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an insteresting photo by PT PAL fb page , is there really a front fin in the changbogo ?

*nvm i just find out they really had a retractable front fin , anyone know for what purpose ?
Aren't fins (sail) in submarines act as a stabilizer?
Don't you see every news about iver?
No, i don't.
They offered us plug and play,local content,the ship will be builded by pt pal and design manipulation with them as the supervisor
Like I said the design will follow customer requirements, if we want additional VLS/ weapons/ sensor it can be done and we can utilize the stanflex modules, the stanflex modules size measuring 3m (Length), 3.5m(Width), and 2.5m (height) and iver have 6 slots for it.
The same with omega,
The Omega frigate features two large multi mission bays: One amidship and one at the stern. As is the trend with latest generation frigates (Type 26 and FTI/Belharra) the midship multimission bay goes across from port to starboard sides with an overhead handling system to load and move containers or launch and recover RHIBS or USVs/UUVs. The midship multimission bay is large enough to accommodate up to 4x 20 foot containers and the stern multmission bay can accommodate 2x 20 foot containers. Note that there is an additional space on the upper deck, next to the anti-ship missile launchers for 2x additional containers.
There is also other options for the radar, it depends on the customer.
The PKR is not so much plug and play because of its size, its not that big so there is not much options for it.
We only able to build the hull for now so there is not much local content, I believe we can get the omega/ iver / other to be built by PAL.

Are you sure pkr programme have completed?
Yes, afaik the contract was for 2 Light Frigate, and its already commissioned by TNI AL, with possibilities of additional order.
Yet the target has not been fulfilled yet?
What target.
Also have you see the 4% subcontract for pal about pkr programme? Im Not butthurting damen but they dont give us much freedom rather than odense
Because the weapons, sensor, electronics, engine and gearbox etc still imported, Pal only build the hull, ain't even doing the research development so don't expect them to get x% of project value, next time ask more and pay more then.


an insteresting photo by PT PAL fb page , is there really a front fin in the changbogo ?

*nvm i just find out they really had a retractable front fin , anyone know for what purpose ?
Buat ngebantu ngarahin moncong kasel naik ato turun kek canard di pespur.

Mungkin kita butuh trit baru buat ngebahas masalah domestik, bisa untuk membahas seperti perpolitikan dan keamanan yang dari pada OOT di trit ini lebih baik dipindah aja biar yang disini fokus militer, bisa buat bahas kayak kemarin masalah papua ato juga pemilu bisa juga diskusi kebijakan pemerintah, diskusi masalah ribut ato konflik internal ato bencana atau cuman buat ngobrol santai member indo, dan yang pasti bahasa inggris ngga harus, biar yang lain bisa lebih ikut menyuarakan suaranya lebih bebas.
:v just my receh.
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No, i don't.

Like I said the design will follow customer requirements, if we want additional VLS/ weapons/ sensor it can be done and we can utilize the stanflex modules, the stanflex modules size measuring 3m (Length), 3.5m(Width), and 2.5m (height) and iver have 6 slots for it.
The same with omega,
The Omega frigate features two large multi mission bays: One amidship and one at the stern. As is the trend with latest generation frigates (Type 26 and FTI/Belharra) the midship multimission bay goes across from port to starboard sides with an overhead handling system to load and move containers or launch and recover RHIBS or USVs/UUVs. The midship multimission bay is large enough to accommodate up to 4x 20 foot containers and the stern multmission bay can accommodate 2x 20 foot containers. Note that there is an additional space on the upper deck, next to the anti-ship missile launchers for 2x additional containers.
There is also other options for the radar, it depends on the customer.
The PKR is not so much plug and play because of its size, its not that big so there is not much options for it.
We only able to build the hull for now so there is not much local content, I believe we can get the omega/ iver / other to be built by PAL.

Yes, afaik the contract was for 2 Light Frigate, and its already commissioned by TNI AL, with possibilities of additional order.

What target.

Because the weapons, sensor, electronics, engine and gearbox etc still imported, Pal only building the hull, ain't even doing the research development so don't expect them to get x% of project value, next time ask more and pay more then.

Buat ngebantu ngarahin moncong kasel naik ato turun kek canard di pespur.

