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Indonesia Defence Forum

But what about Apache? It is a high tech military technology too.
Buying weapons and getting knowledge to build it; is a different thing.
Indonesia is not Japan / South Korea, that will be allowed to get TOT like in the F-2, F-15J, KF-16.
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The titles writen "considered" so its not final yet. But honestly i hope KFX/IFX will keep going as planned.
So... what's the true reason this administration wants to withdraw from the KFX IFX project? I think you forgot to type it somewhere in there.

I don't believe American grandstanding is the only reason Indonesia wants to withdraw (Article did say there was finance issues), but while it is absurd logic, America has acted that way before.

For example the OBOR initiative by China as well as its increasing economic influence in Africa. America knows it can't match China investment for investment so instead it makes a huge fuss about "Chinese meddling in Africa" and "Thinly veiled economic Imperialism in Asia".

Is it absurd and hypocritical? Yes. Did it stop America from doing it? No.

With that in mind I can totally see how America could and would pressure Indonesia if it meant it would prevent gains by its rivals.

Yes, US is just one factor. The other factor is SoKor. We have 20% share in the project, tapi dapet techno apa? Kalo cuma diajarin nge-las sana sini ya buat apa. What's in the contract of this project. Suppliers and partners like to keep the terms and condition of the deal 'open' so that they can change the terms and conditions along the way of the project for their own advantage. I don't think SoKor is going share key technologies to us that easily.
Dubes Korsel: kapal selam TNI dikirim pekan depan

Dokumentasi - Prajurit TNI AL berusaha menambatkan tali KRI Nagapasa-403 setibanya di Dermaga Kapal Selam Koarmatim, Ujung, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Senin (28/8/2017). KRI Nagapasa-403 merupakan kapal selam diesel elektrik type 209/1400 pesanan pertama Indonesia kepada Korsel dan menjadi kapal selam ketiga yang dimiliki TNI AL. ANTARA FOTO/Zabur Karuru/aww/17.

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - Kapal selam kedua dari tiga kapal selam pesanan TNI Angkatan Laut yang dibuat oleh Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) akan dikirim dari Korea Selatan, pekan depan.

Rencananya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Ryamizard Ryacudu akan menyaksikan langsung upacara pengiriman kapal selam tersebut di dermaga galangan kapal DSME, Gyeongsang Selatan, Korea Selatan.

"Ini adalah kapal selam kedua yang akan dikirim pada 25 April mendatang," ujar Duta Besar Korea Selatan untuk Indonesia Kim Chang-beom dalam wawancara khusus dengan Antara di Jakarta, Kamis.

Sementara kapal selam pertama yang dinamakan KRI Nagapasa-403 telah tiba di Tanah Air pada Agustus 2017, dan satu lagi kapal selam sedang dirakit di PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya.

Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu mengatakan masuknya kapal selam KRI Nagapasa-403 dalam jajaran TNI AL diharapkan mampu mendukung terciptanya stabilitas keamanan kawasan dan mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia.

Menurut Menhan, pertahanan negara perlu ditopang dengan alutsista yang kuat.

Berdasarkan kontrak pengadaan kapal selam DSME 209 yang dilaksanakan Kementerian Pertahanan RI dengan pihak DSME, maka dilaksanakan pembangunan tiga unit kapal selam sejak Januari 2013. Kapal tersebut masing-masing memiliki bobot 1.400 ton, panjang 61,3 meter dan lebar 7,6 meter dengan kecepatan 21 knot di bawah air.

Kapal dengan kapasitas 40 personnel dan bisa berlayar lebih dari 50 hari ini dilengkapi dengan peluncur torpedo yang mampu meluncurkan torpedo 533 mm dan peluru kendali anti kapal permukaan yang merupakan modernisasi armada kapal selam TNI AL.

Dubes Kim berharap kerja sama bidang pertahanan ini bisa dikembangkan tidak hanya pada aspek pengadaan tetapi juga perakitan dan transfer teknologi pembuatan kapal selam.

