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Sepertinya anadolu agency buka cabang dimari, ngikut cnbc dan cnn.

Because imho that is the APC not the Amphibious Tank. The article clearly said that Pindad & FNSS are developing an APC and an Amphibious Tank. Two different thing.

"Vice President Inovasi PT Pindad Windu Paramata mengatakan setelah sukses membuat medium tank, kedua perusahaan milik Indonesia dan Turki itu akan kembali bekerja sama mengembangkan jenis baru Harimau Medium Tank atau Kaplan MT, berupa kendaraan angkut personel dan tank amfibi."

There were news that FNSS is offering the ZAHA to Indonesia. Maybe this is the Amphibious Tank that Windu was talking about.


[The] MAV has to make sure that marines reach the shore in the shortest time possible, both to ensure rapid movement and to minimise their exposure to threats while at sea. Once ashore, it should be able to operate effectively as an armoured combat vehicle, while also safeguarding the troops inside with superior ballistic and mine protection. To put it briefly, until the MAV made its appearance, there was no such vehicle on the market. We are developing MAV in response to the requirements of the Turkish Naval Forces, which carried out one of the most important amphibious operations in the last 50 years with great success. We are confident that friendly and allied nations with high amphibious operational requirements, particularly island countries like Indonesia, will also look to take advantage of MAV’s superior characteristics; and we look forward to working with them in the future,” commented FNSS General Manager and CEO, K. Nail Kurt.

Tank amfibi kalau disini cakupannya luas sih, aav p7, pt76, bmp3f, zaha, juga disebut tank amfibi. Mau apc ifv atau tank beneran kalau tracked vehicle disini panggilannya tank.
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Indonesia looks to strengthen defense ties with Turkey

MAR 06, 2020 11:49 AM

Turkey and Indonesia are working on several defense projects, including an armored personnel carrier and remotely steered weapons systems, an official from Indonesia’s state-owned defense manufacturer PT Pindad has said.

PT Pindad innovation and product development manager, Windu Paramarta, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the KAPLAN MT tanks – jointly developed by Turkey’s FNSS Defense Industries Company and PT Pindad – have advanced to the production phase. He added that 18 tanks will be manufactured in the next two years for Indonesian armed forces.

The KAPLAN MT is powered by a power pack located at the rear of the vehicle, which delivers a power-to-weight ratio of about 20 horsepower per ton. The engine transfers this power to the driving system, which has a six-wheel, anti-shock suspension system with double-pinned tracks mounted on torsion bars.

The tank-class vehicle brings together state-of-the-art modern technology platforms with superior firepower, supported by battlefield management systems and laser warning systems, providing tactical support to the commander.

Firepower is provided by a CMI Cockerill 3105 turret, integrated with a high-pressure 105-millimeter Cockerill gun and an advanced autoloader. Thanks to the turret, the KAPLAN MT has high firepower despite its relatively low weight.

Noting that two countries are currently working on the development of armored personnel carriers and remotely steered weapons systems, Paramarta said preliminary meetings were also underway for the prototype of carrier project. Process for other projects including design of remote weapons systems are expected to be completed this year, he added.

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Noice, the vest color tho.
Mungkin mikirnya kalo item ga bakal gampang keliatan kotor.

This one looks good with the uniform.

This is also good.
Sakti vest is good, it used by kostrad and we often see it during parade but realy with that large name tag???
Indonesia bersaing dengan Korsel jual medium tank ke Filipina
Philipine has buy kunduz almim from fnss hope turks push philipine to add kaplan for theor inventory
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Temui Kepala Bakamla, Mahfud MD Bahas Omnibus Law Keamanan Laut
Kompas.com - 06/03/2020, 13:15 WIB​
JJAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD mengatakan, ada 21 undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan keamanan laut yang akan disederhanakan dalam Omnibus Law. Seluruh undang-undang itu saat ini digunakan oleh tujuh lembaga yang berwenang menangani keamanan laut. "Kalau dalam inventarisasi kami, ada sekitar 21 undang-undang yang terkait soal laut yang seluruhnya nanti akan diomnibuskan," kata Mahfud usai mengunjungi kantor Badan Keamanan Laut ( Bakamla), Cikini, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (6/3/2020).

