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@isoo is just a maket model and has no use for Navy, as far as i know the Indonesian Navy doesn't like the model and instead they will opt for true LHD in near future than some makeshift ship like that.
@isoo is just a maket model and has no use for Navy, as far as i know the Indonesian Navy doesn't like the model and instead they will opt for true LHD in near future than some makeshift ship like that.
Thanks, a true LHD would be looking better , this mostly seems like bulk carrier converted in LHD :)
Thanks, a true LHD would be looking better , this mostly seems like bulk carrier converted in LHD :)

true, PT PAL offering their bulk design to be converted as helicopter carrier for potential tender of LHD project for Indonesian Navy in near future. And the rest is as i said before, to no avail.


i love it :p:

Indonesia`s Aviation Manufacturer Secures Orders to Build 100 N219 Aircraft
14 Agustus 2014


N-219 light lift aircraft (photo : Inilah)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian aviation manufacturing company PT DI has received orders for the production of 100 N219 aircraft, Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta stated.

"PT DI in cooperation with LAPAN is building N219s. Four aircraft of that type will be assembled and completed by April 2015," the minister noted here on Tuesday.

PT DI is manufacturing the aircraft in cooperation with other agencies apart from the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN).

Besides LAPAN, the Indonesian aircraft manufacturer has also involved the Ministry of Research and Technology, the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Ministry of Industry.

So far, PT DI has received orders for the construction of 100 N219 aircraft from a national airline, he reported.

For the construction of the N219 aircraft, PT DI created airplane mock-ups, prepared material, and the required specifications to make flight engineering models and simulators.

LAPAN has the task of working on the design and development of the N219 aircraft.

A total of 28 researchers had worked with the Indonesian airplane industry, which was launched on March 12, 2014, especially in the fields of avionics, electronics, propulsion, engineering, flight simulators, aerodynamics, and structural analysis, according to information from PT DI.

In this project, BPPT had conducted assessment of the aircrafts aerodynamics and structure.

The Ministry of Industry has developed the support industries and has created industrial clusters for the production of the N219 aircraft.

The N219 aircraft were designed by Indonesians and were developed with about 60 percent indigenous technology, Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat earlier stated.

Kasad dan Kapolri Terima Wing Penerbang Kehormatan
Dispenau - 13/08/2014


Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat Jendral TNI Gatot Normantyo dan Kapolri Jendral Polisi Sutarman menerima Wing Penerbang Kehormatan dari TNI Angkatan Udara yang disematkan oleh Kasau Marsekal TNI Ida Bagus Putu Dunia setelah mencoba terbang bersama Kasau dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur Sukhoi di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Rabu, (13/8).

Atas jasa-jasanya dalam meningkatkan kerjasama yang baik, Kedua Jendral tersebut menerima dan berhak memakai Wing Penerbang Kehormatan pada dada sebelah kanan.

Saat mencoba terbang, Kasad didamping Letkol Pnb Vinsentius dari Skadron Udara 11 dengan pesawat nomor lambung TS 3008, Kasau didampingi Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Letkol Pnb Tamboto dengan pesawat nomor lambung TS 3007 dan Kopolri didampingi Mayor Pnb Davit Ali dari Skadron Udara 11 dengan pesawat nomor lambung TS 3011, melakukan terbang selama satu jam di Pelabuan Ratu area, Jawa Barat.

Dalam mencoba pesawat Sukhoi Kasad dan Kapolri maupun Kasau yang mantan penerbang pesawat A4 Skay Hawk tersebut melakukan manufer formasi dan dasar – dasar pertempuran udara.

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Wakasau Marsdya TNI Bagus Puruhito, Irjenau, para Asisten Kasau, para Asisten Kasad para Asisten Kapolri, Pangkoopsau II, Dankodikau, para Kadis, Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Madiun, Komandan Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma dan pejabat TNI Polri lainnya.

Sementara keberadaan pesawat-pesawat tempur TNI Angkatan Udara di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma tersebut, dalam rangka memeriahkan peringatan detik-detik proklamasi kemerdekaan RI ke-69, tanggal 17 Agustus 2014 di Istana Negara yang akan datang dan TNI Angkatan Udara mengerahkan 35 pesawat tempur untuk terbang formasi dan fly pass.

Pesawat tersebut terdiri dari 7 Pesawat Sukhoi dari Skadron Udara 11 Makassar, 8 Pesawat F-16 dan 12 Pesawat T 50i dari Skadron Udara 3 dan 15 Madiun serta 8 Hawk 100/200 dari Skadron Udara 12 Pekanbaru.

