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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

Alternately one could argue that Indira Gandhi, through her support for terrorists/rebels in East Pakistan, her role in pouring fuel on the fire of civil conflict in East Pakistan and therefore playing a significant role in the breakup of formerly United Pakistan, set the stage for the subsequent decades of Pakistani distrust of Indian intentions, and contributed to the current impasse.

Alternately, if Nehru had implemented a UN conducted plebiscite, with both sides retaining control of the territory they controlled during the plebiscite, rather than resorting to legalistic semantics as excuses to avoid a plebiscite (since the very same legal semantics did not prevent Nehru/India from invading, occupying and annexing Junagadh), J&K would not still be a festering dispute and the history of relations between the two nations could be very different.

true... and very conveniently completely forget 1965 unilateral aggression on Kashmir???
compared to occupied Kashmir, it's more than even "semi automous"

they hold local elections and in fact until only recently, Pakistani mainstream political parties were not even allowed to operate in that area --one which has its own PM, legislative assembly, its own Supreme Court and a High Court....it's own local news outlets as well

militarized? well, yes. Resistance to military or Pakistan --- none......in worst case scenario -- minimal (if any).

HUGE difference between Azad Kashmir and iOk, ground realities speak for themselves....though if you like we can continue this discussion on Kashmir in Kashmir Affairs section.
compared to occupied Kashmir, it's more than even "semi automous"

they hold local elections and in fact until only recently, Pakistani mainstream political parties were not even allowed to operate in that area --one which has its own PM, legislative assembly, its own Supreme Court and a High Court....it's own local news outlets as well

militarized? well, yes. Resistance to military or Pakistan --- none......in worst case scenario -- minimal (if any).

HUGE difference between Azad Kashmir and iOk, ground realities speak for themselves....though if you like we can continue this discussion on Kashmir in Kashmir Affairs section.

If all this rosy, why not do plebiscite to show world?
it would have to be carried out jointly, as Kashmir in its entirety is disputed territory between both parties

and i didnt say everything is 'rosy' on our side either....but everything here is relative.
Nixon went berserk over Indias plans Indira still could have had Pakistan at Shimla but instead decided to forget about the western front thinking that some idiotic agreement would settle disputes when it did not since neither country accepted the status quo over control of Kashmir

Indira should have just attacked under the umbrella of the Soviets because neither America or China would have fked with them over that
Any idiot can plan anything, execution is a totally different matter. :)
Now it is a waste of time to discuss what could have happened. If india was going to attack West Pakistan and did not, then it lost its chance. But no one is stopping it from trying to do it now. Lets see how much balls india has.

Very soon after 2014, Kashmir insurgency will start, so I suggest to the indians to launch a preemptive strike on Pakistan.

We promise to be nice........:devil:
Now it is a waste of time to discuss what could have happened. If india was going to attack West Pakistan and did not, then it lost its chance. But no one is stopping it from trying to do it now. Lets see how much balls india has.

Very soon after 2014, Kashmir insurgency will start, so I suggest to the indians to launch a preemptive strike on Pakistan.

We promise to be nice........:devil:


Favorite Pakistani wet dream.
Now it is a waste of time to discuss what could have happened. If india was going to attack West Pakistan and did not, then it lost its chance. But no one is stopping it from trying to do it now. Lets see how much balls india has.

Very soon after 2014, Kashmir insurgency
will start, so I suggest to the indians to launch a preemptive strike on Pakistan.

We promise to be nice........:devil:

Ya then we will be sitting and scratching our balls..............................
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