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Indonesia dan Turki kembangkan jenis baru medium tank
Vice President Inovasi PT Pindad Windu Paramata mengatakan Pindad dan FNSS akan bekerja sama kembali mengembangkan jenis baru Harimau Medium Tank atau Kaplan MT, yakni kendaraan angkut personel dan juga tank amfibi
Erric Permana |06.03.2020

Medium tank hasil kerja sama Indonesia - Turki "Harimau" tampil di PT Pindad di Bandung, Jawa Barat pada 4 Maret 2020. Tank jenis berat medium bernama Harimau atau dalam bahasa Turki disebut "Kaplan" adalah hasil kerja sama perusahaan Indonesia PT Pindad dengan perusahaan pertahanan Turki, FNSS. (Anton Raharjo - Anadolu Agency)

Jakarta Raya

Perusahaan milik pemerintah Indonesia di bidang pertahanan, Pindad, dan Perusahaan Turki FNSS akan kembali melakukan kerja sama pengembangan alat utama sistem pertahanan (Alutsista).

Vice President Inovasi PT Pindad Windu Paramata mengatakan setelah sukses membuat medium tank, kedua perusahaan milik Indonesia dan Turki itu akan kembali bekerja sama mengembangkan jenis baru Harimau Medium Tank atau Kaplan MT, berupa kendaraan angkut personel dan tank amfibi.

Selain itu, Pindad dan FNSS akan melengkapi kendaraan itu dengan Unmaned Turret atau senjata khusus tank dengan kaliber 30 mm.

"Jadi turret 30 mm tanpa awak, berupa remote control weapon system yang digunakan untuk perlindungan atau menyerang kendaraan ataupun pertahanan musuh," kata Windu, kepada Anadolu Agency.

Diharapkan pada tahun ini Pindad rampung membuat desain senjata itu.

"Jadi skemanya hampir sama dengan pengembangan prototipe tank medium, dimana FNSS dengan pindad melakukan pertukaran informasi, pertukaran proses design kerja sehingga kita mendapatkan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari pengguna di Indonesia," tambah dia.

Sebelumnya, Pindad Indonesia dan FNSS Turki sepakat menandatangani kerja sama pembuatan purwarupa medium tank pada 2015 lalu. Perancangan tank ini dimulai Februari 2016.

Setelah selesai diproduksi di Turki, medium tank ini diberi nama Kaplan MT.

Kaplan MT sempat dikirim ke Indonesia dan dipamerkan pada hari ulang tahun TNI 5 Oktober 2017 lalu di Cilegon, Banten.

Indonesia pun memberi nama Harimau Medium Tank.

Tank ini dilengkapi dengan two-man turret kaliber 105 mm serta senapan mesin kaliber 7,62 mm.

Harimau Medium Tank didesain khusus untuk daerah operasi tropis seperti hutan karena memiliki bobot yang lebih ringan dari Main Battle Tank.

Website Anadolu Agency Memuat Ringkasan Berita-Berita yang Ditawarkan kepada Pelanggan melalui Sistem Penyiaran Berita AA (HAS). . Mohon hubungi kami untuk memilih berlangganan.

#bookmarked #pindad


This one? Available in APC and AFV (30 mm) version, and its amphibious.
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This one? Available in APC and AFV version, and its amphibious.

Maybe, 30 mm turret will be a killer. And we should prepared for unmanned version too, like Hunter do


This one? Available in APC and AFV (30 mm) version, and its amphibious.

But this one is already a completed product though, what is there to develop anymore...? Moving the driver's cabin from left to right is probably the only thing needs to be done... Hopefully it's a further development of Harimau.. Really wish the Harimau will be made fully amphibious, it's front hull design seems to already support it..
Maybe, 30 mm turret will be a killer. And we should prepared for unmanned version too, like Hunter do
Can we get SPH instead?
Btw hunter with 30 or so ton can not ngapung.

Meanwhile our neighbor SG starting to replace their M113 with more modern and capable Hunter AFV.
So I was complaining about our old M113, but now we are gonna have new tracked vehicle too, noice. No more complaint.

But this one is already a completed product though, what is there to develop anymore...? Moving the driver's cabin from left to right is probably the only thing needs to be done... Hopefully it's a further development of Harimau.. Really wish the Harimau will be made fully amphibious, it's front hull design seems to already support it..
Hmm... Its better to wait for additional information. The more important thing is that Pindad will have new product to sell.
Harimau also can not ngapung.
Can we get SPH instead?
Btw hunter with 30 or so ton can not ngapung.

So I was complaining about our old M113, but now we are gonna have new tracked vehicle too, noice. No more complaint.

