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Indonesia Defence Forum

Well Indonesia right now is emphasizing their efforts to build a stronger Navy and Air forces, almost 80 percent of TNI resources has been used to build a lot of new warships and to buy new war planes. So Indonesia right now is in the right track sir :)

well we have Quarrel and bad sentiments against Malaysia and we have direct land border with them too, so i think 400 strong MBT is needed to protect our land border against them

Although Indonesia Malaysia relation is not as bad as India Pakistan relations :cheers:

triple post :pissed:

Malaysia is not a threat for Indonesia, conversely, Indonesia is considered a threat by both Malaysia (since we had try before to invade them even though we had to fight British and Australia Army during that time (60's) and Australia, they just put the tank for a preparation from our potential invasion which is for me is near impossible to do now as leaders around the world has become more wise and tend to focus on economy and prosperity, and Indonesia democracy will also there to prevent such aggressive move to apply :smart:
Is there any threat to Indonesia? 250 MBTs? maybe light tanks... heavy or big MBTs like AK-I,T-90 etc arent even suitable for their terrain... etc etc..

As a big moslem country, I think we have some responsibility to help the moslem world. Getting rid Bashar Al-Assad is a viable option if Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi ready to join. I feel sick when moslem should rely on western countries such as USA, Britain, and French to topple Gaddafi in Libya. Libya has become fragile because their new army is not strong enough compare to the Tribal fighter group. We can also try to unite Somalia once again......so our MBT's is likely to support that move
As a big moslem country, I think we have some responsibility to help the moslem world. Getting rid Bashar Al-Assad is a viable option if Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi ready to join. I feel sick when moslem should rely on western countries such as USA, Britain, and French to topple Gaddafi in Libya. Libya has become fragile because their new army is not strong enough compare to the Tribal fighter group. We can also try to unite Somalia once again......so our MBT's is likely to support that move

and I feel sick when one country meddle other people's country, what responsibilities do we have for Syria anyway? We have our own responsibilities here in Indonesia, Syria is Bashar's and his people's problem to be taken care of. Do you want them to draw their attention to our own issue in Papua?

Being a country with biggest muslim population doesn't mean we have to meddle in other people's matters, and since when do Indonesia have a power projection that far?
and I feel sick when one country meddle other people's country, what responsibilities do we have for Syria anyway? We have our own responsibilities here in Indonesia, Syria is Bashar's and his people's problem to be taken care of. Do you want them to draw their attention to our own issue in Papua?

Being a country with biggest muslim population doesn't mean we have to meddle in other people's matters, and since when do Indonesia have a power projection that far?

1. Well, Christian Countries has more obligation to intervene if some bad thing happen in Christian world just like "Rwanda" case, where all major western power become regretful not to interven it after finding out that 1 million people died while the rest of the world just watching on the TV. So, Moslem countries also has more responsibility to take care some "Hitler like" leaders in the Islamic world. Fair enough. Why then USA, British, and France intervened Libya ?? While the rest of other Moslem countries just do nothing while supporting the opposition ?? It is shameful for me..:hitwall: It should be moslem nation to bring troops there so we dont have to arm the Libya rebel that makes Libya become fragile Today.

2. Power projection ? Syria is nothing if Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, and Saudi get united

So, it is not only a threat projection that become the reason why Indonesia must be strong militarily...but also its obligation as a big country, and the biggest in the Moslem World.
Oh my....Dear Indos...IMHO,you should know,the reason why this country builded is not to intervene any country in this world. We do have our own problems now. why we should thinking too much about country that more than a thousand distant miles from us. Maybe i can a little bit undersand if Israel-Palestina conflict are the topic now, but what we talking about now is Syria,their internal problems...they should take care their own problem, because we're respect the independency of every county in this world...
1. Well, Christian Countries has more obligation to intervene if some bad thing happen in Christian world just like "Rwanda" case, where all major western power become regretful not to interven it after finding out that 1 million people died while the rest of the world just watching on the TV. So, Moslem countries also has more responsibility to take care some "Hitler like" leaders in the Islamic world. Fair enough. Why then USA, British, and France intervened Libya ?? While the rest of other Moslem countries just do nothing while supporting the opposition ?? It is shameful for me..:hitwall: It should be moslem nation to bring troops there so we dont have to arm the Libya rebel that makes Libya become fragile Today.

