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India’s HAL looks to boost profile in Asian markets
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
08 March 2020
India’s HAL is planning to establish facilities in several Asian countries to provide MRO support for local air forces and boost sales of products including its Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (pictured). Source: Jane’s/Patrick Allen
India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is planning to establish facilities in several Asian markets to boost its international profile.

In comments reported by the Press Trust of India (PTI) on 8 March, R Madhavan, HAL's chairman and managing director, said the company is looking at setting up "logistical bases" in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

He said the focus of these facilities would be to provide maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for Russian-built military aircraft in operation by these countries and to promote sales of HAL platforms including the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

"We can give them a lot of support as these countries use a lot of platforms which are common to India and their serviceability is very poor," Madhavan told PTI.

In terms of supporting sales, he added, "We now are looking at exports very seriously. A sizeable number of countries are showing lots of interests in the platforms we are producing as they are world class. We are in talks with so many countries."

An official from HAL confirmed to Jane's in 2019 that the company was pursuing opportunities to expand in Southeast Asia and other regional countries that had "long depended on Russian military aircraft".
maybe if LAPAN wanted to do something with their LF-X , HAL could be partner that's not going to be underestimated .

That's how you destroy your entire naval budget in one swoop, there's absolutely no benefit to having a retarded amount of different hull classes. In an environment where everyone is trying to focus on commonality of hulls, we shouldn't be doing the opposite.
then iver it is .
India’s HAL looks to boost profile in Asian markets
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
08 March 2020
India’s HAL is planning to establish facilities in several Asian countries to provide MRO support for local air forces and boost sales of products including its Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (pictured). Source: Jane’s/Patrick Allen
India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is planning to establish facilities in several Asian markets to boost its international profile.

In comments reported by the Press Trust of India (PTI) on 8 March, R Madhavan, HAL's chairman and managing director, said the company is looking at setting up "logistical bases" in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

He said the focus of these facilities would be to provide maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for Russian-built military aircraft in operation by these countries and to promote sales of HAL platforms including the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

"We can give them a lot of support as these countries use a lot of platforms which are common to India and their serviceability is very poor," Madhavan told PTI.

In terms of supporting sales, he added, "We now are looking at exports very seriously. A sizeable number of countries are showing lots of interests in the platforms we are producing as they are world class. We are in talks with so many countries."

An official from HAL confirmed to Jane's in 2019 that the company was pursuing opportunities to expand in Southeast Asia and other regional countries that had "long depended on Russian military aircraft".
maybe if LAPAN wanted to do something with their LF-X , HAL could be partner that's not going to be underestimated .

then iver it is .

HAL had bad track record about logistick and maintenance support, far worse than whatever you can imagine. Think about how Indonesia corrupt addiction habit, they are easily hundredfold much worse. Not even their own country and valuable pilots being spared!!!!
India’s HAL looks to boost profile in Asian markets
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
08 March 2020
India’s HAL is planning to establish facilities in several Asian countries to provide MRO support for local air forces and boost sales of products including its Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (pictured). Source: Jane’s/Patrick Allen
India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is planning to establish facilities in several Asian markets to boost its international profile.

In comments reported by the Press Trust of India (PTI) on 8 March, R Madhavan, HAL's chairman and managing director, said the company is looking at setting up "logistical bases" in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

He said the focus of these facilities would be to provide maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for Russian-built military aircraft in operation by these countries and to promote sales of HAL platforms including the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

"We can give them a lot of support as these countries use a lot of platforms which are common to India and their serviceability is very poor," Madhavan told PTI.

In terms of supporting sales, he added, "We now are looking at exports very seriously. A sizeable number of countries are showing lots of interests in the platforms we are producing as they are world class. We are in talks with so many countries."

