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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

Well the show is out for the whole world to see what Pakistan did with Indian allies they were blindly riding. Indian ambitions for past 63 years have been total anhillation of Pakistan because they cannot beat down anyone into submission as long Pakistan sticks like a thorn in their policies. Imagine with no Pakistan all the small south asian countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Kashmir will not dare oppose a word against India.

Back then the United States was popular due to its fair play policy and Soviets were the evil repressive forces. Its clear to see that they did not jump to protect Pakistan for its mistakes. Yes East-Pakistan was being repressed and yes they launched a rebellion and this was all internal matter of Pakistan. The Americans did not approve of Pakistani attrocities or took sides no matter how strong the alliance was. However the words in bold are ironic as America is totally doing the opposite right now. Invading Iraq and Afghanistan to install democracy.
kashmir is an indian state and it will remain indian state ok.
IMO India lack leaders who have guts... They keep wasting oportunities to teach lesson to our beloved neighbors who do not let any stone unturned to destabalize us... the recent one was mumbai attacks... clearly indicating the state of so called stateless terrorists...

US do arm twisting because we allow that... peace...
IMO India lack leaders who have guts... They keep wasting oportunities to teach lesson to our beloved neighbors who do not let any stone unturned to destabalize us... the recent one was mumbai attacks... clearly indicating the state of so called stateless terrorists...

US do arm twisting because we allow that... peace...

Not really.. I dont know if any attack on or war with Pakistan could have inflicted a worse damage that has already in place without India risking any of its assets/growth.. Read this 9 year old article and see how accurate the predictions have been (directionally)

I don't know the article is true or false. But We all respect Indira Gandhi (except Bluestar). I wish, another lady will born again.

Pakistan had few leaders (Few Army dictator) who were courageous to take India and Inspite of all our capability, We failed to take Kashmir back. If Pakistan had capability, surely they would never missed it. But we missed. We even didn't initiated any war. Our defence remained as defensive. Hope another lady or any strong leader will represent our country again. I am sure, it will sooner or later.

As of now, We lack only strong leader. May be good for the economy and International relation. But we need to face the threat last time in century. So, That we not only win, We don't leave any chance for revival.

i hope you find a better English teacher :laugh:

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

'giving your enemies a beating that they will not forget even after you are long gone'..that is not winning a war but making history.

funny thing is, 10 unruly lightly armed kids did the same thing to the people in your financial capital
i hope you find a better English teacher :laugh:

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

funny thing is, 10 unruly lightly armed kids did the same thing to the people in your financial capital

So you are proud of those 10 kids, that they made history.
i would have loved to see what indra would have did is she would have been alive there was a col in my city he told us in a school confrence that indra was hell bent to attack pak again
i hope you find a better English teacher :laugh:

---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

funny thing is, 10 unruly lightly armed kids did the same thing to the people in your financial capital

And I thought you had a military linkage.. Funny that you would compare a terror attack with a war.. Is that the level to which concepts of military deteriorated to in Pakistan that you see little difference between your soldiers and terrorists.. ?? Anyway, more power to you mate..

May be Mullen has a point :)
Factually incorrect. Nuclear, the origin of the Green revolution etc predated her & the missile program & IT were primarily in the government of Rajiv Gandhi though the IT revolution was largely a private companies led affair starting with Texas instruments opening an office in Bangalore.

Indira Gandhi had only one major success & that was the 1971 war. She came perilously close to damaging the Indian constitution, its judiciary & its democracy by her autocratic actions. Her economic policies, now thankfully jettisoned only served to keep India as a third world state. Her policies in Punjab caused the largest fissure in the Indian state & thousand of lives were lost to her short sightedness. Her Kashmir policy which was continued by her son in the now infamous 1987 elections are why we see the state in a flux even today. Both of these states fell victim to her political maneuvering & a heavy price was & is being paid. Her patronising of the LTTE was disastrous and eventually ended with the taking of her son's life among countless others.

Passage of time & a lack of inclination in the present generation to read & understand history is primarily the reason for this glorification of Indira Gandhi. While she certainly had her pluses, she also had a truckload of minuses that should not be overlooked.

Don;t be tooo harsh, it is impossible to judge someone who never finished what she set off to do. If Pakistan was taken care and broken up, would Kashmir even be relevant? No it wouldn;t. Neither would Golden Temple Fiasco in which case the terrorists were in fact supported by the ISI, so dig a little deeper before you sprout nonsense. Of course, her economic policies were a failure but in the end, India;s success today is partly contribted to her. She understand INdia is young, and if she opened her doors wide open, the ppl would not be able to grasp the differences so quickly. Her plan was in theory great, but it never worked out due to a variety of reasons. Anyhow, with the removal of such policies India was able to bear fruit due to her isolation. In fact, as the world suffers from a world wid recession, think about how the domestic, insular INdia economy is protected and still strong. Think before you jump and shout.
Don;t be tooo harsh, it is impossible to judge someone who never finished what she set off to do.
You are right but i believe there are many of her minuses which are good enough for us to conclude that only good work worth mentioning about her tenure is 1971 war..... With China on one hand and US on other she surely was an Iron lady...Otherwise she did her best to trash our constituion as well as thanks to her Punjab was a living hell for almost a decade.