"Tetapi, institusi yang agak dianggap tumpang tindih itu ada tujuh. Undang-undangnya diketemukan ada 21," lanjut dia. Mahfud MD mengatakan, pembentukan Omnibus Law tentang keamanan laut ini bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan koordinasi lembaga-lembaga yang berwenang dalam keamanan laut. Sebab, hingga saat ini setidaknya masih ada tujuh lembaga yang menangani perihal tersebut.

"Instrumen peraturan perundang-undangan yang akan membuka koordinasi keamanan laut itu bisa ditangani secara lebih sederhana dan koordinasinya terpusat," ujar dia. Sebagaimana arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, Bakamla nantinya akan ditunjuk sebagai koordinator dalam penanganan keamanan laut ini. Ia pun berharap sistem koordinasi yang terpusat ini dapat segera direalisasikan. "Saya melihat kesiapannya di sini dari sudut teknologinya, sumber daya manusianya, dan lain-lain," kata Mahfud MD.

Pembentukan Omnibus Law Keamanan Laut Ditolak
Nasional keamanan laut
Medcom • 05 Maret 2020 20:42

Jakarta: Rencana pemerintah merancang Omnibus Law Keamanan Laut ditolak. Pembentukan aturan sapu jagat itu dinilai mubazir.

"Justru tak ada yang tumpang tindih dengan sejumlah aturan yang mengatur tentang keamanan di laut. Jadi, apanya yang mau di-omnibuslaw-kan?" kata pengamat maritim, Soleman B Ponto, saat dihubungi, Kamis, 5 Maret 2020.

Dia mencontohkan keberadaan UU No 43 Tahun 2008 tentang Wilayah Negara, UU No 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI, dan UU No 2 Tahun 2002 tentang Polri. Ketiga aturan ini justru saling mendukung.

UU tentang Wilayah Negara, kata Soleman, sudah sejalan dengan Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut (UNCLOS) 1982, yakni membagi wilayah laut menjadi dua. Pertama, wilayah laut yurisdiksi, dan kedua, wilayah perairan Indonesia.

UU TNI lantas mengatur bahwa pengamanan wilayah laut yurisdiksi merupakan wewenang TNI, dalam hal ini TNI Angkatan Laut. Sedangkan pengamanan di wilayah perairan Indonesia dilakukan oleh Polri, yakni oleh Polair.

"Belakangan dibentuklah Bakamla (Badan Keamanan Laut) yang justru tak jelas kewenangannya. Kewenangannya berada pada dua wilayah sekaligus, yakni wilayah perairan dan wilayah yurisdiksi," kata mantan Kepala Badan Intelijen Strategis ini.

Adanya dua wewenang sekaligus yang dimiliki Bakamla ini, kata dia, yang justru membuat alur keamanan laut menjadi tabrakan. "Keberadaan Bakamla justru menabrak wewenang TNI dan Polri yang sudah diatur oleh UU."

Secara kuantitas dan kualitas, lanjut Soleman, kelembagaan Bakamla belum sekuat TNI dan Polri dalam melakukan pengamanan. Dia mencontohkan level penyidik di Bakamla dan Polri yang berbeda jauh.

"Dari segi waktu pembentukannya saja sudah terlihat. Bakamla baru dibentuk lima tahun lalu, sedangkan Polri sudah dibentuk 75 tahun lalu. Jadi, bagaimana mau menang," kata dia.

Soleman juga tak sependapat jika disebutkan ada belasan bahkan puluhan UU yang bertabrakan di ranah kelautan, sehingga harus ada omnibus law. "Tunjukkan pada saya mana UU yang saling bertabrakan itu," kata dia.

Soleman B Ponto. Foto: Medcom.id/Candra Yuri Nuralam

Pemerintah tengah menyusun omnibus law yang bakal mengatur keamanan laut secara terpadu. Menteri Koordinator bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Mahfud MD menyebut setidaknya terdapat 24 undang-undang, dari sebelumnya disebutkan 17 undang-undang, tentang penanganan pengamanan laut yang harus dibereskan.

"Hari ini di meja saya ada 24 undang-undang yang menyangkut itu, ditambah dua peraturan pemerintah (PP) yang agak tumpang-tindih," ujar Mahfud di Kantor Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Selasa, 3 Maret 2020.

