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Indo-Pak War 1965 -

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It will sump to think that Aircraft's are Equipped with missiles but will not going to fire and will shoot by Gun.

Even I am 100% sure that no airforce gives the training to their pilots that way.
Hey fun fact, it's 1965, Air forces around the world relied on their guns more often, to get kills in dogfights rather than a2a missiles. This is because the missiles had poor tracking abilities and were often unreliable against an enemy who knows of their presence. Its not like today where we have all aspect bvr missiles with a range of 105km+

A2a missiles back then were rear aspect heat seeking missiles with a range of 4km. Just ask the Americans during Vietnam.
I only consider international sources and never count what is written in Pakistani or Indian textbooks.

Even first 2 Vintage Vampires shoot by two (PAF) F 86, armed with Air to Air missiles.
They were shot with guns - you can try as you might to try and assuage your egos here to show that superior weapons and not superior pilots and leadership got the better in the air war but frankly every letter you write will have to be covered by layers of lies to let you achieve what you set out to achieve.

Frankly, we’ve done this troll dance with your kind too many times and this isn’t going any further. Nothing to discuss or spend days debating your well rehearsed shifts of goalposts and tangents.
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