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Indonesia Aerospace Forum

Jakarta - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) (PTDI) will make the plane Amphibious N219 Version at the end of 2018. The aircraft will be landing on land or water.


The amphibious plane N219 has a body length of 16.74 meters with a height of 6.18 meters. While the aircraft wingspan of 19.50 meters.

The width of the cabin in the plane of 1.80 meters by 1.71 meters high. While the aircraft cabin length of 6.65 meters with a passenger capacity of 19 people.

"This is our next target of small islands in (Indonesia) eastern many tourist places. It could bring tourists to remote islands," explained Director of Production PTDI, Arie Wibowo when contacted detikFinance, Jakarta, Sunday (19/03/2017 ).

If it landed in the waters, N219 relies amphibious landing gear that looks like a boat and floats. Then to continue landing on the ground, the wheels would come out of the landing gear.

"At maximum stay addition, the certification was landing on the runway, we should be landing in the water there are several development and retest the air," says Arie.

This aircraft can carry passengers as many as 19 people. In addition, the aircraft's multi-function can also be used to transport goods or cargo transportation. At least three containers can transport D2 type with dimensions of 1.4 meters x 1.06 meters x 1.14 meters 3 units.

"One can best multi roles," added Arie.

In addition, the N219 amphibious aircraft can also be used for medical transport in remote islands. After transporting the patient, the plane then flew to the hospital in the nearby area.

Some examples of areas that could accommodate aircraft N219 amphibians, among other outer islands in West Papua, small islands around the west coast of Sumatra, small islands around Biak, small islands surrounding Banda Neira, and the islands around the Strait Karimata. (DNA / DNA)
Jakarta - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) (PTDI) will make the plane Amphibious N219 Version. This aircraft is the development of air N219 previous series. Air superiority is still maturation phase of this design can land on water and on land.

N219 amphibious aircraft will start the final design 2018, after the plane N219 get a Type Certificate (TC) at the end of 2017. After receiving TC, then PTDI trying to get Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) so that one of the two planes N219 can be developed for landing in the water became N219 amphibians.

"So if we can we certificate TC (N219) its end in 2017, we will start to 2018. (N219) basic first we dapatin then we will try dapatin STC so that the aircraft can be fitted with float," explained Director of Production PTDI, Arie Wibowo when contacted detikFinance, Jakarta, Sunday (03/19/2017).

"We redesign modifications to float," added Arie.

Redesign of the basic N219 N219 done because the terrain amphibious landing in two different fields, namely water and land. Additional designing is done to strengthen the body and wings of the aircraft.

"There is reinforcement in the area of the body and wing landing because its configuration is not he in the water. Yeah, and all sorts of pressure we must recalculate," said Arie.

Arie hope Amphibious N219 Version development could be completed within one year after the redesign at the end of 2018. Thus, each plane N219 and N219 Amphibious Basic Version can fly in 2019

"We hope that in 2019 the basic aircraft was flying in remote islands and amfibian to enter the islands groundless," said Arie.

If the interest of the domestic market against the seaplane is good, then the PT DI will produce it in large quantities.

"One unit so that the market we immediately make serial production," concludes Pat. (DNA / DNA)

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Indonesian Aerospace
+2 CN212 for Thailand
+1 CN235 maritime patrol for Senegal
+6 aircrafts


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Hahahaha ... PTDI acknowledged its problem with "working capital" ... But .. it still did not want to declare or disclose its "poor" capital structure or its status as "technically bankrupt" ...:undecided:

If there is no "huge" capital injection from your gov't .. PTDI's performance will continue to deteriorate and/or PTDI has to stop its operation soon...

If Your Gov't has no money or capability to continue to support PTDI .. it will better if you can sell the majority of its shares to Malaysia ... so, we can (together with AIROD and Airbus) expand its business and also to replace its plant from Bandung to Malaysia .. WIN WIN SOLUTION :yahoo:
IAe N219, N250 and NMX: Opportunities we fail to seize??
Posted on March 22, 2017 by hafizuddinsulaiman

Blogger’s Note: The following is a repository of a post published in malfly.blogspot.com on July 12, 2011 with title similar as the above

As reported by Flight International March 2004 edition, Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) and Malaysia’s CTRM have teamed up to study the feasibility of jointly developing the stalled N250 turboprop passenger aircraft program. Both companies have comissioned an independent market research study for the 60 to 70 seat seat passenger aircraft. The Malaysian company was also studying the feasibility of using composites component on the aircraft’s structures.