Dari sejumlah pesawat tempur tersebut, sebanyak 32 pesawat tempur TNI AU akan melakukan terbang dengan membentuk dua formasi arrow dan melaksanakan fly pass pada upacara peringatan HUT RI ke-69 di Istana Negara pada 17 Agustus 2014 mendatang, dan formasi flight pertama terdiri dari 10 pesawat T-50 Golden Eagledan 6 pesawat Hawk 100/200 dan formasi flight kedua terdiri dari 8 pesawat F-16 termasuk pesawat F-16 C/D 52ID yang baru dan 8 pesawat Sukhoi SU-27/30.


Indonesian Ministry of Defense Inspect Ammonia Nitrate factory owned by KNI in Bontang East Kalimantan


Indonesian Ministry of Defense inspect Amonium Nitrate factory owned by PT Dahana in Bontang East Kalimantan


Indonesian made P-100 free fall bomb hang on Su-30MKK

Indonesians Boost CN235 Sales after Pact with Airbus D&S
Today 09:51
Indonesians Boost CN235 Sales after Pact with Airbus D&S

by Alan Warnes
August 14, 2014, 9:18 AM


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has stepped up its marketing of maritime versions of the CN235 and is completing assembly of its first C295. The moves result from the strategic collaboration agreement that PTDI signed with Airbus Defense & Space in 2011. That deal also transferred production of the smaller C212 transport to PTDI’s facility in Bandung.

Arie Wibotwo, PTDI’s vice president of marketing, told AIN that PTDI is bidding for several maritime patrol requirements in the region. “We have been selected by the Philippines government to supply two CN235 ASWs. A contract is expected to be signed this summer with delivery taking place 26 months afterwards” he said. Working with PTDI as a mission systems supplier will be Raytheon Systems, the first time a U.S. company has gone into partnership with the Indonesians.

Several other CN 235 MPA/ASW proposals are on the table “but the mission systems will be flexible, completely the choice of the customer,” Arie added. “Malaysia prefers Thales, Vietnam wants the Airbus D&S Fully Integrated Tactical Systems (FITS) or a Swedish SSC system, while Thailand and Brunei seem fairly relaxed over the systems they want.” This means that PTDI could find itself working with several differentsystems integrators from Europe and the U.S. if these countries opt for the CN235. In the past PTDI has even worked with Israel’s Elta, on the Korean Coast Guard deal for four CN 235-220MPAs in 2011-12.

Having recently delivered a CN235 to Thailand’s parapublic KASET organization, with options on another two, PTDI feels it is well positioned to provide the Royal Thai Navy with a solution for its ASW/MPA requirement for up to four aircraft.

Domestically, PTDI will shortly deliver a second CN235 MPA to the Indonesian Navy as part of MARPAT (MARitime PATrol) 1 program. These aircraft are equipped with the Thales AMASCOS system on board and include the FLIR Systems Star Safire sensor turret. “Another two CN235MPAs are contracted by the Navy as part of MARPAT 2 but the radar system will come from Telephonics,” Wibotwo revealed.

Meanwhile, PTDI is assembling the first of two C295s for the Indonesian air force.

Airbus D&S previously delivered seven from its production line at Seville, Spain. The two being assembled at Bandung complete the order.

Indonesians Boost CN235 Sales after Pact with Airbus D&S | Aviation International News
. .

President Yudhoyono after giving his last speech before Indonesian Parliament today, August 15 2014.

meanwhile in the so called restive province of Papua, thousands of Indonesia white and red flag unfurled besides Indonesian-Papua New Guinean borderline.

:wave: :wave: :wave:


We are going to miss you Mr SBY, thanks for KFX/IFX project :cheers:
. .
Man do you select ladies for your forces from some beauty contest

There is no beauty contest in our forces, but some girls working at forces become famous because they put their pictures on FB I guest...and then some journalist who found that pictures just try use them to make some showbiz news since pretty women working in that area can have a news appeal, so it is how their photos are spread, thanks to Google search engine. How about Pakistani forces, can you share some pretty Pakistani who works in police/army/navy ? :D

Our Police also has a program on TV, and they use their pretty police women.... :rolleyes1:


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Indonesia confirms acquisition of four Klewang-class stealth patrol ships
Ridzwan Rahmat, Jakarta - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

A model of the new Klewang class displayed by Saab at DSA 2014 in Kuala Lumpur. Source: IHS/Ridzwan Rahmat

The chief of the Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) has confirmed that the Klewang-class stealth patrol ship programme has resumed and that the service will operate a class of at least four vessels.

