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Indonesia Interested in Hughes HM500 Portable SATCOM Terminal


Hughes Defense is marketing its HM500, a lightweight, manpack portable SATCOM terminal. (photo : Hughes Defense)

Hughes Defense marketing HM500 portable lightweight SATCOM terminal

Hughes Defense is marketing a multi-band transportable manpack satellite communications (SATCOM) terminal that can be assembled in as quickly as 10 minutes, according to a company executive.

Wayne Marhefka, Hughes Defense senior director of business development, told Jane's in a recent interview the company saw an opportunity for the HM500 terminal after a meeting with an Indian military signal corps commander who expressed a desire for an easy-to-use, lightweight terminal that weighs 15 kg or less. The terminal, weighing less than 14 kg without batteries, is dramatically lighter than automatic pointing terminals that Marhefka said can weigh 100 kg or more.

Marhefka said he returned to India six months later with an operational terminal. Not only did he perform the demonstration for the India military official, but he said the terminal has performed another 20 demonstrations for various military users. Marhefka said Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore have also expressed interest in a terminal similar to the HM500.

The terminal, Marhefka said, takes less than 15 minutes to assemble and as quickly as 10 minutes for someone with training. The terminal has three legs to serve as a tripod that screws into a base, which has the modem and connectors. The assembly includes eight panels made of composite materials, including two other pieces, Marhefka said.

The terminal is compatible with X-, Ku-, Ka-, and military Ka-bands. It would work with the US Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) constellation, Marhefka said, but the terminal has not been through WGS certification. Marhefka said the HM500 is designed to work with different types of Hughes modems, including the HM and HX product lines as well as the Jupiter high-throughput capability the company is developing.

Brimob personnel deployed to guard Indonesia-Philippine borders


On guard: North Sulawesi Police deputy chief Brig.Gen. Refdi Andri leads a call of readiness ceremony at the police headquarters in Manado, on May 29, to mark the deployment of the police’s Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel for a security operation codenamed Operation Aman Nusa 3 in Indonesia-Philippine border areas. (JP/Eva Aruperes)

Hundreds of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel from the North Sulawesi Police have been deployed to secure Indonesia-Philippine border areas in Sangihe and Talaud Islands regencies amid growing terror threats in the region.

North Sulawesi Police spokesperson Ibrahim Tompo said the situation in the province was relatively safe despite concerns of growing radicalism in the region.

“To anticipate developments and threats following the Marawi incident, the North Sulawesi Police have launched a territorial security operation codenamed Operation Aman Nusa 3,” he said.

Launched on May 29, Operation Aman Nusa 3 aims to secure the waters between Indonesia and the Philippines. Tompo said Brimob personnel would carry out maritime security operations and patrols.

“They will also make routine visits to villages and fishing communities to detect and gather information [on potential security threats] and to monitor mass organization activities. They will also coordinate with the Densus 88 counterterrorism squad to monitor radical movements,” said Tompo.

He further said the Brimob personnel would focus their sea patrol activities in the working areas of the Talaud Police and Sangihe Police. The team will be equipped with patrol vessels and weapons.

The Brimob personnel will be on duty for 90 days in Sangihe and Talaud. “Around three months. If the situation returns to normal, they can go home earlier, but, if security threats develop, more personnel will be deployed,” said North Sulawesi Police deputy chief Brig.Gen. Refdi Andri. (ebf)

Indonesia`s ship crew in Natuna incident repatriated from Vietnam


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Danang Gunawan Wibisono, crew of the supervisor ship of Indonesias Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministry who was evacuated to Vietnam over the Natuna incident on May 21, has been repatriated on Monday.

"Repatriation (of Wibisono) has been implemented under intensive coordination between the governments of Indonesia and Vietnam through diplomatic channels between the two countries that have been well established," Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministrys Secretary General Rifki Effendi Hardijanto said here on Tuesday.

Wibisono is the crew of the supervisor ship Hiu Macan 01 who participated in the arrest of five Vietnamese fishing boats in the Natuna Sea, Riau Islands, on May 21 last.

