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Indonesia Defence Forum

Indonesian president reiterates defence spending plan
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
23 February 2016

Indonesian president Joko Widodo has reiterated a pledge to more than double the country's defence budget to support the modernisation of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI).

In comments reported by state news agency Antara on 23 February, Widodo said if the country can achieve economic expansion of 6% per year he would support defence budget growth towards a target of appropriating 1.5% of GDP to defence by 2020.

According to Widodo, this would provide a military expenditure of approximately IDR250 billion (USD18.6 billion), which is more than double the defence budget for 2016, which reached IDR99.5 trillion: a 2% increase over 2015.

Indonesian president reiterates defence spending plan | IHS Jane's 360

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LAPAN-Chiba University to launch satellite in 2018
Jumat, 26 Februari 2016 01:06 WIB | 126 Views

Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA News) - Indonesias National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) in cooperation with Japans Chiba University plans to launch a satellite for continental observation and other observation purposes in Indonesia in 2018.

"In the next two years, a satellite named Tanah Air I will be launched. The name has its own philosophical meaning," Professor Josephat Tetuko Sri Sumantryo, a professor from Chiba University, said during a general lecture at the Riau Islam University on Thursday.

The professor, who is Indonesian, will be the owner and also researcher and will work under the Josh Mocrowave Remote Sensoring Laboratory (JMRSL).

Josephat said the word "I" can mean the first letter in Indonesia.

He added that he had waited for this project for a long time as this was his opportunity to work for Indonesia. Although he had lived and worked in Japan for a long time, his nationalism still remained and "this will be the form of my nationalism that I will give to the country which is technology transfer."

LAPAN is a non-ministerial government agency that carries out aeronautics research and development and application.

It supports the development of the satellite through research funds.

Josephat was born in Bandung, West Java, on June 25, 1970 and is a full-time professor at Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, University of Chiba, Japan, and also a visiting professor at various universities.

He is one of the holders of a micro-strip antenna that can be used to conduct direct communication with a satellite. He is also the inventor of circularly polarized synthetic aperture for unmanned aircraft and small satellites, as well as a three-dimensional weather forecast radar.
Letjen TNI Kiki Syahnakri: Indonesia Dalam Situasi Perang Generasi Keempat
Kamis, 25 Februari 2016 22:40 WIB

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Tanpa disadari, Indonesia saat ini berada dalam situasi perang Generasi Keempat (G-IV).

Dalam perang ini, senjata yang digunakan bukanlah kecanggihan peralatan militer (hardpower) tetapi senjata non militer (softpower) yang antara lain meliputi penghancuran budaya, ekonomi, perusakan moral generasi masa depan bangsa.

Selain berbiaya murah dibanding pengerahan senjata militer (hardpower), perang G-IV, yang biasanya disebut dengan istilah proxy war, tidak bertujuan jangka pendek tetapi berakibat fatal untuk jangka panjang di saat suatu bangsa sudah begitu terlambat menyadarinya.

Gaya hidup LGBT (Lesbian – Gay – Bisex dan Transgender) adalah salah satu senjata (softpower) yang digunakan oleh negara adikuasa (hegemony countries) yang bersifat kolonialisme dan imperialisme untuk menghancurkan nilai budaya, ketahanan ekonomi dan karakter bangsa.

Disebut sebagai G-IV, karena perang ini tidak lagi mengandalkan kekuatan militer tetapi terlebih menggunakan kekuatan budaya dan ekonomi.

Perang Generasi I (G-I) adalah perang tradisional dengan menyepakati hari perang dan perang Bharatayudha, sebagai contoh, adalah jenis perang G-I.

Perang Generasi II (G-II), adalah jenis perang kota dan Perang Generasi III (G-III) adalah perang dalam skala modern dengan menggunakan pengerahan senjata militer secara penuh seperti halnya Perang Dunia Pertama atau Perang Dunia Kedua.

“Perang G-IV tidak lagi mengandalkan senjata militer yang berbiaya mahal untuk pengerahannya.Perang ini lebih halus dan tak terlihat."

"Namun dalam jangka panjang, suatu negara akan dicaplok oleh negara lain melalui penguasaan ekonomi ataupun budayanya."

"Dan, Indonesia tanpa disadari oleh bangsanya pada saat ini telah memasuki G-IV,” ujar Kiki Syahnakri.

Menurut Mantan Wakasad itu, LGBT merupakan salah satu senjata yang digunakan negara adikuasa untuk menguasai negara lain dengan menghancurkan budaya asli dan menggantikan dengan budaya yang dapat menghancurkan negara tersebut dari dalam.

Memang lebih memakan waktu, Kiki mengurai lebih lanjut, tetapi sifatnya tidak menghancurkan secara fisik tetapi menghancurkan secara mental dan moral.

