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Press Gaggle by Secretary Mattis En Route to Indonesia

Press Operations
Secretary Of Defense James N. Mattis
Jan. 22, 2018

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JAMES N. MATTIS: So first of all, thank you. I know you had to wake up mighty early to do this one. And -- but that's good. It builds character, I find, after a few decades, you know? But thanks for coming out. It's a very, very long airplane flight, so I appreciate you taking the time. And we'll go into Indonesia and Vietnam. And with Indonesia, we're dealing with a country that we have very -- very good military to military relations.

We probably engage with the Indonesian military more than any other nation anywhere in terms of mil-to-mil engagements.
But let me just -- you know, as you -- coming out of Washington right now, let's just look at how we're going forward. We released the national defense strategy last week, as you know. And what we've talked about it prioritizing preparedness and making a lot of change, urgent change.

But I noted that I had three lines of effort. Is there a problem here? Pardon?

STAFF: It's the sound.

SEC. MATTIS: OK. Yes, this is still probably a quieter place than anywhere else on the plane. But the three lines of effort, build a more lethal force and the second one was to engage and build more partnerships and allies and the third one is to reform the Pentagon's internal business practices so that we use every dollar we get wisely and move -- make change at the speed of relevance.

The second line of effort of building more trusted relationships with allies and partners, that's why we go out here on trips like this, to -- for the normal consultations with each other. The U.S., as you know, is a Pacific power. Five of our states plus the territory of Guam have Pacific shorelines. California, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam. We're very committee to this region, as you know.

My first trip abroad, when I came into the job about a year ago now, was to the Pacific, up to Japan and South Korea. The -- as you know, the president was also out in the Pacific just a couple months ago. So again, bottom line, we're working by, with and through allies and partners from the president's level, from my level down to our mil-to-mil engagements.

And what we want out here -- I think we've said it many times but it -- it bears repeating -- a peaceful, prosperous and freer Asia with a free and open regional order defined by the rule of law. And what we're looking for here is -- is that small nations get the same respect, the same regard as large nations, larger nations. Every nation matters and there should not be any bullying or shredding of trust toward others.

I first will stop in Jakarta when we -- when we land and -- and see President Jokowi and the minister of defense there, Minister Ryamizard. This is a very strategic partnership with the third largest democracy in the world. It's the most populous Muslim nation in the world and it's the largest archipelago, stretching across the South China Sea and as you know, all the way to the Indian Ocean.

We're going to continue our efforts to maritime -- maritime cooperation, but also support Indonesia as a sort of fulcrum between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. So international trade flows through there and a democracy like this, we have a lot, obviously, to start with that we can -- that -- that gives us a basis for getting along with each other and working together.

But again, this'll be my first time in Indonesia as the secretary of defense, so I'll be doing a lot of listening. We'll move from there into Vietnam and there, some of the big issues there, just so you're thinking about what you want to ask me about there, freedom of navigation, obviously, in the South China Sea, the respect for international rule of law and respect for national sovereignty.

Read more: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transc...le-by-secretary-mattis-en-route-to-indonesia/

Here's how big Indonesia really is, as you can stretch it from france to Afghanistan/Pakistan, Jokowi himself, once traveled using the presidency airplane from the west part of Indonesia (Sabang) to the east part (Wamena), take more than 9 hours flight.

1:1 map ratio comparison
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Indonesian shipbuilder aims to build 7 missile vessels this year
Jakarta | Tue, January 23, 2018 | 12:01 pm


Foreign technicians disembark from the Navy's KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 at the shipyard of state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia in Surabaya, East Java, on Nov. 8, 2016. (Antara/Irfan Anshori)

State-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia has targeted to produce at least seven missile vessels to meet national defense equipment needs and to export to Southeast Asian and African countries this year.

"Our target for this year is to build four 60-meter-long missile ships ordered by the Indonesian Navy. We expect to export two missile vessels to Malaysia, one missile vessel to Thailand and several missile vessels to African countries," PT PAL Indonesia president director Budiman Saleh said as quoted by Antara on Monday.

The production of the 60-m missile vessels is the second of its kind ordered by the Indonesian Navy after PT PAL completed and delivered three missile ships to the institution.

