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Indonesia Defence Forum

My opinion

1. External threats
- Global economic downturn, the FED rate changes, Yuan depreciation, etc
- Asymmetric proxy war, ISIS terror network, etc
- Illegal activities, smuggling, illegal fishing, etc

2. Internal threats
- Corruption
- Radicalism, Separatism
- Natural dissaster
- Illegal drug crysis
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I want to ask somethink about Indonesian Defence, to Indonesian borothers. For now:

1. What is the 3 bigger outside thereats for Indonesia?

2. What is the first 3 bigger domestic thereats for Indonesian peace and stability?

3. What is the Indonesian undeclared enemys use this instruments already for undeclared armless war? Economy? Terorism? Playing indonesian politicians like bribe? Ethnic plays for internal "ethnic" or "religious" sub group? Not respect sea or air borders? Etc.

And How?.. I am little informed about indonesia. Pls write natural. Thanks from now...

1. Transnational Crimes Ring, Terrorism and Regional instability
2. Poverty, Natural Disaster, terrorism, separatism, religious and race violence and corruption
3. If there is any entity using those kinds of proxy war against us, there is usually we will waging the kind of proxy war to instigate instability toward them by any necessary means we can fight them back. We wouldn't sit idle either.

Pemindahan Terduga TerorisAnggota Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 Anti Teror menggiring satu dari enam terduga kasus teroris saat akan dipindahkan, di Markas Detasemen B Pelopor Satuan Brimob Polda Jatim, Ampeldento, Malang, Jawa Timur, Minggu (21/2). Enam orang terduga teroris yang disinyalir terlibat bom Thamrin, Jakarta, ditangkap dalam penyergapan di salah satu rumah di kawasan Karangploso - Malang. ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto/kye/16


Pemindahan Terduga TerorisAnggota Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 Anti Teror menggiring satu dari enam terduga kasus teroris saat akan dipindahkan, di Markas Detasemen B Pelopor Satuan Brimob Polda Jatim, Ampeldento, Malang, Jawa Timur, Minggu (21/2). Enam orang terduga teroris yang disinyalir terlibat bom Thamrin, Jakarta, ditangkap dalam penyergapan di salah satu rumah di kawasan Karangploso - Malang. ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto/kye/16.


Pemindahan Terduga TerorisAnggota Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 Anti Teror menggiring dua dari enam terduga kasus teroris saat akan dipindahkan, di Markas Detasemen B Pelopor Satuan Brimob Polda Jatim, Ampeldento, Malang, Jawa Timur, Minggu (21/2). Enam orang terduga teroris yang disinyalir terlibat bom Thamrin, Jakarta, ditangkap dalam penyergapan di salah satu rumah di kawasan Karangploso - Malang. ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto/kye/16.

Indonesian Firm Lands Deal to Supply Uniforms



Indonesian firm Sri Rejeki signed a $50 million deal with the Ministry of Interior last week to supply Cambodia’s police and armed forces with new uniforms, according to the Indonesian Embassy and media reports.

A representative for Sri Rejeki, also known by the name Sritex, signed off on the deal in Phnom Penh on Wednesday with General Mao Bunarin, the Interior Ministry’s director-general of logistics and finance, according to Merati Irawati, the Indonesian Embassy’s head of economic affairs.

“They have an agreement. Sritex, they will start a new company here under the name Sritex Cambodia, and this company will buy the uniforms from Sritex Indonesia. And in the meantime they will build a factory here,” she said on Sunday.

Ms. Irawati said the company planned to build the factory in Kandal province by the end of the year, and that it would employ 400 people and supply uniforms to police and armed forces once it was up and running.

On Saturday, the Jakarta Globe reported that the deal was worth $50 million.

Sritex could not be reached for comment, but a statement posted to its website in September said the firm expected Cambodia to buy about 100,000 uniforms for the military alone. The company claims to make military uniforms for more than 30 countries.

Currently, many of the uniforms worn by Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, as well as other equipment, are donated by China. Beijing donated some 50,000 uniforms in 2011 and another 30,000 in 2014.

Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said he knew nothing about the deal with Sritex. He said police currently received their uniforms from a local manufacturer but he did not know which firm and referred further questions to Gen. Bunarin, who could not be reached.


The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia, which represents most of the country’s garment factories, said it knew nothing of the deal, either. Spokesmen for the National Police and army could not be reached.