“Perang G-IV ini dimulai pada tahun awal tahun 2000-an, ketika bangsa Indonesia membiarkan dirinya diatur oleh konsultan asing dalam penyusunan undang-undang, termasuk amandemen UUD 1945."

"Indonesia menjadi incaran dan destinasi perang G-IV, karena posisinya yang strategis, besar dan kaya akan sumberdaya alam. Indonesia saat ini sudah dikelilingi oleh negara-negara hegemoni baik secara militer ataupun ekonomi. Papua yang saat ini menjadi target jika tidak diantisipasi dengan bijaksana di masa depan akan menjadi the missing continent,” ujar Kiki.

Sementara itu, Putut Prabantoro menjelaskan, bangsa Indonesia harus berani menyudahi konflik internal bangsa yang berlatarbelakang kepentingan ekomini, politik, kelompok ataupun suku.

Kelemahan di Indonesia adalah, konflik kepentingan itu menjadi besar ketika dipolitisir menjadi konflik antar agama.

Konflik horisontal itu secara tidak sadar akan melemahkan persatuan bangsa yang seharusnya dijaga oleh semua rakyat Indonesia.

Semangat “Demi Indonesia Satu Tak Terbagi”, demikian Putut menjelaskan lebih lanjut, harusnya menjadi landasan berpijak bangsa Indonesia dalam mengantisipasi semua perang tak terlihat yang antara lain mengatasnamakan, hak asasi manusia (HAM), demokrasi, kebebasan berpendapat ataupun kebebasan berekspresi.

Letjen TNI Kiki Syahnakri: Indonesia Dalam Situasi Perang Generasi Keempat - Tribunnews.com Mobile
Tim Western Fleet Quick Response (WFQR) IV Tanjungpinang with Wing Udara 2 Tanjungpinang catch-flagged ship Nigeria's , target of the operation of Interpol Norway and currently captured these ships have entered the waters of Indonesia, precisely 12.5 NM in waters north of Tanjung Berakit, Riau Islands.Indonesia.

KRI Sultan Thaha Saifudin-376

Batalyon Komposit Konga XXXV-A/Unamid (United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur)



-Puspen TNI

Border patrol Satgas Yonif 406/Candra Kusuma.

om @MarveL gimana ih cara nya post thread biar gak gabung seperti post saya ?
Tim Western Fleet Quick Response (WFQR) IV Tanjungpinang with Wing Udara 2 Tanjungpinang catch-flagged ship Nigeria's , target of the operation of Interpol Norway and currently captured these ships have entered the waters of Indonesia, precisely 12.5 NM in waters north of Tanjung Berakit, Riau Islands.Indonesia.

KRI Sultan Thaha Saifudin-376

Batalyon Komposit Konga XXXV-A/Unamid (United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur)



-Puspen TNI

Border patrol Satgas Yonif 406/Candra Kusuma.

om @MarveL gimana ih cara nya post thread biar gak gabung seperti post saya ?
Biar gak gabung butuh jedah waktu, kalo foto batesnya 8 biji doank gak bisa lebih
Prof Joshapat keep helping Indonesian researcher while living in Japan.....:)

Some of Indonesian learning from him

Joshapat with 2 Gajah Mada University staff


Ms Siti Aisyah from Universitas Diponegoro finished her research and study. "I hope could continue and establish new center at Indonesia for marine environemntal observation collaborate with our Laboratory."
Indonesia's military squad conduct anti-terrorism drills

Holding semi-automatic rifles wearing protective gear and combat helmets with cameras, the military squad completed the exercise on Tuesday, in Banda Aceh, located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.


Indonesian anti-terrorism Military squad show their skills during a Counter Terrorism Exercise in Banda Aceh, Indonesia earlier this week. Officials are seen standing on the side of a bank ready to face their attacker


A number of officers wearing combat helmets with cameras also stood on guard


Officers utilised military vehicles throughout the exercise


Standing in files the officers listen to commands from their superiors


Marching in files with their gear officers brandished their rifles as they marched through the street

Indonesia's military squad conduct anti-terrorism drills | Daily Mail Online
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Melengkapi Persenjataan Menjadi Prioritas

Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu menegaskan, prioritas pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan tahun ini diutamakan untuk melengkapi peralatan yang sudah dibeli. Ke depan, pengadaan alutsista harus dilakukan secara lengkap.


Hal ini disampaikan seusai mendengarkan masukan Komisi I DPR, Kamis (25/2), di Jakarta. Dalam rapat dengar pendapat itu, Komisi I melaporkan hasil pantauan 13 anggota ke Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Dalam kunjungan kerja itu, Komisi I mendapati tank tempur utama atau main battle tank (MBT) Leopard yang dibeli pada 2012 tak dilengkapi alat komunikasi, alat bidik otomatis, dan perlengkapan pemeliharaan (toolkit). Selain itu, prasarana latihan untuk Leopard tak tersedia sehingga latihan menembak diarahkan ke laut.

