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Indigenously Developed Missile System Successfully Flight Tested In Odisha

I will answer you line by line....
You can't claim anything because you beggers have invented Nothing other than different ways to beg...
Yes we have poverty and we are working on it with our own resources. But you will Not understand because you have only seen your so called leadership Going abord and beg... This is the reality of your beloved mulk...
Be it one or thousand you beggers drink camel piss and this is the reason why you are asking for proof... Purani aadat h proof maangne ki...
And it was your ancestors who were ruled buchered and converted... For us , none of the Mughals were enough to force us to convert...
It was you guys who opned up your legs and converted...
Beggars+ begging= Pakistan
On a Pakistani forum, whom are you insulting man??
Dude, seems your brain was fitted by DRDO.
Everything India makes is indigenous, next generation and has no other parallel and after a single test it becomes the war winner.....didn't you say the same about your Tejas, Arjuns, Sitara and some missiles.
Since you have a habit of boxing above weight, let me tell you a little secret, your much vaunted purchase of S-400, has been compromised even before it's delivered....so better to protect your own a$$ rather than dreaming otherwise.
We all know what's happens to all their 'indigenous' products, in the end it will be subpar, shoved into the throats of their military and then they will import again.
Pathetic!!! After claiming brahmos can cure cancer , bharatis have a new song to dance too.
भारत एक प्रक्षेपित यान शक्ति के रूप में ऊजवल हो रहा है।शत्रु यह देख कर अचंबित है,शत्रु किन्तु एक बात से अवगत नही है कि अखंड भारत सपना नही संकल्प है हमारा।
Here let me type the ideal words for you.
You are a dimwit.

Just because something is hard for you to accept and digest, you consider it a lie.
Well the irony is that the report was also carried by the Indian media....now what do you have to say about that.

Im asking for links/proof but you are busy spitting venom. Just prsent the lroof that s400 is compromised. Thats it. Present the proof rather saying left n right.

Links must have concrete proof that Indias 'yet to be delivered s400 is compromised'
A moron who finds a voice on the Pakistani forum is boxing above his weight.
First feed your soldiers a decent meal before talking on technology.
In case you don't know, the likes of Shaheen, Babur or Nasr don't exactly need a moped engine.

Our not so decently fed soldiers show what they are capable of in surgical strike. Our weight is so high that our enemy's back side starts burning even before we punch.

We all know what's happens to all their 'indigenous' products, in the end it will be subpar, shoved into the throats of their military and then they will import again.

Like you guys importing fourth generation plane su 30 and Su 35 after having fifth generation fighter plane (so called) J 20.?
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Our not so decently fed soldiers show what they are capable of in surgical strike. Our weight is so high that our enemy's back side starts burning even before we punch.

Like you guys importing fourth generation plane su 30 and Su 35 after having fifth generation fighter plane (so called) J 20.
Hahaha we import a batch for testing not reject our own weapons. Last I heard you can't even make a decent rifle. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Unlike you we don't habit of talking from our backsides, it's only in your nature to start shouting every time you put a nut to a bolt.
You can't shout because you can't even put a nut to a bolt 100 % by yourself... Remember 58%?? And your backside is has become backwaters of Kerala by fighting others war for 15 years

Yea, do you remember wetting your Dhotis over mere 8 F-16s....next time think twice before even considering yourself a micropower.

US decision to sell F-16 aircraft to Pakistan disappointing, says India

A thread exists on this very forum.
Why should we allow even 1 f16 to enemies...
We did that successfully... What have you achieved??from su35 to s400
Elite troll...
Hahaha we import a batch for testing not reject our own weapons. Last I heard you can't even make a decent rifle. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ohhhh you bought 24 Su 35 for testing? Testing for what? Du you want to test aerodynamics of your third generation Junk 20?
dont listen to windi... he is a nut. his ancestors were part of cowards who laid down the arms to Gen Jagjit Singh Arora....

i am not listening to anyone, but this is indeed laughable:

This is totally a new technology. India has entered into a new phase of very fast and very long range Aor to Air and Surface to air missiles technology.

Akash Mk1, QR sam, Akash MK2 and now Ramjet based SAM will come with a very long range. In A to A mode, It will have ultra long range in league of METEOR. This is a great development. New @$$ kicking technologies are coming to which India's enemy has no counter. Better they stay away.
@HRK why negative rating? dont you see how rest of pakistani gang make derogatory comment about us? why dont you give negative comments to everyone?
you have report option use .....
J-20 had to famously change its engines more than three times ,they can't seem to get the right engine for it , currently is the same as in J-10c ,cpc military commision members calles it a great disappointment.

But 50 cent army projects this aerodynamic disaster as F22 beater.
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