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Indonesia Defence Forum

they're trying to play religion card , some filipino reshared this on asean military forum , good thing there was an member and admin from that page who are indonesian catholic and christian that sort the blunder .
Not sure for the electronics system, but platform / airframe wise P-1 is better than P-8 for the MPA/ASW role :
- P-1 airframe design is optimized for MPA/ASW role, while P-8 is adapted from commercial airliner (B737)
- P-1 is optimized for both low level / low speed and high level / high speed patrolling.. while P-8 is optimized for high level / high speed patrolling only (as all commercial jet planes are designed for economic cruising in high altitude)
- The cockpit windows on P-1 are much larger than the P-8 thus increasing the field of view for the pilots.
- 4 engines in P-1 vs 2 engines in P-8... 2 engines in P-1 can also be safely shutdown during patrol to increase range / endurance...

Well that are just some of the advantages of the P-1 compared to the P-8.. Of course the specialized P-1 platform also means that it's more expensive to procure and maintain compared to the P-8...
The P-8 would be cheaper to operate overall as the 737 support chain is FAR larger than what the P-1 can drum up. That alone is a big deciding factor when it comes to procurement.
Indonesia Wants to Buy the Su-35 Again Because the US Refuses to Sell the F-35

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets due to Washington's view of selling the F-35 stealth fighter to Jakarta.

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets after the US officially refuses to supply the country with the fifth generation of stealth fighter F-35 Lightning II.

“The United States leaves Indonesia without fifth generation F-35 fighter jets, according to Indonesian Ambassador to the US - Mr. Muhammad Lutfi, Washington has no intention of selling the F-35 stealth fighter until Jakarta buys enough number of F-16 ", CNN Indonesia reported.

According to the ambassador, Washington specifically said that Jakarta could not own the fifth generation Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter until it purchased the fourth generation US fighter.

"So there are platforms we have to work on to get the F-35. We have to buy fourth generation F-16 fighters first," said Mr Lutfi.

The Ambassador explained that in the near future, the United States will come to Indonesia with the proposal to purchase a batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, the Russian news publication Military Review said.

The local media and analysts quickly grasped the topic and claimed that the purchase of the US F-16 for the price of the Russian Su-35 - the fighter is even outperforming the F-35 is absurd.

“It was the Americans who asked for that. Why do we need the US F-16 if we can easily buy the Russian Su-35, which is even more dangerous than the F-35 ".

"We did everything we could, but the Americans refused to sell their planes - now it's Washington's problem," an Indonesian analyst told the local newspaper.

It should be noted that negotiations between Indonesia and Russia were conducted earlier, but then frozen due to the appearance of an opportunity for Jakarta to buy the F-35, along with concerns from the US imposition of embargo with CAATSA law, but now Indonesia can declare its intention to return to Russia's Su-35 fighter.


We Indonesian call something like this Nerve Veins War!!
Indonesia Wants to Buy the Su-35 Again Because the US Refuses to Sell the F-35

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets due to Washington's view of selling the F-35 stealth fighter to Jakarta.

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets after the US officially refuses to supply the country with the fifth generation of stealth fighter F-35 Lightning II.

“The United States leaves Indonesia without fifth generation F-35 fighter jets, according to Indonesian Ambassador to the US - Mr. Muhammad Lutfi, Washington has no intention of selling the F-35 stealth fighter until Jakarta buys enough number of F-16 ", CNN Indonesia reported.

According to the ambassador, Washington specifically said that Jakarta could not own the fifth generation Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter until it purchased the fourth generation US fighter.

"So there are platforms we have to work on to get the F-35. We have to buy fourth generation F-16 fighters first," said Mr Lutfi.

The Ambassador explained that in the near future, the United States will come to Indonesia with the proposal to purchase a batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, the Russian news publication Military Review said.

The local media and analysts quickly grasped the topic and claimed that the purchase of the US F-16 for the price of the Russian Su-35 - the fighter is even outperforming the F-35 is absurd.

“It was the Americans who asked for that. Why do we need the US F-16 if we can easily buy the Russian Su-35, which is even more dangerous than the F-35 ".

"We did everything we could, but the Americans refused to sell their planes - now it's Washington's problem," an Indonesian analyst told the local newspaper.

It should be noted that negotiations between Indonesia and Russia were conducted earlier, but then frozen due to the appearance of an opportunity for Jakarta to buy the F-35, along with concerns from the US imposition of embargo with CAATSA law, but now Indonesia can declare its intention to return to Russia's Su-35 fighter.


We Indonesian call something like this Nerve Veins War!!
The headline is Washington refuse to sell F35 until Jakarta buys enough number of F16.
Indonesia Wants to Buy the Su-35 Again Because the US Refuses to Sell the F-35

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets due to Washington's view of selling the F-35 stealth fighter to Jakarta.

Indonesia intends to return to buying Russian Su-35 fighter jets after the US officially refuses to supply the country with the fifth generation of stealth fighter F-35 Lightning II.

“The United States leaves Indonesia without fifth generation F-35 fighter jets, according to Indonesian Ambassador to the US - Mr. Muhammad Lutfi, Washington has no intention of selling the F-35 stealth fighter until Jakarta buys enough number of F-16 ", CNN Indonesia reported.

According to the ambassador, Washington specifically said that Jakarta could not own the fifth generation Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter until it purchased the fourth generation US fighter.

"So there are platforms we have to work on to get the F-35. We have to buy fourth generation F-16 fighters first," said Mr Lutfi.

The Ambassador explained that in the near future, the United States will come to Indonesia with the proposal to purchase a batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, the Russian news publication Military Review said.

The local media and analysts quickly grasped the topic and claimed that the purchase of the US F-16 for the price of the Russian Su-35 - the fighter is even outperforming the F-35 is absurd.

“It was the Americans who asked for that. Why do we need the US F-16 if we can easily buy the Russian Su-35, which is even more dangerous than the F-35 ".

"We did everything we could, but the Americans refused to sell their planes - now it's Washington's problem," an Indonesian analyst told the local newspaper.

It should be noted that negotiations between Indonesia and Russia were conducted earlier, but then frozen due to the appearance of an opportunity for Jakarta to buy the F-35, along with concerns from the US imposition of embargo with CAATSA law, but now Indonesia can declare its intention to return to Russia's Su-35 fighter.


We Indonesian call something like this Nerve Veins War!!

Who 'Indonesian Analyst' that the article referred to?

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