In addition to missile vessels, PT PAL also manufactures missile destroyer ships and landing platform decks (LPD) for national marine defense equipment.

"With regard to exports, we have penetrated the Southeast Asian market, including Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines, as well as the African market, including Senegal, [the Democratic Republic of the] Congo, Guinea-Bissau and Burkina Faso," he said.

Budiman, along with several directors of PT PAL, met with Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Monday to discuss the development of the Indonesian ship industry and plans to provide training to young Indonesians.

"We also talked about the vocational program, which is one of the government's big programs for about 1,500 Indonesian youths across the country," he said.

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Negative chamber tires? What is it for?
Itu kenapa ban nya masuk ke dalam? fungsinya buat apa? ada yang tahu?
US to Assist Indonesia in Efforts to Become 'Global Maritime Fulcrum'

The United States stands ready to assist Indonesia in realizing its ambition to become a "global maritime fulcrum" and will help the Southeast Asian country maintain maritime domain awareness in the South China Sea and the North Natuna Sea, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Tuesday (23/01).


"We want to help realize President Jokowi’s [Joko Widodo] vision for Indonesia as a maritime fulcrum, we see that as a healthy and a very, very critical part of ensuring that our words are more than just words about wanting peace, but we actually work for peace in this region," Mattis said during a joint press statement with Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in Central Jakarta.

Mattis added that the Indonesian and American armies can work together to ensure respect for the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the region. He also said that the United States is looking forward to help Indonesia maintain maritime domain awareness in the South China Sea and the North Natuna Sea.

Last Friday, the United States unveiled its new defense strategy that is now focused on addressing "great power competition." The new strategy is critical toward China’s approach in "using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea."

Though the United States is not party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), Mattis reaffirmed that his country is "basically fully aligned with it" and is "living up to the tenets, principles and spirit of Unclos," as opposed to other nations that have ratified the treaty but do not adhere to it.

Both China and Indonesia are parties to Unclos. The latter considers the role of Unclos in ocean governance as "indispensable and increasingly important."

The new US strategy also includes "maintaining favorable regional balances of power" in different regions, including the Indo-Pacific.

"America is deeply committed to the Indo-Pacific region," Mattis said.

The US defense focus on the region matches Indonesia’s own foreign policy priorities for 2018, which include developing regional policy planning by fostering strategic cooperation and dialogues.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said earlier this month that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) must be a major player in the development of Indo-Pacific’s regional policy architecture. Mattis echoed this sentiment in his statement on Tuesday.

"We see Asean as central to maintaining the security here … we share this ocean, and we want to maintain [it] in a peaceful mode so it can retain the option of making all nations more prosperous," Mattis said.

Mattis also said there is a lot of room for bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the US, emphasizing that the United States values its relationship with Indonesia greatly and will not take it for granted.

According to Ryamizard, the United States plans to sell defense equipment to Indonesia, though he did not elaborate.

Jokowi tells military, police to maintain neutrality in upcoming elections
  • Safrin La Batu
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Tue, January 23, 2018 | 01:30 pm
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo urged the Indonesian Military (TNI) and National Police to remain neutral during this year's simultaneous regional elections. (JP/Safrin La Batu)
President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo told leaders of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the National Police on Tuesday to maintain their neutrality during this year's regional elections (Pilkada) and the presidential election next year.

"The President's main emphasis is to have us, the police and the military, maintain neutrality," National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian told reporters after Jokowi gave his speech in a closed-door meeting at TNI headquarters in Cilangkap, East Jakarta.

Jokowi, however, refused to respond to journalists who tried to interview him when he left the meeting venue.

The meeting, which was attended by 359 military and police generals, marked security discussions ahead of the two elections, which are predicted to be marred by tensions, particularly in some of the 171 participating regions in the simultaneous Pilkada. Each of the two institutions is set to conduct a more detailed discussion separately after Tuesday's joint meeting.

"The President also instructed the police and the military to map conflict potential in the 171 regions […]," Tito added. "[And] to build synergy in dealing with those conflict potentials."

The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) previously launched a study of conflict potential during Pilkada and identified Papua and Maluku among the provinces with the highest conflict potential.