Hmm... Its better to wait for additional information. The more important thing is that Pindad will have new product to sell.

Unlike Sinkies with only 100 kilos soldier or so, we got three times the number. We gonna Need more APC/IFV compared to them, even the basic version like M113 will do, and augment them with the more sophisticated APC/IFV
Maybe, 30 mm turret will be a killer. And we should prepared for unmanned version too, like Hunter do
Mending disetir sendiri aja.
For unmanned vehicle why not something smaller?
Neat. Can work to carry cargo, scout for ambush in urban area, provide fire support, move as vanguard unit and become canon fooder. Small and can move around more freely in urban area.
Provide fire support when enemy pin down your position and move as courier delivering package, no need to worry about getting shoot.
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Before any of you go up in arms and call him ad hominems out of a misguided sense of toxic nationalism, hear me out.

As somebody who worked in the defense sector and got to see the things behind the scenes, Dr. Laksmana is right. For the most part, all the hardware we buy in the world would mean nothing if the personnel that operate aren't caught up with 21st century warfighting or the shift from cold war era brute force into developing key educational skills and training for the modern warfighter. You can see this due to the fact that to this day, our armed forces chiefs are still not subscribed to the idea of network-centric warfare or just having a fully integrated cross-branch C4I system (what we have now are just units in certain places that work together); or the fact that NCO's in the TNI aren't really given leadership positions nor encouraged to make tactical decisions in lieu of an officer and the services is still very officer heavy.

The TNI for the most part is still very boomer-esque in that the heads of the armed forces and government are still stuck with the idea that the largest and newest equipment would somehow make up for inadequate training, management, and education for the troops; whereas history and current events have shown time and time again that this isn't the case. For example, the very well equipped and funded (but poorly trained) Saudi and Emirati military has not made significant progress against the Iranian funded Yemeni militias in Yemen, whilst simultaneously the SAA are having the same issues as well with Turkish backed fighters in Idlib along with the Ukrainians against Russian separatists in the Donetzk region.

This isn't to say that there aren't those in the TNI that doesn't see this problem. For the most part, a lot of the younger officers and soldiers do see them plain as day and WANT changes and reforms to be made. But this is blocked by the fact that the older officers (quite a few who were alive during the New Order era) are still in power despite the fact most of them have been in the same position for god knows how long as the TNI does not enforce a policy of officers into early retirement if they fail to get promotions.

If we truly want the TNI to become a regional deterrent we should focus on general restructuring and improving the training and education of those within the armed forces, similar to what the Russians did circa 2012
Evan Laksmana, CSIS researcher who is more in the depth defense research sector than everyone else, met him several times IRL, and got some nice discussion. Well sometimes heated.

I am in, for early retirement program and the formation of Komcad to refreshing our armed forces institution and getting rid of oldies who just made TNI as their income resources without contribute much on welfare and organization development. Unfortunetaly Joko Widodo and most up branch in TNI just promoting Late retirement program and consequently made everything worse.

If we are ever experiences our own Chechen scale of conflict or Donbass like we will be bogged down, there is limited resources we already had, either it is in the name of Air warfare warfighting capability, lack of mobile firepower platform, lack of C4ISR capability and double down with Nippon empire style mix with Dutch colonial legacy of training system and organization to boot along with hard headed oldies guarding the early cold war tradition.
Evan Laksmana, CSIS researcher who is more in the depth defense research sector than everyone else, met him several times IRL, and got some nice discussion. Well sometimes heated.

I am in, for early retirement program and the formation of Komcad to refreshing our armed forces institution and getting rid of oldies who just made TNI as their income resources without contribute much on welfare and organization development. Unfortunetaly Joko Widodo and most up branch in TNI just promoting Late retirement program and consequently made everything worse.

If we are ever experiences our own Chechen scale of conflict or Donbass like we will be bogged down, there is limited resources we already had, either it is in the name of Air warfare warfighting capability, lack of mobile firepower platform, lack of C4ISR capability and double down with Nippon empire style mix with Dutch colonial legacy of training system and organization to boot along with hard headed oldies guarding the early cold war tradition.
The problem with the TNI is because it is very much of a product of its time. Back when the looming threat of Communism and atomic annihilation was on the horizon and peer-2-peer wars was still fairly common. In the years it has been operational there was very little reforms and restructuring that had been done.

Say we compare it to the US military or NATO armies in general, every 10 or so years they would have reforms and restructuring in order to keep them up to date with whatever threat is around currently. In the 60's - 80's it was Soviet tanks breaking through the Fulda Gap and ICBM's launching into the skies. In the 90's - 00's, it was small scale insurgencies, peacekeeping, and regional peer-2-peer conflicts. In the 2010's - present it's cyber/economic warfare, peer-2-proxy conflicts, and Freedom of Operation missions.

