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Rafale will be shown off before Indonesian Air Force Top Brass at Wednesday 25/3/2015 in Jakarta

wish i can see her.



@Gabriel92 she is a beauty, what i am already know is, my government wanna to build three more Fighter squadron (but one squadron maybe will be for another type of Falcon so just left two squadron of fighter for open tender) and that's the reason they came to showing their product before our top brass.
CAESAR, we getting atleast 37 example, the prices for the system alone is atleast 140 million US dollar, but the total prices for the whole deal i don't know, because Indonesia paid more for technologycal transfer to be used for building National radar artillery system and propellant factory. And according to several sources, etc ARC.co.id we will getting more SPH artillery from France, we had requirement for two wheeled mobile artillery brigades.

Thank you, that comes down to $3.8 million per unit with tot.

Do you remember how much is Indonesia paying for MICA and Exocet block 3 missiles?
@Gabriel92 she is a beauty, what i am already know is, my government wanna to build three more Fighter squadron (but one squadron maybe will be for another type of Falcon so just left two squadron of fighter for open tender) and that's the reason they came to showing their product before our top brass.

So we will have 4 new sqadron in the near future?
1 sqn Su-35
1 sqn F16 Viper ?
2 sqn Rafale/Gripen/Typhoon

Buying fighter squadrons like a Bos!

Thank you, that comes down to $3 million per unit and that seems to be the typical price.

Do you remember how much is Indonesia paying for MICA and Exocet block 3 missiles?

Hmm doesn't know, they have been in one package with Sigma class, the best guesses is from Gabriel92 list prices

all has been clear today

Dua pesawat tempur C-01 Rafale Prancis unjuk kebolehan di Jakarta - ANTARA News

So we will have 4 new sqadron in the near future?
1 sqn Su-35
1 sqn F16 Viper ?
2 sqn Rafale/Gripen/Typhoon

Buying fighter squadrons like a Bos!


look at the link
Hmm doesn't know, they have been in one package with Sigma class, the best guesses is from Gabriel92 list prices

Oh so Indonesia got the Sigma price including all the missiles, interesting, when Damen announced the Sigma deal for Vietnam we all felt that it was very expensive, but at that time we didn't think that included the missiles. Only recently one blogger said that it included the missiles, but I was not totally sure, but if Indonesia got it like that, as a package, then that's the confirmation. @Yorozuya this confirms it.

As I see it, the Sigma ships are priced very reasonably, its the French missiles that make the package very expensive.

Don't think can trust those prices from Gabriel, they are way too low.

The euro is very low now, time to order European stuff. :tup:
Oh so Indonesia got the Sigma price including all the missiles, interesting, when Damen announced the Sigma deal for Vietnam we all felt that it was very expensive, but at that time we didn't think that included the missiles. Only recently one blogger said that it included the missiles, but I was not totally sure, but if Indonesia got it like that, as a package, then that's the confirmation. @Yorozuya this confirms it.

As I see it, the Sigma ships are priced very reasonably, its the French missiles that make the package very expensive.

Don't think can trust those prices from Gabriel, they are way too low.

The euro is very low now, time to order European stuff. :tup:

Hmm that doesn't confirm it for me. Even if Indonesia paid the Sigma as a whole package, it doesn't mean that the $350 mil quoted for VN covers the whole package . I'll have to give MBDA a call tomorrow. Do you know the mobile number of the French President?
So we will have 4 new sqadron in the near future?
1 sqn Su-35
1 sqn F16 Viper ?
2 sqn Rafale/Gripen/Typhoon

Buying fighter squadrons like a Bos!

Thats look like a good combination. 1 su, 1 viper, 2 rafale.

Hope the Rafale include TOT
What is it that has been made clear? The link only said that 2 Rafale will give some demonstration flights?

on those article lies this paragraphs

Bukan cuma Skuadron Udara 14 (di mana Tiger II tergabung) yang akan dicarikan pengganti pesawat tempurnya, melainkan akan juga dibangun tiga skuadron udara tempur baru.

