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Indonesia Defence Forum

Well from France you can get Submarines more Frigates and Fighter Jets although I would say better you go for EuroFighter or Grippen and not to forget you can get Tanks too
In the article is quite clear actually, they offering subs, the andrasta class, and production license for international market

The rafale actually reluctant to commit as per article, because Saab promoting gripen aggressively in indonesia
China-Indonesia sign remote-sensing MoU
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
13 October 2014

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board (IMSCB) have signed an agreement supporting the latter's efforts to enhance offshore security.

The CNSA said in a statement on 10 October that the memorandum of understanding (MoU) - signed on 6 October - features the transmission of CNSA remote sensing data to IMSCB ground stations covering the vast Indonesian archipelago.

The data is intended to improve IMSCB early-warning capabilities and support maritime law enforcement and disaster relief response. The MoU follows the signing in 2012 of a China-Indonesia maritime collaboration agreement and the establishment of a bilateral maritime co-operation committee.

To read the full article, Client Login

China-Indonesia sign remote-sensing MoU - IHS Jane's 360

I can't wait the moment when Indonesia using Chinese technologies to catch Chinese fishermen who is illegally fishing in our water :)
Indonesia commences propellant manufacturing at new plant
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
12 October 2014

Indonesia's PT Dahana and French partners Roxel and Eurenco have commenced the development of a propellant plant in Subang, West Java, geared to meeting the ammunition and explosives requirements of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI).

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said in a 10 October statement that the plant, the development of which is budgeted at about USD300 million, is the result of a government-to-government agreement signed earlier this year with France that facilitates technology transfer to Indonesia. The new plant is also expected to go towards reducing the TNI's reliance on foreign propellants.

The MoD has previously stated that the plant will produce propellants for a range of small-, medium-, and large-calibre weapons.

Indonesia commences propellant manufacturing at new plant - IHS Jane's 360
Indonesia commences propellant manufacturing at new plant
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
12 October 2014

Indonesia's PT Dahana and French partners Roxel and Eurenco have commenced the development of a propellant plant in Subang, West Java, geared to meeting the ammunition and explosives requirements of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI).

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said in a 10 October statement that the plant, the development of which is budgeted at about USD300 million, is the result of a government-to-government agreement signed earlier this year with France that facilitates technology transfer to Indonesia. The new plant is also expected to go towards reducing the TNI's reliance on foreign propellants.

The MoD has previously stated that the plant will produce propellants for a range of small-, medium-, and large-calibre weapons.

Indonesia commences propellant manufacturing at new plant - IHS Jane's 360
Good News, this project is right on track since i read the first news of it.
Local heroes
Wahyoe Boediwardhana, The Jakarta Post, Surabaya | National | Sat, October 04 2014, 6:04 PM


Local heroes: Technicians perform final checks on Indonesian-made Komodo tactical vehicles, which are equipped with French-made Mistral surface-to-air missiles, before a rehearsal of the Indonesian Military's (TNI's) 69th anniversary ceremony at the Indonesian Navy's Eastern Fleet headquarters in Surabaya on Saturday. The TNI's anniversary falls on Oct. 5, but this year the ceremony will be held on the following Tuesday as Oct. 5 coincides with the Islamic Day of Sacrifice, or Idul Adha. (JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana)

National News

Technicians perform final checks on Indonesian-made Komodo tactical vehicles, which are equipped with French-made Mistral surface-to-air missiles, before a rehearsal of the Indonesian Military's (TNI's) 69th anniversary ceremony at the Indonesian Navy's Eastern Fleet headquarters in Surabaya on Saturday.

The TNI's anniversary falls on Oct. 5, but this year the ceremony will be held on the following Tuesday as Oct. 5 coincides with the Islamic Day of Sacrifice, or Idul Adha.

Local heroes | The Jakarta Post

Bakorkamla receives satellite censor grant from China.