While carrying out the escort, the fishing vessel (of the Vietnamese) where Gunawan (was in to check), namely KH 97579 TS, sank in the fishing area. Gunawan was then evacuated to the nearest ship, namely the Vietnam Coast Guard ship.

"In a few days, Gunawan was on board the Vietnamese Coast Guard. Arriving at the Vietnam Coast Guard operation base in Ho Chi Min City, Gunawan was then handed over officially to the Indonesian Consulate General in Ho Chi Min City on May 27, 2017," Hardijanto explained.

In addition, the Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministry (KKP) will also process the repatriation of some 343 crew members of Vietnam which are still housed in the offices of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Supervision of Maritime Resources and Fisheries (PSDKP) premises.

"Fishermen who will be sent home (to Vietnam) are those caught by the fishery patrol ship in various operations for committing illegal fishing in Indonesian waters," according to the PSDKP director general Eko Djalmo Asmadi.(*)


MoU signed between Indonesia and Germany

More investment and technology in maritime will come to Indonesia


FPB 57 is ToT from Germany

RI dan Jerman Jalin Kerja Sama Strategis di Sektor Maritim

Jakarta - Kementerian Koordinator bidang Kemaritiman Republik Indonesia melakukan kerja sama bilateral dengan Jerman guna membangun poros kemaritiman di kedua negara tersebut.

Kerja sama tersebut tertuang dalam penandatanganan nota kesepahaman (MoU) antara Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dengan Deputi Perdana Menteri Jerman Sigmar Gabriel, di kantor Kementerian Luar Negeri Jerman, Berlin, pada Rabu (31/5/2017).

Turut pula hadir mendampingi Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Kedaulatan Maritim Kemenko Kemaritiman Arif Havas Oegroseno, Deputi Bidang Koordinasi SDM, Iptek dan Budaya Maritim Kemenko Kemaritiman Safri Burhanuddin, Dubes RI untuk Jerman Fauzi Bowo serta beberapa staf khusus Menko Maritim.

Kerja sama antar kedua negara tersebut merupakan implementasi dari deklarasi bersama antara Indonesia dengan Jerman dalam kerjasama komprehensif yang sempat dilakukan di Jakarta pada 12 Juli 2012.

Adapun yang tertuang dalam kerja sama tersebut antara lain kerja sama strategis maritim, keamanan dan keselamatan laut, investasi infrastuktur maritim, investasi galangan kapal, kerjasama riset dan teknologi serta pelatihan.

Lebih lanjut, dalam kesempatan tersebut Luhut juga terlibat dalam dialog dengan Deputi Perdana Menteri Sigmar Gabriel. Melalui keterangan Deputi Havas diketahui kedua belah pihak mendiskusikan beberapa topik hangat terkait geopolitik di kedua kawasan. Termasuk mengenai keamanan laut, dan potensi kerjasama strategis yang dijalin Indonesia-Jerman ke depan.

"Kedua pihak membahas geopolitik di kawasan, keamanan laut, counter terrorism, dan kerja sama strategis Indonesia-Jerman," ujarnya seperti dikutip dari keterangan pers Kemenko Maritim, Kamis (01/06/2017).

Selanjutnya diakui Havas, pertemuan tersebut rencananya akan ditindak-lanjuti dengan dua kunjungan balasan Deputi Perdana Menteri Jerman Sigmar Gabriel dan kunjungan Menteri Transportasi dan Infrastruktur Digital Jerman Alexander Dobrindt.

"Deputi PM Jerman akan datang ke Indonesia setelah Pemilu Jerman sekitar akhir September atau awal Oktober, sedangkan untuk kerja sama di bidang Konektifitas Maritim, menteri transportasi Jerman akan datang ke Indonesia sekitar Bulan Juli," ungkapnya.

Indonesia reinforces patrol to prevent ISIS infiltration from Philippines


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Coordinating Minister for Security, Law and Political Affairs Wiranto said the government has intensified sea and over land patrols to prevent infiltration of ISIS militants from the Philippines to Indonesia.

