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Indonesia Defence Forum

The last batch delivery, consist of 4 units Super Tucano for Indonesian Air Force spotted at Luqa, Malta International Airport, 21 Feb 2016.




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President ask TNI to prepare the planning for the upcoming defense budget increase to 1.5% GDP or around Rp 250 T = $18.7B (with today rates.)

Anggaran Akan Dinaikkan Jadi Rp 250 Triliun, Presiden Jokowi Minta TNI Siapkan Perencanaan

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengemukakan, dirinya menyadari bahwa untuk membangun TNI yang profesional dan disegani harus mampu memenuhi alutsista (alat utama sistem persenjataan) bagi tiga matra secara terpadu.


Presiden memberikan sedikit gambaran, bahwa anggaran TNI sekarang ini atau sebelumnya kurang lebih 0,89% dari PDB (product domestic bruto) yang sebelumnya lagi kurang lebih 0,78% dari PDB dan sekarang paling tidak 1,1% dari PDB kita.

“Ke depan kalau pertumbuhan ekonomi bisa naik paling tidak diatas 6, akan muncul angka 1,5 % dari PDB dan ini sebuah angka yang besar. Perhitungan saya tadi kurang lebih bisa mencapai Rp 250 triliun,” kata Presiden Jokowi dalam pengantarnya pada rapat masalah penguatan TNI, di kantor Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Selasa (23/2) siang.

Presiden mengingatkan, agar angka-angka itu harus mulai diantisipasi dari sekarang. Artinya, harus ada sebuah perencanaan yang matang, betul-betul matang, betul-betul detail, betul-betul terinci sehingga anggaran dan uang itu betul-betul dipergunakan dengan baik, tepat guna dan juga terdesain dari awal.

Presiden Jokowi juga menegaskan, agar dilihat penggunaan produk-produk dalam negeri . Ia mengingatkan ini sangat penting sekali. Diakui Presiden, memang belanja-belanja yang ada sudah ada porsi-porsi baik, belanja pegawai, belanja alutsista juga sudah baik.

Tapi Presiden mengingatkan sekali lagi bahwa perencanaannya harus matang. “Detail dalam sebuah strategi pembangunan kekuatan kita seperti apa, ini mungkin yang kita inginkan ke depan,” tuturnya.

Tampak hadir dalam rapat terbatas itu antara lain Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla, Menko Polhukam Luhut B. Pandjaitan, Menko Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menko PMK Puan Maharani, Mensesneg Pratikno, Seskab Pramono Anung, Kepala Staf Presiden Teten Masduki, Menteri Pertahanan Ryarmirzad Ryacudu, Mendagri Tjahjo Kumolo, Menlu Retno LP Marsudi, Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo, KSAD, KSAU, KSAL, dan Kapolri Jenderal Badrodin Haiti.

Anggaran Akan Dinaikkan Jadi Rp 250 Triliun, Presiden Jokowi Minta TNI Siapkan Perencanaan | Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia

kira-kira dalam 2 tahun kedepan bisa tercapai nggak ya?
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It's way to big in size

Nope, its standard size for DMR/EBR - its a semi-sniper rifle and surely its not for close quarter battle.
Pindad has long experience making rifle, not just produce it under license but made own brand.
We do own R&D not just buying license production.
UAE even puchase weapon from Pindad along with techological transfer.
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Indonesia seeks to raise defense budget

Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday said that he sought to increase the country's defense budget in an effort to support facilities at the country's military. Joko said that Indonesian government would raise the allocation for defense and security to at least 250 trillion rupiah (about 18.717 billion U.S. dollars), or 1.5 percent of the country's GDP, in three years.


The president added that the hike could be achieved if the country's economy, which is the largest in Southeast Asia, increased 6 percent.

"Going forward, professionalized armed forces must be boosted by the development of weaponry," Joko said at the State Palace.

Indonesia's economy picked up to 5.04 percent at the final quarter of last year from 4.79 percent at the previous three months ended September amid the country's massive efforts to boost investment climate.

Former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono previously said that Indonesia planned to step up its weaponry at the level which he called "the essential level," as the country had been long not to modernize weaponry.

However, President Jokowi insisted to use more domestically manufactured weaponry in part to boost the competitiveness of the country's weaponry industry.

Terrorism, transnational crime and insurgency are among the main challenges being faced by the Indonesian military.

Indonesia seeks to raise defense budget - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Indonesian and Malaysian navies to focus on improving ties

JAKARTA: The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) will give new focus emphasizing on efforts to improve the existing ties between the two nations.

RMN chief Datuk Seri Ahmad Kamarulzaman Ahmad Badaruddin said among the approaches to be adopted were to strengthen people-to-people relationships, and not to take heed of things that could jeopardise the bilateral ties between the two countries.

He said the new approaches were among the matters discussed during his courtesy call on the Indonesian Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu here today.

Ahmad Kamarulzaman said the navies of both countries also agreed to emphasize on efforts to enhance military cooperation to face common threats.