China will grant a ground station (earth stations) to be placed in the Bangka and Belitung (photo: Kaskus Military)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Maritime Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) signed a memorandum of cooperation agreement (MoU) with the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The signing of the MoU was made Chief Executive Diary (Kalakhar) Bakorkamla Laksdya DA Mamahit and CNSA representatives were also Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia, Xie Fang Bakorkamla office, Central Jakarta, Monday (6/10).

DA Laksdya Mamahit stated that the signing of this memorandum as the implementation of the MoU between the Government of Indonesia and the People's Republic of China (PRC) based on Maritime Cooperation Committee (MCC), which was signed in Beijing on March 23, 2012 between the Secretary of State (Secretary), Indonesia and PRC ministers.

"As one implementation of the cooperation clause, in terms of security and safety of the sea, has been in talks related Bakorkamla users the latest technology for real-time monitoring of the condition of the waters of Indonesia in terms of the development of satellite remote sensing applications," he said.

Mamahit stated, the Chinese government will grant a ground station (earth stations) to be placed in the Pacific Islands and Bitung. He hoped, after the instrument came and performed the installation, sensor equipment grant to the Indonesian maritime security can be used to start early next year.

Mamahit said the move was also preceded by two Bakorkamla staff training in China, which involves all stakeholders as a series of major projects to be able to have its own satellite that can monitor all activity on the sea-based equator.

"Grant satellite-based high-tech equipment are given in line with the PRC through Bakorkamla early warning system security and safety in Indonesian waters and jurisdiction," said the man who also served as rector of the University of Defence.

Bakorkamla Daily Executive Secretary, Dick R. Munaf admitted, budget constraints a major factor Bakorkamla received a grant from the CNSA. He stated, grants given very useful for monitoring Chinese maritime security in Indonesia.

According to him, with the means of identification of the institution can then optimally provide services to users in a ship at sea carrying out its activities. Even so, Dick claimed to have also been considering the issue of state sovereignty in the high-tech equipment grants based on the satellite.

"We've thought of a way to secure data from being stolen them. We hope to keep the Indonesian waters to be more secure from tampering," he said.

According to him, the role of the strategic Bakorkamla future. Because the government program that wants to build the shaft maritime and marine toll must be balanced with security level of the sea.

"Why build a marine infrastructure if security is not guaranteed? Growing number of ships passing and the economy can be more efficient, this can make the cheaper the shipping costs.'s Our duty guarding, monitoring, and law enforcement in the sea," said Dicky.

Meanwhile, Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia, Xie Fang wants after the signing of this MoU, relations between the two countries could more closely. PRC and Indonesia, he said, can be more intense in menghelat security cooperation in marine areas.

Bakorkamla Terima Hibah Sensor Satelit dari Cina | Republika Online
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Rheinmetall AG had shiped 24 MBT Leopard Tanks and 28 A4 Tank Marder to Indonesia earlier in August. Along with the tanks, Rheinmetall AG is to Supply the Indonesian Army With Leopard 2 Simulators.
Just for entertaining

Jupiter Aerobatic Team

Thunder Aerobatic Team (Sukhoi)

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Another Thunder Aerobatic Show (Sukhoi)

Indonesia Gears Up For Inauguration of Seventh President
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014 19:02 WIB | 361 Views
Pewarta: Fardah

Jakarta (Antara News) - The newly elected speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has been busy visiting the country's leaders to extend invitations for the inauguration ceremony of Joko "Jokowi" Widodo as the seventh president.

The inauguration ceremony is scheduled to be held at the parliament/MPR building, on October 20, 2014, and will be attended by outgoing president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former presidents, and the leaders of all political parties, among several others.

Among foreign dignitaries to be present in the inauguration will be Brunei Darussalam's Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Timor Leste's President Xanana Gusmao, Papua New Guinea's Governor General Michael Ogio, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Haiti's Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot, Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, and former prime minister of Japan and special envoy Yasuo Fukuda.

