Hehe.. As already said by others, tapping and spying to one another in the intelligence activity is something that usually done by each countries for the sake of their interest.. And what makes those wiretapping scandal was so special, which has been conducted by Australia with their FiveEyes grups including Singapore. Is because they do it not only targeted to a President (SBY) but also to his wife, which was then regarded as embarrassment activity and highly inappropriate.
And one more thing that we should to know, those tapping is not only targeting Indonesia, but also Germany which actually is a member of NATO. So does that mean the US and others who involved is considered the Germany as a threat and an enemy? I dont think so..
And about the planned to takeover the FIR by Indonesian authorithies, off course 100% I would support it. Because indeed it was supposed to be for the sake of sovereignty over our own airspace..
Anyway, apapun komentar dari teman2 termasuk saya tolong jangan dimasukin hati ya mas, dan tujuannya sama sekali gak bermaksud untuk menggurui atau apapun. Karena bagaimanapun jg saya sendiri banyak belajar dari rekan2 disini termasuk dari mas Indos sendiri..