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japanese disaster management team arrives in Palu
Minggu, 7 Oktober 2018 06:26 WIB - 2 Views

Reporter: antara


Aid relief from Japan arrived in Palu on Saturday (10/10/2018) (ANTARA/Rijalul Vikry)

Palu (ANTARA News) - Japan`s disaster management team arrived in Palu on Saturday to help the Indonesian government in handling the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Donggala and Palu, Central Sulawesi.

The Japan Disaster Relief Team comprises the Japan Self Defense Forces Unit, also assisting in providing emergency relief items.

Upon arrival at the Mutiara Palu Airport, the C-130H Hercules aircraft of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, immediately lowered relief items.

Japanese Consul General in Surabaya Masaki Tani had earlier noted that on behalf of the government and people of Japan, he expressed his deepest condolences to the families of the victims who died and the deepest sympathy to all victims of the disaster.

He remarked that the Japanese Disaster Management Team will hold relief activities, including transportation of goods in Central Sulawesi.

In addition, emergency relief items were distributed in the form of tents, water purifiers, and generators worth around Rp3 billion through the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

"This is our response to the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi as well as in the framework of humanity and friendly relations between the two countries," he noted.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had earlier conveyed sympathy and condolences to President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo over the disasters that struck Palu and Donggala.

"I feel very sad to hear the news of the earthquake and tsunami disaster that hit Central Sulawesi has caused great loss of life and damage," he noted.

During this time, he stated that similar to Indonesia, Japan had also suffered major devastating damage due to the earthquake and tsunami. Hence, Japan is ready to provide assistance in any form, such as emergency relief items.

"Japan will always be on the Indonesian side in overcoming major difficulties like this," he noted.

Reporting by Budi Setiawanto
E$diting by Eliswan, Sri Haryati
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Survey dan Petakan Perairan Palu
Pasca Gempa, Pushidrosal Terjunkan Kapal Survei Tercanggih KRI Spica
Minggu, 7 Oktober 2018 — 15:54 WIB



JAKARTA – Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi TNI Angkatan Laut (Pushidrosal) menerjunkan kapal survei tercanggih KRI Spica-934 untuk melaksanakan survei dan pemetaan perairan Teluk Palu pasca gempa dan tsunami yang melanda wilayah Sulawesi Tengah.

Kapal jenis Bantu Hidro-oseanografi (BHO) dengan komandan Letkol Laut (P) Hengky Iriawan, S.T. ini telah tiba di perairan Palu, Sabtu sore (6/10), untuk bahu membahu mengumpulkan data-data hidro-oseanografi dengan Tim survei Tanggap Darurat Pushidrosal yang telah di berangkatkan sebelumnya.

KRI Spica akan memperkuat Tim Unit Tanggap Darurat yang telah berada di Palu, juga bergabung dengan Satgas TNI AL untuk penaggulangan korban gempa Palu.

Kapal survei tercanggih yang dimiliki Pushidrosal yang beroperasi sejak tahun 2015 ini dilengkapi Multibeam Echousounder laut dalam, Side Scan Sonar, serta Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Selain itu juga dilengkapi peralatan Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) yang berfungsi melaksanakan pencitraan bawah laut sampai dengan kedalaman 1.000 meter

Menurut Kapushidrosal Laksamana Muda TNI Dr. Ir. Harjo Susmoro, S.Sos., S.H., M.H., pasca gempa Palu dan Donggala, Pushidrosal telah menerjunkan dua tim yaitu Tim Tanggap Darurat yang diberangkatkan sehari setelah kejadian gempa terjadi dan dan kapal Survei KRI Spica-934.

“Hal ini merupakan salah satu wujud sumbangsih teknologi yang dimiliki Pushidrosal serta misi kemanusiaan ” katanya.

Kedua Tim survei tersebut melaksanakan pemeruman area Teluk Palu atau sekitar alur pelabuhan. Untuk kontur yang dalam dilaksanakan KRI Spica-934, sementara untuk kontur yang dangkal akan koordinasikan dengan Tim Unit Tanggap Darurat\ Unit Pesisir.

“Dua tim tersebut diterjunkan guna memberikan jaminan keamanan dan keselamatan Navigasi di alur masuk pelabuhan, perairan pelabuhan sehingga pasokan bantuan kemanusian, kesehatan juga pengiriman alat berat lewat laut dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan aman, sehingga operasi kegiatan kemanusiaan dapat berjalan optimal, ” tegasnya.

Pushidrosal melakukan survei dan pemetaan hidro-oseanografi di alur pelabuhan, perairan pelabuhan dan mencari pantai alternatif untuk pendaratan LST juga akan melakukan survei untuk pembaharuan peta laut di perairan Palu serta data yang diperoleh akan disiapkan untuk pembuatan peta tematik mitigasi bencana gempa untuk memberikan informasi kepada pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam upaya mengurangi dampak gempa.(tri)
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Refer to your slow response to the latest disaster in Palu and Donggala by your Disaster Management Team .. Any plan to purchase A400 and C17 to effectively support your disaster team in the next big disaster?
Refer to your slow response to the latest disaster in Palu and Donggala by your Disaster Management Team .. Any plan to purchase A400 and C17 to effectively support your disaster team in the next big disaster?
Refer to your slow response to the latest disaster in Palu and Donggala by your Disaster Management Team .. Any plan to purchase A400 and C17 to effectively support your disaster team in the next big disaster?
dancing upon our friends and family body hah?? **** off!!!

Refer to your slow response to the latest disaster in Palu and Donggala by your Disaster Management Team .. Any plan to purchase A400 and C17 to effectively support your disaster team in the next big disaster?
Refer to your slow response to the latest disaster in Palu and Donggala by your Disaster Management Team .. Any plan to purchase A400 and C17 to effectively support your disaster team in the next big disaster?
dancing upon our friends and family body hah?? **** off!!!
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