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Figure TNI-AU intends to achieve by 2024 though i doubt the whole points achievable by that time
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so we're going to get over 56 (if the case they wouldn't retire the hawk) new jets ? does "surveillance" include AEW/AWACS ? and guess that maritime patrol would stay at 3 cn-235mpa only (no poseidon or so)

AEWC is classified as " strategic surveillance " aircraft according to various articles about our Air Force so i suppose yes.


Look at the number of aircraft in "Surveillance" viz. 16 unit.

If all 16 unit are filled all with AEW&C aircrafts, they are too much.

Our air force already has 3 boeing aircrafts.
We only need 2 to 4 units of AEW&C wedgetail. We assume 3 wedgetails.

3 + 3 = 6

Pegasus is from Boeing also, we need only 2 tankers.

6 + 2 = 8

16 - 8 = 8

It still remains 8 aircrafts, I predict these 8 are for Poseidons, since Poseidons could also be categorized into Strategic Surveillance aircraft coz. they have radar to survey the surface and sonobuoys to survey under the seas.

All of these 16 unit of boeing aircrafts will be in one squadrons to ease the maintenance.

While for MPA still CN235 three unit into another squadron.

Dasar yang lain ini :

Ada satu bahan tercetak tapi saya lupa atau nggak tahu judulnya, yang saya ingat ada isinya kira2 bunyinya :

"Memiliki 2 skadron intai (menambah 1 skadron intai taktis dengan memisahkan CN235 MPA yang akan digelar di lanud Suwondo, dan penggantian B-737 200 dengan intai strategis sejenis), pengadaan pesawat berkemampuan khusus tanker jet, comint/sigint, dan AEW baru yang akan dititipkan di skadron udara yang tipenya sejenis atau membentuk skadron baru."

I know 1st one seems more tactical livery compared traditional 2nd ones
2nd one biar kalo jatuh di laut cepet ketahuan jatuhnya di mana, jadi cepet ditolong mana tahu awaknya ada yang selamat.


Foto dgn latar belakang ginian yg sering bikin kontroversi..ga lama lg muncul berbagai macam teori..

Visionary people :
One day, we are allowed to get transfer technology of F22...
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still wondering if we will buy such thing , an air launched version could turn our su-30mk2 to become something useful for naval strike , and not just basic carpet bombing
If you don't mind, can you give some examples? so far i knew that they really like to talk about their victory against Pol Pot, and call every other ASEAN country who's against them as just like "Cambodian, Khmer, eating with hand?" and even go East-Asian-Wannabe by using the word "barbarian". Funny, how their 230 billion USD GDP and 2000 USD GDP per capita is such an astounding achievement for them that they dared to call themselves superior and feels they are the best and strongest ASEAN country. Is it a long-term side effect of agent orange?

I agree that it's just not worth it to interact with these MFs, they aren't going to change their attitude with us confronting them anyway.

Controled media? Propaganda perhaps? Overdosed nationalism can sometime bring people outside its own reality and becoming delusional just like some of our own people. But it happens everywhere, realist, dreamer, nationalist, pecimist, etc, in the end they just being human :D
Controled media? Propaganda perhaps? Overdosed nationalism can sometime bring people outside its own reality and becoming delusional just like some of our own people. But it happens everywhere, realist, dreamer, nationalist, pecimist, etc, in the end they just being human :D
Of course, i just find their attitude and statements hilarious. I was really surprised that these red commies neighbor have that feudal, "elitist" and "aristocratic" mindset that contradicts their socialist country, moreover they seems to really see the themselves as the best, many people of various countries are like that tho, what make them special in this regard, is that they are very self-centered that they actually think people care about their issue, keep talking about Pol Pot, Cambodians and Sino-Vietnamese war, in a discussion that does not discussed about any of these.

But, what i found ironic is that, the most staunch and convinced of this "propaganda" among them is in fact a Viet who currently settled in Germany, and not in Vietnam, if you know what i mean.

I don't really want to talk about it any further, but you get the point, besides, i don't really believe in the statement "we're also guilty of this, we can't judge other people but our own self", i think that is not a beneficial mindset, we might think that's moral, considerate and benevolent, but some people just simply see it as a weakness they can exploit, so i don't really bother being "considerate" and "introspective" in dealing with people like these shitheads.
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Army hinted their branch is really want to add the number of ASTROS MLRS in service, along with training to operate missile system (Astros guided rocket Apparently) , they love big bad *** rocket.

Pertemuan Kasad dengan Panglima AD Brasil, Lanjutkan dan Tingkatkan Kerja Sama Bilateral Militer
Oleh Deddy Triyanto 25 Jul 2019


JAKARTA, tniad.mil.id – Pada pertemuan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa dan Panglima Angkatan Darat Brasil, General Edson Leal Pujol, keduanya sepakat untuk melanjutkan dan meningkatkan kerja sama bilateral militer kedua negara.

Hal itu disampaikan Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Darat (Kadispenad) Brigjen TNI Candra Wijaya, dalam rilis tertulisnya di Mabesad, Jakarta, Kamis (25/7/2019).