An official from HAL confirmed to Jane's in 2019 that the company was pursuing opportunities to expand in Southeast Asia and other regional countries that had "long depended on Russian military aircraft".
maybe if LAPAN wanted to do something with their LF-X , HAL could be partner that's not going to be underestimated .

then iver it is .
The OMEGA is arguably a better ship. A newer design offers more capabilities and upgrades in the future. Furthermore, considering is shares certain parts with the SIGMA's already in service, you can expect a lower operating cost as well. Better to spend more now and have to spend less later than spend less now and spend more later.
Instead of introducing a new class of ships such as the Gowind 2500 that offers little new capabilities, Indonesia should instead focus on building the Sigma PKR 10514 frigates that it has already operated two units.

But Imo We should increase the sigma vls loadout to a standard of 16 instead of 12.
Komisi V DPR dukung pembangunan skuadron udara di Sintang
Jumat, 6 Maret 2020 21:11 WIB


Pontianak (ANTARA) - Komisi V DPR menyatakan dukungan atas rencana pembangunan skuadron udara TNI AD di Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat.

"Hibahnya lahannya hanya boleh lima hektare per tahun, sehingga kita bangun saja dulu sehingga nanti hibahnya bertahap saja sampai pada luas 35 hektare atau butuh tujuh tahun untuk proses penyediaan lahannya," kata Ketua Komisi V DPR, Lasarus, di Pontianak, Jumat.

Hal itu disampaikanya kepada Panglima Kodam XII/Tanjungpura, Mayor Jenderal TNI Muhammad Nur Rahmad, di pendopo gubernur Kalimantan Barat, saat menghadiri acara pertemuan Gubernur Kalimantan Barat, Sutarmidji, dalam rangka kunjungan kerja reses masa persidangan II tahun sidang 2019-2020.

Rombongan Komisi V DPR dipimpin Lasarus, Wakil Ketua Komisi V DPR, Syarif Alkadrie, dengan diikuti 26 anggota Komisi V DPR serta beberapa sekretariat dan tenaga ahli serta perwakilan dari kementerian.

Dalam pertemuan dengan Komisi V DPR, Sutarmidji, menyampaikan usulan program prioritas Kalimantan Barat. Program-program ini diharapkan mendapatkan dukungan dari Komisi V DPR dan seluruh mitra kerja yang hadir termasuk Kementerian PUPR, diantaranya pembangunan duplikasi Jembatan Kapuas I dan Kapuas III serta pembangunan Jembatan Sungai Sambas Besar.

Atas usulan itu Ketua Komisi V DPR, menyatakan komitmennya untuk mengawal rencana-rencana pembangunan di Kalbar. Menurut Lazarus, Komisi V DPR akan mengawal ini dengan baik walaupun tanggungjawabnya adalah seluruh Indonesia dan hal-hal yang prioritas tentu menjadi hal yang utama untuk bisa diselesaikan di Kalimantan Barat.

Sebelumnya terkait pembangunan skadron udara di Kabupaten Sintang, Tim Kelompok Kerja Staf Ahli Kepala Staf TNI AD dipimpin Kolonel Infantri Heri Kuswanto, telah melakukan kunjungan langsung ke Kabupaten Sintang, agar adanya sinergisitas antara pembangunan infrastruktur dengan aspek pertahanan keamanan.

Selain untuk melakukan verifikasi dan pengumpulan data guna kajian dan masukan kepada pimpinan angkatan darat, dijelaskan juga bahwa
pembangunan infrastruktur akan menjadi fasilitas pertahanan negara, misalkan ada jalan yang panjang bisa dijadikan landasan pacu pesawat tempur. "Jadi dalam keadaan darurat perang, jalan ini bisa digunakan," katanya.

The OMEGA is arguably a better ship. A newer design offers more capabilities and upgrades in the future. Furthermore, considering is shares certain parts with the SIGMA's already in service, you can expect a lower operating cost as well. Better to spend more now and have to spend less later than spend less now and spend more later.
But i assume, our govt won't change their decision from iver according to this news.

Salah satunya, dengan membeli kapal perang baru. Luhut menyebut Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto sudah setuju membeli kapal berukuran 150 meter dari Denmark.