If Pakistan was taken care and broken up, would Kashmir even be relevant? No it wouldn;t.
Don't be mistaken. Geo-politics would have never let that happen.

Neither would Golden Temple Fiasco in which case the terrorists were in fact supported by the ISI, so dig a little deeper before you sprout nonsense.
Well chill and better read the history books please.... Golden temple fiasco had no ISI role...Bhindrawala was IG creation and not ISI...Punjab militancy was supported by them post Golden Temple fiasco and 84 riots...But who is to blame for it??? Don't we blame Pakistan for 71??? The created conditions which allowed India to take advantage of. How is this any different???

Of course, her economic policies were a failure but in the end, India;s success today is partly contribted to her.
I am at loss here....How on this earth you can relate a decade old economic success with her???

She understand INdia is young, and if she opened her doors wide open, the ppl would not be able to grasp the differences so quickly.
What are you smoking mate??? is that even a logical response??? It was only when we were about to be bankrupt that we finally opened our gates...it was a bad move from vote bank politics perspective and that was the reason our so called leaders never did what should have been done long before...have no doubt about it...

Her plan was in theory great, but it never worked out due to a variety of reasons. Anyhow, with the removal of such policies India was able to bear fruit due to her isolation.
India suffered a lot due to its so called isolation... Look at china in the east. They broke this so called isolation a decade earlier then us and see where they are...

In fact, as the world suffers from a world wid recession, think about how the domestic, insular INdia economy is protected and still strong. Think before you jump and shout.
I am not sure if you are in favor of current economic policies or against it..Make your point clear and i can respond....
Agreed, china broke off its isolation path but you think CHina;s 10 yr head start is the difference you are seeing today? Not at all, the policy was iin place for at least 1-2 decades before in China with long term planning under Deng guidance. India lacked the right political support. That;s why when folks bad mouth commnism and cheer democracy, I laugh. The Chinese and even some INdians understood, that in theory its great but to reap its full potnential, the ppl must be educated on how to see it for the greater good not personal good.

I am in favor of the current economic policies but I was trying to point out that India;s Isolation worked out in her favor. Times were rough back then but there was plan but it did not see fruit. I compare it to China and how the Chinese leaders saw that her ppl needed to be weary and aware of Western society. In India, many don;t have a clue, especially if you are from the lower strata of society. Look at how how developed countries are going back to old ways in terms of cooking, green products, etc. India is suffering more now, as it readily absorbs all this but the ppl don;t understand the wide long term implications. Look at the rate o obseity in India, the increase of cancers and heart disease? Hell, look at how the jute industry was almost destroyed and reduced to a low leve. We love to use plastic bags yet lack any means of sanitation. Indians want these products but there is no long term vision of the harm of such products. Take a look at the US, they are trying to revive the slow food movement, reduce plastic bag conumption, even cig companies make most of their profit in places like India due to lax laws. Our ppl suffer while the politicans get ****** rich. The sad part is when India is in deeply terrible position, these scumbags will fly off with their hden wealt. In order for India to truly succeed, we need to educate out ppl. Socialism may sound bad but ideally it is a great principle but nobody had been able to show its true potential except maybe Cuba, even so you will have naysayers.
Don't be mistaken. Geo-politics would have never let that happen. That;s what I was referring to when I said INdira knew India was "young." I agree though for the most part Socialism was bad but it was an experience and hopefully India learned from its mistakes.

As for Punjab militancy, I could have swore I read somewhere it was supported, trained and partly funded by ISI. I don;t know what IG is, but of course there was a strong Kalistani element. Nonetheless ISI jumped on the opportunity when it presented itself.
Agreed, china broke off its isolation path but you think CHina;s 10 yr head start is the difference you are seeing today? Not at all, the policy was iin place for at least 1-2 decades before in China with long term planning under Deng guidance. India lacked the right political support. That;s why when folks bad mouth commnism and cheer democracy, I laugh. The Chinese and even some INdians understood, that in theory its great but to reap its full potnential, the ppl must be educated on how to see it for the greater good not personal good.

1-2 decades??? are you sure about it??? I know when you change your economic model things take time before they pay results but 1-2 decades??? This is a big overstatement...Of-course you don't open your markets just like that and you plan the move...China is ahead of us by a big margin and the 10 year head start is a major factor in it...Don't ignore it...If you have doubts compare the performance of China and India before 80's...No doubt each system has its flaws. However if you count the number of succesful countries then apart from China i see only democracies...Does that say anything to you???

I am in favor of the current economic policies but I was trying to point out that India;s Isolation worked out in her favor.
I have removed rest of the point because you are going all over...Look my point is that since we were a closed economy(we still have lot of issues there) it resulted in very slow growth. We have suffered a lot and our leaders are to blame for it...IG(Indira Gandhi) is one of them...period...

As for Punjab militancy, I could have swore I read somewhere it was supported, trained and partly funded by ISI. I don;t know what IG is, but of course there was a strong Kalistani element. Nonetheless ISI jumped on the opportunity when it presented itself.

IG means indira gandhi..my bad....anyways you need to read more on this subject....
I think she died , did not notice the body guard did not like her very much

His body guard had 99 problems , that ... &&&& ain't one....

No more is how it goes
Sure indira made plans, but she never went through with them. Indians make plans against Pakistan every day, but do they ever go through? No. It well never happen.

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