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Kamis 08 Dec 2016, 18:08 WIB
Pesawat N245 dan R80 Buatan Lokal Diusulkan Jadi Proyek Strategis Nasional
Fadhly Fauzi Rachman - detikFinance


Foto: Fadhly Fauzi Rachman

Jakarta - Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) mengusulkan proyek pembuatan pesawat jarak menengah yang merupakan pengembangan dari pesawat CN235, yaitu N245, dan pesawat R80 masuk dalam daftar proyek strategis nasional.

"Jadi kita usahakan bisa masuk sebagai proyek strategis nasional," ungkap Dirjen Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kemenperin, I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan, usai rapat koordinasi di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Jakarta, Kamis (8/12/2016).

Dirinya menyatakan, Indonesia harus setidaknya membuat sendiri pesawat jarak menengah dan tidak sepenuhnya mengandalkan pesawat impor.

"Karena harus punya kemandirian di dalam mengadakan pesawat jarak menengah. Jangan sampai pesawat jarak menengah 100% impor. Kalau bisa ada offset yang bisa dikerjakan di sini dan sesuai dengan pesawat kita," kata dia.

Rencana tersebut, kata Putu, juga telah didukung penuh oleh pemerintah. Salah satu dukungannya ialah dengan menyiapkan fasilitas pengujian dan jaminan yang merupakan dari kepentingan nasional.

Putu juga mengatakan proyek tersebut bakal dilakukan secepatnya, yakni pada tahun 2017 nanti.

"Karena pesawat ini akan kita kembangkan, maka tentu prototype harus mendapat approval. Semua akan dimulai 2017, proyeknya, lalu bikin protoype. Kita bisa mulai terbang di akhir 2019," tuturnya. (wdl/wdl)
Any new news regarding your N219? Is it true that this project will further delay to 2018?

It is ridiculous to me if PTDI failed to complete its N219 into a commercial production .... and now will move to focus on another new projects like N245 and N270 ...:what:..
Any new news regarding your N219? Is it true that this project will further delay to 2018?

It is ridiculous to me if PTDI failed to complete its N219 into a commercial production .... and now will move to focus on another new projects like N245 and N270 ...:what:..
Hey, genius..it's called walking along the roadmap. While waiting for the N219 to pass the certification (which is due the end of 2017), we move on to the next step. That is, initiating the project of N245 and beyond.

And how could you assume that DI won't mass produce the N219?
Delays in developing any new aircrafts is common whether it's large aircraft or small. Delays are proof that the aircraft manufacturers are committed to the safety the passengers and to the economies of the airliners.

Malaysia....oops I mean mal-asia, doesn't have aerospace industry so readers of this thread should understand mal-asians like UMNOBoy don't understand a thing.
PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal


, Jakarta - State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for the Senegal Air Force.

"CN235-220 Aircraft is well-known as an effective and efficient multipurpose aircraft capable of operating in limited runway," PT DI president director Budi Santoso said on Tuesday, December 27, 2016, in a written statement.

Budi added that the company had delivered the same aircraft in late November for the Royal Thai Police.

The preparation of the aircraft delivery was attended by Senegal's air force chief of staff General Ousmane Kane and A.D.-Trade Belgium deputy general director Max Abitbul. Also present was Budi and Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto. PT DI and A.D.-Trade Belgium had signed its fourth aircraft purchase agreement on November 6, 2014. Earlier, A.D. Trade Belgium bought three CN235 aircrafts, two of which are being used by Burkina Faso and one by Venezuela.

Budi said that CN235-220M aircraft has configuration settings than can be changed in such a short time to meet certain purposes, including dropping paratroopers, medical evacuation, VIP transport.


Indonesian carrier adds 1,500 flights for holidays
December 28, 2016


INDONESIA’S state-owned airport operator Angkasa Pura II has prepared 1,496 extra flights during the festive season.

“The extra flights are in anticipation of the high demand during the holiday season and provide sufficient seats,” said Muhammad Awaluddin, the company’s president director.

Security had also been enhanced as airport security officers were being supported by Indonesian military and national police personnel.

Angkasa Pura II, which manages 13 airports in western Indonesia, had upgraded several facilities for the Christmas and New Year holidays by providing more parking spaces, taxis and buses.

Soekarno-Hatta Interna-tional Airport, also managed by the state-owned company, had scheduled extra flights for December 18 until January 8, totalling up to 40 round trips per day.

Flights during the festive|season will total 880 round |trips.