2. Power projection ? Syria is nothing if Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, and Saudi get united

So, it is not only a threat projection that become the reason why Indonesia must be strong militarily...but also its obligation as a big country, and the biggest in the Moslem World.

1. Yo kid, welcome to the real world and FYI it is called politics when we talk about country-to-country scale wars. Christianity did not make U.S or other allied countries enter a war or got involved, it is resources. What good does religion has when it is defeated today that could make a country go to a full scale war? or when it wins battle today? nothing.

Ups and downs of nowaday's politics is defined by the need of a country for more resources and political interests, be it natural, social, or technological. Since the end of the dark ages, and industrial revolution in the early 19th century, more and more wars were fought because one country needed resources. Religions, Ideologies, and hatred are drawn to fuel the will of war so that the people will have their reason to support any war efforts of their own respective countries.

U.S fought wars in middle east to secure oil supplies and get political footholds, Russia will also more than eager to secure its own footholds in middle east which until now is still being provided by Bashar. China is also willing to go to war for more control of rich-oil and gas region of South China Sea. And guess what? Libya is also a country with millions of barrels of oil, no wonder why the allied nations were so eager to topple down Gadhafi which was "hostile" towards U.S international policies and merely a friend to Russia and China that are rivaling U.S interest.

U.S and her NATO allies were also involved in Kosovo War against many Yugoslavians and Albanian rebel groups which were mostly Christian.

If religion is the reason (just like you thought it is) for the war the West had fought, then what was the reason of Iraq invading Kuwait or Iran? what is the reason Hamas battling Fatah in the streets West Bank? What was the reason Russia invading Georgia? What was the reason British fought Argentine?

What was that again? Religion?

2. Here kid, before the government vote "yes" to a war, they will have to measure the benefit of pouring millions of dollar first, and this kind question is the most important question, "do we get something for toppling down Bashar? Like its oil maybe? or anything that could cover the cost of war?" You do know that war needs money right? and have you ever gave any thought about what that much money could do for the good of our own country? I paid taxes not to be used to give other people enjoyment, i paid taxes so that MY LIFE in MY COUNTRY could be better, not the other way around. And that is the obligation of Indonesia, to protect its people not other people that don't give a damn thing about Indonesia.

And bear in mind, Indonesia is not a muslim country, Indonesia is a country with biggest muslim population, that 's a difference you should remember. Saudi Arabia and other Arabian countries have that responsibilities more than Indonesia in Syrian case. Indonesia sees itself as a part of a moving forward region called greater East Asia, not a part of some never ending dispute far away from our goal.

Indonesia's first priority is to lift the people of Indonesia out of danger, any danger, not other people's danger.

Well, first, you dont understand my clear point but instead you call me a kid...ha,ha.:nana: I dont bother what you said to me, you dont have any weight with what ever you just said. I only respect people with morale ground. I know who I am. You seem to act without any morality...I know what kind of person you are.

Okay, now, I will explain more on this :azn:

Actually, There is people in this world who is inspired by religion and morality and there is people who is not. I believe you are the second one (sorry if it is not right and please clarify it if it is not true). And I do believe that you know Republican party dont you ? The Republican is Evangelish and The Democrat is liberal and Catholic. This Country is right now running many course in Today world's politics.

The post era of USSR is actually a rival between Orthodoks Catholic in one side (including Serbia) with Roma Catholic and Protestan (USA and British) in the other side. So making a war with Serbia do have some part in this, even though morale ground of Presiden Clinton and also the media pressure do the other part of reason of why the war took place (Christian Amanpour was in Bosnia Herzegonvina during the war). Even our military gave ammunition to the Bosnian when Soeharto visited Bosnia during the war, Do you think it is not morale ground and just worldly interest of Indonesia ??

