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:blink::rolleyes1: ?
thats ur perspective and a little wrong however i will suggest every member to not post threads like this or comment in them they are troll hotbeds

I would be happy for you to point out a single mistake in that account. One will do.
Don't talk like an ignoramus. Have you even taken the effort to read the history of Kashmir or delved through various books and papers on the subject? Have you bothered to read the first paragraph of Part II of the 1948 UN Resolution which clearly asks Pakistan to vacate all the territory in P0K/GB by Pak forces used for the purposes of fighting before a plebiscite is held? This means that Kashmir territory was invaded and illegally occupied by Pak forces in 1947 prompting the UN to ask Pakistan to vacate.

So dude, get your facts right before making a darn fool of yourself. As they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Also read the books of the 1947 Pak invasion of Kashmir written by those who had participated. I'll help you out some here......

Read "THE 1947-48 Kashmir War. The war of lost opportunities" by Maj (Retd) AGHA HUMAYUN AMINof the Pak Army.

So avoid talking like an imbecile. It makes you look pretty silly.

There's also Akbar Khan and Tariq Ali.
There's also Akbar Khan and Tariq Ali.
Yep! Brig Akbar Khan (retd as a Maj Gen) led the Kashmir invasion in Operation Gulmarg. Only if our Pakistani friends had taken the time and effort to read these fist person accounts of people who led the Pak invasion in 1947, they would stop their banal and misinformed arguments that it were the Indians who invaded Kashmir and not Pakistanis!!

It seems the inclination to read is lacking and thus the tripe dished out by feather-brains and propagandists like Zaid Hamid and his ilk is taken as gospel!!
So back to topic is there any way any side could win and please look at first post first and what would be the endgame
Well depends on what the objectives are going to be and how much each can achieve to use it as a bargaining chip.

War is just an extension of diplomatic efforts....not killing people. If the Indians can make the Pakistanis to stop their enmity with India and get a peace agreement or cripple the Pakistani armed forces then India will be victorious.

If Pakistani army could take back the Kashmir valley then the Pakistanis will be victorious.

But the losses are going to be great on both sides.
Well depends on what the objectives are going to be and how much each can achieve to use it as a bargaining chip.

War is just an extension of diplomatic efforts....not killing people. If the Indians can make the Pakistanis to stop their enmity with India and get a peace agreement or cripple the Pakistani armed forces then India will be victorious.

If Pakistani army could take back the Kashmir valley then the Pakistanis will be victorious.

But the losses are going to be great on both sides.
One good answer but want I want to know is that without nukes would both sides still be at stalemate keeping in view with stock piles of anti air tank and infantry stockpiles both have. And what would be the endgame
One good answer but want I want to know is that without nukes would both sides still be at stalemate keeping in view with stock piles of anti air tank and infantry stockpiles both have. And what would be the endgame

Well in a war there will be losses. Nukes are a totally different ball game. The first party to use nukes in the India -Pakistan scenario will be the loser of the diplomacy and will become the international paraiah state. If Pakistanis want to rub the slate clean and start fresh then nukes can be the option. Indians have too much to lose if we use the nukes first.

Anti-air, anti-tank or anti infantry weapons are always like the sword. But one always talks about the glamour of the sword and people tend to ignore the shield. It is always how effective a shield is against the sword.
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