"Ke depan, tidak boleh begini lagi. Kalau yang Leopard kurang ini itu, kami penuhi dulu. Kalau Leopard saja belum terpenuhi (perlengkapannya), masak kami beli yang lain," kata Ryamizard.

Pada 2012, Indonesia membeli 163 tank yang terdiri dari 103 MBT, 50 tank medium, dan 10 tank pendukung. Ke-103 MBT ini terdiri dari 61 MBT Leopard Revolution dan 42 MBT Leopard 2A4. Adapun 50 tank medium adalah Marder 1A3. Pembelian tank ini bernilai 280 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 2,6 triliun) dari APBN 2012.

Direncanakan, 61 Leopard jenis Revolution akan tiba tahun ini. Dari jumlah ini, sebanyak 10 unit dikirim April, sedangkan sisanya pada November 2016. Tank-tank ini adalah bagian terakhir dari pemesanan tahun 2012.

Menurut Ryamizard, pengadaan perlengkapan untuk tank- tank Leopard ini akan diutamakan dengan produksi dalam negeri. Sebab, dengan demikian, pengadaan bisa dilakukan lebih cepat. Namun, apabila tidak memungkinkan, pembelian perlengkapan dari luar negeri pun akan dilakukan, tetapi tentu hal ini akan memerlukan waktu. Karena itu, dia tidak bisa memastikan pengadaan perlengkapan tank- tank Leopard akan rampung tahun 2016.

Sebelumnya, Ryamizard pernah menyampaikan bahwa tank-tank Leopard tidak akan digunakan sampai kelengkapan operasional terpenuhi. Dia juga mengakui bahwa ada kekurangan seperti pada alat komunikasi dan alat pemeliharaan. Ketiadaan alat komunikasi ini bisa memengaruhi operasional Leopard.

Kepala Staf TNI AD Jenderal TNI Mulyono direncanakan bulan depan berangkat ke Jerman untuk melihat alat komunikasi dan memantau uji senjata untuk Leopard. Apabila peralatan yang dipamerkan baik kualitasnya, TNI AD berharap bisa membeli perlengkapan tersebut.

Pesawat F-16C/D

Masukan yang disampaikan juga terkait pembelian pesawat tempur strategis F-16. "Dulu DPR menyetujui pembelian lima F-16 yang lengkap dan baru, tapi kemudian tiba-tiba berubah menjadi 24 F-16 bekas," tutur Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Tubagus Hasanudin.

Saat ini, baru lima F-16 yang ada di Indonesia. Sebanyak tiga unit tak bisa dipakai dengan satu di antaranya terbakar saat akan lepas landas (take off) di Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma, 16 April 2015.

Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Hanafi Rais menambahkan, pembelian alutsista ke depan seharusnya dilakukan secara lengkap dengan spesifikasi yang utuh seperti rencana awal.

"Jangan membeli tapi kurang senjata, tidak ada radar, dan sebagainya. Lebih baik membeli dengan kualitas yang utuh daripada beli secara bertahap. Sebab, ini terkait dengan efek gentar yang ingin dicapai," tutur Hanafi.

Selain perlu perbaikan rencana strategis dan realokasi penempatan alutsista, kata Hasanudin, perlu juga ada audit atas alutsista yang sudah ada. Pengadaan alutsista ke depannya, harus disesuaikan dengan geostrategis Indonesia.

Melengkapi Persenjataan Menjadi Prioritas

VTOL UAV, made by Army Reaserch & Development Agency

UCAV Multirotor prototype
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Australian Government warns of 'advanced stage' attack plans in Indonesia
February 26, 2016

Jakarta: The Australian government has warned terrorists may be in the advanced stages of preparing attacks in Indonesia.

The updated travel advice on the Department of Foreign Affairs' website smartraveller came as Justice Minister Michael Keenan met Jakarta police chief Tito Karnavian to discuss the recent Jakarta attacks and Australia's ongoing efforts with Indonesia to combat terrorism in the region.

Mr Keenan said it was likely there would be more attacks in South-east Asia as violent extremists sought to inspire young people to take up their cause.

"Indonesia and our neighbours are all targets for [Daesh]-inspired terrorism in the same way as Australia," Mr Keenan said.

"This is of grave concern for Australia and the Australian government. We are working in close co-operation with our neighbours to keep the region safe from terror."

Mr Keenan has been to Indonesia three times since becoming justice minister, with the discussion mainly centred around shared counter-terrorism efforts.