"Pak Prabowo saya lihat angkatan laut sudah beli (kapal) ocean going, akan beli dari Denmark. Itu memang kapal ocean going yang 138 meter yang bisa 150 meter. Jadi dia bisa berlayar fregat ini di laut bebas," papar Luhut saat berbincang bareng wartawan di kantornya, Jumat (17/1/2020).

Plus, if OMT really-really keep their words with their offers to us about redesigning the ship i think we should follow Babcock arrowhead 140 style, more futuristic and less bulky indeed.
But i assume, our govt won't change their decision from iver according to this news.


Plus, if OMT really-really keep their words with their offers to us about redesigning the ship i think we should follow Babcock arrowhead 140 style, more futuristic and less bulky indeed.

It's Indonesia dude, anything can happen as long as the weapon hasn't arrived alias masih ada tikungan akhir


life cycle contractor support services contract for our Javelin
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britain type 31 (less powered iver huitfeldt variants in making) , btw do we have indoor shipbuilding facility like that ? that's a one massive workshop
britain type 31 (less powered iver huitfeldt variants in making) , btw do we have indoor shipbuilding facility like that ? that's a one massive workshop

Our submarine building facility at PT PAL is also quite big and can handle shipbuilding as well.
But i assume, our govt won't change their decision from iver according to this news.


Plus, if OMT really-really keep their words with their offers to us about redesigning the ship i think we should follow Babcock arrowhead 140 style, more futuristic and less bulky indeed.
We have a saying in the defense industry, "never believe anything the MoD says until the items are rolling off the cargo holds".

Give it time, I doubt Luhut would snub off the Dutch delegates by procuring the Danish offer instead. Especially since it might expand his wallet.

britain type 31 (less powered iver huitfeldt variants in making) , btw do we have indoor shipbuilding facility like that ? that's a one massive workshop
What do you mean? The Babcock Type 31 is more capable than the original Iver-Huidtfelts. Ship displacement doesn't mean anything, it's sensor capability and armament outfitting that determines the lethality of a ship at the end of the day.
We have a saying in the defense industry, "never believe anything the MoD says until the items are rolling off the cargo holds".

Give it time, I doubt Luhut would snub off the Dutch delegates by procuring the Danish offer instead. Especially since it might expand his wallet.

What do you mean? The Babcock Type 31 is more capable than the original Iver-Huidtfelts. Ship displacement doesn't mean anything, it's sensor capability and armament outfitting that determines the lethality of a ship at the end of the day.
to be honest the babcock one is less powerful than the original iver , they don't have long range radar and anti ballistic missile capability such as iver .

this type of big ship with less punching power are becoming common in European design such as germany Baden Wurttemberg Class .
to be honest the babcock one is less powerful than the original iver , they don't have long range radar and anti ballistic missile capability such as iver .View attachment 612522
this type of big ship with less punching power are becoming common in European design such as germany Baden Wurttemberg Class .

Chinese, South Korean and Japanese Warships will eat them anydays. Those ships only good for long range patrol type action, derived from their long experiences to manage conflict in Eastern horn Africa and patrol in west Sahara.

Thats what US navy initially believe when designing littoral combat ships, and facing hard reality when put them in South China sea and facing heavily armed Chinese frigates, heck even type 056 corvettes will eat them
Len Industri & Thales To Modernise Indonesian Frigate KRI Usman-Harun

Thales press release

Thales has been a leading partner of the Indonesian Navy for the last forty years, as the appointed supplier of combat systems for all warships in service. In addition, Thales has a long-standing relationship with Len Industri, who is the systems integrator for the KRI Usman-Harun’s Mid Life Modernisation (MLM) programme.

The KRI Usman-Harun frigate has more than 15 years of service under its belt. Building on the long collaboration Thales has with the Indonesian Navy, the contract will see Len Industri and Thales install the TACTICOS Combat Management System, the SMART-S Mk2 air and surface surveillance radar, the STIR EO Mk2 radar and EO fire control system and the Vigile Mk2 tactical multi-purpose R-ESM system. These systems are currently also installed on the Indonesian Navy’s new Raden Eddy Martadinata class frigates, enabling consistency in operations for the Navy, and ensuring that their fleet remains one of most advanced in the region.