Indonesian Firm Lands Deal to Supply Uniforms - The Cambodia Daily





SPR2 Pindad
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Ministry of transport sign contract to procure 5 navigation vessels valued around $46 Million with PT.Palindo Marine


- Panjang keseluruhan 60 meter
- Panjang perpendicular 54 meter
- Lebar 12 meter
- Tinggi 4,7 meter
- Sarat max 3,5 meter
- Vs 100% MCR 15 knot
- Jarak jelajah kapal 4000 Nautical Mile

Kemenhub Beli 5 Unit Kapal Navigasi Rp 618 Miliar

kemenhub kerja sama luar negeri bangun kapal

Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan akan bekerja sama dengan pihak luar negeri, yakni Jepang dan Belanda untuk pembangunan empat "kapal induk."


ilustrasi "kapal induk" :)

Direktur Kenavigasian Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan, Bambang Wiyanto, di Jakarta, Senin, mengatakan, nilai pendanaan dari kedua negara itu mencapai Rp2 triliun untuk pembangunan empat unit "kapal induk."

"Pendanaan dari luar negeri ini dengan JICA (Agen Kerja Sama internasional Jepang) dan Belanda," ucapnya.

Tidak dijelaskan apa pengertian "kapal induk" yang dia maksud itu. Kerja sama tersebut direncanakan dimulai pada 2017.

Dia menyebutkan tahun depan akan dikerjakan dua paket, Paket I yaitu pembangunan 16 kapal kenavigasian, paket II yaitu pembangunan empat "kapal induk".

"Selama lima tahun ini target kita 50 kapal terbangun," imbuhnya.

Bambang mengaku pembangunan kapal tersebut untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kapal kenavigasian yang saat ini baru mencapai 63 kapal. "Idealnya, sekitar 125 kapal," katanya.

Menurut dia, usia kapal beberapa sudah sangat tua, yakni ada yang mencapai 40 tahun. "Kapal-kapal lama ini akan kita scrap (potong-potong)," tukasnya.

Saat ini, dia mengatakan, pembangunan kapal yang sudah dilakukan penandatangan kontrak sebanyak 20 kapal.

Dia mengatakan kapal kenavigasian tersebut memberikan peranan yang cukup penting dan strategis, terutama dalam mendukung terciptanya keselamatan pelayaran di perairan Indonesia.

"Kapal kenavigasian ini berfungsi untuk melaksanakan pemeliharaan sarana bantu navigasi pelayaran (SBNP) serta melakukan pendistribusian perbekalan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia," katanya.

kemenhub kerja sama luar negeri bangun kapal - (d) - ANTARA News
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Militer Indonesia-Amerika Serikat latihan bersama di Pekanbaru

Senin, 22 Februari 2016 12:09 WIB - 2.552 Views


Direktur Latihan Bersama Indonesia-Amerika Serikat, Kolonel Pasukan Novlamirsyah, bersalam komando bersama pemimpin regu Baret Hijau Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat, Kapten James Tolley, pada pembukaan latihan gabungan TNI AU-US SOCPAC di Batalion Komando 462/Pulanggeni, di Pekanbaru, Riau, Senin (22/2/16). 13 personel pasukan khusus Baret Hijau Amerika Serikat dan Korps Pasukan Khas TNI AU mengasah strategi dan praktik tempur dalam latihan bersama bertajuk JCET Vector Balance Iron, yang digelar selama dua pekan ke depan di Provinsi Riau. (ANTARA FOTO/FB Anggoro)

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - Batalion Komando 462/Pulanggeni Korps Pasukan Khas TNI AU yang bermarkas di Pangkalan Udara TNI AU Roesmin Nurjadin dan Komando Operasi Khusus Pasifik Angkatan Darat Amerika (US Special Operation Command Pacific/US-SOCPAC) menggelar latihan bersama di Pekanbaru, Riau, selama dua pekan mendatang.

"Latihan bersama ini digelar untuk saling berbagi informasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan khususnya dalam upaya penanggulangan terorisme," kata Komandan Batalion Komando 462/Pulanggeni, Letnan Kolonel Pasukan Solihin, di Pekanbaru, Senin.

Ia mengatakan, latihan bersama yang digelar sejak hari ini hingga 7 Maret 2016 mendatang diikuti 15 personel militer SOCPAC Amerika Serikat dan satu kompi Batalion Paskhas 462/Pulanggeni.

Menurut dia, latihan itu terbagi dalam dua agenda dimana pada pekan pertama dilakukan di seputaran Pangkalan Udara RSN dan pekan ke dua akan dilakukan di Air Weapon Range Siabu, Kabupaten Kampar.