Mungkin kita butuh trit baru buat ngebahas masalah domestik, bisa untuk membahas seperti perpolitikan dan keamanan yang dari pada OOT di trit ini lebih baik dipindah aja biar yang disini fokus militer, bisa buat bahas kayak kemarin masalah papua ato juga pemilu bisa juga diskusi kebijakan pemerintah, atau cuman buat ngobrol santai member indo, dan yang pasti bahasa inggris ngga harus, biar yang lain bisa lebih ikut menyuarakan suaranya lebih bebas.
:v just my receh.
I dont thinj Omega is the best choice cause its just a mockup and the price probably much more expensive than iver itself but i i heard they do want extend the current iver into "light destroyer" status lets just wait and see

Yeah i know pkr had been contracted for 2 unit but the target is about 6 unit to replace van speijk yet we canceled the programme and change it into heavy frigate
Because the weapons, sensor, electronics, engine and gearbox etc still imported, Pal only building the hull, ain't even doing the research development so don't expect them to get x% of project value, next time ask more and pay more then.

Buat ngebantu ngarahin moncong kasel naik ato turun kek canard di pespur.

Mungkin kita butuh trit baru buat ngebahas masalah domestik, bisa untuk membahas seperti perpolitikan dan keamanan yang dari pada OOT di trit ini lebih baik dipindah aja biar yang disini fokus militer, bisa buat bahas kayak kemarin masalah papua ato juga pemilu bisa juga diskusi kebijakan pemerintah, atau cuman buat ngobrol santai member indo, dan yang pasti bahasa inggris ngga harus, biar yang lain bisa lebih ikut menyuarakan suaranya lebih bebas.
:v just my receh.
I prefer bring a big bat or big axe than paying them more bro... it just me
I dont thinj Omega is the best choice cause its just a mockup and the price probably much more expensive than iver itself but i i heard they do want extend the current iver into "light destroyer" status lets just wait and see

Yeah i know pkr had been contracted for 2 unit but the target is about 6 unit to replace van speijk yet we canceled the programme and change it into heavy frigate
they can , if they decide to use new generation APAR radar , it would get rid the need of giant SMART-L mast on the deck , thus more room for stanflex module .
I dont thinj Omega is the best choice cause its just a mockup and the price probably much more expensive than iver itself but i i heard they do want extend the current iver into "light destroyer" status lets just wait and see

Yeah i know pkr had been contracted for 2 unit but the target is about 6 unit to replace van speijk yet we canceled the programme and change it into heavy frigate
I prefer iver, but seriously we need to stop the "we will have iver soon" it ain't official yet, lets wait patiently, someone said about something big will happen soon, then lets all just wait and no need to be over hyped.


Wake me up when October end
Jokowi, Rutte dress in batik clothing for meeting
7th Oct 2019 14:30


Dutch Prime Minister (left) signs a guest book accompanied by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) at the Bogor Presidential Palace in West Java on Monday, Oct 7, 2019. (ANTARA/Agus Salim/Sw)

Bogor (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte both apparently made the same choice of wearing long-sleeved batik for their bilateral meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday.

The appearance of both leaders bore similarity, as the batik they had worn were brown-black in color that matched with their black trousers.

After receiving a warm welcome from President Jokowi and children in traditional clothing at the palace stairs, Rutte entered the building to sign a guest book. Thereafter, Jokowi and Rutte held talks in the company of their officials.

Related news: President Jokowi receives Dutch Prime Minister

The duo also had lunch together and engaged in informal talks at the veranda of the Bogor Palace after Rutte planted a tree in the palace yard.

The leaders will hold discussions pertaining to the concerns of future strategic bilateral cooperation between both nations based on the principle of comprehensive partnership as stated by the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Rutte's visit to Indonesia is part of a series of his visits to Southeast Asian and Pacific countries that will also take him to New Zealand and Australia.

Dutch Chief Adviser for Foreign Affairs and Defense as well as the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism are accompanying Rutte during his visit.

During this day-long visit to Indonesia, Rutte will also hold meetings with businessmen, students, academics, and alumni of Dutch institutes of higher education in Jakarta.

Rutte had last paid a visit to Indonesia in November 2016.

Related news: Indonesia, Netherlands reach comprehensive partnership

Editor: Rahmad Nasution


Should be put at economy section but the involvement of PT PINDAD made me eager to put it here










PT Pindad (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) dan PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama strategis mengenai excavator dan traktor multiguna pada Rabu, 11 September 2019 di Gedung Heavy Machining Center PT Barata Indonesia, Gresik. Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose melakukan penandatangan dengan Direktur Utama PT Barata Indonesia, Oksarlidady Arifin dan Direktur Utama PT Boma Bisma Indra, Yoyok Hadi. Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno, Deputi BUMN Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media, Fajar Harry Sampurno dan Direktur Bisnis Produk Industrial, Heri Heriswan turut menghadiri serta menyaksikan kegiatan penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama strategis tersebut.

