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keseimbangan kawasan
I think its a B.S., we don't really need to think much about keseimbangan kawasan when building our muscle*, when :
1. Our western neighbor have carrier battle group + nuclear powered submarine with SLBM (soon).
2. Our northern neighbor have several carrier battle group + decent amphibious forces + nuclear powered submarine with SLBM capabilities + numerous conventional attack submarine + bomber + mainland forces not even included.
3. Our southern neighbor have 2 mini aircraft carrier, they could have Carrier battle group + one of the most advanced (in the region) attack submarine and frigate in the future.
4. 2 of our neighbor have F35.
*We should assure others that its for defensive purpose yang mana juga sering digaungkan pejabat kita.

I think its more suitable for us to talk about keterbelakangan alutsista rather than keseimbangan kawasan, ngarep aja budget pertahan naik biar alutsista canggih cepat berdatangan.
#KeterbelakanganAlutsista #ManualAAGunNo #SkyShieldYes #S60Pensiun #Hotel?Trivago

Its just amraam ngga bakal merubah banyak keseimbangan kawasan, coba kalau F35.
Masalah keseimbangan kawasan hanya ditujukan ke Indonesia aja pas nyales dan lobi, Australia mah ga bakalan, langsung bisa dapet F35, dan langsung merubah keseimbangan kawasan indo pasifik lebih terutama keseimbangan Australia dan Indonesia. :v
Just my receh.
Indonesia have to be the strongest in Southeast Asia, or even the whole Southern Hemisphere. "Keseimbangan kawasan" concept doesn't apply to us when we have almost half the population of the whole region, it is a part of our nature to be big.
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View attachment 594899

it is

its kinda funny though , "the proposed sale of this weapon does not alter the basic military balance in the region" , so we still stuck with that "keseimbangan kawasan" thing , if we wan't to procure more western stuff .
Because it's just standard AA missile, you precure hundred of them and they will still say "not altering basic military balance".
Because well, it is just amraam and sidewinder, not a nuke...
Indonesia have to be the strongest in Southeast Asia, or even the whole Southern Hemisphere. "Keseimbangan kawasan" concept doesn't apply to us when we have almost half the population of the whole region, it is a part of our nature to be big.

In order to achieve that we need to have strong and advanced defense industry. Depending on US equipment is not something right to do. This is why the plan to acquire SU 35 and F 16 block 70 is absurd when we currently cannot keep our financial commitment in KFX/IFX program. We are not like Pakistan who has adversary like India that force them to acquire defense equipment to create parity. With our current environment, we can spend defense budget based on our long term needs which is to grow and improve our own defense industry.
Indonesia have to be the strongest in Southeast Asia, or even the whole Southern Hemisphere. "Keseimbangan kawasan" concept doesn't apply to us when we have almost half the population of the whole region, it is a part of our nature to be big.

Prediction of demogrpahic in 2045 we have population likely 312 m people. So very big bonus demographic. (Almost like russian or american pops. Right)

Are that vice ambasaddor of rus really said about that? Or just bumbu2 by some media?

In order to achieve that we need to have strong and advanced defense industry. Depending on US equipment is not something right to do. This is why the plan to acquire SU 35 and F 16 block 70 is absurd when we currently cannot keep our financial commitment in KFX/IFX program. We are not like Pakistan who has adversary like India that force them to acquire defense equipment to create parity. With our current environment, we can spend defense budget based on our long term needs which is to grow and improve our own defense industry.

I still thinking about strengthening our defence sect.industry, pakistan has true adversary called india but they can still develop defindustry also buy large amount weapon, if we see turkey in 1970s they have enemy like soviet also their natural enemy greek, but still they can developing defence tech.
Funny that some are debating the type of F-16 in this picture.

Indomiliter in its article said this is the F-16A OCU eMLU by looking at the vertical fin with drag chute. They are wrong. This F-16 with serial number TS-1640 is the F-16C.

After the accident involving a F-16C most of the F-16C/Ds are now already equipped with drag chute.

F-16C serial number TS-1641 with drag chute:


TNI-AU F-16C block 25 #TS-1641 from SkU 16 is taxiing by the camera to the runway under some dark clouds.


TS-1640. Note when this picture was taken the vertical fin is still without a drag chute.


TNI-AU F-16C block 25 #TS-1640 is coming alongside the photographers lens in early 2018. [Photo by Alex Sidharta]

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in the past we are several times considering to build our own high tech equipments, just like @Cromwell said in the past we even had secured many blue print for high tech equipments like Submarine, Missile like Exocet, Torpedo, even the deals for Hawk Mk 109/209 is actually to served for license production in Indonesia with actual number and tools production is already secured after the plan to co produce fighter bomber with Yugoslavia is aborted because the breaks of Yugoslavia.
KFX program will start its block 2 variant program in 2021 according to latest Jane Defense News. This new development if it is true will give this project more appeal for export market since it will become a true 5 generation fighter sooner than expected inshaAllah.

There is maybe chance that KFX Block 1 is only produced in early prototyping phase where the mass production of KFX will use Block 2 variant.