Put aside morality for a second and focuses more on religion. If you learn history, the impact of religion is quite large in the last time. It is just like Sunni (Saudi etc) and Syiah (Iran, Syria) rival in the Gulf region. Why Saudi supported Saddam in Iran-Iraq war will make your brain a little bit clear. If you thing it is not materialize in the current politics so I have the right to say that you must learn more about international politics and history. I do believe that not only religion play the part but other things play as well as you have already explained in your last post. You are like side blinded person, who doesn't know the other part of the game. I do recognize both parts of the game and their respective influence to the real politics and history. Ego and Morale do play.....And which side the leader take...just clarify what kind of leader he is....

My last post actually talked about the responsibility and morality, and some leaders do have some responsibility even though some are not. I just want to bring some morale ground here. About Rwanda, I do believe that Moslem and Christian country should have intervened there, but Christian country has more responsibility to do so in the international politics scene. On the other part, Saddam Hussein is a person I called before in my last post as "Hitler like leaders" that should understand that his bad action can be punished by the internasional community.

Christian and Moslem country can do something together to get rid these person which they did in the first Gulf War, or they can do it by themselves where the Moslem is more passive just, just like what happen in Libya and Syria as if it is justified morally. Honestly, I am not a person who will sit down nicely at home and see hundred thousand people including kids and women get killed by one crazy leader while I have power in my hand to stop it. but in case if you become a leader, I bet you will not do it. So, it depends on who has the power. Not only money and ego (including Nationalist Ego) that rules a person.

In short, if the intervention is so needed to safe many life just like in Bosnia and Libya (or even Syria) it is justifiable in my understanding. Another example, US attacked Jermany under Hitler even though US was not at war with Jermany in the early phase of WW2. But I still dont like the way US and British bomb many cities there and in Japan cities with no mercy to civiliants.

Going back to this present time and talking a little bit about unjustified war and the influence of oil in current war. An attack to Iraq, Afganistan, and in some degree in Somalia (under Islamic court) by USA is a different story. It is not justified morally. Do you still believe that it is about oil ??? Ha,ha, how much they can get money from it compare how much USA suffer financially to finance those wars (Iraq/Afganistan). Have you check the figure yet or still using oil scenario based explanation ?

Oil money is nothing compare to Iraq/Afgan war US budget, and many of Iraq oil are also operated by non-USA companies now. Is it to make cheaper oil....Nope. It destabilize Iraq and oil price is keep growing (China and India demands are also affecting oil price though). Is it about energy security in Afganistan ? To secure gas pipeline? Why dont USA make a friend with Taliban if it is the real agenda, which is only to secure oil pipe line. Taliban has already given green light for USA silent operation if USA want to get Osama, but instead of doing that, USA burn all Afganistan which also affect Pakistan until now.

Well, first, you dont understand my clear point but instead you call me a kid...ha,ha.:nana: I dont bother what you said to me, you dont have any weight with what ever you just said. I only respect people with morale ground. I know who I am. You seem to act without any morality...I know what kind of person you are.

Okay, now, I will explain more on this :azn:

Actually, There is people in this world who is inspired by religion and there is people who is not. I believe you are the second one (sorry if it is not right and please clarify it if it is not true). And I do believe that you know Republican party dont you ? The Republican is Evangelish and The Democrat is liberal and Catholic. This Country is right now running many course in Today world's politics.

The post era of USSR is actually a rival between Orthodoks Catholic in one side (including Serbia) with Roma Catholic and Protestan (USA and British) in the other side. So making a war with Serbia do have some part in this, even though morale ground of Presiden Clinton and also the media pressure do the other part of reason of why the war took place (Christian Amanpour was in Bosnia Herzegonvina during the war). Even our military gave ammunition to the Bosnian when Soeharto visited Bosnia during the war, Do you think it is not morale ground and just worldly interest of Indonesia ??

If you learn history, the impact of religion is quite large in the last time. It is just like Sunni (Saudi etc) and Syiah (Iran, Syria) rival in the Gulf region. Why Saudi supported Saddam in Iran-Iraq war will make your brain a little bit clear. If you thing it is not materialize in the current politics so I have the right to say that you must learn more about international politics and history. I do believe that not only religion play the part but other things play as well as you have already explained in your last post. You are like side blinded person, who doesn't know the other part of the game. I do recognize both parts of the game and their respective influence to the real politics and history. Ego and Morale do play.....And which side the leader take...just clarify what kind of leader he is....