We have strengthened patrols in the sea and over land. I have talked to the military chief and police chief to prevent possible attempts by ISIS to infiltrate its militants to Indonesia," the retired army general said here on Monday.

He expressed support for the Philippines fighting Maute armed rebels which are affiliated to the Iraqi Syria Islamic States that calls for Islamic takeover of power especially in predominantly Muslim countries .

The Philippine government is seeking to drive the Maute militants out of the Marawi city, a mainly Muslim city of 200,000 where fighters had torched and seized a school, a jail and a cathedral, and took more than a dozen hostages.

The Maute militants have seized the city on Mindanao island of southern Philippines over the past several days.

Wiranto said Indonesia would support the Philippines government to launch systematic attacks to foil attempt to establish ISIS base in southern Philippines.

He said it is very likely that a number of militants from Indonesia had joined the Philippine radicals, adding currently ISIS adopts the concept of divergence inviting sympathizers from various countries to be trained militarily.

It was also known that in the meantime ISIS has sent activists to all over the world including southeast Asia to recruit fighters from among sympathizers, he said .

"There are already 500 Indonesians leaving for Syria to join ISIS. It is possible there are ISIS agents in the Philippines," he said.

He said the National Agency Controlling Terrorism (BNPT) has been ordered to find data about the number of Indonesians joining the armed rebels in the neighboring country.

"But what is more important is to prevent them from growing and expand their operations to Indonesia," he said.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has imposed martial law on Mindanao, that country's second-largest island and home to around 22 million people, to stop the spread of radical Islam.


Government strengthens patrols in border areas

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government plans to strengthen patrols in a number of border areas in the country in order to prevent members of radical group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from entering Indonesia, Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu said.

"We have planned to disconnect their entry. The patrols, especially in border areas, need to be strengthened in the air, sea, and land sectors," he stated in the Ministry of Defence offices in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The former Army Chief of Staff noted that the efforts to strengthen defence in the country will also be done by placing military personnel in Indonesias outermost regions, including ones bordering the Philippines.

"The same applies for the northern part of Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Halmahera, and Ambon. The army personnel need to be more active there," he remarked.

Ryacudu admitted that since a year and a half ago, his office has highlighted the emergence of armed militant groups, affiliated with ISIS, in the southern part of the Philippines.

He believed that the presence of these radical groups in the Philippines can potentially impose threats not only to Indonesia but also to a number of other countries in the Southeast Asia region.

"I have reminded all party to be cautious. This group will return to the Philippines after they fail in Europe. We have predicted that in the past, and now it has become real," he stated.

For that reason, he encouraged all parties to support the governments efforts to push ISIS back in order to prevent them from spreading in Indonesia.(*)


Indonesia to discuss ISIS prevention with Malaysia, Philippines

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesias Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu said here on Wednesday Indonesia would discuss measures to prevent spread of ISIS in Southeast with the givernments of Malaysia and the Philippines.

"Later I will meet with all, with Malaysia and the Philippines at Shangri La Dialogue. We will discuss how the three countries would overcome it (ISIS)," he said at his office.

He explained Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines have so far cooperated in the field of security including in regional patrolling to deal with pirates in the borders of the three countries.

He said the emergence of current threat in the form of terrorism movement by an armed radical group that has disrupted peace in Southeast Asia must seriously be overcome by the three countries.

Moreover, it is suspected that South Philippines has been targeted to become the next ISIS base, he said.

"If the group in the Philippines spreads, then what will be the anticipation?. Bilateral meetings are very useful," he said.

Minister Ryamizard said he would seriously communicate with the Philippines with regard to providing assistance in case that country of President Rodigro Duterte would need it.

