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Indonesia Defence Forum

We're workin on it..
There will be additional.. 3 new sqn f-16,
Su-35 for F-5 replacement,
and 3 sqn IFX to replace older fighter jet,
in the future..
3 new sqn addition after those 24 refurbished F-16 ? Wow..
3 new sqn addition after those 24 refurbished F-16 ? Wow..
That's the plan.. most possibly another refurbished fleet :D

kedepan TNI AU akan menambahan 3 Skadron tempur, 2 Skadron angkut berat/sedang/ringan,1 Skadron helikopter, 2 Skadron PTTA. Selain itu juga pengadaan pesawat berkemampuan khusus terdiri dari 4 Pesawat Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW & C), 4 Pesawat jet tanker, Helikopter anti teror, 12 Satuan Radar, serta pengadaan pesawat Multipurpose Amphibious.
Last edited:
331 is the most charming ship in the fleet.

Hi to all, I am new here, how to use my own avatar ?

Open your profile and click on your avatar... I don't remember if there are any requirement for it though (like posting in required number, etc) ...

Petir missile new test

Speed is increased to 350 kmh from 250 kmh
Range is increased from 45 km to 80 km.
Eyeing China, U.S. moves to strengthen Indonesian defense ties
Jan 22, 2018, 09.52 PM IST

JAKARTA: U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he would explore deepening defense ties during a visit to Indonesia, a country that appears increasingly ready to assert its sovereignty in the contested South China Sea.

Mattis, ahead of talks in Jakarta, raised the possibility of greater maritime cooperation. An aide noted that Indonesia was also considering purchasing Lockheed Martin Corp's F-16 fighter jets, in a deal that could be worth billions.

"This is a very strategic partnership," Mattis said, noting Indonesia was the world's third largest democracy and the most populous Muslim-majority nation. It is also a vast archipelago of over 17,000 islands, with a strategic maritime reach.

"We're going to continue our efforts to expand maritime cooperation but also support Indonesia as a sort of fulcrum between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean," Mattis told reporters traveling with him.

Indonesia has clashed with China over fishing rights around the Natuna Islands, detaining Chinese fishermen and expanding its military presence in the area in recent years.

In July, Indonesia renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the North Natuna Sea, a move seen as a significant act of resistance to China's territorial ambitions in the South China Sea.

After Indonesia, Mattis is expected to travel to Vietnam, which has emerged as the most vocal opponent of China's expansive territorial claims in the South China Sea, where more than $3 trillion in cargo passes every year.


The United States and its allies oppose China's building of artificial islands in the South China Sea and their militarization, given concerns Beijing might use them to deny access to strategic routes vital to commerce.

Mattis, in comments that appeared directed at China, said the United States wanted to make sure that bigger nations did not impose their will on smaller nations.

"Every nation matters and there should not be any bullying or shredding of trust toward others," he said.

Mattis kicked off his trip by meeting Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi shortly after landing in Jakarta late on Monday. He was expected to meet other senior Indonesian officials on Tuesday.

Joe Felter, a deputy assistant secretary of defense, noted that the Pentagon had recently singled out China in a strategy document unveiled last week.

"I think they (the Chinese) have a coherent long-term strategy to exert influence, if not dominate the region," Felter said.

Felter said the United States counted $1.5 billion in foreign military sales to Indonesia since 2013, including Apache helicopters. He said Indonesia had recently taken delivery of the first three of eight Apache helicopters.

The United States was also expected to explore ways to deepen counter-terrorism cooperation with Indonesia, officials said.


US Defense Secretary Mattis holds meeting with Retno

  • Agence France-Presse
Jakarta | Mon, January 22, 2018 | 09:20 pm
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (right) speaks to the US Secretary of Defence James Norman Mattis (left) during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry office in Jakarta on Jan. 22, 2018. (Agence France -Presse/Adek Berry)
US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis held on Monday evening a closed-door meeting with Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi at the Foreign Affairs Ministry's office in Central Jakarta.

Mattis arrived at the office shortly before 8 p.m. and directly met with Retno.

Mattis is scheduled to meet on Tuesday with President Joko 'Jokowi" Widodo and Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu for talks on maritime cooperation.

The Pentagon chief began Sunday his one-week trip to Asia, hoping to strengthen defense cooperation with Indonesia and Vietnam as regional Chinese military power looms ever larger.

In Vietnam, Mattis and his counterparts are set to discuss freedom of movement in the South China Sea, a region over which Beijing has extended its dominance in recent years, militarizing several small, disputed islands

With New US Defense Strategy Prioritizing 'Great Power Competition,' Mattis Heads to Asia
January 20, 2018 11:56 AM

U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis announces the Trump aministration's National Defense Strategy at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, Jan. 19, 2018.

On Friday, ahead of his trip this weekend to Asia, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis unveiled a major shift in U.S. defense priorities.

"We will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists that we're engaged in today, but great power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary focus of U.S. national security," Mattis said during a speech in Washington.

Mattis Traveling to SE Asia, Amid Shift in Pentagon Strategy


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The U.S. defense chief was rolling out the Trump administration's National Defense Strategy (NDS), a report that specifically cites "growing threats" posed by China and Russia.

The NDS noted China is using "predatory economics" to intimidate its neighbors, while "militarizing features in the South China Sea."

Mattis' trip will take him to Indonesia and Vietnam, two countries that have taken a bolder stance – including modernizing their militaries – to push back on China's disputed territorial claims in the sea.

Vietnam, in particular, is an increasingly important U.S. partner in the region.

"Vietnam is not an ally of the U.S. – it has a defense policy of no alliances, no bases in the country, no ganging up against a third party. So we'll have to see where it goes," said Carl Thayer, an emeritus professor specializing in Southeast Asia at UNSW Canberra. "But its military modernization has made it very robust."

But Mattis' trip could also focus on more immediate priorities in the region, including putting more pressure on North Korea and dealing with the hundreds of Islamic State fighters returning to Southeast Asia from Iraq and Syria.

A reminder that, even though long-term defense priorities may be changing, old problems don't appear to be going away.

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