IAe N250 prototype

As both country now experience rapid growth in air transport, one could wonder how this teaming up now progresses. In January of the same year, the IAe was also discussing with several Malaysian potential partners on N219 project which would replace the 26 seat NC 212. The N219 project is now progressing fast but the presence of Malaysian collaboration is questionable.


IAe N219 STOL passenger aircraft

This goes the same to NMX Aeronimbus nine seater very light jet (VLJ) program which was now thought to be abandoned by both IAe and its Malaysian counterpart, Aeronimbus Malaysia Sdn Bhd. It is rather unfortunate to see these kind of programs not being pursued dilligently by Malaysian companies due to the fact that these program will help to quantum leaped Malaysia’s aerospace industries into new and greater height.


IAe NMX Aeronimbus


The abandoned NMX Aeronimbus scale model

To my opinion, Malaysian passenger market is in need of these kind of aircraft. Malaysia’s Firefly and MASWings, both are subsidiaries of Malaysia Airlines are currently under expansion program. Firefly for example intend to expand its turboprop fleet while MASWings is looking for possible DHC-6 STOL aircraft replacement to be used for flights to Malaysia’s rural Sabah and Sarawak areas. Fixed Base Operation (FBO) was also in the rise at Malaysia as Subang Airport’s former Terminal 3 has been upgraded as Malaysia’s first FBO known as the Subang Skypark.

The Indonesian has also embarked on jet powered airliner, the N2130, but as economic crisis looms over South East Asia in 1997, this project has been hold or perhaps abandoned on financial ground to an unspecified time period.


IAe N2130 airliner

Another false opinion from you... PT DI never in such condition... our domestic need can always secure PT DI sustainability to grow.

Your jealousy just drag you to the stupidity abyss.

Aeronimbus?... meh! it just only exist in your dream

you better bring more reliable source than this one...
Manufacturing Inboard Outer Fixed Leading Edge (IOFLE) component for A380 at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
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Manufacturing Leading Edge Skin, Engine Pylon, Drop Nose (D-Nose) component for A320 at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.
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2005-2015, around 4000 pair of Fixed Leading Edge, D-NOse, Pylon of A320 has been made in PT. Dirgantara Indonesia

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2005-2015, around 230 pair Inboard Outer Fixed Leading Edge of A380 has been made in PT. Dirgantara Indonesia

Indonesia and France will do more collaboration in transport and defense technology.

Indonesia-Prancis Sepakat Kerja Sama Sawit Hingga Pesawat Airbus

Foto: Reuters

Jakarta - Dalam pertemuan bilateral antara Presiden Joko Widodo dengan Presiden Prancis Francois Hollande, disepakati beberapa kerja sama. Apa saja kerja sama tersebut?

Francois Hollande mengatakan, beberapa kerja sama yang dibahas di antaranya soal minyak sawit. Terutama berkaitan dengan aturan perkebunan sawit.

"Kami juga melakukan pendekatan bersama soal minyak sawit. Kita sadar seperti di Malaysia. Kita memang sadar bahwa peraturan-peraturan lingkungan hidup. Prancis mendukung proses sertifikasi minyak sawit, seperti yang sudah dilakukan pada kayu tropis," kata Hollande di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (29/3/2017).

Hollande juga mengatakan, negara sebesar Indonesia harus memiliki kemandirian di bidang pertahanan. Untuk itu, kedua negara juga akan melakukan kerja sama di bidang pertahanan.

"Kita sadar bahwa negara Prancis dan Indonesia di kawasan seperti ini harus memiliki kemandirian di bidang pertahanan, memiliki alat-alat persenjataan dan personalia yang tepat untuk keamanan dan pertahanan," katanya.

