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Canada, Indonesia prepare to sign defence accord
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
01 April 2015
The governments of Indonesia and Canada are moving closer to a potential defence accord covering a range of activities including training, education, procurement, and industrial collaboration.

The embassy of Canada in Jakarta confirmed to IHS Jane's on 2 April that talks between the two sides were continuing with a view to the signing of a defence co-operation memorandum of understanding (MoU).

An earlier statement by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) noted that defence collaboration with Canada is already strong in areas including education and training, while the embassy confirmed that the Canadian armed forces has trained more than 300 personnel from the Indonesian military.

Canada, Indonesia prepare to sign defence accord - IHS Jane's 360

Indonesian Military Sends Evacuation Team To Yemen
Jumat, 3 April 2015 14:59 WIB

Jakarta (Antara News) - Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Agus Supriatna and Deputy Foreign Minister A.M. Fachir, on Thursday night, bid farewell to a team of personnel who will evacuate Indonesian citizens from war-torn Yemen.

"This night, we saw off a rescue task force team to evacuate Indonesian citizens in Yemen," Supriatna stated at the Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base in East Jakarta.

The team comprises 16 personnel of the National Defense Forces (TNI) and six officials of the Foreign Ministry. They left for Yemen on board an Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) Boeing 737-600 aircraft.

The Air Force Chief of Staff remarked that the task force team would evacuate Indonesian citizens to the safe area of Salalah in Oman.

"We will first evacuate them to the safest place (in Yemen) before they are flown to Oman. Soon after they have arrived in Oman, we will evaluate the citizens to the safest among the three locations there," he said.

He noted that the Indonesian task force team would coordinate with their counterparts from other countries to find the safest route to evacuate the Indonesian citizens in Yemen.

Indonesia is intensifying efforts to evacuate its citizens out of Yemen due to the deteriorating situation in the Middle Eastern nation.

TNI Chief General Moeldoko earlier stated that the Boeing 373-600 would evacuate thousands of Indonesians out of Yemen to a temporary command post in Saudi Arabia. After all the Indonesians are gathered, they would be repatriated to Indonesia by commercial flights.

Moeldoko said the TNI team would also evacuate Indonesian citizens in Yemen by sea.

"Some of them are staying around Aden Bay. They must be evacuated by ship to Djibouti from where they will be repatriated by plane. We have coordinated with the Indian government and related parties," he revealed.

Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi earlier stated that there were some 4,159 citizens in Yemen, including 2,626 students, 1,488 professional workers in oil and gas companies, and 45 embassy staff and their families in Sanaa.

"Most of them live in the eastern regions of Yemen," she pointed out.

According to the minister, the Indonesian government, through the evacuation task force set up by her office, had informed and approached citizens in Yemen to register themselves for evacuation since February.

A total of 148 citizens had been evacuated and brought back to Indonesia in March, she affirmed.

On Wednesday, the National Police also dispatched an evacuation task force to Yemen to assist in the evacuation of Indonesians out of the country.

The evacuation task force, which comprises five policemen and two policewomen, is a combination of personnel from several units of the Police Headquarters, such as the International Relations Division (Divhubinter), the Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam), the Intelligence and Security Agency, the Police Education Institute (Lemdikpol), and the Police Medical Team.

"They will be deployed for at least 14 days, and their service period will be adjusted in accordance with the developing situation in Yemen," Chief of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) Brigadier General Agus Rianto stated here on Tuesday. (*)
Reported by Syaiful Hakim

Indonesian Military Sends Evacuation Team To Yemen - ANTARA News

Poso Transformed Into "Battlefield" Against Terrorists
Jumat, 3 April 2015 15:08 WIB

Jakarta (Antara News) - Parts of Poso are being transformed into a battlefield as some 3.2 thousand Indonesian military officers of the Swift Reaction Strike Unit (PPRC) are participating in a massive military exercise against terrorists, being held for two weeks, since March 31, 2015.

TNI Commander General Moeldoko has said that the large-scale exercise is being held as a precaution in case of the emergence of radical groups in Indonesia.

"I suspect that the members of radical groups feel at ease in Poso. I am worried that those going to Iraq and Syria, following their return to Indonesia, will make Poso as their base," the general stated when officially launched the military drill in Poso, South Sulawesi, on March 31, 2015.

The exercise is deliberately organized as part of precautionary measures being taken by the government against terrorism, following recent reports of a number of citizens joining the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

General Moeldoko told newsmen that joint TNI forces would only conduct combat training in the forest and sea territories of Poso.

Moeldoko noted that it was not aimed at catching terrorist suspects, but added, "If we find Santoso and his men, we will ask them to surrender and shoot them if they dont."