Modernisation programmes are a cost-effective means of extending the lifecycle of any naval fleet and upgrading the critical mission systems ensures that the latest developments in combat management and sensors are installed for optimum performance. This upgrade for the KRI Usman-Harun is expected to be completed by the end of 2023, and it will considerably extend the life of the frigate.

Thales has established strong credentials in naval modernisation worldwide. In Indonesia, Thales has supplied and integrated the naval combat electronics for four Sigma class corvettes and is also the supplier and integrator of the naval mission systems for the current Indonesian Raden Eddy Martadinata Frigate programme.

Aligned with Indonesia’s vision of building indigenous capabilities in the defence sector, Thales has worked closely with Len Industri over the last decade, including signing Memorandums of Understanding and naval combat management systems, through research and transfer of technology. The modernisation of the KRI Usman-Harun is Len Industri’s first major mission modernisation and its first mission systems integration programme.

“This contract underlines the excellent relations between the Republic of Indonesia, Len Industri and Thales. The program will strongly contribute to the independence of the Indonesian defence industry and lays a strong foundation for future naval contracts, both for new builds as well as modernisations.”

Erik-Jan Raatgerink, Country Director, Thales in Indonesia.

Len Industri & Thales To Modernise Indonesian Frigate KRI Usman-Harun

Thales press release

Thales has been a leading partner of the Indonesian Navy for the last forty years, as the appointed supplier of combat systems for all warships in service. In addition, Thales has a long-standing relationship with Len Industri, who is the systems integrator for the KRI Usman-Harun’s Mid Life Modernisation (MLM) programme.

The KRI Usman-Harun frigate has more than 15 years of service under its belt. Building on the long collaboration Thales has with the Indonesian Navy, the contract will see Len Industri and Thales install the TACTICOS Combat Management System, the SMART-S Mk2 air and surface surveillance radar, the STIR EO Mk2 radar and EO fire control system and the Vigile Mk2 tactical multi-purpose R-ESM system. These systems are currently also installed on the Indonesian Navy’s new Raden Eddy Martadinata class frigates, enabling consistency in operations for the Navy, and ensuring that their fleet remains one of most advanced in the region.

Modernisation programmes are a cost-effective means of extending the lifecycle of any naval fleet and upgrading the critical mission systems ensures that the latest developments in combat management and sensors are installed for optimum performance. This upgrade for the KRI Usman-Harun is expected to be completed by the end of 2023, and it will considerably extend the life of the frigate.

Thales has established strong credentials in naval modernisation worldwide. In Indonesia, Thales has supplied and integrated the naval combat electronics for four Sigma class corvettes and is also the supplier and integrator of the naval mission systems for the current Indonesian Raden Eddy Martadinata Frigate programme.

Aligned with Indonesia’s vision of building indigenous capabilities in the defence sector, Thales has worked closely with Len Industri over the last decade, including signing Memorandums of Understanding and naval combat management systems, through research and transfer of technology. The modernisation of the KRI Usman-Harun is Len Industri’s first major mission modernisation and its first mission systems integration programme.

“This contract underlines the excellent relations between the Republic of Indonesia, Len Industri and Thales. The program will strongly contribute to the independence of the Indonesian defence industry and lays a strong foundation for future naval contracts, both for new builds as well as modernisations.”

Erik-Jan Raatgerink, Country Director, Thales in Indonesia.


Those Dutchman very persistent
Looks like new Vest carrier armor is recently distributed between January and March among Indonesian frontline units,

This pics is taken from https://mobile.twitter.com/Korpaskhas_id in January, Yonko 462 Paskhas still using the old style body armor


More recent picture of their patrol


And the same unit Exercise in March


Looks like they need to change some their rifles in a squad, one need to have DMR toward full cartridge of battle rifle in 7,62 Cal NATO with magnifier optics tools, if we are looking at the terrain in Papua. Along with rapid fire carbine like type gun for firefighting in dense jungle for most of squad member.



Combined with this


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