"There are issues that can be very sensitive but the Philippines must understand that the group is threatening his region. We will not be arbitrary as entering other regions is regulated by law," he said. (*)


17 WNI berhasil dievakuasi dari Marawi

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Sebanyak 17 warga negara Indonesia (WNI) berhasil dievakuasi dengan selamat dari wilayah konflik di Filipina bagian selatan, oleh tim evakuasi dari KBRI Manila dan KJRI Davao yang berkoordinasi dengan otoritas keamanan Filipina.

Melalui pesan singkat yang diterima Antara pada Kamis, Direktur Perlindungan WNI dan Badan Hukum Indonesia Kementerian Luar Negeri RI Lalu Muhammad Iqbal menjelaskan bahwa 11 WNI dievakuasi dari wilayah Marantao, Provinsi Lanao del Sur yang berjarak 20 kilometer dari Marawi City.

Sementara 6 WNI lainnya dievakuasi dari wilayah Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Provinsi Lanao del Norte.

Seluruh WNI tersebut kemudian dibawa ke Bandara Laguindingan, Mindanao Utara, dan langsung diterbangkan ke Davao City.

"Evakuasi dilakukan oleh dua tim berbeda setelah Menlu RI mendapat jaminan keamanan dari pemerintah Filipina untuk dilakukan proses evakuasi," ujar Iqbal.

Proses evakuasi dimulai pada Kamis pagi sekitar pukul 07.00 waktu setempat, setelah sempat tertunda beberapa hari karena situasi keamanan yang dinilai belum kondusif.

Proses evakuasi berawal dari informasi yang diterima Kemlu mengenai 16 WNI anggota Jamaah Tabligh dan 1 WNI yang menetap di Marawi yang terjebak di tengah konflik yang memanas di wilayah tersebut.

Setelah melakukan verifikasi status 17 WNI tersebut serta memastikan lokasi keberadaan mereka, Menlu Retno Marsudi segera memerintahkan pihak KBRI Manila dan KJRI Davao untuk memindahkan belasan WNI tersebut ke wilayah aman.

"Saat ini 17 WNI sudah berada di KJRI Davao dan akan segera dipulangkan ke Indonesia," kata Iqbal.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla menegaskan bahwa keberadaan 16 WNI di Filipina bagian selatan murni untuk tujuan dakwah, bukan terlibat aksi militan Kelompok Maute yang mengaku berafiliasi dengan teroris ISIS seperti yang diinformasikan oleh militer Filipina.

"Ya kan pergi berdakwah dia, itu jamaah tabligh yang selalu pergi berdamai-damai, tinggal di masjid, ada yang datang ke Indonesia, ada juga yang ke luar, itu dakwah damai, benar itu," tutur Jusuf Kalla.

Menurut Wapres, keyakinannya didasarkan pada laporan yang diberikan kepadanya dari kementerian dan lembaga terkait, serta dari rekam jejak lembaga dakwah yang rutin melakukan kunjungan ke Filipina, dan negara-negara lain.


Indonesia`s ship crew in Natuna incident repatriated from Vietnam


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Danang Gunawan Wibisono, crew of the supervisor ship of Indonesias Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministry who was evacuated to Vietnam over the Natuna incident on May 21, has been repatriated on Monday.

"Repatriation (of Wibisono) has been implemented under intensive coordination between the governments of Indonesia and Vietnam through diplomatic channels between the two countries that have been well established," Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministrys Secretary General Rifki Effendi Hardijanto said here on Tuesday.

Wibisono is the crew of the supervisor ship Hiu Macan 01 who participated in the arrest of five Vietnamese fishing boats in the Natuna Sea, Riau Islands, on May 21 last.

While carrying out the escort, the fishing vessel (of the Vietnamese) where Gunawan (was in to check), namely KH 97579 TS, sank in the fishing area. Gunawan was then evacuated to the nearest ship, namely the Vietnam Coast Guard ship.

"In a few days, Gunawan was on board the Vietnamese Coast Guard. Arriving at the Vietnam Coast Guard operation base in Ho Chi Min City, Gunawan was then handed over officially to the Indonesian Consulate General in Ho Chi Min City on May 27, 2017," Hardijanto explained.