Diungkapkan Kadispenad, kunjungan Panglima AD Brasil kali ini merupakan kunjungan kehormatan balasan, dimana sebelumnya Kasad (Jenderal TNI Mulyono) berkunjung ke Brasil di bulan April 2018.

“Sehingga, kali ini, dalam kunjungannya ke Indonesia, Kasad (Jenderal TNI Andika Perkasa) mengucapkan terima kasih atas penghormatan dan kerjasamanya kepada TNI AD selama ini,” imbuhnya.

Itu juga, lanjut Candra , menunjukkan keeratan hubungan kemitraan antara Brasil dan Indonesia selama ini.

“Dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung hangat dan penuh persahabatan itu, Kasad juga mengucapkan selamat atas pengangkatan General Edson Leal Pujol sebagai Panglima Angkatan Darat Brasil yang baru,” tegasnya.

Lebih lanjut Candra katakan, saat bincang-bincang terdapat beberapa hal yang disepakati terkait kerja sama bilateral militer TNI AD dengan AD Brasil.

Baca juga: Bersekolah Seadanya, Satgas Yonif 755 Berikan Seragam dan Tas di SD Distrik Obaa
“Selain sepakat melanjutkan dan meningkatkan kerja sama bilateral militer kedua angkatan darat juga sepakat untuk bekerjasama pada bidang industri strategis.

“Seperti pengadaan, pemeliharaan, dan suku cadang MLRS Astros MK 6 buatan Brasil serta rencana penambahannya,” jelasnya.

Diungkapkan juga oleh Candra, tahun 2020 mendatang direncanakan pelaksanaan Army to Army Staff Talks

“Serta kerja sama bidang pendidikan, yaitu pelatihan bahasa Portugis di Pusdikpengmilum di Kodiklatad, serta pendidikan lanjutan Perwira Korps Artileri di Indonesia dan Brasil,” tegas Candra.

“Juga dilaksanakan pendidikan setingkat Seskoad di Brasil dan kursus sistem operasi rudal, taktik perang hutan, dan operasi Siber di Brasil,” jelasnya.

Selanjutnya Candra sampaikan bahwa komitmen kerja sama TNI AD yang dibangun tidak hanya terbatas pada hubungan bilateral saja, namun di forum-forum internasional,” terangnya.

“Pada pertemuan yang juga dihadiri oleh beberapa pejabat TNI AD, Panglima AD Brasil mengatakan kepada Kasad bahwa selama lebih dari 20 tahun, Indonesia dan Brasil telah berhasil mempertahankan hubungan persaudaraan yang sehat dan kerja sama bilateral melalui kemitraan militer.

Baca juga: Asabri Berikan Santunan Pada 13 Prajurit yang Gugur di Poso
“Tahun 2003, Komandan Jenderal AD Brasil saat itu, Gleuber Vieira mengukuhkan persahabatan jangka panjang ini pada waktu kunjungan Kepresidenan ke Indonesia, “ urainya.

Terlepas dari perbedaan budaya, bahasa dan tradisi, ungkap Candra, tidak ada satu pun hambatan bagi penyesuaian antar negara yang berbeda.

“Bagaimana pun, kita sama-sama memegang nilai-nilai universal dari persahabatan, pekerjaan yang menyegarkan semangat dan kegembiraan hidup. Kita bersama dapat sambil menikmati pertandingan sepakbola yang bagus, “ tuturnya.

“Ini semua menjadi suatu kehormatan yang akan tetap diingat dalam memperkuat hubungan bilateral antar kedua Angkatan Bersenjata,” pungkasnya. (Dispenad)

. Astros could be fitted with rocket calibres ranging from 127- 450mm. (rhan450) rockets fits this well. With the recent succesfull test of rhan 122b for vampir and grads im sure in the future we'll be seing astros ii firing the ( by then )developed and matured version of rhan 450
Well sometimes there is a hiccup in relationship between two country, but we a re still serumpun.

Its more then hiccup on the background, way more. I've seen enough, read enough to the point that I promised my self not to go there unless its a business trip or medical trip. I am done with them, well some of them and mostly how their elite and govt see us and treat us.

The Serumpun part is the main issue. We are pretty much brothers raise by different parents (brits, dutch). One grew up educated (ex:most malay can speak english) while the other brother have to learn from the "street" (only selected few can speak dutch/educated). The book smart have a head start, the street smart have to learn from its own mistake and live a hard live at first. Both love corruption, the difference is they mark up the value 1x where we do it 3x the base value. At least thats the laughable conversation I had with my Malaysian co-worker friend back then lol.

The cunning, backstabling, slick, type of move shared in the Serumpun blood create issues. We both have it, but it created friction when the other brother see it as competition and thinking his other brother is in fact inferior. This kinda thought has created lots of issues.