This year also sees a number of former police and military generals joining the election, such as former Army Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad) chief Lt. Gen. Edy Rahmayadi, who retired from the force to run in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. (ipa)


Pesawat Shark Aero yang dipiloti oleh Irwandi Yusuf (Travia)

Pemerintah Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam (NAD) geram dengan maraknya penyelundupan narkoba dan pencurian ikan di perairan Aceh. Perairan provinsi paling ujung Indonesia itu kerap dijadikan jalur empuk para penyelundup.

Untuk mengantisipasi persoalan tersebut, Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf telah menganggarkan untuk membeli enam pesawat jenis Shark Aero besutan Slovakia.

Gubernur Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf menjelaskan, pesawat jenis Shark Aero yang akan dipesan bukanlah jenis pesawat mahal dengan perawatan yang mahal pula.

“Harga perunitnya adalah sebesar 150 ribu Euro atau sebesar Rp2,5 miliar,” kata Irwandi kepada wartawan di Banda Aceh, Senin, 22 Januari 2018.

Untuk mengoperasikannya nanti, pemerintah Aceh akan berkoordinasi dengan TNI AL, TNI AU dan Bakamla, dan pilot-pilot lokal Aceh yang pernah disekolahkan.

Irwandi mengaku sangat mengetahui karakter pesawat buatan Slovakia itu. Ia memastikan tidak akan membeli ‘kucing dalam karung’. Pesawat ini memiliki dua seat untuk pilot dan co pilot.

Keunggulan pesawat jenis ini, antara lain mampu terbang non stop hingga sembilan jam. Selain itu, pesawat ini juga mampu terbang dengan kecepatan tinggi, serta fleksibel untuk terbang rendah maupun tinggi.

Irwandi membandingkan dalam 1 jam, kapal perang bergerak dengan kecepatan maksimum hanya mampu mencapai 30 mil atau 55 kilometer. Sedangkan pesawat Shark Aero, waktu 1 jam mampu menjangkau hingga 200 mil atau tepat berada di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif.

“Pesawatnya sama persis dengan pesawat saya, namun akan ditambah dengan perangkat keselamatan di air,” ujarnya.

Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf diketahui memiliki pesawat pribadi jenis Shark Aero ini. Ia pernah menggunakannya untuk memantau langsung pelaksanaan Pilkada Aceh pada 15 Februari 2017 lalu.

Pesawatnya dia beri nama Hanakaru Hokagata, yang artinya bahasa Aceh, yang artinya ‘Sudah aman, di mana anda’.

Sumber : Viva

Aceh governorate to acquire Shark Aero plane for patrolling missions.
Indonesia looks to U.S. to relax limits on its special forces

Indonesia said on Tuesday it was pinning its hopes on U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to help ease American limitations on ties with an elite Indonesian special forces unit, imposed over human rights abuses in the 1990s. The United States announced in 2010 that it had lifted its outright ban on U.S. military contacts with the Indonesian special forces unit, known as Kopassus, which was accused of rights abuses in East Timor as it prepared for independence.


But legal restrictions meant to ensure the U.S. military does not become entangled with rights abusers prevented contacts with Kopassus from advancing beyond preliminary levels, U.S. officials say.

"For a while there have been sanctions against Kopassus ... (Mattis) will try to remove this," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu told reporters in Jakarta, following talks with the U.S. defense chief.

"One of the sanctions is clearly that they are not allowed to go to America. They can't do training together, and he will reopen this."

Mattis expressed hope for deepening defense ties with Indonesia but he did not directly address Kopassus in his remarks to the press after talks with Ryacudu in Jakarta.

U.S. officials told reporters traveling with Mattis that they were exploring possible ways to expand contact with Kopassus, while complying with U.S. law.

North Natuna Sea

Mattis' trip came as Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 17,000 islands, appears increasingly ready to assert its sovereignty in the contested South China Sea.

Indonesia has clashed with China over fishing rights around the Natuna Islands, detaining Chinese fishermen and expanding its military presence in the area in recent years.

In July, Indonesia renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea, a move seen as a significant act of resistance to China's territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.

Mattis seized upon Indonesia's name for the waterway as he praised the country's strategic maritime reach, calling the country "a maritime fulcrum of the Indo-Pacific area."

"It's critical," Mattis said of Indonesia.

"We can help maintain maritime domain awareness in the South China Sea, the North Natuna Sea. This is something that we look forward to doing."

