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Indonesia Defence Forum

so much for made in Bandung, indeed

Maam, remember my writings earlier... The one you scold me for not using english... This kind of practice is what we must concern about

If we cant control the implementation of TOT law upon our SOE, than it is absurd to emphasize the law to the private company... We surely cant have enough access to control the privately owned enterprise
KRIS-I 2016 joint exercise between Indonesian Joint Special Operation Forces and CTOC Royal Thai Armed Force (RTAF), 12-18 November 2016 in IPSC, West Java Indonesia.

Airbus Helicopters delivers first three AS565 MBe Panther to Indonesia

Airbus Helicopters
Airbus Helicopters has delivered the first three of the 11 AS565 MBe Panther helicopters to Indonesia, ahead of contract schedule, at a ceremony at Airbus Helicopters’ headquarters in Marignane, in the presence of representatives from Indonesia’s Ministry of Defence and the Indonesian Navy.

This follows the contract signature in late 2014 with PT Dirgantara Indonesia for 11 AS565 MBe helicopters. The delivery of the remaining helicopters will run through to 2018.

“We are excited to witness the handover of the first three AS565 MBe helicopters to our partner today”, said Janick Blanc, Head of the Panther programme at Airbus Helicopters. “The AS565 MBe has been developed using state-of-the-art processes and this enhanced variant of the Panther will benefit from an increased maximum take-off weight at 4,500kg. This will provide increased mission capabilities, specifically for the anti-submarine warfare missions these rotorcraft are expected to perform”, he added.

Under the agreement, Airbus Helicopters will supply the AS565 MBe helicopters to its Indonesia industrial partner PT Dirgantara Indonesia, who will reassemble and outfit these rotorcraft in-country, acting as the design authority. This will notably cover the installation of the anti-submarine warfare (ASW) suite which includes a dipping sonar and torpedo launch systems, allowing the Indonesian Navy to carry out its most demanding missions.

This Indonesian MBe Panther programme is the latest of a long-standing relationship between Airbus Helicopters and PT Dirgantara Indonesia, who celebrated their 40 years of strategic partnership earlier this month. The two companies have delivered more than 190 helicopters together, through joint programmes over the last four decades.

“We have been working with Airbus Helicopters on numerous projects for many years by now, and this milestone today further illustrates the commitment both companies have towards this programme”, said Budi Santoso, CEO and President of PT Dirgantara Indonesia. “We look forward to receiving these green helicopters in Bandung, as we ready to start the installation of the mission equipment, and the subsequent qualification and certification of our future anti-submarine warfare helicopters”, he added.

Recognised as one of the world’s most capable light/medium anti-submarine warfare platforms, the AS565 MBe is equipped with two Safran Arriel 2N engines, which enhance the helicopter’s performance in high and hot conditions, while enabling it to achieve a top speed of 165 kt and a range of 780 kilometres. It also boasts a new main gearbox, the latest-generation tail rotor and a 4-axis autopilot that reduces crew workload and makes the most demanding missions easier to perform.

so much for made in Bandung, indeed
Fitting-out in Bandung :D. This is the phase that make us nervous (even more for the airforce). It took almost 2 years for PT.DI to complete the fitting out process for EC-725. And they still have alot of homework waiting.

It seems they gonna "collaborate" with RSG to provide the mission system.


Lets count how many helicopters appear in this pic?!
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Sejumlah Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL) tingkat III angkatan LXIII yang tergabung dalam marching band Genderang Suling Gita Jala Taruna beraksi di kawasan Dermaga Queens Wharf, Auckland, Selandia Baru, Minggu (20/11). Kegiatan tersebut merupakan salah satu bagian dari latihan praktek (lattek) pelayaran Kartika Jala Krida (KJK), latihan bersama (latma) Asean Defence Ministry Meeting (ADMM) Plus FTX on Maritime Security Mahi Tangaroa, dan International Naval Review (INR) 2016, di Auckland, Selandia Baru. ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat




Anoa 6x6 APC & Sanca 4x4 MRAP
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Experts urge progress on South China Sea dispute


Maritime governance and dialogue are the keys to a peaceful settlement of the South China Sea dispute, experts have agreed during the sixth seminar on Indonesian-Chinese bilateral relations hosted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA).