In addition, the Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministry (KKP) will also process the repatriation of some 343 crew members of Vietnam which are still housed in the offices of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Supervision of Maritime Resources and Fisheries (PSDKP) premises.

"Fishermen who will be sent home (to Vietnam) are those caught by the fishery patrol ship in various operations for committing illegal fishing in Indonesian waters," according to the PSDKP director general Eko Djalmo Asmadi.(*)


Ohh... jadi ceritanya di selametin coast guard toh. Jadi vukan di tangkep. Ya bagus lah.

So he was rescued by the coast guard. That's good.
Ohh... jadi ceritanya di selametin coast guard toh. Jadi vukan di tangkep. Ya bagus lah.

So he was rescued by the coast guard. That's good.

Itu sepertinya bahasa diplomasi aja sih... supaya situasi gk tmbh panas... klo emang diselamatin knp gak langsung dibalikin ke kapal KKP di TKP...
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4 days patrolling, Philippines-Indonesia border is still conducive


Jakarta - The Indonesian Air Force has deployed a reconnaissance aircraft to anticipate the movement of ISIS members from Marawi, Philippines, to Indonesia, through the border in North Sulawesi. So far, there has been no indication of ISIS group movement at the border.

Maritime Patrol with reconnaissance aircraft belonging to Skadron 5 Makassar conducting surveillance in the North Waters of Manado. The operation, called Kilat Badik, has been going on for 4 days.

"While only 4 days is done, on average every one flight (duration) 3 hours to the borders of the South Philippines," said Commander of Squadron 5, Lt. Col. Pnb HLP Ambarita in a conversation with AFP on Friday (2/6/2017) . During the 4 days of this operation, conditions in the Sulawesi waters border with the Philippines are still conducive. There are indeed a number of ships passing either from or to the Philippines.

"But still normal, there is no suspicious indication," said Ambarita.

Boeing 737-200 reconnaissance aircraft in Operation Badik departure from Samud Ratulangi Airport, Manado. According to Ambarita, the reconnaissance is also done up to Miangas Island, North Sulawesi, one of the forerunner islands directly adjacent to the Philippines.

"From the observation around Miangas Island has not found anything to worry about the movement of ISIS members from the Philippines who fled to the sovereign territory of Indonesia," he explained. In addition to Miangas, reconnaissance is also done along the route Marampit Island and Marore Island, North Sulawesi . Until now there is no activity to worry about.

"There is only one fishing vessel that is active in the waters near Marore Island," said Ambarita.

"The observation operation will continue for the next few days to raise awareness," he added.

The Badik Lightning operation was led by the captain of the pilot, Major Pnb Hendro Sukamdani. In total there are 14 crews involved in the flight for the reconnaissance operation.

After 4 days of operation, according to Hendro, the condition of the forefront is declared safe. He and the team did not find anything suspicious either at the harbor or along the coast. "There is no suspicious activity from the Philippines that leads to Indonesia and the infrastructure is in good condition and stable," Hendro said when contacted separately , Friday (2/6).

Therefore, Hendro asked residents not to worry about the turmoil in the Philippines. People are asked to do the usual activities.

"There is not the slightest upheaval, people can do their routine activities safely," Hendro said.

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Indonesia, Germany sign maritime cooperation agreement

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Germany signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on maritime cooperation in Berlin on Wednesday.

The document was signed by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Deputy Prime Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel, who is concurrently foreign minister, according to a press statement of the ministry on Friday.

The agreement is an implementation of a joint declaration on comprehensive cooperation between Indonesia and Germany, which was issued in Jakarta on July 12, 2012.

The MoU will cover strategic cooperation in maritime, sea security and safety, maritime infrastructure investment, ship building investment, research and technology, as well as training.

During the visit in Berlin, Pandjaitan was accompanied by his deputy in charge of maritime sovereignty coordination Arif Havas Oegroseno; deputy in charge of human resources, science and technology, and maritime culture Safri Burhanuddin; and Indonesian Ambassador to Germany Fauzi Bowo.