My last post actually talked about the responsibility and morality, and some leaders do have some responsibility even though some are not. I just want to bring some morale ground here. About Rwanda, I do believe that Moslem and Christian country should have intervened there, but Christian country has more responsibility to do so in the international politics scene. On the other part, Saddam Hussein is a person I called before in my last post as "Hitler like leaders" that should understand that his bad action can be punished by the internasional community.

Christian and Moslem country can do something together to get rid these person which they did in the first Gulf War, or they can do it by themselves where the Moslem is more passive just, just like what happen in Libya and Syria as if it is justified morally. Honestly, I am not a person who will sit down nicely at home and see hundred thousand people including kids and women get killed by one crazy leader while I have power in my hand to stop it. but in case if you become a leader, I bet you will not do it. So, it depends on who has the power. Not only money and ego (including Nationalist Ego) that rules a person.

In short, if the intervention is so needed to safe many life just like in Bosnia and Libya (or even Syria) it is justifiable in my understanding. Another example, US attacked Jermany under Hitler even though US was not at war with Jermany in the early phase of WW2. But I still dont like the way US and British bomb many cities there and in Japan cities with no mercy to civiliants.

Going back to this present time and talking a little bit about unjustified war and the influence of oil in current war. An attack to Iraq, Afganistan, and in some degree in Somalia (under Islamic court) by USA is a different story. It is not justified morally. Do you still believe that it is about oil ??? Ha,ha, how much they can get money from it compare how much USA suffer financially to finance those wars (Iraq/Afganistan). Have you check the figure yet or still using oil scenario based explanation ?

Oil money is nothing compare to Iraq/Afgan war US budget, and many of Iraq oil are also operated by non-USA companies now. Is it to make cheaper oil....Nope. It destabilize Iraq and oil price is keep growing (China and India demands are also affecting oil price though). Is it about energy security in Afganistan ? To secure gas pipeline? Why dont USA make a friend with Taliban if it is the real agenda, which is only to secure oil pipe line. Taliban has already given green light for USA silent operation if USA want to get Osama, but instead of doing that, USA burn all Afganistan which also affect Pakistan until now.

:disagree: :disagree:
So much bullshit and just became a dirt to this thread for the long post

Well, first, you dont understand my clear point but instead you call me a kid...ha,ha.:nana: I dont bother what you said to me, you dont have any weight with what ever you just said. I only respect people with morale ground. I know who I am. You seem to act without any morality...I know what kind of person you are.

If you are so willing to die, go ahead, go there and kill yourself. But please don't drag your country to more problem. I would rather my government to spend my tax money on our country defense and economy.
There is a warrior and there is a women type guy in this world. Tomorrow Indonesia insyaALLAH will be lead by the one who put moral ground first. The way you choose side, clarify what kind of person you are
There is a warrior and there is a women type guy in this world. Tomorrow Indonesia insyaALLAH will be lead by the one who put moral ground first. The way you choose side, clarify what kind of person you are

In the end, the so called warrior only dared to type and make problem for his own country. Prove your word, enough typing, sold your computer, your motor/car and house if you have any, buy a ticket and go to war in Syria.

Okay, now, I will explain more on this :azn:

Actually, There is people in this world who is inspired by religion and morality and there is people who is not. I believe you are the second one (sorry if it is not right and please clarify it if it is not true). And I do believe that you know Republican party dont you ? The Republican is Evangelish and The Democrat is liberal and Catholic. This Country is right now running many course in Today world's politics.
IMHO,I choose morality and religion if we're talking about my interest,about my own life, but if we're talking about country, it would be wise if I choose second.Nowdays country are led by national interest,and national interest itself, are formed by every people,religions and all the things inside the country. there's so many people that relying their lives on our nation. why we should care about the other,when our peoples still need much attention from our country? they have their own nations,and they are need no help from us. In my opinion, The true warriors are never begging help from others until it necessary( since you're talking about warrior ) . that's my opinion....

