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Indonesia Defence Forum

Jokowi to name six historical figures as national heroes

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is set to award the title of national hero posthumously to six Indonesian figures on Heroes Day, which falls on Nov. 10, Social Affairs Minister Juliari Batubara has said.

“There are six national hero awardees this year,” Juliari said on Friday, as quoted by Antara.

Two of the awardees are from the country’s easternmost provinces, namely Sultan Baabullah from North Maluku and Machmud Singgirei Rumagesan from West Papua. The two figures will be the first national heroes from both provinces.

Sultan Baabullah was the seventh sultan of the Ternate Sultanate from 1570 to 1583. His influence reached as far as 72 islands including Mindanao Island in the Philippines and the Papuan Islands.

Baabullah defeated the Portuguese colonizers and led Maluku to its peak of glory at the end of the 16th century through free trade in spices and forest products.

Machmud Singgirei Rumagesan was the king of Sekar region, now Fakfak regency, who fought against the Dutch colonial government and later established the Tjendrawasih Revolutionary Movement of West Irian (GTRIB).

The GTRIB called on the Indonesian government to form a local government in Papua, led by native Papuans, as a part of Indonesia to rival the Dutch that still occupied the land after Indonesian independence in 1945.

The other four awardees are first National Police chief Gen. (ret) Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo from Jakarta, former information minister Arnold Mononutu from North Sulawesi, Youth Congress figure Sutan Mohammad Amin Nasution from North Sumatra and warlord Raden Mattaher from Jambi.

Juliari said the nomination of the six historical figures had gone through a selection process in the Social Affairs Ministry and the Title, Order of Merit and Honors Council.

Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo led the National Police from 1945 to 1959. He was mandated by first President Soekarno to build a police institution with nationalism in mind. He was awarded the Bintang Mahaputra medal by President Soeharto in 1968 as a recognition of his professional accomplishments during his service.

Arnold Mononutu was a nationalist involved in the country’s struggle for independence, including supporting the notion of unifying the Dutch-established State of East Indonesia (NIT) with the Republic of Indonesia. Afterward, Arnold was appointed as the information minister. In 1953, he became the first Ambassador of Indonesia to China.

Sutan Mohammad Amin Nasution was an Acehnese-Mandailing lawyer who was also involved in the independence movement. He served as the governor of North Sumatra and later became the first governor of Riau. He was also one of the founders of the Young Indonesians organization, which later held the Second Youth Congress in Oct. 1928.

Raden Mattaher was a warlord of the Jambi Sultanate in the 19th century who also fought against Dutch colonial rule. In 1885, Mattaher and his great uncle Thaha Syaifuddin, the sultan of Jambi who was named a national hero in 1977, sunk a Dutch warship in the Kumpeh Muaro Jambi River. (aly)


Kamis, 5 November 2020

Jakarta (5/11/2020) Dirjen Pothan Kemhan RI, Mayjen TNI Dadang Hendrayudha memimpin Rapat Kerjasama Industri Pertahanan antara Indonesia dengan Turki (The 9th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting between The Republic of Turkey and The Republic of Indonesia) yang dilaksanakan secara bilateral meeting dan bertempat di Gedung Ditjen Pothan Kemhan.

Rapat ini dipimpin oleh Dirjen Pothan Kemhan, Mayor Jenderal TNI Dadang Hendrayudha dari Indonesia dan dari Turki dipimpin oleh Vice President of President of Defence Industries (SSB) of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Serdar Demirel. Tujuan dari rapat ini adalah mempersatukan Industri Pertahanan kedua negara dalam mengembangkan dan memproduksi Alutsista Pertahanan, bisa dengan pengadaan baru, modernisasi, ToT serta Training (Latihan).


Pandemik Covid-19, tidak menghalangi kerjasama dan komunikasi Industri Pertahanan kedua negara sehingga rapat dilaksanakan melalui Video Conference. Agenda pertemuan meliputi Patrol Vessel, Rocket & Misille System, UAV, Combat Management System, Training on Indonesian Pilot CN-235 AirCraft, KT-1 Air Craft, Couger Helicopter Simulator In Turkey, Ammunition, Modernization of Frigates and Cooperation on Submarine, Harimau Medium Tank and Software Designed Radios.


Hasil diskusi dicatat dalam Munite of Meeting sebagai acuan implementasi kerjasama kedepan.


Kegiatan berjalan tertib, aman dan lancar. (Red Bagdatin/Ditekindhan).

bambang soesatyo MPR RI Leader and MPR RI member visiting turkish FNSS factory 3 november 2020 .

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Confirmed by Abraham Mose the contract had been given to PT Pindad for this year financial term

From MoD
1. 500 Maung utility vehicles
2. 4 Billion munition of small arms caliber
3. Harimau medium tank
4. Cobra 8X8

Btw, anyone here can give me clue about this rifle?

Confirmed by Abraham Mose the contract had been given to PT Pindad for this year financial term

From MoD
1. 500 Maung utility vehicles
2. 4 Billion munition of small arms caliber
3. Harimau medium tank
4. Cobra 8X8

Btw, anyone here can give me clue about this rifle?

View attachment 686565
Surat pemesanan? Arti surat pemesanan agak ambigu, kalo kontrak pengadaan dah jelas. Anyway good to hear, specially for Harimau and munitions.
Surat pemesanan? Arti surat pemesanan agak ambigu, kalo kontrak pengadaan dah jelas. Anyway good to hear, specially for Harimau and munitions.

Some of the maung order had been delivered to Kemenhan already
Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo led the National Police from 1945 to 1959. He was mandated by first President Soekarno to build a police institution with nationalism in mind. He was awarded the Bintang Mahaputra medal by President Soeharto in 1968 as a recognition of his professional accomplishments during his service.
Woww.... So proud with this one. Do the "bebal" Conspiracy Theorists will talking about this?, because he was grandmaster of freemason lodge.
Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo led the National Police from 1945 to 1959. He was mandated by first President Soekarno to build a police institution with nationalism in mind. He was awarded the Bintang Mahaputra medal by President Soeharto in 1968 as a recognition of his professional accomplishments during his service.
Bantuan Paman Sam untuk Polri

Interesting story about Soekanto and the guy that said "mendayung di antara dua karang" but himself not like that, guess who. These two are in my list of favorites Indonesian.
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It's indorifle air gun, made in Sumedang.

Well in kind of large war involving Indonesia, they can be mobilized to produce arms, surely under heavy supervision from the state!!
Well in kind of large war involving Indonesia, they can be mobilized to produce arms, surely under heavy supervision from the state!!
LOL the exact same Sharp Innova model air rifle i used to practice with

I got mixed feeling about this, let's hope Anak menteng can help us convince New POTUS not to see us in a bad way.
What to see? Indonesia always Indonesia
Do you think new administration will commit to agreement between Esper-Prabowo (mempererat kerja sama, F16v, F15/F18, Osprey, ext) ??
Why would they not?
It's possible that they'll view it as legacy of the most controversial president in American History and want to get rid of it (might be not fully but still...)

One thing I'm pretty sure is no more talk about military sales with them until New Administration take office.
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