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Indigenous civilian plane to be based on Indo-Russian MRTA plane?

Does Indians know the meaning of 'Indigenous'?

Co-devlopment on the MTA with the Russians will lead to a highly indigenous civil airliner that is built,tested and maintained in India mflrma first try it is not bad way to go at all.

On the other hand, if India were to go the 100% indigenous route you guys would be a ranting and raving about the delays.

At least now they seem to listen to me, or am I the DM? :lol:
@sancho for DM!!!

(Although I wouldn't agree with some of the purchases you'd push for)
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Does Indians know the meaning of 'Indigenous'?

Ill try to define the Indian version of Indigenous with my own company. We produce LED bulbs for the American market for making a bulb i need a aluminum casing which if i produce it in-house will cost me a lot of money and time.

So we have outsourced the work to a Chinese partner company to whom we supply the design specifications and they supply us with the finished product.

The end product is Indian though the casing was made by our Chinese partner company the simple logic is "WE SHOULD NOT TRY TO REINVENT THE WHEEL"

Our strength is design their strength is manufacturing combined together we can produce a economically feasible product which if done by myself becomes economically not feasible.

The above lesson is a hard earned one because it took me years to realize that one company cannot master all technologies to survive the competition.

If the wheel is already available we should use it. NO REINVENTING!
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