The inauguration will also be attended by US Secretary of State John Kerry, New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully, and the United Kingdom's Foreign Affairs Minister William Hague.

Jokowi's supporters will hold a post-inauguration procession to escort the new President and Vice-President to the State Palace on horse, on the inauguration day.

Zulkifli Hasan, a politician of the National Mandate Party (PAN), stated that the preparations for the inauguration ceremony, such as finalizing the guest list, were still underway.

"The invitations will, indeed, be limited, but the former presidents and vice presidents, heads of ministries, state institutions, and the military (TNI), as well as the police chiefs and representatives from friendly countries will certainly be invited," he noted.

"All factions have unanimously agreed to attend the inauguration of the president-elect and the vice president-elect and make it a success," Zulkifli Hasan remarked after meeting the political party factions in Jakarta, on Oct. 13, 2014.

He revealed that two political party factions and a faction from the Regional Representative Council (DPD) unanimously agreed to attend the inauguration at the parliament building.

Since his election as the MPR speaker, Zulkifli Hasan has also been busy convincing the Jokowi camp and the media that he will do his best to make the inauguration ceremony a success.

Lately, the media, quoting the so-called political observers and politicians, has extensively reported about "rumors" that the inauguration would be "sabotaged" or "boycotted" by Jokowi's rivals.

Zulkifli Hasan expressed shock on hearing such rumors and questioned the legitimacy of such reports.

"No, there will not be any boycott or sabotage, and it is impossible for it to happen," he emphasized after presenting an invitation to Vice President Boediono at the vice presidential office, on Oct. 14, along with MPR's deputy speakers: Oesman Sapta Odang, E.E. Mangindaan, and Mahyudin.

He called on the media to present news reports that will help to create a peaceful political atmosphere.

"Claims that the MPR will sabotage the inauguration are untrue. Please publish reassuring reports and not the ones that would provoke disruptions," he remarked.

The upcoming presidential inauguration will offer Indonesia an opportunity to show the world how ably democracy has been implemented in the country, he affirmed.

"When it comes to Indonesia's image, all parties stand united," the former forestry minister stated.

Other leaders such as President Yudhoyono and Army Chief of Staff General Gatot Nurmantyo have also issued statements to put to rest widespread rumors regarding the boycott of the inauguration ceremony.

"I appeal to all community leaders and political elites to maintain political stability," President Yudhoyono stated on his twitter account on Oct. 10.

"I do not know where the instigating rumors come from. Perhaps, they are spread to further make the political situation tense," he noted, while referring to the rumors that the inauguration might be disrupted.

"(They said) by cancelling Joko Widodos inauguration, SBY (the President) could then extend his term in office. This allegation is too much. I regret that our politics has stooped to this level. It is really not smart and is irresponsible," he remarked.

He pointed out that it was unfair to accuse him of trying to extend his term, which will end on Oct. 20.

"The constitution states that a president may only serve two terms. I had fought for it during the early reform movement. I have no intention to extend my term in office even by a day. Ten years of service have been long enough for me to feel grateful," he emphasized.

"Let us write a new chapter in history by supporting President-elect Joko Widodo for the sake of the nation," he affirmed.

Yudhoyono's Democratic Party has also voiced its commitment to supporting the inauguration of Jokowi.

"The Democratic Party will support the national agenda, which is the inauguration of Jokowi as president and Kalla as vice president, and therefore, the people should not be afraid of impeachment issues," the party's Secretary General Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, also known as Ibas, stated.

He remarked that the Democratic Party harbored no intentions of foiling the presidential inauguration or posing any hindrance to the government of elected President Jokowi and Vice President Kalla.

Ibas was hopeful that all components of the nation, who were concerned about the future of Indonesia, will ensure that the inauguration of president- and vice president-elect is held smoothly.

With regard to security during the inauguration, the Indonesian Army has stated that it will adopt all anticipatory measures against any potential threats to security.