Mahfud mengakui secara filosofi semua peraturan perundangan tersebut sebenarnya baik. Namun, tumpang-tindih menyebabkan kekisruhan penanganan kelautan. Tiap kewenangan penanganan didasarkan undang-undang yang berbeda-beda.

"Akibatnya kadang timbul masalah sehingga perlu sinergi dengan omnibus law. Entah nanti cukup PP atau sampai ke undang-undang, tergantung hasil diskusi," ungkap dia.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, berharap omnibus law ini segera disusun. Dengan adanya aturan ini, dia berharap kapasitas Bakamla diperkuat dan menjadi badan yang berwenang dalam mengamankan laut atau Indonesia Coast Guard.

7 departement ...... that's the real "Pemborosan" and someone trying to stop inauguration of the legitimate coast guard , fear of not getting any "Cuan" , i hope mahfud MD and Luhut will proceed to create the only one legitimate Coast Guard and maritime enforcement and be assertive in this matter .

i dont know what soleman B ponto was thinking , he's a high ranking officer within navy , is he never heard anything called as Coast Guard ??

the problem is clear , most of the intruder are within indonesia EEZ and that's rarely done by other country Naval Forces (except china) , Coast Guard needed because most of the escalation on our northwestern sea are done by "White Hulls" departement or other country Resource and Fisheries Department Vessels , it is overly exagerrated to deploy navy vessel to handle such matter unless the "intruder" was using a legit Combatant Surface Vessels and also was a navy ship .
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Have a high hope they talk about A330 MRTT and AWACS .
If Happened, Hopefully TNI AU acquired ex-Garuda Indonesia Airbus A330-243 and Converted 6 of 7 to A330 MRTT and 1 to A332 ACJ, currently there are seven A332 owned by Garuda Indonesia, all of them have lower utilization than other GA's fleet, and their lease contract has not been extended because Garuda Indonesia is trying to reduce the cost of aircraft lease
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Talking about awacs and tanker procurement I'm kinda amazed with India "out of the box" thinking. Mixing up awacs and tanker into one platform.
a330 mrtt supposedly can do that job too , there's still so much free space room on a330 mrtt even as a tanker.


that personnel room could be customized into anything you want , want to fit some AEW and AWACS electronic peripheral ?? you can do that .

that's why it's called (M.ulti R.ole T.anker T.ransport) , im more siding with the airbus package than the boeing offer , you will also get both Probe & Drogue + Boom Refueling system , that's a big ++.

with 50ton - 100ton offload fuel capacity (refueling capacity) , you can fed up 2 squadron of F-16 with it .
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Well, if we had aim, just put it in the highest space as possible , JSDF is had the capability we should aim for the next decade. And like Ours, their country is an archipelago country surrounding by possible threat from all sides (the worst is the three of them all verified Nuclear armed forces), and two of them had conducting hybrid type warfare (China and Russia) in which involved the use of non conventional tactics using non regular military elements to pursue their goals akin in military manner. There is a lot to be learned from them as we had more similiarities in situation even compared to South Korean and Turkey

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And like Ours, their country is an archipelago country surrounding by possible threat from all sides (the worst is the three of them all verified Nuclear armed forces)
Unlike us they don't have internal threats. Their islands is close to each other and close the their main island.
Our 5 biggest island is separated quite far, security, logistic, transportation and infrastructure is challenging. Its like playing on hard mode.
While they can focus on external matters, we still need to focus on our internal security and affairs.
Armed group, terrorist, pirates, conflict (ethnic, religion, etc). Etc.
Unlike us they don't have internal threats. Their islands is close to each other and close the their main island.
Our 5 biggest island is separated quite far, security, logistic, transportation and infrastructure is challenging. Its like playing on hard mode.
While they can focus on external matters, we still need to focus on our internal security and affairs.
Armed group, terrorist, pirates, conflict (ethnic, religion, etc). Etc.

Nah, armed groups teror, pirates should be domain of Police, Brimob, and now Coast guard. Dont tell me, today Police forces with almost 500 kilos member and heavily armed Brimob with almost 50 kilos personil cant handle internal situation such as those? Not to mention Police forces right now building up mobile forces backed by more than 60 aircraft, helicopter and fixed wing and coast guard cant handle armed pirates and rifle armed groups .


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