“If China and Indonesia can have more dialogue, we can handle the South China Sea [dispute],” said one of the speakers.

The seminar was conducted under Chatham House Rule, meaning The Jakarta Post cannot attribute arguments or opinions to its sources. The Rule aims to foster a free discussion between participants.

Bilateral dialogue would be easier [than multilateral negotiations], since Indonesia was not a claimant, as opposed to other ASEAN countries, one speaker said.

A framework for maritime cooperation between the affected countries has been established both globally and regionally through the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration of Conduct on the South China Sea dispute.

“The framework is there, the problem is how we implement the existing arrangements,” said one speaker.

Dialogue must proceed and maritime governance must be established as soon as possible. Many international relations researchers have highlighted a military build-up in the Asia Pacific, by both claimant countries in the South China Sea and external parties with interests in the region.

China has been one of the most aggressive, drawing harsh criticism for building military bases on reclaimed islands in the area.

The experts predicted that potential escalation in the South China Sea would happen between 2030 and 2040, after countries including China have completed their own military modernization. The balance of power in the region will change, leading to regional destabilization and even conflict. (dmr)


2030? 2040? Hmmm..
Simulasi Aksi Kopaska & TNI Angkatan Laut Menumpas Teroris

Simulasi yang melibatkan sebanyak 70 pasukan Kopaska dan 120 Anggota TNI Angkatan Laut ini merupakan simulasi latihan puncak Kopaska terpadu gabungan dari Armabar dan Armatim untuk melindungi objek vital Pelabuhan Ketapang Banyuwangi. Lokasi ini strategis karena merupakan lokasi penyeberangan menuju pulau Bali yang menjadi etalase pariwisata di Indonesia.






Heli TNI AD Hilang Kontak Sejak 11.29 WITA
Prima Gumilang, CNN Indonesia
Kamis, 24/11/2016 19:16 WIB

Ilustrasi. (ANTARA FOTO/M N Kanwa)
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Helikopter TNI Angkatan Darat hilang kontak di wilayah Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Hingga kini, Heli jenis Bell 412 dengan nomor registrasi HA-5166 masih dalam pencarian.

"Saya membenarkan bahwa betul ada lost contact, sekarang masih dalam proses pencarian," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AD Sabrar Fahillah saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis (24/11).

Pada pukul 10.45 WITA, pesawat lepas landas dari Tarakan menuju Long Bawan dalam rangka melayani pengiriman atau pendorongan logistik (dorlog) untuk pos Tanjung Karya. Sementara berat muatan dorlog sebesar 400 kilogram. Waktu tempuh perjalanan diperkirakan selama satu jam.

"Heli itu sedang dalam tugas operasi. Heli milik TNI AD tapi sedang digunakan untuk kepentingan operasi," kata Sabrar.
Pukul 11.15 WITA, kontak pertama dilakukan antara awak pesawat dengan air traffic control (ATC) Manilau. Kontak kedua dengan ATC yang sama juga dilakukan pada pukul 11.24 WITA. Sementara kontak terakhir terjadi pada pukul 11.29 WITA ke tower yang sama dengan posisi 8 NM dari Malinau.

Heli tersebut mengawaki lima personel TNI, dipiloti oleh Lettu Cpn Yohanes Syahputera dan membawa emat orang kru, di antaranya Lettu CPN Abdi, Lettu CPN Ginas, Sertu Bayu, dan Praka Suyanto.

Sebelumnya, helikopter yang sama milik TNI AD jatuh pada Juli lalu di Dusun Kowang, Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman. Heli Bell HA-5073 itu mengalami masalah dan dinyatakan hilang kontak di atas Dusun Kowang, Desa Tamanmartani pada pukul 15.16 WIB. Helikopter itu jatuh di dusun Dusun Kowang menimpa dua rumah masyarakat yang sedang kosong.