Flights from December 22 to January 4 at 13 Angkasa-managed airports are estimated to reach 29,502, up 4.5 per cent from normal periods.

Passenger numbers are predicted to increase 9 per cent to 4.18 million.

CN235-220M Senegal Tiba di Dakar

Touch down @Senegal
From Bandung (27 December 2016) to Dakar (6 January 2017) our CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft landed safely in Senegal at 14:15 GMT Dakar, Senegal. [Instagram PT DI]

Setelah menempuh penerbangan selama 10 hari, ferry flight CN235-220M pesanan AU Senegal akhirnya tiba di ibukota Dakar. Pesawat mesin ganda buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia yang lepas-landas dari Bandung, Selasa pagi, 27 Desember 2016 ini mendarat di Bandara Internasional Dakar, Jum’at sore, 6 Januari 2017 sekitar pukul 17.00 waktu setempat atau pukul 24.00 WIB.

Penerbangan lintas benua ini dilaporkan tak mengalami hambatan berarti, kecuali sedikit kendala perizinan saat melintas di atas India. Dari Bandung pesawat melakukan transit di Srilangka, Maladewa, Pakistan, Arab Saudi, Sudan, Chad, dan Burkina Faso. Di Dakar, tim ferry-flight yang dipimpin Capt. Esther Gayatri Saleh disambut hangat Kastaf AU Senegal Gen. Birame Diop, Dubes RI untuk Senegal Mansyur Pengeran dan sejumlah pejabat setempat.

Ini adalah CN235 kedua AU Senegal setelah pesawat pertama diantar pada 2007. Pesawat yang dirancang multiguna ini dipesan lewat perantara A.D. Trade – Belgia di ajang Indo Defence 2014.

Konfigurasi pesawat angkut pasukan seharga 22 juta dollar ini sewaktu-waktu bisa diubah jadi VIP, penumpang dan evakuasi medik. Pihak Senegal sendiri telah menyatakan minatnya untuk kembali memesan dua unit CN235 dari versi patroli maritim.

♞ Angkasa
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How AeroTerrascan plans to skyrocket Indonesia’s aviation and aerospace dream
Anisa Menur
e27January 12, 2017

With the ambition to make building communications satellites more affordable, the Bandung-based company takes part in the record-breaking Menembus Langit project.
In late October 2016, the Menembus Langit project launched a rocket consisting of an Ai-X1 drone from a technological research and observation centre belonging to the National Aviation and Aerospace Institute (LAPAN) in Garut, West Java, Indonesia.

On the first day of the launch — which was broadcast live via Twitter — the drone was propelled with the help of a weather balloon and managed to reach 10 kilometres above sea-level.

But a GPS glitch forced the drone to activate its fail-safe scenario: The drone released itself from the weather balloon and performed return-to-home procedure to get back to its launching spot. Bad weather has been reported as the main culprit behind the failure.

On the second day of the launch, despite having experienced issues with its GPS again, the drone had successfully reached 19.3 kilometres above sea-level.

It was eventually awarded the National Museum of Record accolade for being Indonesia’s first stratospheric space shuttle drone to reach such height.

Menembus Langit project is a result of a collaboration across 18 governmental and private institutions and 95 individuals. The project aims to inspire the rise of Indonesian aviation and aerospace industry, proving the role of collaborative efforts in it.

The drone used in the project was built by AeroTerrascan (ATS), a subsidiary of PT. Aero Terra Indonesia.

On a fine afternoon, e27 paid a visit to the company’s drone factory to talk with ATS founder Dian Rusdiana Hakim. While the company’s head office is located in the downtown area of Bandung, the company chose a village just outside of the city as the location for their factory.

“The idea for Menembus Langit has been around since long ago, but only in 2016 that we managed to make it come true,” Hakim began the story behind the project.

“Before the flight, we visited several universities, meeting with aviation experts to consult the project. That is how we found out that the data that we need for the mission do not exist, because nobody has ever done this before. That’s how we decided to jump into this, certainly by using scientific approach such as aerodynamic calculation, trajectory, and many more,” he explained.

Together we fly
From the trial flight in October, the team managed to gather vital atmospheric and aerodynamic data that would benefit preparation of their next launch, which is due to happen in late 2017. Eventually, it will also be used in building much bigger aircraft.

The team also plans to keep the data open for public consumption, so that individuals and research institutes will be able to access it — and if possible, to join the project, Hakim expects.