Rini mengemukakan rasa bangga atas berbagai sinergi BUMN termasuk kerjasama strategis yang ditandatangani pada hari ini. Dengan tetap menjaga sinergi, masing-masing BUMN dapat berkembang sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat menjadi lebih baik dan nyaman. Beliau kemudian menginstruksikan untuk menciptakan mesin asli Indonesia yang ditarget pada akhir 2023 untuk memperkuat industri nasional dan mengurangi jumlah import.

Ruang lingkup kerjasama strategis tersebut mencakup kerjasama produksi, kegiatan pemasaran dan penjualan, extended capacity serta kerjasama lain yang disepakati masing-masing pihak.

Dalam kerjasama ini PT Pindad memiliki wewenang untuk memproduksi excavator 20 ton yang akan dipasarkan oleh PT Barata Indonesia. Kemudian, PT Barata Indonesia memproduksi traktor multiguna 40hp dan dipasarkan oleh PT Pindad. Terakhir, PT Boma Bisma Indra menyediakan diesel engine untuk excavator dan traktor multiguna untuk mendukung kegiatan produksi.

Kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan kemampuan masing-masing pihak dalam melaksanakan, mengembangkan, meningkatkan bidang usaha serta mengupayakan kenaikan tingkat penjualan.

Direktur utama PT Barata Indonesia, Oksarlidady Arifin dalam sambutannya berharap kerjasama strategis ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi semua pihak. "Dengan seluruh perjanjian kerjasama strategis hari ini, saya sampaikan terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya. Semoga kerja keras kita memberi nilai tambah bagi industri nasional" ujar Oksarlidady.

Abraham Mose optimistis bahwa perjanjian kerjasama strategis ini dapat meningkatkan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) pada industri alat berat, namun tidak terbatas pada excavator dan traktor multiguna.

Kerjasama yang dilakukan memiliki dampak positif untuk meningkatkan produksi, memperluas pasar hingga menaikkan tingkat penjualan masing-masing pihak dengan bahan baku yang berasal dari dalam negeri

Adapun BUMN dan korporasi lain yang menandatangani nota kesepahaman yaitu PT KAI, PT Inka, PT LEN, PT Pelindo 3, PT Garam, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), PT Inuki (Persero), PT Dahana (Persero), PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero), PT KIMA (Kawasan Industri Makasar), PT Pesonna Indonesia Jaya, PT Dok Perkapalan Surabaya, dan PT Pelindo Marine Service. (raka)


Most of US heavy duty military equipment had basic roots from heavy duty commercial vehicles such as mining and heavy duty trucks. The resolve to made local made heavy diesel engines for such vehicles will made us one step closer to nurture our defense needs in near future. As the production line for such commercial vehicles can be altered toward military purpose when the tooling and gears provided.
This is a big deal. We are really on a right path after the last cooperation between bumn that enable us to maufacture our own submarine hull. This is another great news that would make a great impact to heavy industry in general and defense industry specifically Pindad and it's Ranpur. Kudos to BUMN Minister :D

Ouch....yea, I hope everyone are ok. This is one of the reason we prefer Chinook over Mi26, when Mi land close to semi permanent house in remote area they might lose all their genteng :D
Jokowi, Rutte dress in batik clothing for meeting
7th Oct 2019 14:30


Dutch Prime Minister (left) signs a guest book accompanied by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) at the Bogor Presidential Palace in West Java on Monday, Oct 7, 2019. (ANTARA/Agus Salim/Sw)

Bogor (ANTARA) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte both apparently made the same choice of wearing long-sleeved batik for their bilateral meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday.

The appearance of both leaders bore similarity, as the batik they had worn were brown-black in color that matched with their black trousers.

After receiving a warm welcome from President Jokowi and children in traditional clothing at the palace stairs, Rutte entered the building to sign a guest book. Thereafter, Jokowi and Rutte held talks in the company of their officials.

Related news: President Jokowi receives Dutch Prime Minister

The duo also had lunch together and engaged in informal talks at the veranda of the Bogor Palace after Rutte planted a tree in the palace yard.

The leaders will hold discussions pertaining to the concerns of future strategic bilateral cooperation between both nations based on the principle of comprehensive partnership as stated by the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Rutte's visit to Indonesia is part of a series of his visits to Southeast Asian and Pacific countries that will also take him to New Zealand and Australia.

