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We are confident with CN235 MPA performance and reliability. Our ASEAN neighbor will order this plane if they see us adopt this plane in great number for ourselves. This confidence will bring trust to our products.

LPD & Hospital Vessels
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Survey Vessel
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U right, great number make them thrust and confidence to use this system. My guess we will make 1 Squadron of this within 16 unit or more, for now we operate 4 unit in service. Next batch coming soon.
Southeast Asia Market Eyes BrahMos Missiles Jointly Made by Russia, India


BUSINESS 13:47 04.11.2015 (updated 13:53 04.11.2015)

Several Southeast Asian nations, including Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, have shown interest in buying Russian-Indian supersonic BrahMos cruise missiles, a spokesman for the manufacturer said Wednesday.

BANGKOK (Sputnik) — Speaking at an ongoing Defense & Security military expo in Bangkok, a spokesman for BrahMos Aerospace, a Russian-Indian joint military venture, told RIA Novosti that formal negotiations have not begun.

"Southeast Asia is a promising market for us. During this exhibition, we have been visited by several high-ranking defense ministry officials from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. We have had no official talks yet, but there is a high probability that they will become our clients in the future," the spokesman said.

BrahMos Aerospace was formed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization and Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyenia. It produces weapons systems using Russian and Indian technology.

BrahMos, a word combining Brahmaputra and Moscow, is a short-range supersonic missile, which has been in use by the Indian Navy since 2005. The missile has a range of 180 miles and can carry a conventional warhead of up to 660 pounds.

Source: http://sputniknews.com/business/2015...-missiles.html

Indonesia to bought Boeing MSA?

Commission I lauds move to hold open military court
Kamis, 5 November 2015 17:58 WIB | 462 Views

Indonesian Armed Forces Chief, General Gatot Nurmantyo (left), posed with his predecessor, General Moeldoko (right), in Indonesian Presidential Palace, Friday (25/7). (ANTARA FOTO/Andika Wahyu)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Chairman of Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, has lauded a recent order directing that open trials be held for incidents involving military personnel, officers and civilians.

"The order is right. The military court law can impose severe penalties on perpetrators of violations in the ranks of the military," Siddiq said on Thursday.

According to him, if the judicial process can be carried out transparently, it will satisfy the need for justice in society.

"In the military, guns can only be used by personnel on duty and during operations. The rule must be enforced consistently," the lawmaker said.

The incident has shown omissions in the supervision of soldiers.

He pointed out that the law on military discipline should strengthen supervision within the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), in this case is Indonesian Army (TNI AD).

"The law must be enforced because such violations are considered a serious offense," he said.

In addition, the legislator said the complexity of life can increase the stress level of personnel.

"The increase in stress should be a concern of the TNI to anticipate similar incidents in the future," he said.

Earlier, Indonesian Armed Forces Chief, General Gatot Nurmantyo, had tendered an apology on Wednesday for a shooting incident that took place on Tuesday afternoon, which had resulted in the death of a civilian motorist in Cibinong, West Java.

"As the TNI commander, I apologize for the fatal shooting in which a member of my force was involved. This must not recur," he informed journalists at the State Palace when questioned about the incident in which 40-year-old Marsim alias Japra was killed.

Nurmantyo said he had ordered the military police to conduct an investigation to thoroughly probe this case and to court martial the military personnel involved in the criminal act against the civilian. The investigation process should be open and transparent to the public.

Thus, the people can directly witness the trial process, so that they will know the verdict reached by the panel of judges, he pointed out.

The general also confirmed that the army personnel, who shot dead the civilian in Cibinong, Bogor District, West Java Province, on Tuesday afternoon, would be dismissed from the TNI.

According to local media reports, the suspect, identified as Second Sergeant Yoyok Hadi, had shot Marsim after the motorbike he was riding was said to have scrapped Hadi's car on Mayor Oking Road in front of the Ciriung fuel station.

Commission I lauds move to hold open military court - ANTARA News
Indonesia to bought Boeing MSA?