Well, first, you dont understand my clear point but instead you call me a kid...ha,ha.:nana: I dont bother what you said to me, you dont have any weight with what ever you just said. I only respect people with morale ground. I know who I am. You seem to act without any morality...I know what kind of person you are.

Okay, now, I will explain more on this :azn:

Actually, There is people in this world who is inspired by religion and morality and there is people who is not. I believe you are the second one (sorry if it is not right and please clarify it if it is not true). And I do believe that you know Republican party dont you ? The Republican is Evangelish and The Democrat is liberal and Catholic. This Country is right now running many course in Today world's politics.

You do know that saying that my POV is weightless reflects to yours too right?

Republican evangelical bases and Democrat Catholic bases do have some weights in the elections within the U.S.A as both sides emphasize the use of mormons to get votes. heck even 79 percent evangelicals voted for GOP. But the significances of both party's religious grounds are proven little and carry lesser weight to the actual national decision making towards international policies. CSU/CDU is basically a party with Christianity as its base, even Merkel vocally shouted and rejected the integration of Muslim to the german society and said that German people should defend the very value of Christianity. But does her own and her party's religious view carry weight to her international policies? Nope, As we are now talking about country-to-country matters which in this case, binding it only to religion seems out of case.

The post era of USSR is actually a rival between Orthodoks Catholic in one side (including Serbia) with Roma Catholic and Protestan (USA and British) in the other side. So making a war with Serbia do have some part in this, even though morale ground of Presiden Clinton and also the media pressure do the other part of reason of why the war took place (Christian Amanpour was in Bosnia Herzegonvina during the war). Even our military gave ammunition to the Bosnian when Soeharto visited Bosnia during the war, Do you think it is not morale ground and just worldly interest of Indonesia ??

Fair enough, but one thing clicks my mind, if the U.S and British were so against the other orders of christianity itself, where was the position of the muslims then? The KLA was commanded and mostly joined by Muslims, towards whom is the hatred of the Roman Catholic and Protestan bigger?

Anyway, you do know with whom was Soeharto clinging right? Soeharto was a friend to the U.S global policies, Soeharto was also supporting Afghanis mujahideen, "surprisingly" U.S was also supporting them, the same case applies to the Kosovo war, Soeharto will support anyone that U.S told him to support. If you understand how the politics run in the cold war, you will understand the sentences like "He's a SOB, but he is our SOB".

Put aside morality for a second and focuses more on religion. If you learn history, the impact of religion is quite large in the last time. It is just like Sunni (Saudi etc) and Syiah (Iran, Syria) rival in the Gulf region. Why Saudi supported Saddam in Iran-Iraq war will make your brain a little bit clear. If you thing it is not materialize in the current politics so I have the right to say that you must learn more about international politics and history. I do believe that not only religion play the part but other things play as well as you have already explained in your last post. You are like side blinded person, who doesn't know the other part of the game. I do recognize both parts of the game and their respective influence to the real politics and history. Ego and Morale do play.....And which side the leader take...just clarify what kind of leader he is....

First of all, I didn't say that religion does not have any impact to the conflict between countries. I said that religion and ideologies are being used to justify the decisions made by decision makers of any country, "because they have great impact especially to reason with the people" (that's the full version so that you brains can catch it). A lack of understanding of yours you can't be simply made as a reason for you to say that i lack of understanding in international politics to the sunshine.

I am maybe side blinded, But you tend to be seeing from both sides while in the meantime you actually never mentioned anything about the other side which lead to a conclusion that you are just as blinded as me. Saudi during Iran-Iraq war was already in U.S ranks, Saudi supported anyone that U.S told them to, pretty much like Indonesia during Soeharto. What happened when Iraq started to run its own agenda like invading Kuwait will make your brain a little bit clearer, Saudi took side with NATO in the gulf war, it is simply because Saudi's national interest was bigger than Saudi's religious agenda towards its neighboring countries, although conflict between middle eastern countries can't be separated from Religion.

