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Indonesia Defence Forum

Neglected? We're fortunate to be located in a relatively conflict free area (SE asia), so a massive military presence was not a top priority, unlike your country for example.
That doesn't mean you neglect your defence because world can change at any moment and your area now is biggest point off tensions and you have to prepare fast and are you from Indonesia ?

And my Indonesian Brothers and sisters and members off this forum our Army Chief is in Indonesia for 3 day visit post pictures off his visit to different places and areas
@madokafc @Indos @MarveL @Reashot Xigwin
Only Navy you have neglected all your forces

We will build stronger armed forces that's for sure. All branches, not just Navy.


More PT PAL staff head to DSME for submarine training
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry

Indonesian shipbuilder PT PAL is sending additional personnel to South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to undergo training in submarine construction, it was announced on 17 October.

The training is part of the industrial collaboration programme linked to Indonesia's order in late 2011 of three DSME Chang Bogo-class Type 209/1200 submarines.

This programme outlines DSME's construction of the first two submarines with gradually increased input from PT PAL personnel, leading to the Indonesian company's licenced-build of the third boat at its facilities in Surabaya.

PT PAL said in a statement that 160 personnel will travel to South Korea over the next few months and will join other PT PAL engineers and technicians already seconded to DSME.

More PT PAL staff head to DSME for submarine training - IHS Jane's 360
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Press Release
No PR222/2014-ISPR Dated: October 20, 2014
Rawalpindi - October 20, 2014: General Raheel Sharif, Chief of Army Staff (COAS), left for Indonesia today on a three-day official visit. He is visiting Indonesia on the special invitation of Indonesian Defence Authorities. During his visit, the COAS is scheduled to meet senior military leadership of Indonesia.
Earlier, the COAS was seen off at PAF Base Nur Khan by senior military officials.

General Raheel Shareef
@Indos @madokafc @Reashot Xigwin @MarveL @guitar01 @katarabhumi
No he left last night I think he would have arrived several hours ago

Can't find any news yet.. Let's see in the next few days. Right now our media is very busy with the new president and speculations on who's gonna be included in his cabinet.
Hey Indonesian members any plans to replace the Ahmed Yani class frigates they were build in 1968 yes they have been upgraded but still they are old ships so any chance to replace and wikki says that the Stigma class which would be build the first hull would have only Gun what does that mean ?
@Indos @MarveL @madokafc @Jakartans@PkDef @guitar01 @katarabhumi
Indonesia plans to purchase Russian submarines
October 21, 13:05 UTC+4
Indonesia already has experience in purchasing Russian equipment — helicopters, planes, armored vehicles and other items, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov says

© ITAR-TASS/Denis Vyshinsky

JAKARTA, October 21. /TASS/. Russia and Indonesia are considering the possibility of expanding military and technical cooperation, including supplies of Russian submarines, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said on Tuesday after his meeting with new Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

The two countries hope to boost inter-state trade from $3 billion to $5 billion in the next two years, Manturov said. There are plans for energy cooperation and for construction of Russian oil refineries in Indonesia. “Our Indonesian counterparts have raised this issue for the first time,” the minister said. “We are ready to discuss and develop this area.”

Another issue under discussion concerns cooperation in military supplies, Manturov said. “Indonesia already has experience in purchasing our equipment — helicopters, planes, armored vehicles and other items,” he said. "We are considering the possibility of supplying the Project 636 diesel-electric submarines (to Indonesia)," he noted.

TASS: Economy - Indonesia plans to purchase Russian submarines
you salvages are proud of this? time will let you pay back.

last time, your then present come to beijing begging for stop after east timor independence, Next time we will continue to support any initiative Ausie will launch to break down your country.

Opo iki ono Cino misuh-misuh, entok maling yo dikobong ae su. Jancuki tenan...

savages or salvage?

meh, better to sitting around and brace myself for the incoming storms of 50 cents army here

the first prototype of Indonesian amphibious vehicle


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