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Uji Coba Boeing MSA untuk Pantau Perairan Indonesia
Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Menko bidang Maritim dan Sumber Daya Rizal Ramli bersama Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti melakukan uji coba terbang dengan pesawat Boeing Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) N614BA di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, Rabu (4/11/2015). Pesawat tersebut akan melakukan uji terbang untuk memantau perairan laut Indonesia. ANTARA/M Agung Rajasa

Uji Coba Boeing MSA untuk Pantau Perairan Indonesia

Sri Lanka Infantry Division Commander's Major General KC Gunawardena visit Garuda Contingent's Post. The arrival of Sri Lankan General and his entourage were welcomed by Dansatgas Indobatt contingent Garuda XXIII-I / Unifil Lt Col Andrew Nana Dwi Prasetyo, SIP, at UN Headquarters Indobatt Posn 7-1 Adshit Al-Qusayr, south Lebanon, on Saturday (31.10.2015 ).


Salute (IDAF No.3 Squadron)


Super Puma 6th Squad




Busy at Workshop

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i just realize this thread has been reaching more than 1.000.000 views......

:cheers: :nana: :dance3: :flame::crazy_pilot::pop:
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wait for the time when that dream comes true...insyaAllah... :-)

just hope the regeneration process of PT DI's engineer succesful so in the long term many project can be made by PT DI
Man behind the guns
The Jakarta Post | Archipelago | Fri, October 30 2015, 3:12 PM


An officer displays various weapons at Aceh Police headquarters in Banda Aceh on Thursday. Many of the weapons were seized from a group allegedly led by Din Minim, a former fighter of the Aceh Free movement, apparently disappointed with the current Aceh administration.(JP/Hotli Simanjuntak)
- See more at: Man behind the guns | The Jakarta Post




wait for the time when that dream comes true...insyaAllah... :-)

just hope the regeneration process of PT DI's engineer succesful so in the long term many project can be made by PT DI
i think better PT DI do not compete with turbofan engine plane since there are already a lot of competition like China, Japan, Brazil and Canada also developing turbofan. Indonesia should focus on developing the turboprop aircraft getting bigger and bigger ... turboprop market has only a some players, maybe only CASA and ATR turbo-prop (CMIIW) .. hope that PT DI can build big turboprop aircraft like this :D
Mantan KSAL: Minimal Indonesia Punya 18 Kapal Selam
Kamis, 17 September 2015 − 16:43 WIB

JAKARTA - Mantan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Purnawirawan Bernard Kent Sondakh mengatakan untuk memperkuat pertahanan laut, Indonesia harus memiliki 18 kapal selam.

Menurut Kent, strategi pertahanan Indonesia memang harus punya kapal selam untuk menjaga alur kepulauan Indonesia. Setiap alur kepulauan, kata dia, minimal dikawal oleh dua kapal selam.

"Kalau kita lihat pola operasi AL yang menggunakan 1/3 kekuatan operasi, 1/3 kekuatan perbaikan dan 1/3 kekuatan pelatihan maka kita memang harus punya 18 kapal selam," tutur Kent di Kantor Institute for Maritime Studies, Jakarta, Kamis (17/9/2015)

Dengan demikian, menurut dia, akan ada enam kapal selam yang berada dipangkalan untuk perbaikan atau perawatan, kemudian enam kapal selam untuk latihan dan enam kapal selam operasi.

"Harusnya kita sudah lama punya kapal selam begitu. Apalagi, kita punya 5,8 juta meter persegi luas laut kita, kapal selam merupakan senjata strategis dan memiliki deterrence (daya tangkal)," katanya.

Menurut Kent, dalam pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) diperlukan berbagai pertimbangan, antara lain bagaimana hubungan diplomatik bilateral, kemudian bagaimana neraca perdagangan dengan negara pemasok dan pengalaman sejarah.

Kemudian, apa kepentingan strategi Indonesia. "Ini penting, terutama soal embargo, jangan sampai orang yang pernah mengembargo kita, tapi kita masih beli ke situ lagi," katanya.

source: Mantan KSAL: Minimal Indonesia Punya 18 Kapal Selam

Indonesia need at least 18 subs...
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