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Indonesia Defence Forum

well, Indonesia will get 11 Eurocopter Panther's as their ASW platform. And i think this move can be considered as a mean to integrating all of our platform to forming a more dedicated frame Network between our platform in Naval Forces. And Tacticos CMS will be the center for this integrating efforts. CMIIW
Proposed Rocket Launch Vehicle RPS 420 design, Indonesia's Space Agency (LAPAN).



Category: micro-satellites orbital launch vehicle, similar to Lambda from Japan, but with lighter modern materials and modern avionics. Launch unguided at a 70-degree angle of inclination with a four-stage solid rocket motor launcher.

Diameter: 420 mm Length: 6200 mm Lift-off mass: 1000 kg. Propellant: solid composite, firing time 13 seconds Thrust: 9.6 tons Flight duration: 205 seconds Maximum velocity: mach 4.5 Range: 101 km, 53000 m altitude Payload: diagnostic, GPS, altimeter, gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, processor and battery. The RX-420 was entirely built using local materials.

LAPAN carried out a stationary test on RX-420 on 23 December 2008 in Tarogong, West Java. The RX-420 missile was tested at the launching station Cilauteureun, Pameungpeuk District, Garut regency, West Java. The LAPAN RX-420 is the test bed for the entirely indigenously developed satellite launch vehicle. RX-420 is suitable for launch of micro-satellites (50 kg or less) and nano-satellites (5 kg or less) currently in co-development with Technical University of Berlin

The rocket launching plan will be extended in 2010 by launching combined RX-420-420 and in 2011 for combined RX-420-420 – 320 and SOB 420

RPS-420 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proposed Rocket Launch Vehicle RPS 420 design, Indonesia's Space Agency (LAPAN).



Category: micro-satellites orbital launch vehicle, similar to Lambda from Japan, but with lighter modern materials and modern avionics. Launch unguided at a 70-degree angle of inclination with a four-stage solid rocket motor launcher.

Diameter: 420 mm Length: 6200 mm Lift-off mass: 1000 kg. Propellant: solid composite, firing time 13 seconds Thrust: 9.6 tons Flight duration: 205 seconds Maximum velocity: mach 4.5 Range: 101 km, 53000 m altitude Payload: diagnostic, GPS, altimeter, gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, processor and battery. The RX-420 was entirely built using local materials.

LAPAN carried out a stationary test on RX-420 on 23 December 2008 in Tarogong, West Java. The RX-420 missile was tested at the launching station Cilauteureun, Pameungpeuk District, Garut regency, West Java. The LAPAN RX-420 is the test bed for the entirely indigenously developed satellite launch vehicle. RX-420 is suitable for launch of micro-satellites (50 kg or less) and nano-satellites (5 kg or less) currently in co-development with Technical University of Berlin

The rocket launching plan will be extended in 2010 by launching combined RX-420-420 and in 2011 for combined RX-420-420 – 320 and SOB 420

RPS-420 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quite small. This means that the rocket can only carry small soccer size sats.

Also, it's range is quite short for a ballistic missile. But anyway, good luck with your space program.
Quite small. This means that the rocket can only carry small soccer size sats.

Also, it's range is quite short for a ballistic missile. But anyway, good luck with your space program.

The aim of this vehicle is to launch a small size sats, around 50 kg - 70 kg. This vehicle is similar to the Japanese Lambda.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
sometimes i wish Malaysia or China just bombing Borneo or Natuna and declare war to our people, to give our military leaders a pretext to build up our military posture. But i think Indonesia just taking a right path to build up their military posture step by step while maintaining our budget keep balance and support the growth of our Industrial sectors (especially automotive, Steel, oil refinery, Bio diesel industry, Nickel, Lead, aluminium, engines industry, explosive industries, aviation, agro industry, shipbuilding etc.) to support our strategic industries sector.
you have got a weird thought. Your wish could come true if you declared Indonesia taked side in the SC Sea dispute, either on Vietnam or the Philippines side. The Chinese won´t be amused.

Be happy your Indonesia is a lucky country. You don´t have really enemies, you can concentrate on economy. Military power comes with the time.

Refurbished C-130H Hercules for Indonesia Air Force ex RAAF

Refurbished C-130H Hercules for Indonesia Air Force ex RAAF

Mbak madokafc, kalo mau ngepost gambar sebaiknya jangan pake domain kaskus, sekarang udah ga bisa lagi domainnya tampil selain di kaskus. Kalo mau, di reupload ke imageshack atau flickr dulu, baru dipost ke mari. Trims. :)
Mbak madokafc, kalo mau ngepost gambar sebaiknya jangan pake domain kaskus, sekarang udah ga bisa lagi domainnya tampil selain di kaskus. Kalo mau, di reupload ke imageshack atau flickr dulu, baru dipost ke mari. Trims. :)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkk

BTW, thank for your advice
First Batch of Leopard 2A4 MBTs and Marder 1A3 IFVs are being unloaded from cargo ship in Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta.
Saturday, 21 September 2013 23:05

These Tanks belong to Cavalry Brigades of Indonesian Army's Strategic Command (Kostrad)
Source: Angkasa Reader Community









First Batch of Leopard 2A4 MBTs and Marder 1A3 IFVs are being unloaded from cargo ship in Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta.
Saturday, 21 September 2013 23:05

These Tanks belong to Cavalry Brigades of Indonesian Army's Strategic Command (Kostrad)
Source: Angkasa Reader Community










Good Job and when those ships will arrive from England
Good Job and when those ships will arrive from England

Approximately in early 2014, these three ships will be retrofited with newer systems and weapons first before being sent to Indonesia.
First Batch of Leopard 2A4 MBTs and Marder 1A3 IFVs are being unloaded from cargo ship in Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta.
Saturday, 21 September 2013 23:05

These Tanks belong to Cavalry Brigades of Indonesian Army's Strategic Command (Kostrad)
Source: Angkasa Reader Community










The Leopard 2A5 would of been a better choice. Anyway, is this the first time Indonesia has MBTs?
The Leopard 2A5 would of been a better choice. Anyway, is this the first time Indonesia has MBTs?

Yup, this is first time Indonesia have a truly MBT after Sherman series back in 50's decade we don't operate any kind of Medium Tank or Heavy Tank. But don't worry, Indonesia will signed another deal to get more Leopard for our Cavalry Corps, maybe Leopard 2A6 or even Leopard 2E much better choices than Leo2A5 huh :)
The Leopard 2A5 would of been a better choice. Anyway, is this the first time Indonesia has MBTs?

The Leopard 2A5 would be better choice, but most of the tanks ordered in the first batch are Leopard 2 Revolution as displayed in Indonesia Defence Exhibition 2013, thatversion is I believe at least equal to the Singaporean Leopard 2 SG.

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