Admiral Marsetio, chief of staff of the TNI-AL, confirmed the plans in an interview withIHS Jane's at the Indonesian Armed Forces headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta, on 14 August.

The stealth trimaran programme was suspended after first-of-class KRI Klewang was gutted by fire and damaged beyond repair at a naval port in Banyuwangi, East Java, weeks after its official launch on 31 August 2012. The vessel was still undergoing sea trials. There were no casualties in that incident but Indonesia's defence ministry suspended the programme indefinitely pending further investigations into the cause of the fire.

The Indonesian government has not released the results of the investigation into the fire but IHS Jane's understands that a new hull material, described by Saab as a "nanocomposite compound" that is stronger and stealthier, was chosen partly to mitigate the effects of similar calamities in the future.

Besides the four confirmed boats, Adm Marsetio also indicated that the navy might consider more vessels in the near future if options presented by the shipbuilders are attractive enough. "We could be looking at a class of between 6 to 20 vessels by 2024", he said. "The final number will depend on factors such as acquisition costs and offset conditions presented by shipbuilders, but for now we are looking at a class of four ships."

Peter Carlqvist, head of Saab Indonesia, confirmed to IHS Jane's on 15 August the number of vessels to be built but indicated that a contract has only been established for one ship. "We are hopeful that the contract for the other three ships will materialise very soon", said Carlqvist, who added that Saab is now the prime contractor for the programme and has received full financing from the Swedish government to fulfil the order for the four vessels. However the current vessel being built is produced in collaboration with Indonesian shipbuilder PT Lundin at its facility in Banyuwangi, East Java.

The 63 m Klewang-class features a wave-piercing trimaran design that allows the vessel to cut through waves and incorporates stealth features such as reduced acoustic, infrared, and magnetic signatures. The patrol craft is propelled by four MJP 550 water jets and can reach cruise and sprint speeds of 16 kt and 35 kt respectively.

The boats will be armed with four RBS15 Mk3 surface-to-surface missiles with active radar homing of up to 200 km and feature Saab's new Sea Giraffe 1X 3D compact radar, which will be mounted higher on the vessel's mast to increase coverage. The vessel's weapons and radar will be managed via Saab's 9LV Mk4 series combat management system (CMS), which incorporates the company's CEROS 200 air defence fire-control director.

Carlqvist also provided design updates, which include the integration of a Bofors 40 Mk4 (BAE Systems 40 mm Mk4) naval gun under a stealth cupola and a Saab electronic support measure (ESM) system that can intercept and identify the positions of mobile phone signals and radio calls.

"These will be very useful in counter piracy and illegal fishing missions where phone signals can be used as a target locator", said Carlqvist.

When asked of his opinion on the TNI-AL's consideration of operating up to 20 such vessels, Carlqvist said that the figure seems reasonable given that the Indonesian Navy has plans to increase its fleet by up to 200 ships by 2024. "Some of these might include the Klewang-class given its suitability for the archipelagic nature of Indonesia's maritime territories", he said.

The first Klewang-class vessel is expected to enter service by 2016.
Indonesia confirms acquisition of four Klewang-class stealth patrol ships - IHS Jane's 360
Production of defense equipment, defense ministry gets USD 9 billion


Field of defense will be improved by allocating funds for the budget of the Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defense) of Rp95.0 trillion.

Similarly, as stated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in the State Address President, at the Parliament Building, Jalan General Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday (15/08/2014).

The allocation of funds among others used to continue the fulfillment of basic strength required (Minimum Essential Forces / MEF), increase maintenance effort and care through enhanced role in the country's defense industry, both production and maintenance of defense equipment

Produksi Alutsista, Kemhan Dikucuri Rp95 Triliun | Metrotvnews.com
Independence Day Rolling Thunder


komandan group pesawat dari berbagai jenis ikut serta memeriahkan HUT proklamasi kemerdekaan RI ke 69th di mulai dr F-16 A/B/C/D block 15 &52ID fighting falcon, hawk MK 109-209, sukhoi 27 SKM, sukhoi 30 MK &30MK2 flanker dan T-50I golden eagle yg merupakan lulusan AAU 96, salute...


fly pass f-16 & sukhoi smoke trail..


Rombongan F16 & Sukhoi

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