Jika diasumsikan satu skuadron berkekuatan 12 hingga 18 pesawat terbang maka diperlukan 48 hingga 64 unit pesawat tempur baru dilengkapi sistem pendukung, sistem perawatan dan pemeliharaan, sistem pelatihan, dan lain-lain.

if roughly translates into English will be

Not just Air Squadron 14 (where Tiger II incorporated) which will look for a replacement fighter, but will also build three new combat air squadron.

Assuming a squadron of magnitude of 12 to 18 aircraft would require 48 to 64 units of new fighter aircraft equipped with a support system, system care and maintenance, training systems, and others.

So in summary beside 16 Su-35 in which had been confirmed several days ago by Chief of Armed Forces Moeldoko, Indonesia currently looking for at least 36 to 48 more of combat aircraft
Does the TNI AU have the right to test the rafale againts our su-30 :)

I hope they are doing that now, testing Rafale with F-16 block 52 and Su 27, it will be a very valuable information to gather. We of course can do it, since we also have tested our Su 27/ 30 with F 18 SH Australia at Pitch Black, Darwin. No Problemo. Just dont know whether France allow it, If they are confident on their plane, they should.........

BVR combat of course will be won by Rafale. Testing how effective their AESA is (and other avionics, like jamming system) in real combat is another valuable information to gather.
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Hmm that doesn't confirm it for me. Even if Indonesia paid the Sigma as a whole package, it doesn't mean that the $350 mil quoted for VN covers the whole package . I'll have to give MBDA a call tomorrow. Do you know the mobile number of the French President?

Then the next question for @madokafc would be: how much Indonesia paid for the Sigma package?

I'll send you the number for Hollande by pm, he told me not to make it public.

Checking prices, in 2012 India paid 1.9 million euro for MICA, so figure not less than 2 million now.
Exocet is around $4 million now (around 3.7 million euro).

According to my calculations, each Vietnamese Sigma includes $50 million worth of Exocets and $42 million worth of MICAs. These prices are at current euro rates, if we consider at the time of the contract in 2013, then it would be around 20% more.
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Three more countries plan to buy warships from Indonesia
Senin, 23 Maret 2015 18:26 WIB | 402 Views

Documentation of Indonesian Navy LPD class KRI Banjarmasin-592 in amphibious role to let Indonesian Marine tanks land in Mapalus Beach, North Sulawesi, last year. This Indonesian Navy LPD class may easily convert into a kind of helicopter carrier platform. (FOTO ANTARA/Basrul Haq)

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Three more countries plan to buy warships from Indonesia after earlier the Philippines ordered two units the type of Strategic Sealift Vessel-1 (SSV).

M Firmansyah Arifin, the president director of the state owned shipbuilding company, PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) with its headquarter in Surabaya, East Java, said the orders from foreign countries constitutes a challenge and a reflection of confidence in the reputation of the company.

"Many countries have indicated interest in our products. Currently three countries agreed to cooperate with us in building warships," he said .

He refused to give name of the countries beyond saying most of them are Southeast Asian countries. He said the warships wanted by the three countries are the type of Landing Platform Dock (LPD).

Indonesian Navy has six warships in this class that could easily convert into helicopter platform warship, namely KRI Banjarmasin-590.

Earlier, PT PAL Indonesia delivered two units of warship the type of Strategic Sealift Vessel-1 (SSV) for its defense ministry.

Firmansyah, the warships measured 123 meter long and 21.8 meter wide at a price of US$90 million with a deal signed after a tight and long international tender.

The warhips could carry four tanks, four trucks, a mobile hospital and two jeeps and two helicopters with a maximum speed of 16 knots and machine capacity of 2 x 2,920 kW.
Based on the latest development and news, looks like Indonesian Air Force not just looking for replacement fighter to the old F-5E Tigers in the 14th Squadron but also looking for new fighters to fill the 3 new squadrons. So far Su-30 Super Flankers most likely to replace the F-5E in the 14th Sqn. But we also looking for new fighters to fill the ranks in 3 new squadron. The candidates are Rafale, Gripen, Eurofighter Typhoon and F-16 Block 60. Waiting for major procurement of 48 - 64 new fighters in this 2nd MEF. Lets hope its not more than two types of fighters or we will have a nightmare of logistic, supply and maintenance

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