station in Depok. But this year, it is at Monas area for efficiency, as well as closer to the public so that they can witness it," Police Public Relations Division Chief Inspector General Setyo Wasisto remarked.

He said the Bhayangkara Day anniversary usually falls on July 1, but this year it was commemorated on July 10 because the Police had been conducting the Ramadniya Operation until July 4.

"This ceremony is the momentum of the Police to evaluate and improve the performance and programs launched by the National Police chief," he said.

According to him, the 71st anniversary of the Bhayangkara Day was held by all Polri units by involving all modern equipment.

A total of 2,408 joint personnel of Polri, TNI, Civil Service Police Unit, and scouts were involved in the ceremony, including at least six police chiefs from six friendly countries.

During the ceremony, President Joko Widodo has awarded Bintang Bhayangkara Narariya to four elected police officers.

"The award is given to members of the police who have been instrumental, and have carried out their task beyond the call of duty," Setyo noted.

Editor: Bayu Prasetyo

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