The United States is one of Indonesia's top arms suppliers, recently delivering Boeing's Apache helicopters and 24 of Lockheed Martin's F-16 fighter jets. But Indonesia also buys arms from U.S. rivals, including Russia.


U.S. officials said Indonesia asked for pricing for an additional 48 F-16 aircraft, a deal which could be worth $4.5 billion. But Indonesia played down any imminent purchase and suggested it was still evaluating how many more aircraft it needed.

Ryacudu said Indonesia would buy weaponry when it "has the money."

"We only just bought F16s and everything. In (the) future there will definitely be (more purchases) because, as the years go by, there are things that must be replaced," he said.


>>> Beli F16v 3 sqn $4.5 billion, mana ada duitnya... Ambil sekenan C/D direfurbish terus minta skema grant.. :enjoy:
Indonesia looks to U.S. to relax limits on its special forces

Indonesia said on Tuesday it was pinning its hopes on U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to help ease American limitations on ties with an elite Indonesian special forces unit, imposed over human rights abuses in the 1990s. The United States announced in 2010 that it had lifted its outright ban on U.S. military contacts with the Indonesian special forces unit, known as Kopassus, which was accused of rights abuses in East Timor as it prepared for independence.


But legal restrictions meant to ensure the U.S. military does not become entangled with rights abusers prevented contacts with Kopassus from advancing beyond preliminary levels, U.S. officials say.

"For a while there have been sanctions against Kopassus ... (Mattis) will try to remove this," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu told reporters in Jakarta, following talks with the U.S. defense chief.

"One of the sanctions is clearly that they are not allowed to go to America. They can't do training together, and he will reopen this."

Mattis expressed hope for deepening defense ties with Indonesia but he did not directly address Kopassus in his remarks to the press after talks with Ryacudu in Jakarta.

U.S. officials told reporters traveling with Mattis that they were exploring possible ways to expand contact with Kopassus, while complying with U.S. law.

North Natuna Sea

Mattis' trip came as Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 17,000 islands, appears increasingly ready to assert its sovereignty in the contested South China Sea.

Indonesia has clashed with China over fishing rights around the Natuna Islands, detaining Chinese fishermen and expanding its military presence in the area in recent years.

In July, Indonesia renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea, a move seen as a significant act of resistance to China's territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.

Mattis seized upon Indonesia's name for the waterway as he praised the country's strategic maritime reach, calling the country "a maritime fulcrum of the Indo-Pacific area."

"It's critical," Mattis said of Indonesia.

"We can help maintain maritime domain awareness in the South China Sea, the North Natuna Sea. This is something that we look forward to doing."

The United States is one of Indonesia's top arms suppliers, recently delivering Boeing's Apache helicopters and 24 of Lockheed Martin's F-16 fighter jets. But Indonesia also buys arms from U.S. rivals, including Russia.


U.S. officials said Indonesia asked for pricing for an additional 48 F-16 aircraft, a deal which could be worth $4.5 billion. But Indonesia played down any imminent purchase and suggested it was still evaluating how many more aircraft it needed.

Ryacudu said Indonesia would buy weaponry when it "has the money."

"We only just bought F16s and everything. In (the) future there will definitely be (more purchases) because, as the years go by, there are things that must be replaced," he said.


>>> Beli F16v 3 sqn $4.5 billion, mana ada duitnya... Ambil sekenan C/D direfurbish terus minta skema grant.. :enjoy:

Soon will be the largest F16 user in ASEAN region. Wish could reach 100 or more number....
View attachment 449488

Here's how big Indonesia really is, as you can stretch it from france to Afghanistan/Pakistan, Jokowi himself, once traveled using the presidency airplane from the west part of Indonesia (Sabang) to the east part (Wamena), take more than 9 hours flight.

1:1 map ratio comparison
Flat Earth People will Deny this Map :P
Someone can make a recap on Indonesia F-16 fleet?
How many f-16 by block type...
What's been already received and what is left etc...
Someone can make a recap on Indonesia F-16 fleet?
How many f-16 by block type...
What's been already received and what is left etc...

10 unit block 15 OCU
23 unit block 25 ID (being upgraded with latest systems)

And right now Indonesia had made official inquiry and ask price for 48 F 16 block 62
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