Selain itu, Hollande juga mengatakan, kedua negara akan memperdalam kerja sama dalam bidang industri kreatif. Industri ini menurut Hollande sangat penting saat ini.

"Maksud saya perfilman, juga fashion, video games. Karena itu memang sangat penting bagi kehidupan warga negara pada umumnya, tetapi juga kita sendiri harus memiliki kesanggupan tersendiri untuk menghasilkan produksi kita sendiri dengan ciri-ciri khas dari pada kedua negara yang masing-masing memiliki kebudayaan yang sendiri," jelasnya.

Tak hanya itu, Hollande juga mengatakan negaranya akan mengembangkan peralatan transportasi, termasuk pesawat Airbus yang merupakan buatan Prancis.

"Sebagaimana kita tahu Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang sangat besar sekali. Kita telah memutuskan untuk mengembangkan alat-alat transportasi termasuk pesawat Airbus. Kita tahu bahwa Indonesia suka membeli pesawat dari Prancis. Akan kita tingkatkan bidang tersebut yang ada dampaknya pada turisme di bidang infrastruktur pelabuhan dan juga di kota-kota kepulauan di Indonesia," ucap Hollande. (jor/dna)


Indonesia and France will do more collaboration in transport and defense technology.

Indonesia-Prancis Sepakat Kerja Sama Sawit Hingga Pesawat Airbus

Foto: Reuters

Jakarta - Dalam pertemuan bilateral antara Presiden Joko Widodo dengan Presiden Prancis Francois Hollande, disepakati beberapa kerja sama. Apa saja kerja sama tersebut?

Francois Hollande mengatakan, beberapa kerja sama yang dibahas di antaranya soal minyak sawit. Terutama berkaitan dengan aturan perkebunan sawit.

"Kami juga melakukan pendekatan bersama soal minyak sawit. Kita sadar seperti di Malaysia. Kita memang sadar bahwa peraturan-peraturan lingkungan hidup. Prancis mendukung proses sertifikasi minyak sawit, seperti yang sudah dilakukan pada kayu tropis," kata Hollande di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (29/3/2017).

Hollande juga mengatakan, negara sebesar Indonesia harus memiliki kemandirian di bidang pertahanan. Untuk itu, kedua negara juga akan melakukan kerja sama di bidang pertahanan.

"Kita sadar bahwa negara Prancis dan Indonesia di kawasan seperti ini harus memiliki kemandirian di bidang pertahanan, memiliki alat-alat persenjataan dan personalia yang tepat untuk keamanan dan pertahanan," katanya.

Selain itu, Hollande juga mengatakan, kedua negara akan memperdalam kerja sama dalam bidang industri kreatif. Industri ini menurut Hollande sangat penting saat ini.

"Maksud saya perfilman, juga fashion, video games. Karena itu memang sangat penting bagi kehidupan warga negara pada umumnya, tetapi juga kita sendiri harus memiliki kesanggupan tersendiri untuk menghasilkan produksi kita sendiri dengan ciri-ciri khas dari pada kedua negara yang masing-masing memiliki kebudayaan yang sendiri," jelasnya.

Tak hanya itu, Hollande juga mengatakan negaranya akan mengembangkan peralatan transportasi, termasuk pesawat Airbus yang merupakan buatan Prancis.

"Sebagaimana kita tahu Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang sangat besar sekali. Kita telah memutuskan untuk mengembangkan alat-alat transportasi termasuk pesawat Airbus. Kita tahu bahwa Indonesia suka membeli pesawat dari Prancis. Akan kita tingkatkan bidang tersebut yang ada dampaknya pada turisme di bidang infrastruktur pelabuhan dan juga di kota-kota kepulauan di Indonesia," ucap Hollande. (jor/dna)


Good development if this is a "green light" from your gov't to allow Airbus to take over PTDI .. Don't worry Malaysia through AIROD will also participate as shareholders of this company .. we will call it it .. PT Airbus Asia .. :yahoo:
Good development if this is a "green light" from your gov't to allow Airbus to take over PTDI .. Don't worry Malaysia through AIROD will also participate as shareholders of this company .. we will call it it .. PT Airbus Asia .. :yahoo:
.....what kind of logic is that?
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