Dutch Chief Adviser for Foreign Affairs and Defense as well as the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism are accompanying Rutte during his visit.

During this day-long visit to Indonesia, Rutte will also hold meetings with businessmen, students, academics, and alumni of Dutch institutes of higher education in Jakarta.

Rutte had last paid a visit to Indonesia in November 2016.

Related news: Indonesia, Netherlands reach comprehensive partnership

Editor: Rahmad Nasution


Rutte lost the Netherlands’ provincial legislatures election to Thierry Baudet from PvD. Baudet also openly support Papua separatist. Hopefully that guy never become the PM in the future.

Should be put at economy section but the involvement of PT PINDAD made me eager to put it here










PT Pindad (Persero), PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) dan PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama strategis mengenai excavator dan traktor multiguna pada Rabu, 11 September 2019 di Gedung Heavy Machining Center PT Barata Indonesia, Gresik. Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Abraham Mose melakukan penandatangan dengan Direktur Utama PT Barata Indonesia, Oksarlidady Arifin dan Direktur Utama PT Boma Bisma Indra, Yoyok Hadi. Menteri BUMN, Rini Soemarno, Deputi BUMN Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media, Fajar Harry Sampurno dan Direktur Bisnis Produk Industrial, Heri Heriswan turut menghadiri serta menyaksikan kegiatan penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama strategis tersebut.

Rini mengemukakan rasa bangga atas berbagai sinergi BUMN termasuk kerjasama strategis yang ditandatangani pada hari ini. Dengan tetap menjaga sinergi, masing-masing BUMN dapat berkembang sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat menjadi lebih baik dan nyaman. Beliau kemudian menginstruksikan untuk menciptakan mesin asli Indonesia yang ditarget pada akhir 2023 untuk memperkuat industri nasional dan mengurangi jumlah import.

Ruang lingkup kerjasama strategis tersebut mencakup kerjasama produksi, kegiatan pemasaran dan penjualan, extended capacity serta kerjasama lain yang disepakati masing-masing pihak.

Dalam kerjasama ini PT Pindad memiliki wewenang untuk memproduksi excavator 20 ton yang akan dipasarkan oleh PT Barata Indonesia. Kemudian, PT Barata Indonesia memproduksi traktor multiguna 40hp dan dipasarkan oleh PT Pindad. Terakhir, PT Boma Bisma Indra menyediakan diesel engine untuk excavator dan traktor multiguna untuk mendukung kegiatan produksi.

Kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan kemampuan masing-masing pihak dalam melaksanakan, mengembangkan, meningkatkan bidang usaha serta mengupayakan kenaikan tingkat penjualan.

Direktur utama PT Barata Indonesia, Oksarlidady Arifin dalam sambutannya berharap kerjasama strategis ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi semua pihak. "Dengan seluruh perjanjian kerjasama strategis hari ini, saya sampaikan terima kasih sedalam-dalamnya. Semoga kerja keras kita memberi nilai tambah bagi industri nasional" ujar Oksarlidady.

Abraham Mose optimistis bahwa perjanjian kerjasama strategis ini dapat meningkatkan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) pada industri alat berat, namun tidak terbatas pada excavator dan traktor multiguna.

Kerjasama yang dilakukan memiliki dampak positif untuk meningkatkan produksi, memperluas pasar hingga menaikkan tingkat penjualan masing-masing pihak dengan bahan baku yang berasal dari dalam negeri

Adapun BUMN dan korporasi lain yang menandatangani nota kesepahaman yaitu PT KAI, PT Inka, PT LEN, PT Pelindo 3, PT Garam, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero), PT Inuki (Persero), PT Dahana (Persero), PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero), PT KIMA (Kawasan Industri Makasar), PT Pesonna Indonesia Jaya, PT Dok Perkapalan Surabaya, dan PT Pelindo Marine Service. (raka)


Most of US heavy duty military equipment had basic roots from heavy duty commercial vehicles such as mining and heavy duty trucks. The resolve to made local made heavy diesel engines for such vehicles will made us one step closer to nurture our defense needs in near future. As the production line for such commercial vehicles can be altered toward military purpose when the tooling and gears provided.
Dalam pengembangan mesin PT BBI kerja sama dengan Doosan Infracore from Korsel.
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I prefer iver, but seriously we need to stop the "we will have iver soon" it ain't official yet, lets wait patiently, someone said about something big will happen soon, then lets all just wait and no need to be over hyped.


Wake me up when October end
Sorry,its my god damnit habit langsung nyebut merek lmao
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