"Kerja sama pertahanan adalah salah satu pilar kemitraan strategis antara Indonesia dan Korea Selatan," tuturnya.


Summary: The Second new submarine (KRI Ardedali-404) built in South Korea will be sent to Indonesia next week. One submarine is still under construction in PT PAL.

Senegal pesan kapal tanker dan kargo dari Indonesia

Kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal TNI AL Kapal tunda menarik kapal perang jenis perusak kawal rudal (PKR) yang menjalani uji coba di Galangan Divisi Kapal Niaga PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (19/10/2017). Kapal perang buatan PT PAL kedua jenis frigate sigma 10514 bernomer lambung 332 dengan panjang 105 meter, lebar 14 meter yang memiliki kecepatan 28 knots tersebut rencana nya akan diserah terimakan kepada TNI AL akhir bulan ini. (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat)

London (ANTARA News) - Setelah membeli pesawat dan kereta dari Indonesia , Senegal akan membeli kapal tanker dan kargo seberat 18.500 ton dan berminat membeli dua kapal patroli ukuran 60 meter untuk mengawasi wilayah pesisirnya sepanjang 700 km.

Hal itu disampaikan Menteri Urusan Pengembangan Jaringan Perkeretaapian Nasional Senegal, Abdou Ndene Sall, mewakili Pemerintah Senegal dalam kunjungannya ke PT. PAL dan Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) di Bali pekan lalu.

Pensosbud KBRI Doha, Dimas Prihadi dalam keterangan kepada Antara London, Jumat menyebutkan bahwa keinginan pemerintah Senegal membeli kapal tanker dari Indonesia di konfirmasi oleh Direktur Utama PT. PAL Indonesia, Budiman Saleh yang mengatakan Senegal akan membeli kapal tanker dan kargo seberat 18.500 ton.

Selain itu, Senegal juga berminat membeli dua kapal patroli ukuran 60 meter untuk mengawasi wilayah pesisirnya sepanjang 700 km.

Menurut Budiman Saleh, Senegal juga berniat akan membeli beberapa kapal lainnya dari PT. PAL, antara lain kapal VIP 50 penumpang untuk presiden, kapal feri 250 penumpang untuk transportasi ke Pulau Goree dan kapal feri cepat kapasitas 500 dan 2000 penumpang untuk transportasi ke Provinsi Ziguinchor dan wilayah sekitarnya dengan spesifikasi kelas ekonomi, bisnis dan first class.

Dubes RI di Dakar, Mansyur Pangeran, mengatakan saat ini kapal yang digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang dari Dakar ke Ziguinchor adalah kapal dari Korea Selatan.

"Kami harap Indonesia dapat segera merealisasikan kerja sama ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasi laut di Senegal karena antara Indonesia dan Senegal sudah pernah ada ikatan sejarah di bidang ini," kata Dubes Mansyur Pangeran.

Dikatakannya proses pembelian kapal ini sudah dimulai sejak tahun 2017 dan instansi menangani yaituConseil d`Administration du Conseil S n galais des Chargeurs (COSEC) pun sudah melakukan kunjungan ke PT. PAL, kebutuhan kapal di Senegal sangat besar.

Menurut Dubes Mansyur, Indonesia dan Senegal memiliki ikatan historis ketika kapal Senegalle Joola" dengan trayek Dakar - Ziguinchor tenggelam dan digantikan kapal feri Wilis yang disewa dari Indonesia (Pelni) lengkap dengan kapten kapal dan awaknya.

"Ikatan historis ini membuktikan komitmen yang tinggi dari Pemerintah Indonesia untuk membina kerja sama dengan Senegal,"ujarnya.