Here paragraph stating that information:

"DAPA will launch the KF-X Block 2 programme in 2021, which includes the development of internal weapon bays for the platform. Under F-X Phase 3 South Korea has also elected to acquire 40 Lockheed Martin F-35A conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) variant stealth fighters."

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View attachment 594899

it is

its kinda funny though , "the proposed sale of this weapon does not alter the basic military balance in the region" , so we still stuck with that "keseimbangan kawasan" thing , if we wan't to procure more western stuff .
I see that for the AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM there is no CATM contrary to Indomiliter headline article.

Inilah Penampakan AIM-120 AMRAAM “CATM” Untuk F-16 TNI AU

indomiliter | 21/12/2019 | Berita Matra Udara, Berita Update Alutsista, Rudal |


Foto: Instagram @indonesian_airforce

Di penghujung tahun 2019 ini ada kabar dari matra udara, yaitu penampakan rudal udara ke udara AIM-120 AMRAAM untuk F-16 TNI AU. Seperti diketahui, pengadaan AIM-9X Sidewinder dan AIM-120 AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) telah menjadi program untuk memperkuat armada F-16 A/B Block15 OCU (eMLU) dan F-16 C/D Block52ID.

Mengutip sumber dari akun Facebook dan Instagram Indonesian Air Force (21/12/2019), diperlihatkan sebuah foto yang memperlihatkan F-16 A Block15 OCU yang telah rampung menjalani program eMLU (enhanced Mid-Life Upgrade) di Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun. Yang menarik, pada foto itu adalah dipajangnya rudal AIM-120 AMRAAM, bahkan pada bagian bawah air intake Sang Elang Penempur terlihat terpasang Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod. Bila dipertajam lagi, pada sayap juga nampak rudal udara ke permukaam AGM-65 Maverick yang dalam posisi sudah ‘tercantel’.

Namun bila ditelisik lebih dalam, kuat dugaan AIM-120 AMRAAM yang ditammpilkan pada foto tersebut adalah CATM-120B/C alias Captive Air Training Missile. Persisnya ini bukan rudal asli, bobot dan dimensinya serupa dengan AIM-120 AMRAAM yang ‘real,’ namun CATM digunakan untuk keperluan latihan simulasi. CATM identik dengan live missile dari aspek weight, center of gravity dan overall appearance.

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So which one is the correct F-16 OCU or F-16 RI, eventhough from the number its clear already but why this Indomiliter still writing its OCU after eMLU lol
So which one is the correct F-16 OCU or F-16 RI, eventhough from the number its clear already but why this Indomiliter still writing its OCU after eMLU lol
it's still not yet the eMLU variant , the eMLU one should already have Bird Slicer IFF above its beak .
So which one is the correct F-16 OCU or F-16 RI, eventhough from the number its clear already but why this Indomiliter still writing its OCU after eMLU lol
Lol. TS-1640 in the picture is a F-16C. The F-16A/B OCU currently being upgraded with IFF Bird Slicer through the eMLU Program.

Anyway Indomiliter is going downward in its reporting without bothering to check DSCA/FMS announcement or through photos of Indonesian Air Force F-16C/Ds in various website such as Jetphotos or Airliners. Recent photos from those website most of the F-16C/Ds are already equipped with drag chute.

Recent pics of TS-1624, TS-1638 and TS-1641:

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KFX program will start its block 2 variant program in 2021 according to latest Jane Defense News. This new development if it is true will give this project more appeal for export market since it will become a true 5 generation fighter sooner than expected inshaAllah.

There is maybe chance that KFX Block 1 is only produced in early prototyping phase where the mass production of KFX will use Block 2 variant.

Here paragraph stating that information:

"DAPA will launch the KF-X Block 2 programme in 2021, which includes the development of internal weapon bays for the platform. Under F-X Phase 3 South Korea has also elected to acquire 40 Lockheed Martin F-35A conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) variant stealth fighters."

I don't think we'll get the block II variant but i hope we do
Lol. TS-1640 in the picture is a F-16C. The F-16A/B OCU currently being upgraded with IFF Bird Slicer through the eMLU Program.

Anyway Indomiliter is going downward in its reporting without bothering to check DSCA/FMS announcement or through photos of Indonesian Air Force F-16C/Ds in various website such as Jetphotos or Airliners. Recent photos from those website most of the F-16C/Ds are already equipped with drag chute.

Recent pics of TS-1624, TS-1638 and TS-1641:

Tadinya kami kira juga seperti yang Anda maksud, namun menurut sumber yang bisa dipercaya, ternyata itu F-16 A Block15, boleh jadi itu yang belum di upgrade, sehingga belum ada antena IFF di depan kokpitnya Ciri khas pembeda F-16 A dan C (Block52ID) bisa dilihat pada sisi bagian bawah sayap vertikalnya, dimana F-16 A terlihat lebih “kurus” dan pipih —>

That is their comment about that. Some poster believe it is f16C/D but admin said have source stated that is f16A

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