I just hope the new generation from both sides can make a new start someday :D

Sorry abit OOT

WTF, more look like a movie Trailler

Man that is just kick4ss video, I love it!! thanks
Btw, sometimes i got funny thought, among ASEAN countries only Philippine who get MDT treaty with the US and only them who on the paper is a rightfull Ally of USA in which the both country acknowledge those pacts by law. But only Philippine who get the least compability and interopabiity with the modern US armed forces as they just using mostly archaic hardware and most of their combat and CONOPS still persist on post WW II and Korean war era. They even cant sharing and relaying data feeds because lack of platform with LINK 16 capability. Meanwhile Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand (none of them sign MDT with USA) is being exposed with US armed forces way of war and capable to assist them at certain degree in modern warfare.

Singapor itu aliansi US beneran ,mreka ga membuat TDL sendiri dan ga pake TDL buatan lain .seperti korea sel .
walaupun korsel akhirnya kLink di link kan ke TDL16.

Kalo pilipin itu aliansi abal abal dimana US ga menganggap cuman pilipin saja yg merasa bagian aliansi.

Dikawasan aliansi US beneran itu bisa di mengerti dg melihat militernya berbagi data sensitif seperti radar militer ,data ril pertahanan negara tidak? politiknya condong ke barat tidak? Lihat singapor ,aussi, korsel ,selandia baru ,japan, taiwan, paten ga meragukan. Otomatis TDL 16 itu sudah nyambung kalo beli mainan dari US atau aliansi .

bukan pangkalan udara milik US doang seperti
di pilipin . beli F50 dan frigate dari korsel , TDL16 ga nyambung sama sekali , itu bukti . kalo beneran pilipin aliansi ,US akan
memberi hardware TDL16 di semua platform dan membantu infrastruktur TDL agar nyambung data dg singapor ,aussie, taiwan, japan,korsel. Bukan alasan duit pilipin dikit ga mampu beli ,emang US ga nganggap ally aja.
WTF, more look like a movie Trailler

Looks like our T 50i have already become FA 50 with Sidewinder and AGM 65 Maverick on the wings. The video also shows AGM 65 Maverick successful mission to hit the target.



Well reading their threads i know something sick/lost in their minds that i know the best not to interact with those lunatics.

If you don't mind, can you give some examples? so far i knew that they really like to talk about their victory against Pol Pot, and call every other ASEAN country who's against them as just like "Cambodian, Khmer, eating with hand?" and even go East-Asian-Wannabe by using the word "barbarian". Funny, how their 230 billion USD GDP and 2000 USD GDP per capita is such an astounding achievement for them that they dared to call themselves superior and feels they are the best and strongest ASEAN country. Is it a long-term side effect of agent orange?

I agree that it's just not worth it to interact with these MFs, they aren't going to change their attitude with us confronting them anyway.

Hehehe.. if only you guys join in several years earlier you would find more VT clowns, they always provide good laughs with their absurdity. But now only few remains, at least two are famous, one is delusional of the highest level and the other one is a prophecy maker behaving like broken cassette. There are others but not as "miring" as those two and their sensible ones usually don't go outside their sticky military thread.

I'd say don't be too harsh on them. We need them to keep bring "colour" to this monotone section.

The Serumpun part is the main issue. We are pretty much brothers raise by different parents (brits, dutch). One grew up educated (ex:most malay can speak english) while the other brother have to learn from the "street" (only selected few can speak dutch/educated). The book smart have a head start, the street smart have to learn from its own mistake and live a hard live at first. Both love corruption, the difference is they mark up the value 1x where we do it 3x the base value. At least thats the laughable conversation I had with my Malaysian co-worker friend back then lol.

I disagree there.. "educated" isn't the right word because 50 years ago their education was still away behind us. At their request we sent them teachers and lecturers in the early 70s to help preserve Malay in schools and to upgrade science curriculum left by the British, and at the same time they sent their students to study in Indonesia.

Unfortunately corruptions slowly dragged us to a place behind them in education. We only have ourselves to blame for that.




Hehehe.. if only you guys join in several years earlier you would find more VT clowns, they always provide good laughs with their absurdity. But now only few remains, at least two are famous, one is delusional of the highest level and the other one is a prophecy maker behaving like broken cassette. There are others but not as "miring" as those two and their sensible ones usually don't go outside their sticky military thread.

I'd say don't be too harsh on them. We need them to keep bring "colour" to this monotone section.

I disagree there.. "educated" isn't the right word because 50 years ago their education was still away behind us. At their request we sent them teachers and lecturers in the early 70s to help preserve Malay in schools and to upgrade science curriculum left by the British, and at the same time they sent their students to study in Indonesia.

Unfortunately corruptions slowly dragged us to a place behind them in education. We only have ourselves to blame for that.

Well they still send their students here. The legacy left is medical students they send to study in various medical schools in Indonesia.
i just realized almost all of the entire kaskus formil thread get locked , anyone knows what happened ?
I disagree there.. "educated" isn't the right word because 50 years ago their education was still away behind us. At their request we sent them teachers and lecturers in the early 70s to help preserve Malay in schools and to upgrade science curriculum left by the British, and at the same time they sent their students to study in Indonesia.

Unfortunately corruptions slowly dragged us to a place behind them in education. We only have ourselves to blame for that.

Every once in a while I have this imagination, of what could we achieve, along with our Serumpun, if we didn't fall into such dirty path.

Well, let the bygone be bygones.
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