Budiman menyambut baik minat Senegal, dan perusahaannya akan menyampaikan proposal dengan spesifikasinya untuk mendapatkan tanggapan resmi dari Senegal. Budiman juga menawarkan?kapal tunda atau tug boat?dan meminta agar Menteri Ndene Sall dapat menyampaikan kepada pihak terkait di Senegal. *


Summary: After buying airplanes and train car, Senegal will buy some vessels from Indonesia such as two 60 m patrol boat, tanker and cargo vessel, presidential VIP vessel, and two ferry vessels. It's gonna be busy days for PT DI and PT PAL. Congrats!!
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Pabrik Drone Pertama di Asia Tenggara Gandeng TNI hingga BIN
Anugerah Perkasa, CNN Indonesia | Jumat, 20/04/2018 10:17 WIB


Ilustrasi. (Foto: AFP PHOTO / JOSH EDELSON)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- PT Famindo Inovasi Teknologi (FIT) meresmikan pabrik pengembangan teknologi drone yang diklaim sebagai yang pertama di Asia Tenggara. Pabrik itu terletak di Jalan Raya Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Presiden Direktur PT FIT Julius Agus Salim mengatakan selama ini drone lebih banyak diimpor dari China dan Eropa. Padahal, sambungnya, Indonesia dapat memproduksi sendiri.

Hal itu disampaikan Julius saat meresmikan pabrik drone yang berlokasi di Jalan Raya Sentul, Kadumangu, Babakan Madang, Bogor pada Kamis (19/4). Dia menuturkan pengembangan teknologi drone saat ini masih langka karena belum ada dukungan teknologi dan edukasi pemanfaatan drone.

"Sehingga konsumen drone di Indonesia masih sangat minim dan lebih memilih untuk memakai drone yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi luar negeri," kata Julius dalam keterangan resminya.

Dia menuturkan bahan baku yang bakal digunakan untuk pembuatan drone itu berasal dari dalam negeri. Saat ini, Julius menuturkan, Famindo sudah menjalin kerja sama dengan Mabes TNI, Polri, Basarnas dan BIN.

Ramah Lingkungan

Julius menambahkan drone yang diproduksi perusahaan dibuat oleh pabrik yang diklaim ramah lingkungan serta didukung oleh teknologi yang terakreditasi. Dia menuturkan proses pembuatan setiap produk melalui tiga tahap dinamis yakni desain, perakitan dan pengujian.

Sementara itu, Kepala Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan (Kabasarnas) Marsdya TNI Muhammad Syaugi yang hadir dalam peresmian tersebut menyambut baik terkait peresmian PT FIT yang bergerak dalam bidang pengembangan drone dan Sekolah Pilot Drone.

"Saya melihat sangat bagus terkait pengembangan produksi drone termasuk adanya sekolah pilot khusus drone di Indonesia," ujarnya.

Famindo Group merupakan perusahaan riset dan pengembangan di bidang teknologi. Dalam situs resminya disebutkan, klien perusahaan tersebut terdiri dari sektor bisnis, pemerintah hingga militer.

Sebelumnya, perangkat nirawak atau drone akan berkembang pesat seiring jaringan telekomunikasi mencapai level 5G. Nilai komersial industri drone diprediksi akan menggunung hingga U$33,9 miliar pada 2025 mendatang atau sekitar Rp474,6 triliun.

Huawei dalam laporan Global Industry Vision (GIV) 2025, menyebut drone menjadi salah satu sektor industri yang akan melesat tinggi ketika teknologi 5G mulai diterapkan.

"Mereka tidak perlu runway dan bisa lepas landas secara vertikal layaknya helikopter," demikian bunyi laporan yang dirilis di Shenzhen, China, pekan ini. (asa)


Summary: Claimed as the first drone factory in South East Asia, PT FIT of Indonesia build factory and drone pilot school. The company has clients from business, govt and military sectors. Nice! Hope more military capability and capacity to be growing in Indonesia! Congrats!
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Lho beberapa minggu kemarin khan udah datang lagi 5 unit.

