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Senegal wants to buy six warships from PT PAL Indonesia

The government of Senegal expressed interest in buying six warships and four commercial ships from PT PAL Indonesia, first secretary of Indonesian embassy in Dakar Dimas Prihadi said on Wednesday.

KRI Tombak (629).jpg

Chairman of Conseil dAdministration du Conseil Senegalais des Chargeurs (COSEC), Babacar Ndiaye, has sent a message to PT PAL Indonesia about the interest of his government in the ships produced by the Indonesian state-owned shipbuilding company.

Babacar Ndiaye , who visited PT PAL recently sent the message via Indonesian Ambassador to Senegal Mansyur Pangeran who met with PT PAL President Director Budiman Saleh in Surabaya, Dimas said.

Budiman Saleh said Africa is a potential market for the products of the countrys largest shipbuilding company.

Ships produced by PT PAL is highly competitive in technology and price and its products could be customized to suit the buyers, he said.

In addition, Indonesia has good reputation in Africa after the success in the sales of the CN-235 aircraft of state-owned aircraft maker PT Dirgantara to Senegal. From Senegal PT PAL could make market penetration to other co9untries in Africa.

Ambassador Mansyur said so far Senegal has purchased ships from France and "this is an opportunity for Indonesia to promote PT PAL products in Africa with technology and price highly competitive."

The after sales service provided by Indonesia for its CN-235 aircraft is appreciated in Senegal, strengthened the interest of that country in other strategic products from Indonesia, the ambassador said.

Mansyur said he hopes PT PAL would follow up the message by visiting Senegal to meet the Senegalese officials.

Financing for any deal made could be studied through a third party AD Trade Belgium in cooperation with Eximbank Indonesia.

Budiman Saleh appreciated the visit by the ambassador and his role in promoting the products of PT. PAL in Senegal and other countries in Africa.

He said PT. PAL is cooperating with a Turkish counterpart in producing floating power plant and with South Korea to produce submarines.

He said PT PAL also offers to produce offshore platforms for oil explorations in border area of Mauritania.


President Sukarno, the first leader of Indonesia after it became a republic in 1945, inspects his troops.
(Photo by Hulton-Deutsch/Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images)
Turki Tawarkan Kerja Sama Pembuatan Kapal Selam dan UAV Termasuk Control Systemnya

07 September 2017

Anka MALE UAV buatan TAI Turki (photo : Army Recognition)

Turki Tawarkan Kerja Sama Pembuatan Kapal Selam dan Pesawat Tanpa Awak

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Direktur Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan Soetrimo bertemu dengan Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Turki Ismail Demir di Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (6/9/2017).

Pertemuan bertajuk The 6th Defence Industry Cooperation Meeting itu membahas mengenai kerja sama antara Indonesia dan Turki di bidang industri pertahanan.

Soetrimo mengatakan, dalam pertemuan tersebut Pemerintah Turki menawarkan kerja sama pembuatan kapal selam dan unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) atau pesawat terbang tanpa awak.

"Pada pertemuan tadi Turki menawarkan kerja sama pembuatan kapal selam 214 kemudian juga menawarkan UAV kelas MALE dan control system," ujar Soetrimo saat ditemui usai pertemuan.

Menurut Soetrimo, pemerintah Turki berkomitmen untuk membantu Indonesia dalam mengembangkan industri pertahanan agar mandiri. Pemerintah Turki, kata Soetrimo, bersedia membantu pembuatan kapal selam hingga industri pertahanan Indonesia mampu memproduksinya sendiri.

"Mereka akan membantu sampai menguasai kita menguasai betul (pembuatan kapal selam) kemudian control system-nya juga," ucapnya.

Soetrimo menuturkan hasil pertemuan tersebut akan dilaporkan ke Menteri Pertahanan untuk dikaji bersama pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Selain itu, tawaran kerja sama dari pihak Turki akan juga dilaporkan ke DPR untuk meminta dukungan dan persetujuan.