Korban seluruhnya merupakan personel TNI AD. Ada enam tentara yang diangkut helikopter itu. Tiga orang meninggal dunia, yakni Letda Cpn Angga Juang, Serda Yogi Riski Sirait, dan Fransiska Agustin. Sementara tiga orang lainnya luka berat, yaitu Kapten Cpn Titus Sinaga, Serka Rohmat, dan Kopda Sukoco. (pmg/asa)
Czechoslovak Group signs USD39 million deal with Indonesia

Czechoslovak Group, the largest conglomerate of defence manufacturers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, has secured a deal for the sale of an undisclosed number of Tatra military vehicles, Steyr Pandur II 8x8 armoured personnel carriers, and General Dynamics M3 amphibious bridging and ferrying systems to the Indonesian military.


The group's spokesperson, Andrej Cirtek, told reporters that the value of the deal, which was signed with the Indonesian government on 24 November, exceeds CZK1 billion (USD39 million). However, Cirtek did not provide further details about the equipment being procured by Jakarta.


Czechoslovak Group has an exclusive agreement with General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) to produce, maintain, and market the Steyr Pandur II 8x8 group of armoured vehicles in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in selected Asian markets along with other platforms produced by GDELS.

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Czechoslovak Group signs USD39 million deal with Indonesia

Czechoslovak Group, the largest conglomerate of defence manufacturers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, has secured a deal for the sale of an undisclosed number of Tatra military vehicles, Steyr Pandur II 8x8 armoured personnel carriers, and General Dynamics M3 amphibious bridging and ferrying systems to the Indonesian military.

View attachment 355191

The group's spokesperson, Andrej Cirtek, told reporters that the value of the deal, which was signed with the Indonesian government on 24 November, exceeds CZK1 billion (USD39 million). However, Cirtek did not provide further details about the equipment being procured by Jakarta.


Czechoslovak Group has an exclusive agreement with General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) to produce, maintain, and market the Steyr Pandur II 8x8 group of armoured vehicles in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in selected Asian markets along with other platforms produced by GDELS.


Is this for the marines? as we know that marines have received Vampire MLRS from Excalibur Army, part of Czechoslovak Group. We will be the 4th country that use Pandur II after Austrian Army, Czech Army, and Portuguese Marines.



22 tonnes
7.02 m (23.0 ft)
2.67 m (8 ft 9 in)
1.85 m (6 ft 1 in)
2 + 12 (APC version)
Main armament
Up to 105 mm gun in turret
Secondary armament
Machine gun
6-cylinder in-line liquid-cooled turbo-charged intercooled diesel 335 kW
Payload capacity
8.5 tonnes
Operational range
Approx. 700 km
105 km/h (65 mph) (road)
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20 Naval Attaches from Frirndly Countries Visit Marine Troops
Kamis, 24 November 2016 11:25 WIB
Pewarta: Supervisor

Surabaya, E Java, (Antara) - Twenty naval attaches from friendly countries visited marine troops at the VIP room in the FX. Soepramono international shooting range here on Wednesday.

As part of the visit, the naval attaches also toured facilities at the shooting range, Commander of the marine troops Brigadier General Lukman said.

"While in the shooting range, they tried to shoot using sniper firearms produced by state-owned weapon company PT Pindad," he said.

During the visit, the naval attaches were received by Lt. Col. Amrul, Lt. Col. Hasan Sukur, Lt. Col. R. Permadi and Capt Teguh lmam.

"The visit is an honor for the marine corps," he said.

The activity is one of the ways to establish good relations between the Indonesian navy and their counterparts from the friendly countries, he said.

"I hope this good relations can be maintained and enhanced for the sake of global peace," he said.

He expressed gratitude to the naval attaches for their to visit the marine troops.(*)
Editor: Chandra Hamdani Noer


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