“Malaysia and Indonesia are facing common threats, such as the militants, drug trafficking and cross-border crimes, and we must improve our cooperation to combat crime together,” he told reporters after meeting with Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia, Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim here.

Ahmad Kamarulzaman said that during the courtesy call, Ryamizard also said that the good relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia navies was not only established through joint exercise, but also through personal ties at various levels.

Ahmad Kamarulzaman, who was appointed Navy chief last November, said among the reasons for his first visit to Indonesia was to pave the way for improving economical, political and social cooperation between both countries.

However, he said both parties did not raise the ‘issue’ of maritime borders, as they felt it was not really an issue, but more of a mapping problem of boundaries which were set during the colonial period.
“The real issues (discussed) were those of parties coming from outside, such as terrorists and militant groups,” he said, adding that the RMN also agreed to send two military ships to participate in a joint military exercise in Padang, West Sumatra in April. -- Bernama

Malaysian and Indonesian navies to focus on improving ties | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News
Thanks for all answers. But when i go indonesia i see something else and i begining the wonder. Indonesian people can see or not see. They care or not care. They think or not think. What is their opinion anout it?..

I have a computer failure in indonesia my first days and i want new hard drive or ssd. They say go this shoping mall you can found someone sell computer part. I found from chinese businessman. I want to compare of course. All of computer part saler and repairer business run from another chinese businessman. And they inform each other about customers. I buy from someone but of course begining the really think. And my radar is open.

And in my Indonesia time i can see something. Is some business area can gain money, some chinese man come and make business in it? Of course all people do that when thay see money. But chinese people act like a conquerer this sector and have a dicision maker. And every chinese inside each other like a familiy. They always help, support and inform each other.

Even you need a doctor. You have two options. One: hospital. (Expensive, busy, chemical.) Two: Traditional tabib. (Cheaper but not every one is thrusted.) And if you want to go good dukun/sinshei, he or she must be chinese.

And if you want to eat good food like mie pangsit, mie ayam, kuetiaw, they must be mostly chinese made in indonesia. Nearly all of the kacang goreng renyah, bakpao made and sell by the chinese people. And i read all the answers and think again.

Is that chinese economic invasion on Indonesia? Or not?.. Bcs economic invasion much much more important than a military invasion. Bcs when the time comes, you can not do anything. In turkey we have a word: If someone take money from someone else, that someone begin to take orders from them. And also i hear. Your president Jokowi accept all immigrant from chinese. With or without their money of course, even they are a worker.

For Indonesian people. That is threat or not?
It's way to big in size
i don't kow much about firearms. but if you have any reference to back your statement, it would be helpful if you post it here..
because, so far, when i see the last pic there and another pic from google a designated marksmen holding his rifle the
Thanks for all answers. But when i go indonesia i see something else and i begining the wonder. Indonesian people can see or not see. They care or not care. They think or not think. What is their opinion anout it?..

I have a computer failure in indonesia my first days and i want new hard drive or ssd. They say go this shoping mall you can found someone sell computer part. I found from chinese businessman. I want to compare of course. All of computer part saler and repairer business run from another chinese businessman. And they inform each other about customers. I buy from someone but of course begining the really think. And my radar is open.

And in my Indonesia time i can see something. Is some business area can gain money, some chinese man come and make business in it? Of course all people do that when thay see money. But chinese people act like a conquerer this sector and have a dicision maker. And every chinese inside each other like a familiy. They always help, support and inform each other.

Even you need a doctor. You have two options. One: hospital. (Expensive, busy, chemical.) Two: Traditional tabib. (Cheaper but not every one is thrusted.) And if you want to go good dukun/sinshei, he or she must be chinese.

And if you want to eat good food like mie pangsit, mie ayam, kuetiaw, they must be mostly chinese made in indonesia. Nearly all of the kacang goreng renyah, bakpao made and sell by the chinese people. And i read all the answers and think again.

Is that chinese economic invasion on Indonesia? Or not?.. Bcs economic invasion much much more important than a military invasion. Bcs when the time comes, you can not do anything. In turkey we have a word: If someone take money from someone else, that someone begin to take orders from them. And also i hear. Your president Jokowi accept all immigrant from chinese. With or without their money of course, even they are a worker.

For Indonesian people. That is threat or not?
in my opinion you've experience only a fraction of indonesia if you think like this.. you might wanna spend more time in indonesia..... oh an keep in mind that indonesia is a home to many ethnics including tionghoas, arabics, indias etc and all of them are indonesian..
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Indonesian Army Aviation Mi-35P Hind helicopters live firing exercise.

Indonesia to develop defense systems

thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | February 23 2016 | 10:31 PM


Upgrades: President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has said the government aims to modernize Indonesia’s primary defense systems. (Tempo)

Indonesia is set to modernize its primary defense systems (alutsista) in order to strengthen the country's defense capabilities.

In a limited meeting held at the Presidential Office in Jakarta on Monday, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said Indonesia’s current defense budget amounted to 1.1 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), slightly up from previous allocations of 0.89 percent of GDP in 2015 and 0.79 percent in 2014.

