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Indo-China War (2043-2045)

ooo man all the previous post were so funny
@ thread starter thanks for this epic piece i have my exam 2moro this wa a great stress buster
Indians enjoy this.....................
USI,china,russia and israel
formed as MATO thus becoming a new power after NATO. This was undigestable to US as we occupied its position every where.
USI - United states of Indian Republic
MATO-Middle asian treaty organisation.:kiss3:

And if any one wouldnt comment ill tell serious fact
oh man! No body agree for freaky war. However considering great skill reqired for all direction but attack on srilanka, threat to banladesh? Are we Cruel king who needs to expand kingdom. what srilankan did wrong with us. maturity is must. and sorry if u dnt like! however skill and knowledge nice. well I would definetely like some developing thread. be here make all urs. Those who attacking here take in to consideration china the communalost agreed to make spread its boundry as some leader had that. which includes both koria, mongolia, myanmar, vietnam, malesia, singapore , nepal. u people talk about hung wu what about whole country and their people and leaders? well tvram is indian. hope we shall have peace. whats your next thread ram.
tvsram , i only have one question ..... how old r u?:woot:

word of advice stop reading humphrey hawksley or tom clancy they are just soap opers for men... mind you only men from the united states ...:no::wave:
for all those people who talk abt war as if it is the most macho thing in the world. these guys watch too much of commando movies and they think they know abt wars.

in real wars, people die. sometimes the hero doesnt even get to fire a bullet before he is killed by artillary shell or a hand grenade. in movies heroes can jump and save himself from bullets grenades and bombs. sadly in real life, the heroes die.

so for all those internet warriors talking about indo pak or china war, please go and have some coffee or best take u r girl out for date may be that will cool u r adrealine and testesterone rush.
Here is the FUTURE fact. You guys should absorb this thing in your thick skulls---

China will be the next PEACEFUL (comparatively) super power.
Russia will also dominate some parts and will be a GREAT friend of China.
Pakistan will enter this circle while India will drift away with the U.S.
Here is the FUTURE fact. You guys should absorb this thing in your thick skulls---

China will be the next PEACEFUL (comparatively) super power.
Russia will also dominate some parts and will be a GREAT friend of China.
Pakistan will enter this circle while India will drift away with the U.S.

Yes! You should take some inspiration from TVSRAAM and open your crystal ball prediction thread too :drag:
China will be the next PEACEFUL (comparatively) super power.
Russia will also dominate some parts and will be a GREAT friend of China.
Pakistan will enter this circle while India will drift away with the U.S.

It would be better if China never becomes a "superpower" at all. :tup:

We should become strong enough, to protect ourselves and our allies. That is all that is needed.

No point in trying to become America 2.0, i.e. trying to stretch hard power all over the globe.
This is in response to the defeat of my Mother India when China made India back to a decade when it fought a war with India in 2013-15
-says Dr Venkata Sai Ram T(Hon'ble Prime minister of India).

Indians enjoy this.


Lets review the consequences of the war

http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/86894-second-indo-chinese-war-2013-2015-a.html assume the war happened like that)

Very lucky thing was the war did not go for nuclear instead civilians from both India and China suffered a lot of casualities.

1.Nepal and Bhutan suffered a lot being their only mistake lying in between India and China.

2. India was economically hit . But our good relations with others made India became a new Japan (after 1945)
and had attracted whole of the world making a surprise for them. Indian GDP raised 12% annually. Indian
nuclear bases were attacked and we had to carry all our nukes to safety bunkers in remote areas and forests to keep them safe.

3.Though China won the war it suffered a lot. Unlike 1962 war, There was severe international pressure on china . The GDP of china was
down to a negative extent.Tibeteans revolted but china suppressed it. The chinese economy started declining . But chinese military power was still good.
China's dream of super power washes out in the war.

4.Pakistan surprisingly remained neutral . It understood the main enemy is terrorism . LeT started attacking India and pakistan. But america and pakistan
successfully brought down terrorist camps in Pakistan.

5.Talibans and Afgans supported indians as they felt love of India when we started sending doctors to Afganistan while others were sending military .

6.Iran's nuclear test was succesful. India congrats Iran and mean while Israel conducts fusion test(which it has been hinding since years). India immediately makes
a meeting with Iran and Israel. Palesthine agrees to stay with Israel as special administrative state. Iran and Israel agrees for no Nuclear First use policy and
signs new nuclear treaty.By the time CTBT becomes a failure.