“These days, you just cannot do anything by yourself. If we look at what happened abroad, even European aviation giants like Airbus turned out to be supported by several small and medium enterprises (SMEs),” he said.

Crowdsourced resources are believed to be the key to the rise of the Indonesian aviation and aerospace industry, which had previously been a monopoly of state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI).

PTDI Pamer 6 Produk Unggulannya di Rapim TNI
January 17, 2017
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N219 saat pertama kali dipamerkan ke publik
Pesawat N219 yang masih dalam proses sertifikasi dari Kementerian Perhubungan dipamerkan pada Pameran Alpalhan (alat peralatan pertahanan) di tengah Rapat Pimpinan (Rapim) TNI, Senin (16/1/2017). Pesawat baru buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) ini menjadi salah satu produk yang diunggulkan saat Presiden Joko Widodo berkunjung ke pameran tersebut.

Dalam kunjungannya, Presiden juga meminta agar produk-produk buatan dalam negeri juga bisa dijual ke luar negeri, bukan hanya kepada TNI dan Polri. Menurut Presiden Jokowi, kalau pembiayaan industri pertahanan itu bisa ditekan, menjualnya lebih mudah karena kemampuan untuk memroduksinya sudah bisa.

“Jangan hanya tergantung dari pesanan TNI dan Polri,” ucap Presiden.

Pada pameran yang digelar di Mabes TNI di Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur hingga 19 Januari ini, PTDI juga memamerkan lima produk unggulan lainnya.

CN235-220 MSA/MPA/ASW Version


Salah satu CN-235-220 pesanan Kepolisian Thailand. Sumber gambar: PT Dirgantara Indonesia
Pesawat komuter berkapasitas 30-40 penumpang ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai misi dan operasi. Dapat digunakan sebagai moda transportasi penumpang sipil, VIP, VVIP, dan penerjun, juga pengangkut kargo dan penjatuh barang dari ketinggian serta pembuat hujan dan evakuasi korban.

Di versi paling anyar ini, CN235-220 mampu menggendong muatan lebih besar, sistem avionik lebih modern, autopilot, radar pendeteksi turbulensi, dan penambahan winglet di ujung sayap. Penggunaan winglet amenjadikan pesawat lebih stabil dan lebih irit bahan bakar.

NC212i MSA


Sumber gambar: PT DI
Pesawat ini merupakan pengembangan dari NC212 dengan daya angkut 28 penumpang. Memiliki ramp door, kabin yang luas, serta sistem navigasi dan komunikasi yang lebih modern. Biaya operasi nya rendah dan kompetitif di pasar pesawat kecil.

PTTA Wulung


Sumber gambar: Riza Fathoni/Kompas
Pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) Wulung ini dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh, baik secara manual maupun otomatis karena memiliki sistem autopilot yang terintegrasi di pesawat. Bahannya komposit dengan single engine piston bertipe pusher.



Pesawat tempur multiperan ini didesain dengan karakteristik generasi 4.5. Awalnya tahun 2011, bersama Pemerintah Korea Selatan, PTDI secara aktif terlibat dalam pengembangannya. Indonesia dan Korea Selatan menargetkan akan mengoperasikan KF-X/IF-X pertama kali tahun 2020.


Masih dalam tahap pra-desain, pesawat ini merupakan pengembangan dari pesawat CN235. Didesain dengan regulasi CASR 25 untuk keperluan komersial berkapasitas 56 penumpang. PTDI mengklaim N245 nantinya akan dapat dioperasikan sebagai pesawat pengumpan (feeder-liner).

Author: Remigius Septian
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Senegal to order more PTDIs CN235-220


PTDI aircraft arrived in Senegal BANDUNG

BANDUNG, TRIBUNJABAR.CO.ID - PT Dirgantara Indonesia berhasil melakukan ferry flight CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft untuk Angkatan Udara Senegal. Setelah mendarat di Senegal, Pemerintah Senegal rencananya akan memesan kembali CN235-220 dari PTDI namun dengan konfigurasi Maritime Patrol Aircraft yang akan digunakan untuk Patroli Maritim wilayah Senegal, terutama setelah ditemukan sumber minyak di lautan.

CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft untuk Angkatan Udara Senegal diterbangkan dari Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Bandung ke Dakar, Senegal dengan melalui rute Bandung - Medan - Kolombo - Maldives - Pakistan - Riyadh - Khartoum - Chad - Burkina Faso - Dakar, Senegal. Rangkaian ferry flight CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft dari Bandung ke Dakar memerlukan waktu 11 hari dan tiba di Senegal tanggal 6 Januari 2017.