Jokowi added that with targeted economic growth of 6 percent, Indonesia’s defense budgetary allocation would increase to 1.5 percent of GDP, worth around Rp 250 trillion (US$18.66 billion).

"It’s a very large amount. This should be anticipated from now on. There should be proper and detailed planning so the budget allocation will be well-targeted and well-planned from the very beginning," Jokowi said.

With such defense system development, he hoped the Indonesian Military would be ready to anticipate threats in the future as geographically, two-thirds of the country’s territorial area was sea. Such a geographical situation would affect the constellation of warfare in the future, the President said.

"I’m really aware that to build a professional and respected Indonesian Military, we should be able to meet our defense equipment requirements" he added.

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said the country's defenses needed to be developed to protect the archipelago.

"The President wants to know the strength of military capacity needed to secure and maintain the vast territory of this country. Moreover, we know Indonesia is an archipelagic country; so, early readiness of our defenses is very important," he told reporters. (ebf)

Indonesia to develop defense systems | The Jakarta Post

TNI to Improve Defence Over Eastern Indonesia in 2016
TUESDAY, 23 FEBRUARY, 2016 | 19:44 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - President Joko Widodo has called on the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) to develop more bases outside of the island of Java, with Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, stating that development of TNI's bases needs to start from the outlying areas of Indonesia.

"The President has asked TNI to focus on defending Indonesia - not just Java," said Pramono after a closed meeting to discuss the prospects of reinforcing TNI's defense capacity at the President's Office on Tuesday, February 23, 2016.

It is known that President Joko Widodo held an extraordinary, limited meeting about further developing TNI's firepower - with the President instructing TNI to reinforce its' bases outside of Java, in addition to procuring more weapon systems in a transparent manner. Pramono also said that the President wants Indonesia too substantially increase its' defence capacity, because he deems regional rivalry as inevitable.

TNI's Commander in Chief Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, said that TNI's airforce bases are concentrated in Madiun, Jogjakarta, and Malang - but in the future, Nurmantyo said that TNI will begin to develop its' bases in Biak , Morotai, Merauke, and other strategic spots across Eastern Indonesia. "This will help also help improve our flight training as increasing its' cost-efficiency will allow our pilots could practice at any time," he said.

Nurmantyo said that the defence of Indonesia's outer-most islands still needs to be worked on - especially around Eastern Indonesia, which is crucial to aiding TNI-AU to perform its' duty to defend Indonesia's sovereignty. "We have no bases in Eastern Indonesia to support our Sukhoi fleets," he said. "If our Sukhoi fleet lands in Ambon and needs to replace its' batteries, or oxygen tank for instance - it has to be flown in from Western Indonesia."

TNI, continued Nurmantyo, will begin to plan the expansion sometime in 2016, and that the President has asked him and other related ministries to begin surveying which area is most strategic and cost-efficient for the construction of such bases. "The President wants the construction to be as cost-effective as it could be," Nurmantyo said.

TNI to Improve Defence Over Eastern Indonesia in 2016 | National | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal
18 Billion dollars is great budget I am hopeful to see its results in Indonesian Forces. Indonesia should go for Global role including Military wise.

Google translate.
Defense and Security Industry Austria Visit PINDAD

Bandung (22/2), at the Auditorium Building Directorate PINDAD conducted visits of defense, and security industries group comprising Austria Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austrian Defence & Security Industry (WKO), BMVIT, Frequentis, Oberaigner Powertrain, Rosenbauer , Steyr Mannlicher, Scotty, Special Purpose Powertrain and Trumer Schutzbauten. Purpose of the visit is in order to establish Possible cooperation between companies in the defense and security sectors of Austria with PINDAD. The group was received by the Director of Technology and Development, Ade Bagdja and Head of Business Development, Yayat Ruyat.

In his presentation, Yayat Ruyat introduce the business scope Pindad along with the products it produces today, including co-operation ever undertaken by several companies in the field of security and defense industries from overseas. "We are currently developing the boat and the tank turret for Rhino in cooperation with the company from the outside, but it also contained excavators in commercial products sector. The current development also focused on large-caliber ammunition and weapons sertaTank ", said Yayat.

Leader of the group Delegation of Austria, Reinhard Marak, expressed his appreciation to the development of various products Pindad and opens possibilities for cooperation with similar industries of Austria. "The development of products Pindad very interesting and opens the possibility to cooperate with the security and defense industries Austria which is also growing rapidly, there are about 100 companies working in the sector", said Reinhard.

Some companies from Austria presented a brief regarding the specialization of its products, its advantages, as well as production capacity. The delegation then visited the production facilities and the Special Vehicles division Display of weapons before leaving the complex PT Pindad (Persero).

Pindad open space to work together over in line with the plans and needs of the company, according the company's vision to become a manufacturer of defense equipment and leading security in Asia in 2023 through product innovation and strategic partnerships. (Ryan)
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