7.Myanmar and other states became democratic . The effect of eygpt continues .... Libiya............,Isreal-palasthine,Iran disputes come to an end.

8.Russia maintains the bond with India and FGFA project was delayed for 5 years. Mean while during absence of India russia and israel has become good friends. FGFA
added more new features and it was ready when india planed to purchase it.


After the war the saying came like this when ever 'india sneezes, asia catches cold.

Indian military was expanding like anything . It has offers from every where with Full TOT. India managed to make their military hardware indeginously by 75% by 2040.
India has got new aircrafts, aircraft carriers,nuclear submarines...... to complete Laser guided bombs package and to the vest date equipment. Also india became economically strong.
India's 2030 military budget touches Rs 5 lakh crore(it was only 2% of our gdp,states how much our economy developed).

Relations with bordering countries

Threat from terrorists in india increased , Maoists surrendered weapons as India gave rights to poor people and helped for their development.
Some of them joined armed forces and some kept Maoist democratic party in India. Nepal Maoist leader prachanda who always fire on India welcomed this
and now whole of nepal was in favour of India. Bhutan having border disputes with china lost its territories due to the effect of war.They were also favourable
to India due to the fact that sea is near through india. Bangladesh and Srilanka were severly warned by India and they stopped relations with china scaring that I
ndia may attack them , but china wouldnt come to its rescue as its nothing for china. Myanmar revolted severly against military rule and it became democratic.
It was now completely out of china's influence and fully supporting india. It reaveled its nuclear programme helped by china and said it is stopping nuclear bomb plan
. Many countries helped myanmar very much in nuclear-electricity as it voluntarily aborted its nuclear program. Feared by terror attacks , India occupied maldives and
Marutius was occupied by NATO as it also could be a threat in 2040 till which every bordering country except pakistan china were very close to us.

Relations with non bordering countries

No need for me to explain the relations with NATO EU and russia. India starts to partner for 6GFA program with Russia. American high tech was available only for india with full TOT.
India's AMCA was highly successful and
was exported to the countries venezula,mexico,israel,iran,myanmar,bangladesh,nepal,bhutan,mangolsia,kazakastan,tajikastan,russia(Naval versions),south korea,srilanka,japan,italy,germany,brazil,
arab countries and many more latin,european and asian countries.........
India now has airbases at myanmar,bhutan,mangolia,kazakastan,tajakistan,russia(bese used to train pilots and store new aircrafts made in russia for india)

Relations with pakistan

Pakistan influenced by US was moving away from china and making away the thought of anti india. Though there were no very good relations with pakistan, it was not bitter.
India went on bilateral trade with pakistan. Chinese occupation of was revolted by pakistanis. The government though unwillingly had to support china.
But pakistan was not happy as whole of is being administered by china. India and pakistan shared strategic dialouge in year 2025. By the time 2035,
with the help of pressure from india, pakistanins succesfully sent american's from pakistan. America though was angry with india for making its influence removed
in asia , was supporting india as common rival is china. Many pakistanis were against china and favoured towards india. Terrorism was completely destroyed by 2035.
Islamic extremists like talibans , LeT...... surrendered and made their way to army or politics just the may as maoists had done. India and pakistan has almost come to an agreement that
IOK will be completely indian territory. Pakistan has lost hope on but was more favourable towards china.

Relations with china didnot progress and indias gdp was increasing rapidly while chinese was decreasing slowly. By 2040 India crossed china
(it would have been reverse if war has not happened)has become fourth most super power.
1st,2nd,3rd being US , Russia and France.

The war 2043-2045

India's target was to become no 1 by 2050 and every thing seemed to be right till India occupied maldives claiming its land and US occupied marutius fearing
India would come furter south. Though both occupied islands on a treaty like basis. Now the fear starts in Srilanka. They scare for probable attack of india.
Mean while LTTE party has won more votes and there were much of tamil's in srilankan army . This scared simhalese and asks world bodies to put pressure on India.
China condemns india for occupying maldives by saying it as potential threat. Pakistan keeps silent and bangladesh also cant speak as it is surrounded 3 sides by
indian army and one side by indian navy. Pakistan,bangladesh,srilanka and china fears probable attack of India with help of russia and US on Bangladesh and srilanka.
Mean while India assures that it doesnt have territory expansion policy to bhutan,nepal and bangladesh . Now it was clear that India had its eye on Srilanka.
Mean while LTTE (half of sri lanka) was in favour of india occupying the island.