The location was chosen because of the potential of security threats in the region, he explained, adding that later, when the TNI conducts operations there, it would know the location better.

"If operations are to be carried out later, personnel will already have knowledge of the front, the enemies and the weather," he affirmed.

Besides being a preventative step against the ISIS development, the military exercise in Poso is also aimed at capturing the terror group led by Santoso.

As many as 20 wanted terrorists are believed to be hiding in the forests of Poso. They keep moving from one forest hill to another, covering an area of around 40 square kilometers.

The military officers surrounded and attacked the terrorists bases in a mountainous and coastal area.

The TNI deploys warships and jet fighters such as F16s to attack the terrorists. In reality, a mountain named Mount Biru is a hideout for the Santoso- and Daeng Koro-led armed groups.

M grade rockets were fired at Mount Biru from land, sea and air by the PPRC during the drill.

After spraying rockets at Mt. Biru, two warships and four fighters with heavy artillery in turn fired at the mountain from a certain height, followed by a deployment of parachutists from 10 Hercules planes and a helicopter.

According to TNI Commander General Moeldoko, the exercise conveyed a "Show of Force" message that ISIS has no place in the country; and it is expected to have a considerable impact regionally as well as internationally.

Earlier, the commander of the 132/Tadulako military region, Colonel Inf. Ilyas Harahap, said during the battle drill, local villagers were evacuated to ensure their safety because the military personnel use live ammunition.

He, however, said "the battle exercise is not being carried out to look for terrorists," the colonel affirmed.

In the meantime, Indonesias human rights NGO Kontras hopes that the ongoing military exercise in Poso does not disturb the local community.

The NGO was worried about the presence of a large number of military personnel in Poso because it could alarm the local community.

"Once again, we would like to remind the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) that it still has responsibilities towards human rights settlements related to the conflicts in Poso in 2001," a spokesman for the Sulawesi chapter of Kontras, Nasrum, said in a statement in Poso on March 31, 2015.

see more here Poso Transformed Into "Battlefield" Against Terrorists - ANTARA News

Pasukan penembak Heli Bell mengamati musuh saat berpatroli pada latihan tempur TNI Pasukan Pemukul Reaksi Cepat (PPRC) di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, Jumat (3/4/15). Latpur yang dipusatkan di gunung biru Poso itu berlangsung hingga 17 hari. (ANTARA FOTO/Fiqman Sunandar)


Pasukan penembak Heli Bell mengamati musuh saat berpatroli pada latihan tempur TNI Pasukan Pemukul Reaksi Cepat (PPRC) di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, Jumat (3/4/15). Latpur yang dipusatkan di gunung biru Poso itu berlangsung hingga 17 hari. (ANTARA FOTO/Fiqman Sunandar)
MOSCOW, March 30 - RIA Novosti. Indonesia may buy up to three amphibious aircraft Be-200, negotiations are continuing, said in an interview with RIA Novosti deputy director of "Rosoboronexport" Sergei Goreslavsky after the exhibition LIMA-2015.Armory exhibition ended on March 21 in Langkawi (Malaysia).

During her of the Russian exposition was attended by over 30 delegates from 20 countries. They talk about different ways of cooperation in the aviation, marine and air defense equipment."Be-200 proved to be very effective after the plane fell airline Air Asia. On the basis of this work, we are substantive dialogue with Indonesia about the possibility of buying" - said Goreslavsky.According to him, at the present time are technical presentations.

"The interest is very high. It is possible that Indonesia may purchase up to three units," - said Goreslavsky.Airbus A320-216 aircraft airline Air Asia Indonesia flew from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore early in the morning on December 28, and less than an hour flight disappeared from radar screens does not signal disaster. On board were 162 people, all of them died.Russian rescuers were unique among international experts who were directly involved in the rise of the tail of the ship, providing underwater diving. During the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry rescuers participation in the international operation to find the crashed airliner was a lot of work both on and under the water and in the air.RIA Novosti "Рособоронэкспорт": Индонезия может купить до трех самолетов Бе-200 | РИА Новости

Indonesian Police stand guard in Poso local Hospital, after two terrorist suspect shot to death this week in Poso, Central Sulawesi


Police officer examines the terrorist weapons

KRI Rigel right now had been in North African coast, on the way to Indonesia
Bincang Pagi - Soldiers hunt terorist

Pindad SS2v5

Pindad SSX

Anoa 2 amphibious version?

Anoa 2 with and without add on armor

How thick the add on armor?
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Military exercise aids
terrorist hunt

The Jakarta Post, Palu | National | Sun, April 05 2015, 4:15 PM

Acting National Police chief Comr.Gen.Badrodin Haiti says the joint combat exercise carried out with the Indonesian Military (TNI) in Poso, Central Sulawesi, since April 1, has aided efforts to hunt down members of a terrorist group led by Santoso and Daeng Koro.