Yang di foto itu datang lagi 5 unit atau yang bulan lalu itu ?
Those previous photos are loading process of 5 units Apache Guardians for delivery to Indonesia from the US. The new photos are the arrival of those 5 units in Tanjung Emas Port Semarang.
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Ambassadors ask Indonesia to join US-led coalition to pressurize Assad`s regime

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Three ambassadors, from the United States, United Kingdom, and France, to Indonesia have asked the Indonesian authorities to join the US-led coalition to pressurize Basyar Al-Assad`s regime, which had been accused of using chemical weapons in some attack in Douma, Syria, on April 7.

"We invite Indonesia and the authorities to go further. We would like them to join us in holding Assad`s regime accountable for the misuse and the abuse of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the use of chemical weapons against Syrian nationals," UK`s Ambassador to Indonesia, Moazzam Malik, noted here on Thursday.

The United States, United Kingdom, and French ambassadors to Indonesia, namely Joseph Donovan, Moazzam Malik, and Jean-Charles Berthonnet, respectively, met Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi in her office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, on Thursday.

Malik remarked that the three countries were looking forward to call on Indonesia to urge all member states of the Organization on Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to apply pressure on Syria, Russia, and its allies to provide uninterrupted access to an independent fact-finding mission to Douma, Syria.

"We would further like to invite Indonesia to work with us in all international fora to urge all member states, including Syria and Russia, to uphold the convention, as it unravels and represents a dangerous future for all of us across the world," he emphasized.

The ambassadors also highlighted the significant role of CWC in Cambodia in May, in order to stop the misuse and violation of chemical weapons by Assad`s regime against civilians.

Donovan remarked that Syria had signed the treaty on CWC in 2013, as a part of the Geneva Framework, promising to give up the use of chemical weapons, and Russia was the guarantor of that framework.

"We call on Russia to fulfill its international commitment and ensure that all chemical weapons will be removed from Syria," he added.

During the meeting with Marsudi, the ambassadors also provided some justification of the US-led strike in Syria that had begun on April 14, such as the White Helmet Rescuers` (WHR) reports regarding five hundred people being affected by the chemical attack.

The American coalition believe that the chemical used during the attack was most likely chlorine and potentially sarin, regardless of the absence of independent fact-finding mission`s reports.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian authority remains persistent in its stance to object to the unauthorized use of force, albeit frequently done by some states, for acquiring its international customary status, according to a statement on Sunday, a day after the US-led strike in Douma.

Arrmanatha Nasir, the Foreign Affairs Ministry`s spokesman, refused to comment on Thursday`s meeting.


Western allies seek Indonesia support in Syria

JAKARTA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Three Western countries have called on Indonesia to support efforts to pressure the Syrian regime under Bashar al-Assad over its continued use of chemical weapons, barely a week after they fired missiles into Syria in what they claimed to be a justified strike.

In a rare joint announcement in Jakarta, envoys from the United States, France and the United Kingdom urged the Indonesian government to "go further" in demanding responsibility from Assad for the suspected use of chemical weapons against his own people.

The trio made overtures after the first coordinated Western action against Assad following a closed-door meeting with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on Thursday (April 19), which they requested, after Jakarta sought clarity over the missile strike over the weekend.

Washington, in collaboration with London and Paris, fired over 100 missiles at three Syrian targets on Saturday to punish the Syrian president for an alleged poison gas attack in the town of Douma on April 7.

"We would like (Indonesia) to join us in holding the Assad regime accountable for the misuse and the abuse of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the use of chemical weapons against Syrian nationals," said UK's Ambassador to Indonesia Moazzam Malik after the meeting.

The Chemical Weapons Convention is a 1993 arms treaty that requires all signatory states to give up all their chemical weapon stocks. Syria joined the convention in 2013, with close ally Russia vouching for the former's removal of all its chemical weapons.

As a member of The Hague-based Organisation of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Indonesia played an important role in the enforcement of the convention, Malik said.