Pandjaitan and Gabriel discussed matters related to regional geopolitics, sea security, counterterrorism, and strategic cooperation between the two countries.

To follow up on the agreement, Gabriel and German Digital Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Alenander Dobrint are expected to visit Indonesia.

"The German deputy prime minister will visit Indonesia after elections are held in Germany in late September or October, while for intensifying cooperation in maritime connectivity, the German transportation minister will visit in July," Oegroseno revealed.(*)


more investment and technology will be usefull for Indonesia maritime
National Code Cyber Agency officially formed
18 hours ago | 744 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo has signed the Presidential Regulation no. 53/2017 on National Code Cyber Agency (BSSN).

The presidential regulation was set by Widodo on May 19, 2017, according to the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat.

In the regulation, BSSN is tasked to implement cyber security effectively and efficiently by utilizing, developing, and consolidating all elements related to cyber security.

The BSSN is accountable to the president through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, headed by a chief, and assisted by the General Secretariat and four deputies, namely Deputy for Identification and Detection, Deputy for Protection, Deputy for Mitigation and Recovery, and Deputy for Monitoring and Control.

The head of BSSN is appointed and dismissed upon the proposal of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, in accordance with the provisions of legislation. The General Secretary and Deputy are appointed and dismissed by the president on the recommendation of the Head of BSSN, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

The State Code Institute (LSN) and the Directorate of Information Security are under the Directorate General of Applications and Informatics and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics that will merge with the BSSN.

Equipment, financing, archives, and documents at the Information Security Directorate of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII), and the State Code Institute are transferred to BSSN.(*)

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AirNav Ambil Alih Kontrol Langit Batam dan Kepri Mulai Tahun Ini

Pengambilalihan ruang udara Blok ABC milik Indonesia yang masih dikuasai Singapura dan Malaysia direncanakan rampung pada tahun 2019.


Direktur Operasional Perum Lembaga Penyelenggara Pelayanan Navigasi Penerbangan Indonesia (LPPNPI) atau AirNav Indonesia Wisnu Daryono menargetkan, tahun ini, pihaknya sudah dapat mengelola penerbangan di Blok ABC yang ketinggiannya di bawah 20.000 kaki.

"Secara bertahap, tahun ini kami sudah mengambil wilayah sekitar 20.000 kaki ke bawah. Mudah-mudahan tahun ini beres, penerbangan di bawah 20.000 kaki diatur AirNav Indonesia," kata Wisnu, kepada Kompas.com, Sabtu (27/5/2017).

Adapun ruang udara blok ABC berada di atas Kepulauan Riau yang meliputi Batam, TanjungPinang, Karimun, dan Natuna.

Ruang udara blok ABC dikendalikan oleh Singapura dan Malaysia, ketika dua negara tersebut masih di bawah jajahan Inggris, atau sejak tahun 1946.

Saat ini, kata dia, AirNav Indonesia tengah meningkatkan pelayanan di Natuna dari Aeronautical Flight Information Services (AFIS) menjadi Area Aerodrome Control (ADC) dan Approach Control (APP).

Kegiatan ini ditargetkan rampung akhir tahun ini. "Sampai tahun depan menjadi terminal control area sambil melakukan proses-proses komunikasi dengan Singapura dan organisasi penerbangan internasional," kata Wisnu.

Penguasaan ruang udara secara penuh ini akan meningkatkan martabat Indonesia sebagai negara yang berdaulat.

Tingginya harga diri Indonesia di mata dunia ini melebihi keuntungan dari sektor lain yang akan didapat, contohnya ekonomi.

Penguasaan ruang udara Blok ABC ini juga akan membawa dampak yang besar terhadap pendapatan negara dari segi ekonomi.

Yakni melalui pemasukan atas lalu lintas pesawat komersil.

"Selama ini izin ATC Clearance itu dari Sinvapura, kalau kami ambil alih, AirNav Indonesia yang akan melayani. Tidak perlu lagi minta izin Singapura," kata Wisnu.


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