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Indira Gandhi assassination scene

For the time being. Congress still sees Kashmir as India's internal matter. Unless there's a fundamental shift in Congress' thinking, I'll be content with the way things are going in India right now.

So, you want us to hand over Kashmir to you on a platter. Just like that? You'll have to fight for it first.

However, my personal views on the Kashmir issue are slightly differently from official Congress position which I have conveyed in another thread. I believe in a plebiscite for the Kashmiris, Jammu & Ladakh to go to India, and no status quo change in Pakistan-administered Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan, let them remain with Pakistan.
Pups: Raul and Bianca Ghandy

Bitch: Sonia Ghandy

Any now you wonder why we are plotting to destroy the India that was founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (and Mountbatten, of course).

Nehru fought off Jinnah for a bigger territory of land where Hindus could be the majority. And this is how you thank us?

You Sanghi-brainwashed people are simply ungrateful..

We (Congressis) created this India in 1947. We can destroy it and start all over again. That's the extent to which we are willing to go.

We should have just handed over more territories of this country to Pakistan in 1947. Seeing that you lot don't deserve to be the custodians.
But, I'm sure there isn't a forum left in either India or Pakistan which would support Indira Gandhi. And some wounds are very deep.
Yes Sir! Indeed.
For pakistanis she did a evil political move and interfered in our internal matter of east pakistan . She managed to make Bangladesh but in the long run started a khalistan and Kashmir movement. And I personally feel Kashmir movement became stronger because of 1971.And she destroyed all chances of peace between India and pakistan.
For indians she caused disrespect to Sikh religion and was responsible for genocide of Sikhs in Punjab.
There are few well wishers of that evil woman.
Any now why we are plotting to destroy the India that was founded by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (and Mountbatten, of course).

Nehru fought off Jinnah for a bigger territory of land where Hindus could be the majority. And this is how you thank us?

You Sanghi-brainwashed people are simply ungrateful..

We (Congressis) created this India in 1947. We can destroy it and start all over again. That's the extent to which we are willing to go.
India was not "created" in 1947

thanks to Raul Ghandy, the congress is irrelevant anyway.

I'd like to see him humiliated further in Wayanad, nevermind, let it be someone way further left of him, a salafist even... lol

The Famiglia is finito, khallas, if you will. :)

My grandpa was a personal aide to chacha in the early days, quit multiple times on ideological grounds and chacha persuaded him back.. still, **** them :) _|_
However, my personal views on the Kashmir issue are slightly differently from official Congress position which I have conveyed in another thread. I believe in a plebiscite for the Kashmiris, Jammu & Ladakh to go to India, and no status quo change in Pakistan-administered Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan, let them remain with Pakistan.
Respect to you for atleast not showing hypocricy and giving kashmiris their right of plebiscite and showing democratic values.
But one correction here if you conduct plebiscite I am almost sure Jammu and ladakh won't go to India.
Pups: Raul and Bianca Ghandy

Bitch: Sonia Ghandy
LOL. And what are you views on your two BJP MPs - Maneka Gandhi or is it Maneka Ghandy? And Varun Gandhi or Varun Ghandy?
Its never too late bro.:D

We're not in charge anymore. Why don't you help us?

Dushman ka dushman=DOST, something like that

LOL. And what are you views on your two BJP MPs - Maneka Gandhi or is it Maneka Ghandy? And Varun Gandhi or Varun Ghandy?

They're not really a part of the original Nehru-Gandhi family, now? Are they? They have been thrown out long back.

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