The exercise, involving around 3,000 military personnel, had forced the terrorist group to flee to a safer place, he said.

Badrodin said the police had expected the terrorist group to flee to Poso regency and its surrounding areas.

“It has been successful as the police arrested two terrorist suspects,” said the former Central Sulawesi Police chief as quoted by Antara in Palu on Sunday.

The military exercise is taking place in locations near Mount Biru, Poso, which has been widely known as the hiding place of armed civilian groups. During the exercise, the military personnel launched a barrage of rockets into several locations at Mt.Biru.

Badrodin said the National Police and the TNI would continue to coordinate to track down the movements of terrorist groups.

Earlier, TNI commander Gen.Moeldoko said the combat exercise was an annual event routinely held nationwide.

“The exercise is not aimed at apprehending terrorist groups; but; once we detect their presence, we will ask them to surrender. Otherwise, we will shoot them,” he said in Palu. (ebf)

Military exercise aids terrorist hunt | The Jakarta Post

credit for pictures to kalashnikov777

Indonesian Air Force preparation for ceremonial flight to held the anniversary of Air Force in 2015




Indonesian Marine Corps soldier patrolling in full combat gear

Marinir Poso1.jpg
Marinir Poso2.jpg
Procurement Centralization for a Better Company

Posted: Senin, 23 Mar 2015
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PT Pindad (Persero)’s CEO Silmy Karim, inaugurate new building where Supply Chain Management Division activities would be operated on Monday, March 23rd, 2015. This inauguration event was attended by Board of Directors, top management, and related staff of PT Pindad (Persero). This inauguration signified the procurement centralization of PT Pindad (Persero) which before been done separately at each divisions.

On his speech, Silmy Karim said that procurement centralization was the Board of Directors decision whi ch hoped could give an improvement at procurement field. “Management hoped that a better procurement could be achieved with a good planning, optimum negotiation, better cash flow plan, and better coordinantion with Production Division. Furthermore, how we build a strategy with finance division in working capital so the vendor can get payment certainty,” said Silmy.

Procurement centralization also had another main job, i.e. vendor maintenance which cooperated with PT Pindad. This thing became concern for Silmy and also Ministry of Defence. “We should encourage vendors to be Pindad’s strategic partner, going forward together, and mutually beneficial, also can support and anticipating Pindad’s future development,” Silmy added.

For Pindad’s internal employees, Silmy advised to support this procurement centralization. Changes were inevitable thing, so there was no other way than supporting together with high loyalty. “Everybody who have authority in procurement area is expected to support as best as possible to be implemented properly and meets the expectation. We should always ready to face changes and ready to give best support with a high loyalty,” said Silmy.

The event continued with ribbon cutting ceremony, inscription signing, and room inspection. Hopefully, company performance through changes that currently executed could be increased. (Anggia)

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Sentralisasi Pengadaan untuk Perusahaan yang Lebih Baik

Procurement Centralization for a Better Company

Posted: Senin, 23 Mar 2015
Comments: -
PT Pindad (Persero)’s CEO Silmy Karim, inaugurate new building where Supply Chain Management Division activities would be operated on Monday, March 23rd, 2015. This inauguration event was attended by Board of Directors, top management, and related staff of PT Pindad (Persero). This inauguration signified the procurement centralization of PT Pindad (Persero) which before been done separately at each divisions.

On his speech, Silmy Karim said that procurement centralization was the Board of Directors decision whi ch hoped could give an improvement at procurement field. “Management hoped that a better procurement could be achieved with a good planning, optimum negotiation, better cash flow plan, and better coordinantion with Production Division. Furthermore, how we build a strategy with finance division in working capital so the vendor can get payment certainty,” said Silmy.

Procurement centralization also had another main job, i.e. vendor maintenance which cooperated with PT Pindad. This thing became concern for Silmy and also Ministry of Defence. “We should encourage vendors to be Pindad’s strategic partner, going forward together, and mutually beneficial, also can support and anticipating Pindad’s future development,” Silmy added.

For Pindad’s internal employees, Silmy advised to support this procurement centralization. Changes were inevitable thing, so there was no other way than supporting together with high loyalty. “Everybody who have authority in procurement area is expected to support as best as possible to be implemented properly and meets the expectation. We should always ready to face changes and ready to give best support with a high loyalty,” said Silmy.

The event continued with ribbon cutting ceremony, inscription signing, and room inspection. Hopefully, company performance through changes that currently executed could be increased. (Anggia)

PT. Pindad (Persero) - Sentralisasi Pengadaan untuk Perusahaan yang Lebih Baik

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