"Untuk pekan pertama akan dilakukan secara materi klasikal, agendanya studi kasus. Pada pekan ke dua nanti dilakukan bertahan di alam bebas di Siabu serta simulasi pembebasan sandera di Labersa," ujarnya.

Selama latihan bersama seluruh personil akan tinggal di barak Batalion 462/Pulanggeni.

Sementara itu, komandan tim Amerika Serikat, Kapten James Tolle, menyambut baik kegiatan tersebut. Ia mengatakan tujuan latihan bersama itu membangun hubungan baik serta bertukar pengetahuan.

"Nanti kami akan berlatih membangun skenario militer serta bertahan di Sinaboi. Kami sangat menyambut baik kegiatan ini," ujarnya.

Tolle mengatakan, kegiatan ini melibatkan enam anggota ini SOCPAC dan beberapa anggota cadangan. "Akan ada sekitar 13 personil yang akan dilibatkan dalam latihan bersama ini," ujarnya.

Korps Pasukan Khas TNI AU sejauh ini tidak memiliki "padanan" dari sisi organisasi dan fungsi utamanya dengan pasukan khusus dari negara manapun

Militer Indonesia-Amerika Serikat latihan bersama di Pekanbaru - ANTARA News


Dislitbang TNI AD

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5th year Independence Day commemorationed at the Palace, for the first time carried out by the government of Indonesia Jakarta August 17, 1950. (IPPHOS - Antara Photo).




Plumbungan, East Java on May 11, 1946. (Hugo Wilmar-Nederland Instituut voor Militaire Historie).

Dutch soldiers showed a picture of President Sukarno seized from the homes of suspected Indonesian fighters. The painting was created based on photos of Mendur brothers. Cirebon, July 27, 1947. (Collection of Bronbeek Museum ).

Arrived at Bangkalan Madura, 1947 (Collection of Bronbeek Museum ).

Nurses from the Indonesian Red Cross served on the battlefield. Somewhere in Central Java
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Going Home

#Leopard2A4 #Army #Tanks





Prajurit Marinir melaksanakan latihan di Pusat Latihan Tempur Grati, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, Februari 2016. Latihan yang menitikberatkan pada perang kota dan Operasi Daerah Hutan Berpenduduk (ODHB) tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan prajurit dalam menghadapi tugas operasi pertempuran kota dan hutan berpenduduk. (FOTO: Dispen KORMAR)
I want to ask somethink about Indonesian Defence, to Indonesian borothers. For now:

1. What is the 3 bigger outside thereats for Indonesia?

2. What is the first 3 bigger domestic thereats for Indonesian peace and stability?

3. What is the Indonesian undeclared enemys use this instruments already for undeclared armless war? Economy? Terorism? Playing indonesian politicians like bribe? Ethnic plays for internal "ethnic" or "religious" sub group? Not respect sea or air borders? Etc.

And How?.. I am little informed about indonesia. Pls write natural. Thanks from now...

Talking about economy sector, we have a new regulation to stop exporting our raw material. When we were going to implement the law we can see many writing in WSJ/ Reuters, etc talking with negative tone about that policy, according to them by doing so we will hurt our economy. In short they dont like that......

And now we can see that despite our raw material banning regulation, our economy is still going up, better than IMF and other institution projection, starting in the end of 2015 and the start of 2016. Beside that we even can get the most foreign investment within ASEAN now, and our stock market is the top performing one in Asia currently.

With about 25 smelter project to process our raw material is near complete ( 70-90 percent complete), our industry will likely get much better support to compete globally due to the law implementation.

That kind of war can only be respond by Indonesian idealist, particularly the intelectualls class. Currently we have NGO, honest experts, respected religious leaders and organisations, and most of our Media are also still in the right side now.

In the early reformation, there is political attack sent to our state owned corporations, particularly the strategic ones like in telecommunication (Indosat case) and aerospace. IMF and inside political actors are responsible of that. Even we sell our sands to help Singapore reclamation, taking the sand from our island near Singapore. Unpatriotic act by our ruler at that time. Luckily we can stop sending our sands to Singapore due to our people and media protest.

As a democratic country, people can make counter attack in every election for such move. And we also can play media chart as well as political party is now afraid of such move by seeing 2004 election, and now 2014 election. Our people is smart, they can punch any ruler who doesnt keep his/her initial promise during campaign.