Ego and Morale do play, but the big line depends on which matter and which interest a country has, chosing side takes more than ego of a person. As an analogy; Abott of Australia was hard as rock towards Gillard's "appeasement" to Indonesia regarding issues like Boat People and Papua, but is he still holding up to his hard-rock principle (like towing the boats back or hire locals to spy for Australia) towards Indonesia when he is taking the office now? "Indo's Boot-licker" is now what he is called, Australia's interests are bigger than Abott's earlier stands, and Abott does know that his own stands endanger the relationship with Indonesia which is seen important to the future of Australia's position in Asia.

My last post actually talked about the responsibility and morality, and some leaders do have some responsibility even though some are not. I just want to bring some morale ground here. About Rwanda, I do believe that Moslem and Christian country should have intervened there, but Christian country has more responsibility to do so in the international politics scene. On the other part, Saddam Hussein is a person I called before in my last post as "Hitler like leaders" that should understand that his bad action can be punished by the internasional community.

Christian and Moslem country can do something together to get rid these person which they did in the first Gulf War, or they can do it by themselves where the Moslem is more passive just, just like what happen in Libya and Syria as if it is justified morally. Honestly, I am not a person who will sit down nicely at home and see hundred thousand people including kids and women get killed by one crazy leader while I have power in my hand to stop it. but in case if you become a leader, I bet you will not do it. So, it depends on who has the power. Not only money and ego (including Nationalist Ego) that rules a person.

In short, if the intervention is so needed to safe many life just like in Bosnia and Libya (or even Syria) it is justifiable in my understanding. Another example, US attacked Jermany under Hitler even though US was not at war with Jermany in the early phase of WW2. But I still dont like the way US and British bomb many cities there and in Japan cities with no mercy to civiliants.

I don't think so, intervening a conflict will only escalate the conflict, World war I was fought because Russian Empire intervened the punitive action of Austria-Hungaria towards the Serb nationalists which provoke the German Empire to enter the theater and later invited the British and French armies to the war. The best thing an outsiders could do is to contain the escalation of the war itself and to avoid intervening directly in the war.

And you do realize that the conflict in Syria last longer than in Libya because to many hands play in the game right? If Saudis and its Sunni counterparts didn't support the FSA, FSA could be defeated by Bashar and the war will end. If Russia and Iran didn't support Bashar, FSA could win the war fast and finally end it. Now guess what, both sides have enough support to continue the war until there is nothing left, is that your "morale ground"?

If you want to quickly end the war, let's just be passive and let one side get supports while the other don't.

My stand is actually more simple than you thought, my goal is to secure the safety of the people who had trusted me with their belongings and possesions. If I had that kind of power, I will consider meddling into other people's matter only when it suits the need of my people. If one day Indonesia couldn't find anymore oil inside its current power projection and no country is willing to trade their oil with Indonesia, I will gladly support Indonesia to attack any countries in order to takeover their oilfields, even Saudi Arabia for example.

Going back to this present time and talking a little bit about unjustified war and the influence of oil in current war. An attack to Iraq, Afganistan, and in some degree in Somalia (under Islamic court) by USA is a different story. It is not justified morally. Do you still believe that it is about oil ??? Ha,ha, how much they can get money from it compare how much USA suffer financially to finance those wars (Iraq/Afganistan). Have you check the figure yet or still using oil scenario based explanation ?

Oil money is nothing compare to Iraq/Afgan war US budget, and many of Iraq oil are also operated by non-USA companies now. Is it to make cheaper oil....Nope. It destabilize Iraq and oil price is keep growing (China and India demands are also affecting oil price though). Is it about energy security in Afganistan ? To secure gas pipeline? Why dont USA make a friend with Taliban if it is the real agenda, which is only to secure oil pipe line. Taliban has already given green light for USA silent operation if USA want to get Osama, but instead of doing that, USA burn all Afganistan which also affect Pakistan until now.

Actually, yes I had

Qurna field alone has more than 17 million barell oil reserve which is estimated at USD $1.8 trillion using march 2013's figure of USD 106 per barell which is won by Exxon. It is enough to cover the the entire cost of Iraq war that stands at USD $1.7 trillion, until 2013 and we are yet to talk about the untapped resources Iraq has.

The afghanistan war is fought simply because Taliban is not in line with U.S interest, the anti-america taliban leadership could endanger U.S interest in other parts of Middle east. Anyway, to some extents, Afghanistan do have some weights in natural resources.