Perjalanan ferry flight ini memberikan pengalaman yang baik bagi pilot maupun crew yang ikut terbang di dalam CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft buatan PTDI. Pilot dari Senegal Air Force, Kepala Operasi Angkatan Udara Senegal, Ndiaye Amadou menyatakan kepuasan terhadap CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft buatan PTDI. Selama perjalanan lebih dari 50 jam terbang dari keberangkatan di Bandung, Indonesia, pesawat dapat membawa seluruh crew dengan aman.

“Pesawat ini sangat mudah digunakan dan memiliki fitur glass cockpit terbaik sehingga memudahkan pekerjaan kami karena mudah digunakan,’’ kata Ndiaye Amadou, Kepala Operasi Angkatan Udara Senegal dalam rilis yang diterima Tribun, Jumat (17/2/2017).

Pesawat CN235-220M Multi Purpose Aircraft yang telah diserahterimakan ke Angkatan Udara Senegal tanggal 27 Desember 2016, menurut informasi dari Angkatan Udara Senegal, pesawat tersebut langsung digunakan untuk Cooperation Assistant Operasi Gambia setibanya di Dakar dari Indonesia. Operasi Gambia merupakan operasi atas adanya sedikit kegaduhan di Gambia karena incumbent president tidak mau mundur dari jabatan untuk digantikan oleh elected president yang baru. Operasi Gambia berjalan dengan sukses sehingga tidak terjadi pertumpahan darah.

Tahun ini, kontrak pembelian pesawat CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft sedang dipersiapkan oleh kedua belah pihak, yang nantinya akan ditandatangani dalam waktu dekat. Kepercayaan yang telah diberikan oleh pemerintah Senegal, merupakan bukti bahwa produk nasional dapat bersaing di mancanegara.

Pesawat CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft mampu mengakomodasi 4 mission console, mendeteksi target yang kecil, dilengkapi dengan FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) untuk mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasikan target serta mampu merekam situasi di sekitar wilayah terbang untuk evaluasi misi. (tif)

S. Korea Awaits US License to Develop Next Fighter Jet with Indonesia

KAI President Ha Sung-yong pose with an official from the Indonesian Defense Ministry at the agreement signing ceremony in Jan. 2016.

An Indonesian governmental official said the Korea-Indonesia Fighter Experimental (KF-X/IF-X), a South Korean and Indonesian program to develop sophisticated multi-purpose fighter jets for the two countries air forces, is being delayed due to the absence of the U.S. license for technology transfer.

Indonesian media, including Antara News, reported on Feb. 7 that Indonesian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir co-chaired the First Meeting of High Working Level Strategic Dialogue (HWLSD) with South Korean Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lim Sung-nam in Jakarta a day earlier, and Fachir said to reporters, “The U.S. has refused to grant export license for the key technologies that have been delaying the program in many ways.”

The four key technologies are active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, infrared search and track (IRST) system, electronic optics targeting pod (EOTGP) and radio frequency (RF) jammer, according to local media reports.

In this regard, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said, “The four key technologies – AESA radar, IRST, EOTGP and RF jammer – are not included in the export license form for Indonesia. Currently, the U.S. government is reviewing the technology transfer to Indonesia. The joint development with Indonesia is also going off without a hitch.”

South Korea and Indonesia are now developing a next-generation fighter jet. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a joint development agreement for the KFX/IFX program with the Indonesian Defense Ministry and its state-run aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) early last year. Based on the agreement, Indonesia will invest 1.6 trillion won (US$1.39 billion) for the program in return for one test aircraft and various technical data.

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Indonesia establishes military/commercial aerospace MRO company

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry - 07 March 2017

Several Indonesian state-owned aerospace companies have signed an agreement to collaborate on setting up a new holding company that will provide commercial/military aerospace maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services.

The memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the companies and the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, signed in early March, is intended to support the development of Indonesia as a centre for MRO in Southeast Asia, the government said. The new company will be named Indonesia Service Hub and is expected to offer services for fixed- and rotary-wing platforms.

Indonesian companies to own stakes in the new entity comprise military aerospace specialist PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI); GMF AeroAsia, a subsidiary of the national airline Garuda Indonesia that specialises in commercial aerospace MRO; aero-engine service company PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi; MRO company PT Indopelita Aircraft Services; and PT Merpati Maintenance Facility, a military/commercial service provider operated by Merpati Nusantara Airlines.



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