And if we can overthrow Soekarno and Soeharto in the past, so it reveal our people strength to seek justice and fair system, current government must hear people voice to survive.....
I want to ask somethink about Indonesian Defence, to Indonesian borothers. For now:

1. What is the 3 bigger outside thereats for Indonesia?

2. What is the first 3 bigger domestic thereats for Indonesian peace and stability?

3. What is the Indonesian undeclared enemys use this instruments already for undeclared armless war? Economy? Terorism? Playing indonesian politicians like bribe? Ethnic plays for internal "ethnic" or "religious" sub group? Not respect sea or air borders? Etc.

And How?.. I am little informed about indonesia. Pls write natural. Thanks from now...

Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo has warned that Indonesia could be the site of proxy wars between major powers aimed at controlling the country’s natural resources.

Indonesia faces proxy war: Army chief

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | March 10 2015 | 7:35 PM

Indonesia is facing a proxy war in which a third party is being used to attack Indonesia in any way, Army chief of staff Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said on Tuesday.

“A clear example of a proxy war is the seceding of East Timor [ now Timor Leste] from Indonesia. Why were there efforts to secede East Timor from Indonesia? ” he asked students at Diponegoro University in Semarang.

“It turned out that there was the Great Sunrise [oil field] in Timor Gap. A book on this issue was written by an Australian who was an adviser to [then separatist movement leader] Xanana Gusmao.”

Gatot also pointed out the huge demonstration against 19 companies in 2013 that led to mass layoffs and rallies against 20 oil palm plantations managed by Indonesians.

“In the end, many of the oil palm plantations were shut down and sold to foreigners. However there was not a single demonstration against foreign-owned oil palm plantations,” he said.

The four-starred general also said proxy war had targeted young people, saying there were 21 cases of university campuses being vandalized by their own students in the past three years.

He added that the rampant circulation of drugs among the youth was connected to the proxy war with an aim to weaken Indonesian youths.

Gatot said to mitigate proxy war in Indonesia, all parties, especially the youth, had to be able to use logic, have a conscience and think. He also called on the students to work on themselves to further develop Indonesia. (nvn)(+++)

Indonesia faces proxy war: Army chief | The Jakarta Post

TNI chief strikes alarmist tone on proxy war

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | December 15 2015 | 5:12 PM

“There are many ways that foreign countries could control our natural resources, one of the strategies is by using a proxy war. We can already sense that proxy war is creeping in today and we should be on the alert because it could be on its way,” Gatot said in Makassar, South Sulawesi, over the weekend.

A proxy war is a war instigated by a major power but in which it does not itself participates. It uses other governments and agents, including non-state actors to do the fighting. It can involve countries fighting their opponent’s allies, or assisting their allies in fighting their opponent.

Gatot said that the signs of a proxy war could already be felt.

“[The strategy of proxy war] includes control of the media in Indonesia. The media engineers conflict between the military and police or between political parties, and instigates societal and cultural change. [There is also] drug smuggling, which has been going on for a long time,” he said.

Gatot said that Indonesia could easily prevent the outbreak of a proxy war as it already had the solution.

“We have Pancasila and the communal spirit [gotong royong]. We should revive those values,” he said.

According to Gatot, currently around the world countries are scrambling to get their hands on dwindling natural resources, especially energy.

He claimed that the increased use of fuel between 2007 and 2009 had triggered skyrocketing costs of food by at least 75 percent.

“It is predicted that with the depletion of fossil-based energy resources, in the future conflict will be more about controlling food resources, clean water, and bio energy, all of which comes from areas on the equator,” Gatot said.

The TNI commander said that three key regions on the equator; Indonesia, Central Africa, and Central America, could be targeted by major powers hungry for resources.

“So Indonesia would be a center for energy resources, a food basket and source of clean water. It would be a future target for the agents of foreign countries that don’t have those kind of luxuries,” Gatot said.

Gatot has been preoccupied with the concept of proxy war for a while.

While serving as the Army chief of staff, Gatot said that he was convinced that Timor Leste seceded from Indonesia as a result of a proxy war waged to control the oil field in the Timor Gap.

Gatot also claimed that the major street protests and rallies that led to mass layoffs among 20 oil palm plantations managed by Indonesians were also part of a proxy war, which was directed at shutting down the operations of many Indonesian-controlled palm oil plantations, so that they could then be sold off to foreign companies.

TNI chief strikes alarmist tone on proxy war | The Jakarta Post
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Pindad SSX Battle Rifle
Scheduled to be launched this year.

DMR Version
note : the tester in this pic does not use the bipod but using a three branch as bipod to test the recoil of this weapon :)

Assault Version

photo credit : Ijal Lubis
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