China starts making moves. What India done was it did not show its secret military expenditures in budget. Only AF power was known to world. India has advanced and effective nuclear triad in its inventory. Now the situation
is except North korea,srilanka,China and pakistan.


India has advanced multi layer air defences,SAM's,IRBM's,Long range cruise missiles,MIRV's,MKV's,Advanced battle tanks,Hightech warfare,Rockets,MRL's.....etc.
All those are ready and can down a heavy country like china with single time , but India wont use it as Half of IAF can take down china. SFC can act incase of nuclear war.
India is waiting for the oppurtunity,China has taken srilanka issue seriously and marched its troops towards border.
India put its advanced Air defence batteries at border states , important cities,Military areas,Airbases,Nuclear bases,Power plants,Dams and other important areas.
Now the irdefence power of India was known to the complete world. China moves a step back imagining how much missile power would india have.

India has the following massive airpower in its inventory.

All of the below aircraft are upgraded time to time and has aesa radars and ground strike capability.

Tejas MK2/3 - 200
Rafale - 126
Mig35 - 200
Stealth bomber-20
Indeginous bomber-200
Other bomber-150
AWACS - 25

Stealth aircrafts take care of deeper regions in china. Non stealth aircrafts bomb heavily near border areas. India will not attack chinese cities(its against our policy).
But airports are attacked by Stealth bombers/FGFA and Long range Brahmos 3 a2g version at Ultra hypersonic speed (mach 12-16) will hit chinese power plants.
Indian missiles engages chinese nuclear sites and secret bases. FGFA with brahmos3/4 takes care of bunkers. Migs will attack borders to completely down bridges and other military constructions.
PAKFA's will take care of air superiority roles. Su30's and rafales are used to attack deeper inside china after making sure that SAM's of china has down
by Stealth bombers and FGFA's. Mean while our 100 aircrafts are downed due to maintainance problems and 20 su30's(high rcs),10mig35 and 2 rafale,1PAKFA has been lost
due to SAM's. 2 of our AWACS are shot by A2A missiles. Su30's were lost protecting awacs as a suicide body guard. Stealth aircrafts were not used as escorts as A2A missile would hit awaccs directly.

Now we start attacking on all air bases of china by carpet bombing. We had achieved air supermacy over china. By using any 2 of the aircrafts above,
(Rafale and FGFA would be goo combination for long range, 2 mig 35 would be good for ranges up to 1000km,SU30 and Mig35 can be used near borders,SU30 and FGFA
can be used for air supermacy at any distance,SU30's can be used at night time for long ranges,Bombers can be used for very long ranges, Tejas and AMCA can see
the drama and AMCA can be used for nuclear strike.)

Air to ground mode

20 X 250 kg unguided bombs
10 X 500 kg Laser guided bombs
10 X 500 kg Cluster bombs
10 X 200 lb unguided bombs

These bombs can down 2 airbases of china permenantly.
Drop 4X250kg unguided bombs on radar. So use 10X250 kg guided bombs for neutralising radars in the base.
Drop 3X500kg laser gided bombs runways to make it useless.
Drop 3X500kg precision guided munititions on parked aircrafts.
For targets that were not neutralised Drop 5X200lb unguided bombs
and Use 2X500kg cluster bombs to destroy the airbase completely.

India almost destroys all of the airbases of china.India sends its fighters from Foregin airbases to counter china. China attacks indian airbases at mangolia,tajakistan,kazakastan,
bhutan as they are isolated. Now that irritates all other countries. World has been keeping quiet as india is dominating.
The airbases that were still safe are

India hits chinese satellites but china couldnt be able to do so as its space control centres are already bombed by IAF.