"I am convinced that it will be secured in the similar manner as the earlier implementation of the presidential election," the Army Chief of Staff Gatot Nurmantyo recently informed newsmen at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

"The TNI always thinks that threats may arise at any time, but this principle is only held for TNI's internal purpose," he pointed out.

He assured that all army personnel and regional military commands will also be prepared to provide assistance whenever the police seek their help.

"We have already prepared for it," he reiterated.

General Nurmantyo emphasized that with the successful implementation of the recent elections, the Indonesian people had actually demonstrated to the world their civility, smartness, and peaceful character.

National Police Chief General Sutarman announced on Oct. 13 that he will deploy some 24 thousand personnel to secure the inauguration.

Sutarman revealed that he will soon gather all the regional police chiefs from across the country and will issue directives on the security measures to be followed before and during the presidential inauguration.

Deputy National Police Chief Commissioner General Badroedin Haiti also recently assured that maintaining security would remain the main priority of the police during the presidential inauguration.

The police will tighten security in line with the standard operating procedures to ensure order and security during the event.

Head of State Intelligence Marciano Norman also gave assurance that peace and order will be maintained during the inauguration.

"There will be no indications of any disturbances during the inauguration event on Oct. 20," Marciano Norman emphasized.

However, he called on all parties, including the media, to create a conducive atmosphere ahead of the inauguration day.

"The media should participate in creating a conducive situation," he noted.

To help a smooth transfer of leadership, President Yudhoyono has invited Jokowi to attend an orientation at the State Palace before the inauguration.

"President Yudhoyono has invited Jokowi to come for an orientation at the State Palace on Saturday (Oct. 18) or Sunday (Oct. 19)," Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Chairul Tanjung recently stated.

Indonesia Gears Up For Inauguration of Seventh President - ANTARA News
China-Indonesia sign remote-sensing MoU
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
13 October 2014

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board (IMSCB) have signed an agreement supporting the latter's efforts to enhance offshore security.

The CNSA said in a statement on 10 October that the memorandum of understanding (MoU) - signed on 6 October - features the transmission of CNSA remote sensing data to IMSCB ground stations covering the vast Indonesian archipelago.

The data is intended to improve IMSCB early-warning capabilities and support maritime law enforcement and disaster relief response. The MoU follows the signing in 2012 of a China-Indonesia maritime collaboration agreement and the establishment of a bilateral maritime co-operation committee.

To read the full article, Client Login

China-Indonesia sign remote-sensing MoU - IHS Jane's 360

I can't wait the moment when Indonesia using Chinese technologies to catch Chinese fishermen who is illegally fishing in our water :)
keep waiting, every dozen Chinese fishermen have a 3,000 ton coast guard ship near, and the navy, though type 056 not far away. Take them at your own risk. We would gladly trade a few fishermen for islands.
keep waiting, every dozen Chinese fishermen have a 3,000 ton coast guard ship near, and the navy, though type 056 not far away. Take them at your own risk. We would gladly trade a few fishermen for islands.

LOL, we had sending your fisherman vessels to the bottom of Ocean around Natuna, and your government can only sending protest Notes


they are good practice target anyway, just keep sending them
LOL, we had sending your fisherman vessels to the bottom of Ocean around Natuna, and your government can only sending protest Notes

View attachment 136283

they are good practice target anyway, just keep sending them

congratulations, you proved your 1960s boats can actually fire without sinking and hit a unarmed fishing boat, don't dream too big dude. lol

All hail the greatness of, what was your country's name again?
congratulations, you proved your 1960s boats can actually fire without sinking and hit a unarmed fishing boat, don't dream too big dude. lol

All hail the greatness of, what was your country's name again?

errr we don't need to be known or be famous like yours middle kingdom, just keep sending those junks here so we can freely using them as target practices, they are cheap and numerous indeed LOL.

BTW, don't be much offended, i wish for a long live Indonesian-Chinese cooperation so both countries can mutually gain something from each other, until the day both countries met each other in battlefield at opposing sides. :smokin:
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