i'm really glad if just some ammunution issue, at least the system not broken, but thats 2018 issue, so its an outdated issue and i quite optimistic those guns have better readyness todayPretty sure it's mostly a lack of ammunition issue.
upload data yang klasifikasi nya biasa silahkan saja di posting tapi kl kalsifikasinya rahasia walaupun sudah ada yang latah memposting lebih baik jgn ikut latah memposting pula lebih..lebih bila berita itu lama bisa menimbulkan kesimpang siuran keresahan kejang..kejang ke gagalan dalam menalar khayalan terlalu berlebihan shudzon dll....wkwkwkwkwk
but well gues u guys only need something to argue with right either way there is nothing to talk about
FYI right now we have overcome this problem either is sdm issue or sarpas issue that we have back than and the number is surely increasing
oh iya ada yang nyinggung medium tank ndak berkelanjutan ya semoga proyek madium tank puna male dan kfx ttp bisa berjalan dan sesuai rencana couse thare a lot of thing turn bad out there..
yes those should be classified quite sensitive afterall but i'm glad its just old data from 2018, i'm sure those data outdated for today standard , with current MoD i'm quite optimistic their readyness increase much,
with the increasing defence budget hope there is some solution for KFX project, will it be continue or just abandon the project and go for another aircraft