We don't do that.

Since forever our solution of keeping up with our neighbors and current events is simply buying whatever is the shiniest, newest item around (often times in a basic package) and barely doing anything more on top of that. This is very much a parade military mindset and it needs to change. The TNI is lucky all of its recent conflicts had been poorly supported insurgencies. The last time it fought against a peer adversary, they suffered accordingly. During Operation Lotus (The Invasion of East Timor) the East Timorese were able to put up stiff resistance against the TNI even when 90% of their equipment were directly supplied and maintained by the United States. Cases where Indonesian Navy ships fired on advancing Army troops or Air Force planes dropping Army troops right above East Timorese positions are common place. Has the TNI improved since then? Yes, but the improvements they made aren't enough to sustain them well into the 21st century.







Wakil Menteri Pertahanan (Wamenhan) Republik Indonesia, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono dan Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan), Laksda TNI Agus Setiadji meninjau secara langsung fasilitas Divisi Munisi PT Pindad (Persero) yang berlokasi di Turen, Malang pada Jumat, 6 Maret 2020. Direktur Utama, Abraham Mose beserta jajaran Direksi dan GM Munisi menerima kunjungan Wamenhan dan Sekjen beserta jajaran.

Abraham Mose mengatakan kunjungan Wamenhan dan Sekjen Kemhan adalah untuk melihat kemampuan produksi Pindad, khususnya munisi berbagai kaliber dan rencana peningkatan kapasitas kedepan.

“Kunjungan ini dalam rangka rencana penambahan kapasitas produksi pindad untuk Munisi Kaliber Kecil (MKK), Munisi Kaliber Besar (MKB) atau menengah, Roket/Rudal dan lain-lain yang juga menjadi Program pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Pertahanan dalam rangka mendorong kemampuan local industry, menuju kemandirian Alpalhankam, ujar Abraham.

Beliau juga berharap dukungan penuh Kementerian Pertahanan dalam peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi Pindad dapat segera terealisasi untuk mewujudkan kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam negeri.

“Harapan Pindad agar dukungan penuh dari Kementerian Pertahanan ini segera terlaksana terhadap penambahan kapasitas produksi, serta peningkatan kualitas produksi Pindad untuk mendukung kemandirian Alpalhankam,” lanjut Abraham.

Wamenhan beserta rombongan mengunjungi berbagai fasilitas produksi Divisi Munisi Pindad yang memiliki luas 166 hektare dan terdiri dari fasilitas produksi MKK, MKB atau menengah dan fasilitas pengembangan serta laboratorium uji munisi. Beberapa waktu lalu gedung fasilitas produksi MKK juga sudah diresmikan untuk menambah kapasitas dari kebutuhan TNI Polri yang masih belum tercukupi.

Lahan Divisi Munisi juga masih luas yang belum terpakai dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembangunan pabrik-pabrik munisi baru maupun pabrik propellant yang merupakan bahan baku utama munisi dan belum tersedia di dalam negeri. Letak Divisi Munisi juga sangat strategis karena dekat jaraknya dengan Bandara Juanda dan Abdurachman Saleh serta pelabuhan Tanjung Perak.

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more likely they stay with the existing design , that one does not even have a wave breaker in front of it .
Because imho that is the APC not the Amphibious Tank. The article clearly said that Pindad & FNSS are developing an APC and an Amphibious Tank. Two different thing.

"Vice President Inovasi PT Pindad Windu Paramata mengatakan setelah sukses membuat medium tank, kedua perusahaan milik Indonesia dan Turki itu akan kembali bekerja sama mengembangkan jenis baru Harimau Medium Tank atau Kaplan MT, berupa kendaraan angkut personel dan tank amfibi."

There were news that FNSS is offering the ZAHA to Indonesia. Maybe this is the Amphibious Tank that Windu was talking about.


[The] MAV has to make sure that marines reach the shore in the shortest time possible, both to ensure rapid movement and to minimise their exposure to threats while at sea. Once ashore, it should be able to operate effectively as an armoured combat vehicle, while also safeguarding the troops inside with superior ballistic and mine protection. To put it briefly, until the MAV made its appearance, there was no such vehicle on the market. We are developing MAV in response to the requirements of the Turkish Naval Forces, which carried out one of the most important amphibious operations in the last 50 years with great success. We are confident that friendly and allied nations with high amphibious operational requirements, particularly island countries like Indonesia, will also look to take advantage of MAV’s superior characteristics; and we look forward to working with them in the future,” commented FNSS General Manager and CEO, K. Nail Kurt.

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