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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind


Sep 18, 2009
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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind


Akshaya Mishra May 23, 2011

Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s Sri Lankan strategy was a mixture of contradictions. It reflected Cold War calculations, rather than purely Indian strategic compulsions. The LTTE’s war to create a separate state for Tamils called Eelam proved a handy tool for Indira to work India into a role in Sri Lanka, but her mistake was to presume she could manage the conflict without letting it get out of hand.

Former Indian Prime Minister, the Late Indira Gandhi planned to escalate LTTE’s armed struggle to a certain level and use that as negotiating leverage to settle the (Tamil) issue in a peaceful way in Sri Lanka.

In the 1980s, India and Sri Lanka belonged to separate Cold War camps, with the former aligning with the now splintered Soviet Union and the island nation with the US. Though India under Indira did not share bad vibes with the Lankan leadership, it was an uneasy relationship to some degree.

Indira took active interest in resolving the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, yet she also provided training to rebel Tamil youths. The Indian government convened a meeting of both sides in the ethnic conflict at Thimpu in Bhutan to thrash out a solution. While playing big brother, it also allowed the LTTE and other militant groups to set up base in Tamil Nadu. Tamil separatists received funding and weapons from private sources as well.

In an exclusive interview to VK Shashikumar of Mediagrove, LTTE leader Kumaran Pathmanathan (“KP”), who is now in Sri Lankan custody, says that India started training the Tamil rebels in the early 1980s around the time when peace talks were floundering

“The talks were called Thimpu talks (held in Bhutan). But the talks failed. Around that time the Indian government gave (military) training to Tamil youths. So we (LTTE) had a base in Tamil Nadu. We had a (military) base in India. All the four Tamil (militant) groups, very strong groups, were trained and armed by India. Like I told you, that was the Cold War period and the international environment was such.”

What was Mrs Gandhi’s gameplan in training the Tamil groups? According to KP, “During that time it was Mrs Gandhi’s idea that she may be able to escalate LTTE’s armed struggle to a certain level and use that as negotiating leverage to settle the (Tamil) issue in a peaceful way. Unfortunately, she was gone (assassinated in 1984).”

In the final analysis, Mrs Gandhi’s decision to play with fire ended up scorching her own son and successor, Rajiv Gandhi. She herself went down to bullets fired by her own bodyguards – both strongly influenced by Sikh extremists taking revenge for “Operation Bluestar,” when the Indian Army entered the Golden Temple to flush out Sikh militants.

KP also says that the LTTE’s ties with India started souring around the time Rajiv Gandhi came into the picture. “He (Rajiv) was a modern leader and he was very fast (with decisions). His approach was different. By then RAW (Indian spy agency Research & Analysis Wing) was heavily involved with all the Tamil groups. It was at that time that a misunderstanding between Prabhakaran and RAW started.”

KP does not say what the misunderstanding was, but obviously the LTTE had developed a wariness about Indira and her son Rajiv well before the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord to send in the IPKF was signed.

He says: “Sri Lankan President Jayewardene and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi tried to sort it out. But again LTTE did not accept the proposals. Rajiv Gandhi pushed (for it) and so LTTE reluctantly came to an agreement (referring to the India-Sri Lanka Accord). But actually LTTE rejected the agreement (internally).”

So much for India’s involvement with the militant movement in Lanka, but was the reverse also true? Was the LTTE also training the Maoists in India to take on the state? KP says it wasn’t the case as long as he was at the helm.

Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind | Firstpost
Thats true, what can you do about that, She was the last PM of India who had a vision for South Asia as a whole. Why are you pointing your hands at her. Even our late Chief Minister MGR supported LTTE directly. you have to understand that these people are not emotional idiots who will turn a blind eye as the current government did when you killed the Tamils. My late PM Indra Gandhi and late CM MGR saw what your government and army was doing(Systematic Genocide). You have to read facts why LTTE was formed, they became a formidable fighting force to your army because of your armies atrocities against the Men, Women and Children of Tamils
Thats true, what can you do about that, She was the last PM of India who had a vision for South Asia as a whole. Why are you pointing your hands at her. Even our late Chief Minister MGR supported LTTE directly. you have to understand that these people are not emotional idiots who will turn a blind eye as the current government did when you killed the Tamils. My late PM Indra Gandhi and late CM MGR saw what your government and army was doing(Systematic Genocide). You have to read facts why LTTE was formed, they became a formidable fighting force to your army because of your armies atrocities against the Men, Women and Children of Tamils

Why did Sri Lanka wanted the Tamils to behave themselves ? Because the Tamils (Indians) wanted to split Sri lanka into two pieces and declare the Northern part as Tamil Homeland.
Why did Sri Lanka wanted the Tamils to behave themselves ? Because the Tamils (Indians) wanted to split Sri lanka into two pieces and declare the Northern part as Tamil Homeland.

No, it did not start that way. Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians. In fact, their Tamil is also different, they speak a version of Tamil which is supposedly purer, with lesser influence of Sanskrit. However, Sri Lankan Tamils, due to early adoption of education ( and English), occupied all the top posts in Sri Lanka. To counter this the Sinhalese nationalists started discriminating against the Tamils and Tamil Language. And they were quite brutal about it. That said, LTTE morphed into a monster after Indian support and they killed moderate Tamil leaders too. What Indira did was wrong and India paid a heavy price for it. But, at least, India owned up to the mistake and did a late course correction. History here serves to teach us that violence begets violence and the hand that feeds violence is the one which is bitten eventually.
No, it did not start that way. Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians. In fact, their Tamil is also different, they speak a version of Tamil which is supposedly purer, with lesser influence of Sanskrit. However, Sri Lankan Tamils, due to early adoption of education ( and English), occupied all the top posts in Sri Lanka. To counter this the Sinhalese nationalists started discriminating against the Tamils and Tamil Language. And they were quite brutal about it. That said, LTTE morphed into a monster after Indian support and they killed moderate Tamil leaders too. What Indira did was wrong and India paid a heavy price for it. But, at least, India owned up to the mistake and did a late course correction. History here serves to teach us that violence begets violence and the hand that feeds violence is the one which is bitten eventually.

+1 Tamil took up arms only after the sinhalese oppression started and later RAW gave a big boost to LTTE...we later paid a heavy price for that act.....the day LTTE killed our beloved rajiv tamils in india woke up and disowned LTTE completely.Even karuna later admitted it:

Killing Rajiv was a mistake: former Tamil Tiger - India News - IBNLive
this is all what india is good at, supporting non state terrorist actors...
is that a point to refuse ? :P

Whose refusing? read my post above i have clearly said we DID support LTTE but that was then....india has long closed that chapter for good.India learned it the hard way...if you play with fire you will definitely get burned one day.
Whose refusing? read my post above i have clearly said we DID support LTTE but that was then....india has long closed that chapter for good.India learned it the hard way...if you play with fire you will definitely get burned one day.

alright, has india officially apologized to Sri Lanka yet or not? how about the successful story of supporting non state actor mukti bani ?
and the witch knew her business well. She was solid spoiled all their plans. No new leaders come to mind who can stand up to USA like that. She did what was strategically right for india. Breaking pakistan permanently was one such. She was a great leader. I wish all countries have such good leaders.
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