India now concentrates on chinese navy.
It sends long range IAF's aircrafts with brahmos and aircraft carriers and submarines to counter chinese aircraft carriers,destroyers,submarines.........
Chinese naval power destroyed!!!(but its not that much easy for IAF to do so it requires timing and precision which is an organ of IAF and IN).
Now Indian navy takes on chinese naval bases. India gets shock war ships not being stealthy were downed by chinese naval base missiles.
India navy stops for 2 days as it underestimated china would counter attack and lost 5 war ships in the dream of ruling chinese waters.
Now naval air arm comes in to play. Navy asks AF to support in bombing chinese naval bases. IAF learnt a lesson from navy's incident and sent its stealth long
range bombers with FGFA's. Navy also sent its aircraft carriers upto which chinese missiles coudnt reach it and has planned to destroy naval bases using AMCA's.
All aircrafts started attacking chinese bases at the same time giving china no time to counter the threat. Chinese missiles and protecting war ships of naval bases
were destroyed. China had a few SAM's in naval bases also but couldnt use it as the attack was unexpected giving no time for china to react.
50% of the chinese SAM's were destroyed(in tibet and parts bordering 2000km from india) and remaining were at bases away from India and major cities(in fear of nuclear war)
So navy could down chinese bases easily.

With this incident sea route for china was no longer available and its link was cut from all friendly countries.
Indian Navy surrounds srilanka and Srilankan tamils start coming on roads for merging srilanka with India. Srilankan army not able to counter India surrenders.
President of srilanka declares it would be merging in Indian union and SL would be divided in to two states one Tamilaeelam and other Simhaland.

Now IAF has shortage of bombs and missiles as it has extensively used Heavy bombing on chinese bases. Remember india has all of its SAM's and air defences around cities and bases.
It has all of its missiles safe and they were ready to launch at any time. IAF disappears for some times and now army makes its move deeper into china , with
heavily armed soldiers , rockets,Multiple launchers like pinaka systems and army helicopters guide them. Army moves its trucks with missile launchers up to middest of
the tibet. Chinese in fear escapes from tibet and tibetians declares independence but still under the control of Indian army. The weapons of india were transported
into deep tibet .



Revolts start in china for end of communism rule in china. People come out of their houses and fights against government. Army being such a huge in number was sent into cities of china to
supress the revolt. Many civilians were killed and people form anti army group which are also armed to counter military.

Now the options with china are Nuclear/Non Nuclear Ballistic missiles , Cruise missiles.Unfortunately china couldnt have bio and chemical weapon technology,
thinking India couldnt cope. But china knows India can stop 90% of their missiles and most of the missiles have been destroyed
on ground itself by IAF heavy bombing and remaining missiles should be preserved for nuke delivery. India was also having extremely effective missile tech developed
with the help of russia , israel and US. China warns of a nuclear attack on India. India scared by a nuclear attack fits nuclear bombs on all stealthy aircraft
which can be launched readily. India doesnt rely on missiles as the bomb may blast in middle only. Chinese airforce 2/3rds being down only has some airbases left
far away from india. World bodies immediately rose their voice by chinese warning that they would react severly if china goes for a nuclear war. Russia and US directly said
they would bomb all of china with nukes if it uses nukes. Nuclear warning was with drawn from china but india still kept their defence systems and nukes in ready mode.
India has occupied unintentionally 90% of as it was under china's control and pakistan regained control on rest of after chinese were weak.
This made a free route from India to Russia via tajakistan and kazakastan airbases. IAF could regain its lost strength and started attacking north east parts
of china and nuclear bases. MOst of chinese nukes were destroyed. India said the war was complete as it regained its territories back and it was in full superiorty.

Unity is strength

Mean while people took control on remaining parts of china and communism came to an end in the world. South koreans had a similar revolted.
It ended it making a single large korea. Democratic govt came into existence for 1st time in china. Imeediately there was a strategic dialouge with india and things were
fine with china. There was a huge rise in Indian stock markets and there were profits every time. China became like Japan and we emerged as new super power.
Pakistanis came out of home and started for merging it into new super power india. People argued we lived for 800 years togeather. Britishers parted us and from then every
country tried to conquer us like US and china and tried for the best advantage they can get. They exploited our resources. Indians didnt think us as enemies except for
kashmir and terrorism. Lets live togeather. Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai. India welcomes this decision and thus unification of india is complete. USI,china,russia and israel
formed as MATO thus becoming a new power after NATO. This was undigestable to US as we occupied its position every where.

The Most funniest and Stupidest thread ever posted in PDF i couldn't finish reading i was laughing cauz of the content

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