Australian and Indonesian authorities have a history of strong cooperation in the field, with Australia supporting Indonesia in the investigation of several major terrorist attacks in Indonesia, resulting in arrests and convictions.

Indonesian authorities have proven highly effective in disrupting terrorist plots and networks. There have been more than 900 terrorism-related arrests and about 650 convictions since 2002.

"Recent indications suggest that terrorists may be in the advanced stages of preparing attacks in Indonesia," the smartraveller website entry for Indonesia says.

However the overall level of advice for the country has not changed.

"We advise you to exercise a high degree of caution in Indonesia, including Bali," it says.

Security in Bali has been immediately increased following the warning, with police and military personnel patrolling the airport.

Bali airport authority head Yusfandri Hona told Fairfax Media the authority was also conducting background checks on airport staff.

"We have further increased security throughout the airport in response to the travel warnings," he said after a meeting held to discuss threat.

Mr Yusfandri said this was on top of the high security alert put in place after the January 14 attacks.

Terror expert and chair in Global Islamic Politics at Deakin University Greg Barton said he suspected Australian authorities had intercepted communications that showed increased "chatter" that was cause for concern.

"When they intercept communications they might not necessarily get access to the contents of the message but may see an increase in frequency between two nodes of concern," Professor Barton said.

He said messaging services, such as Telegram, may contain encrypted messages but a flurry of activity could indicate imminent attacks.

"Some times places and times also come up in unencrypted messages," he said.

Professor Barton said prior to the 2002 Bali bombings the American Embassy had issued warnings of possible attacks in places such as Bali.

He said the Australian government had been criticised after the bombings for not having done so: "The position now is it is better to be safe with public communication."

The warning comes after the Australian government also warned of a possible attack in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, indicating Australian agencies have received specific information about a potential terrorist plot.

Malaysia later said it was not aware of what might have prompted such a warning.

Indonesia is currently debating measures to tighten its anti-terror laws passed after the January 14 suicide bombings and shootings in Central Jakarta, which left eight dead.

"We can detect a terrorist network but we can't act before they have committed a crime," said national police chief Badrodin Haiti. "That is the weakness of our laws."

The draft legislation, seen by Fairfax Media, says an individual could be detained for up to six months if it was suspected they would carry out an act of terrorism.

It would also become an offence to join a terrorist group such as Islamic State, or recruit others, with a maximum punishment of seven years' jail.

The Bali police and airport authority convened meetings immediately after the updated warning from Australia.

National police spokesman Agus Rianto told Fairfax Media Indonesia was safe and security was under control.

"It is understandable if people are worried however [special forces police unit] Detachment 88 continues to chase people based on interrogations of people arrested recently," Mr Agus told Fairfax Media.

About 40 people have been detained in connection with the police probe to uncover the network of those involved in the Jakarta attacks.

Mr Agus said bombmaking materials such as nails and fertiliser had been found during the arrests.

"The President [Joko Widodo] said we are not afraid, however we remain alert," he said.

"The police along with related agencies and the people are working together to monitor the situation to make sure the security is there."

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the Australian government worked closely with the Indonesian government to address terrorism. "It is a shared threat," she said.

"I urge all Australians travelling, whether to Indonesia or elsewhere, to purchase travel insurance, register on smartraveller and to read the travel advice carefully before they travel."

Australian Government warns of 'advanced stage' attack plans in Indonesia


Police insist Indonesia is ‘safe’
thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | National | Fri, February 26 2016, 6:36 AM

In response to a travel warning issued by the Australian government, the National Police has insisted that Indonesia is a safe country.

"We guarantee the safety throughout Indonesia following the terrorism threat warning issued by Australia," National Police spokesman Brig. Gen Agus Rianto said on Thursday, as quoted by the Antara news agency.

Still, police would not overlook any threats and would take all information into account, he added.

The Australian government through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade issued a warning on Thursday on possible "advanced stage" terrorist plans in Indonesia, urging Australian citizens to be on high alert at possible terrorist targets such as nightclubs, restaurants, international hotels and airports in places like Jakarta and Bali.

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi said every country had the right to issue travel advisories for its citizens. She added that Indonesia would not issue an excessive response to the warning.

The ministry contacted the National Police regarding security, with the police responding that conditions in the country were safe.

"We are always on alert, but we don't depend on alerts given by other countries," she said as reported by kompas.com.

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said the government would use the warning from Australia as input for the authorities.

"We will tell the world that Indonesia is very safe and the government is able to control all security issues," he said at the State Palace, adding that control had been proven by police officers' ability to secure the capital and take down terrorists within three hours after the terrorist attack last month.

The attack on a police post and a Starbucks coffee shop on Jl. MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta left eight people dead, including four terrorists, and more than 25 injured. (rin)

Police insist Indonesia is ‘safe’ | The Jakarta Post
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