"We would further like to invite Indonesia to work with us in all international fora to urge all member states, including Syria and Russia, to uphold the convention because this unravels a very, very dangerous future for all of us in the world," he told reporters.

Neither Retno nor her senior staffers issued a statement about Thursday's meeting, but the government had made its stance known right after the coordinated stirike.

"Indonesia underlines the need for all parties to respect international laws, and norms, in particular the (United Nations) charter on international peace and security," the minister said in an official press statement over the weekend, continuing a line of persistent objections over the unauthorised use of force.

She also strongly condemned "the use of chemical weapons by any party in Syria".

Indonesia also aired its concerns for the safety of civilians and called for a comprehensive resolution to the conflict in Syria through negotiation and peaceful means.

"Indonesia also calls on all parties to ensure the security and safety of civilians, in particular women and children, which must always be a priority," Retno said in the statement.

In line with many other countries like Germany, Canada and Turkey, Indonesia's message echoed the UN in that it called on nations to "show restraint in these dangerous circumstances and to avoid any acts that could escalate the situation and worsen the suffering of the Syrian people".

Meanwhile, countries including Iran, Iraq and China have condemned the strike, calling it a military crime.

Criticism of the Western missile strike not only came from the international community, but also from within the Western allies' ranks, including members of the UK parliament who roasted British Prime Minister Theresa May for not calling for a vote in accordance with required national procedures and accusing her of blindly following US President Donald Trump's orders.

During Thursday's doorstep interview, US Ambassador Joseph R. Donovan said the allies had used up all the diplomatic and economic tools "to avoid the situation that we are in today".

"It is very important to remember that Syria signed the chemical weapons convention...and promised to give up all its chemical weapons and Russia was a guarantor of that framework," he said.

"We called on Russia to fulfill its international commitments and ensure that all chemical weapons are removed from Syria."

French Ambassador to Indonesia Jean-Charles Berthonnet added that the countries had to target Assad's regime as it had crossed a red line with the latest alleged chemical strike.

France, the US and the UK have accused Russia of blocking OPCW inspectors from reaching Douma, saying that Russia and Syria might have tampered with the evidence.


Is it in Indonesia only? why would the 3 of them meet Bu Retno at the same time ?
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Ambassadors ask Indonesia to join US-led coalition to pressurize Assad`s regime

Western allies seek Indonesia support in Syria

Is it in Indonesia only? why would the 3 of them meet Bu Retno at the same time ?

Probably want legitimacy. So far everyone has either condemned it or refused to outright endorse it. Even close American allies such as Germany and Canada called for 'restraint on all sides' which is the diplomatic way to say "You shouldn't have escalated it". Right now the missile strike has had little support beyond the countries that actually launched it (US, UK, France)
Probably want legitimacy. So far everyone has either condemned it or refused to outright endorse it. Even close American allies such as Germany and Canada called for 'restraint on all sides' which is the diplomatic way to say "You shouldn't have escalated it". Right now the missile strike has had little support beyond the countries that actually launched it (US, UK, France)
Why would the 3 of them? 1 would be enough? is it so important and urgent?
I try to search news about UK, US, France ambassador in other countries no luck so far.
It seems they have failed, indonesia doesnt make any statement.
Why would the 3 of them? 1 would be enough? is it so important and urgent?
I try to search news about UK, US, France ambassador in other countries no luck so far.
It seems they have failed, indonesia doesnt make any statement.

I can't say exactly, but Indonesia's relevance as a neutral 3rd party has been increasing. Maybe they think if they can get Indonesia to support them, it would reassure their allies that they re doing the right thing and sway global opinion.

Indonesia doesn't want to comment because so far, be it the ex-spy poisoning blamed on Russia or the chemical attack blamed on Syria, there has yet to be an independent fact-finding team nor a publication of information that conclusively proves wrongdoing. It's just "They are guilty because I say so."

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