Control systems UAV Anka (photo : MilliSavunmaSanayii)

"Nanti akan kami laporkan kepada pimpinan untuk dikoordinasikan kepada seluruh stakeholder masuk juga kepada parlemen dan pimpinan tertinggi. Kami akan kaji tawaran itu dan ke parlemen supaya mendapat dukungan soal budget agar kerja sama dengan Turki bisa diperluas," kata Soetrimo.

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Turki Ismail Demir berharap kerja sama dengan Indonesia bisa terus diperluas dan diperkuat. Hal tersebut, kata dia, akan memperkuat hubungan bilateral kedua negara yang semakin baik.

"Kami harap kerja sama ini bisa berlanjut lebih jauh. Besok juga akan ada pertemuan dengan pelaku industri untuk menentikan langkah apa yang akan diambil selanjutnya," ujar Ismail.

Seperti dikutip dari keterangan pers Kementerian Pertahanan, Indonesia memandang Turki sebagai partner yang sangat penting. Pertemuan tersebut menunjukkan peran Turki sebagai partner strategis Indonesia sangat besar.

Pada pameran industri pertahanan IDEF 2016 di Istanbul, Indonesia dan Turki meluncurkan Medium Tank Kaplan, hasil kerja sama PT Pindad dengan FNSS. Kerja sama antara Indonesia dan Turki semakin kuat setelah kunjungan Presiden Turki ke Indonesia pada 2011 dan 2015.

Pada kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Ankara, kedua negara sepakat untuk meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang kedirgantaraan dan alat komunikasi.

Saat ini, Kementerian Pertahanan RI dan Kementerian Pertahanan Turki sedang menjajaki penyusunan Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) sebagai payung hukum kerja sama pertahanan.

Pihak Indonesia sudah mengirimkan draf DCA tersebut dan tinggal menunggu persetujuan dari pihak Turki.

Defence ties at the heart of Singapore-Indonesia partnership


From unpromising beginnings when pre-independent Singapore, as a component state of the Federation of Malaysia, was the target of Confrontation by Sukarno's Indonesia, to today's confident partnership between the largest and smallest members of Asean, the defence relationship between Singapore and Indonesia has progressed by leaps and bounds.

It is a relationship based on mutual trust and respect that has allowed both militaries to work well together. Both defence establishments now enjoy extensive interaction across the three services and at all levels. A highlight of this close partnership will be the joint fly-past of the F-16s of both air forces over the Singapore waterfront today during the Leaders' Retreat between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and President Joko Widodo, symbolising the enduring partnership between the two countries.

Indonesia has always entered into the defence calculations of Singapore. This was evident during Konfrontasi, or Confrontation, from 1963 to 1966 when Indonesia was perceived as a security challenge, and even in recent times, as Singaporeans live with anxieties that the Indonesian archipelago can be used as stepping stones for a possible terrorist attack.

A popular perception of Indonesia as a potential security challenge arises in part from differences in size and the not unusual wariness of small countries which happen to have large neighbours. Indonesia's population of 261.1 million dwarfs Singapore's 5.6 million. Public fears have been further aggravated by common perceptions of Indonesia's past behaviour.


The Indonesian army (TNI) was formed in 1945 as a guerilla force to fight Dutch colonialism, and this experience continues to influence military doctrine to this day.

The basic defence doctrine of the Indonesian military is "territorial warfare". This doctrine requires the military, especially the army, to be organised principally along "territorial" rather than "functional" lines. The whole nation is divided into territorial commands, which are tasked to maintain contact with the local population so that it can be mobilised quickly to support guerilla operations. Under a territorial warfare doctrine, the main emphasis is on the army, rather than the navy and air force.


Like the majority of Asean militaries, the inward-looking focus of the TNI meant it was not configured to address changed security circumstances in South-east Asia with the United States' withdrawal from Vietnam, the challenge posed by communist victories in Indochina and the threat of Vietnamese expansionism. At the Bali summit in 1976, Asean leaders agreed that bilateral arrangements implemented outside the Asean framework would be the appropriate form of military-to-military cooperation.

The Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in December 1978 provided the impetus for military cooperation among Asean members to be upgraded. The development of defence cooperation became interconnected with the idea of regionalism.

Singapore supported Indonesia's emphasis for Asean members to improve their respective national resilience efforts as the basis for regional resilience.

A key component of regional resilience was the need to upgrade bilateral military contacts, particularly between Singapore and Indonesia. Notable agreements were registered. In March 1989, General Try Sutrisno and Lieutenant-General Winston Choo opened combined air weapons testing facilities at the Indonesian Siabu Air Weapons Range near Pekanbaru, Riau. Three days after the Siabu opening, a memorandum of understanding was signed covering the conduct of regular joint land exercises in Indonesia. In July 1989, it was announced that Singapore was granted access to an army training centre in Baturaja, Sumatra. Speaking to reporters on Oct 4, 1989, General Sutrisno called for Asean members to "spin their own defence web". A key link in that web came into existence on Dec 11, 1989, when Indonesia and Singapore held their first joint land exercise in Singapore, entitled Safkar Indopura 1/89. The first of the series, held at Stagmont Camp, Kranji, was a map-planning exercise without troop movements. Today, the exercise has become a full-fledged field exercise stretching over two weeks and involving more than 200 personnel from both sides. The Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF) longest-running bilateral exercise with any foreign military is Exercise Eagle Indopura with the Indonesian Navy, previously named Exercise Eagle and held since 1974.


The extensiveness of the bilateral defence relationship would place both countries at the forefront of moves to hone intra-regional military cooperation. Similar bilateral defence cooperation initiatives replicated elsewhere in Asean would allow militaries to develop joint procedures and doctrines allowing for a collective response in times of crisis, act as a confidence-building measure helping participants overcome mutual suspicions and raise awareness of the other's military-security requirements.


The personal friendships, forged and sustained by the generations of SAF and TNI personnel, have allowed both armed forces to come together to tackle challenges effectively. The TNI assisted in the search and rescue operations after the 1997 SilkAir crash in Palembang, while the SAF assisted in the relief efforts for the 2004 tsunami and the search and rescue operations after the 2014 crash of an AirAsia flight in the Java Sea. The Indonesian and Singapore armed forces have shared resources in training and military education, such as in their command and staff colleges. In the face of increased transnational challenges in the region (such as in maritime security and counter-terrorism), both countries and their militaries are now required to work even closer together.


The success of the Malacca Straits Patrol cooperation undertaken by Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand in combating piracy and sea robbery can be seen by the Lloyd's Joint War Risk Committee's decision to drop the classification of the Malacca Strait as a "war-risk area" in 2006. This achievement is also a testimony of the close links between the Republic of Singapore Navy and the Indonesian Navy Western Fleet. Commander-in-chief of the Indonesian National Defence Forces, General Gatot Nurmantyo, noted in July this year during the annual SAF-TNI meeting co-chaired with Singapore's Chief of Defence Forces Lieutenant-General Perry Lim that Indonesia is committed to working together with Singapore to promote peace, security and stability in the Asean region, which would in turn contribute to a greater world order.

The Singapore-Indonesia defence nexus is a key building block in the bilateral relationship, and the special combined fly-past of F-16 aircraft from the Republic of Singapore Air Force and the Indonesian Air Force performing two manoeuvres, an "arrowhead" formation and the figure "50", also highlights the interoperability and integration among armed forces within Asean, which bodes well for overall regional security.
Bandara Sebatik Bakal Jadi Pangkalan Militer
Muhammad Idris - detikFinance

Foto: Hasan Alhabsy
Jakarta - Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) memutuskan tak melajutkan pembangunan Bandara Sebatik di Kalimantan Utara. Pembatalan proyek tersebut lantaran posisinya yang dianggap terlalu dekat dengan Bandara Nunukan yang berjarak 50 kilometer (km).

Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kemenhub, Agus Santoso, mengungkapkan rencananya akan diserahkan ke Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) untuk dibangun sebagai pangkalan udara untuk keperluan militer. Apalagi, posisi rencana bandara tersebut persis tak jauh dari perbatasan Malaysia.

"Memperhatikan kebutuhan dan keamanan perbatasan, perlu dikomunikasikan dengan Kemenhan dan TNI AU agar dibuatkan airstrip oleh Kemenhan, supaya bisa didarati pesawat angkut jenis C-295 TNI AU atau C-212 TNI AL," jelas Agus di kantornya, Jakarta, Kamis (7/9/2017).


Sementara untuk penerbangan keperluan sipil di wilayah tersebut, Kemenhub mengandalkan bandara yang sudah ada yakni Bandara Nunukan.

"Kebutuhan wilayah Sebatik akan dipenuhi melalui Bandara Nunukan yang pada tahun 2017, runway akan diperpanjang menjadi 1.600 meter dan lebar 30 meter," tutur Agus.

Dia melanjutkan, selain faktor kedekatan dengan bandara sipil yang sudah ada, pengalihan rencana pembangunan Bandara Sebatik menjadi bandara militer juga karena memperhatikan keselamatan penerbangan, lantaran berimpitan dengan Bandara Nunukan.

"Selain itu secara teknis ruang udara keselamatan penerbangan atau obtacle limitation service di wilayah Sebatik akan berimpitan dengan ruang udara Bandar Udara Nunukan," kata Agus.

Proyek Bandara Sebatik ini sebenarnya sudah masuk dalam Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) yang tertuang dalam Perpres Nomor 58 Tahun 2017 bersama 7 bandara lainnya. Namun kemudian di tengah jalan, direncanakan diganti menjadi bandara militer karena letaknya yang berdekatan dengan bandara sipil lainnya.(idr/hns)
07 September 2017

Chief of Air Force Major-General (MG) Mervyn Tan (right) and Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Hadi Tjahjanto (left) congratulating each other in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, after the successful completion of the combined flypast. (photo : Sing Mindef)

Following the combined flypast over the Marina South area in Singapore, all the participants of the flypast, members of the organising committee, senior officers and four F-16s from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) landed in Roesmin Nurjadin Air Force Base, Pekanbaru, Indonesia to join the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) in a post-flypast celebration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties and close friendship between the two countries.

Chief of Air Force Major-General (MG) Mervyn Tan and Chief of Staff of the TNI-AU Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Hadi Tjahjanto were on board their respective air forces' F-16 fighters for the combined flypast earlier this afternoon. Sharing his thoughts after the combined flypast, MG Tan said, "It is the first time that both our air forces have come together to do a flypast of this complexity and scale. I think the flypast is really a testament of the skill as well as the professionalism of the pilots of our air forces. More importantly, it underscored the trust and mutual understanding between the personnel of both our air forces. I would like to say that, on behalf of the RSAF, it is really our honour to be able to celebrate this significant event in such a special way together with our Indonesian friends." ACM Hadi added, "Today is a special day for us. This achievement is a reflection of the strong relationship between us and the high level of trust that is shared between the personnel of the TNI-AU and the RSAF. I believe the military cooperation between the TNI-AU and the RSAF will be everlasting and we will always support each other."

As part of the celebration, personnel from both air forces exchanged memorabilia to mark the close and long-standing bilateral relations between the two air forces. The RSAF and TNI-AU first started exercising together in 1980, and since then the two air forces had also engaged in a wide range of exercises and activities such as visits, professional exchanges and cross-attendance of courses. These regular interactions enhance the interoperability and foster mutual understanding between the RSAF and TNI-AU.

(Sing Mindef)
Jokowi met Lee from Singapore, no other Leader in ASEAN countries can casually met and talk with family gesture like both

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I thought the meeting between Jokowi and Turnbull was ok too. They strolled casually in a Sidney park and Turnbull introduced Jokowi to local Sidneyers. Maybe we should call this outdoor walk as "Jalan-jalan" diplomacy.
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