And since when did I say the U.S fought only for oil? I used it as an example of how the need for resource is seen more important than religion to define a global stances of a country.

So.. are you speculating when you try to mock me?
Indonesia to add to UN peace force

Thu, October 3 2013 21:26 |


Purnomo Yusgiantoro. (ANTARA/Wahyu Putro A.)

"We have set a target of sending 3,500 personnel by 2014."

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia`s Minister for Defense Purnomo Yusgiantoro said Indonesia will add its personnel to the United Nations (UN) Peace Force.

"Indonesia has 1,780 personnel now, and in early 2014, we will increase the number to 2,800 personnel to be deployed in conflict areas such as Lebanon, Haiti, Darfur, and Congo," said the Defense Minister on Tuesday (Oct 1).

Yusgiantoro added that in future, the number of Indonesian Peace Force personnel would be increased to 3,500 to join the UN mission in Mali and Syria.

"We have set a target of sending 3,500 personnel by 2014, in order to be on the list of top ten countries contributing to world peace," he said.

Besides increasing the number of personnel, Indonesia will equip its peace force contingent with an M-17 helicopter squadron.

These efforts are aimed at enhancing Indonesia`s position from top 20 to top ten countries contributing to world peace.

"It is also in line with President Yudhoyono`s expectation to include Indonesia in the top ten countries," he said.

The UN has had faith in the Indonesian peace force since its first affiliation in maintaining world peace mission in 1957. The Garuda Contingent (Indonesian peace force) always performs well and it is something that locals should be proud of.

During the UN mission from 2006 to 2012, Indonesian Military sent 1,933 personnel for deployment in several countries. In December 2012, the Garuda Contingent was awarded "The United Nations Medal in The Service of Peace" for its outstanding duty in Lebanon.

The award is indicative that Indonesia takes an active role in establishing and maintaining world peace as mandated by the 1945 Constitution.

Editor: Priyambodo RH


Indonesia to add to UN peace force - ANTARA News

PNG`s defense minister pays courtesy call on Indonesian counterpart

Tue, June 18 2013 12:17 |

"We have agreed to work more and seek more oppotunities and comprehensive partnership."

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Papua New Guinea`s Defense Minister Febian *** paid a courtesy call on his Indonesian counterpart, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, here on Tuesday.

The two ministers discussed efforts to intensify defense cooperation between Indonesia and PNG, Minister Yusgiantoro said.

"The defense cooperation, which has been implemented so far, includes joint border patrol, military official exchange visits, and training as well as exercises," the minister said.

The two countries explored possibility to establish cooperation in the defense industry, he added.

Indonesia and PNG signed a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) in Port Moresby, PNG, on March 12, 2010 during a state visit by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Minister Febian *** is a member of the entourage of PNG`s Prime Minister Peter Charles Paire O`Neill who is on a visit to Indonesia.

Prime Minister O`Neill and President Yudhoyono held a bilateral meeting in Jakarta on Monday (June 17).

President Yudhoyono considered the state visit of the PNG prime minister this time very significant for developing and increasing the cooperation between the two countries following the meetings before in Honolulu and in the Bali Democracy Forum last year.

"This visit is very important not only for the two countries` bilateral relations but also for increasing and strengthening our relations and partnership. We have agreed to work more and seek more opportunities and comprehensive partnership," he said.

Prime Minister O`Neill meanwhile said he was glad over the warn welcome that had been given to him and his delegation.

He said as close neighbors PNG and Indonesia could continue to develop their cooperation wider.

Editor: Priyambodo RH


PNG`s defense minister pays courtesy call on Indonesian counterpart - ANTARA News
There is a warrior and there is a women type guy in this world. Tomorrow Indonesia insyaALLAH will be lead by the one who put moral ground first. The way you choose side, clarify what kind of person you are

hahahaha just look at reality masbro, do you really think that our gov will meddle in **** like war for moral? mind ourselves, lot of our friend still need job, money to buy some milk for their child, lot of poor & uneducation child. and look at our corrupt gov, in their head just full with money. even their own citizen is neglected, and you still think that they will care about **** in some unknown country? one word "lol".

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