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India's War On Islaam

The Hindu genocide that Hindus and the world forgot
When we can rise your voice for 2,000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not? Why were the guilty not brought to book? A crime like genocide usually involves established institutions like governments or nations. For the criminals to be brought to book, one needs a dedicated champion like the legendary Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, or a driven community, who share a commonality with the victims and will not let the perpetrators to rest. The Hindu community has neither.

When we can rise our voice for 2,000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?

Public memory is short and fleeting. Events register momentarily like a blip on a radar and are then consigned to some dark corner of our cerebral galaxy. The brain needs to be bombarded with repetitive stimuli or jolted by a single moral turpitude of seismic proportions to evoke a strong and sustained re-sponse. In the absence of such reinforcement, a thought fades away from ones mind and that is the unfortunate tragedy of the Bangladesh genocide.

To ascertain the etiology of this amnesia or selective attention deficit we need to delve deeper into the details of this gory chapter of South Asia. In a massive military operation, code named Operation Searchlight aimed at crushing Bengali aspirations of autonomy, the Pakistan army in March of 1971 unleashed a deadly reign of terror that killed about 3 million Bangladeshis and forced another 10 million to seek refuge across the border in India.

Estimates of the actual numbers vary from a ridiculous low 26,000 put out by the Pakistan government (Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission) to a high of 3 million circulating in the international media. In a preface to this massacre, Yahya Khan, the military dictator of Pakistan at that time is supposed to have remarked: “Kill 3 million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands.” (Pierre, Stephen and Robert Payne (1973), Massacre, New York: Macmillan, p 50). The official position from Bangla-desh concurs with the figure of 3 million.

R.J. Rummel in his book, Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 (ch.8) concludes: “Consoli-dating both ranges, I give a final estimate of Pakistan’s democide to be 300,000 to 3,000,000, or a prudent 1,500,000.” Even this figure of 1.5 million places this massacre high up in the list of notable world genocides. While the number killed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (in excess of 2 million) may top the Bangladesh genocide, it was carried out over a period of four years in comparison to the nine-month deadly rampage of the Pakistan army: a chilling testimony to the awesome brutality of this massacre.
Who bore the brunt of this genocide? Was it the Bengali Muslims? Were the Bengali Hindus selectively targeted? Or did both communities suffer equally? It is important to know the actual distribution of the casualties for therein may lay the clue to the big unanswered question: Why were the guilty not brought to book?
The killings were not random acts of response to a mass uprising but a meticulously crafted strategy of selective victimization as Rummel indicates in his book: “In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) (General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan and his top generals) also planned to murder its Bengali intellectual, cultural, and political elite. They also planned to indiscriminately murder hundreds of thousands of its Hindus and drive the rest into India. And they planned to destroy its economic base to insure that it would be subordinate to West Pakistan for at least a generation to come. This despicable and cutthroat plan was outright genocide.”

A report in the Sunday Times, London (June 13, 1971) corroborates the existence of such a diabolical blueprint: “The government’s policy for East Bengal was spelled out to me in the Eastern Command headquarters at Dacca. It has three elements: 1. The Bengalis have proved themselves unreliable and must be ruled by West Pakistanis; 2. The Bengalis will have to be re-educated along proper Islamic lines. The — Islamization of the masses — this is the official jargon — is intended to eliminate secessionist tendencies and provide a strong religious bond with West Pakistan; 3. When the Hindus have been eliminated by death and fight, their property will be used as a golden carrot to win over the under -privileged Muslim middle-class. This will provide the base for erecting administrative and political structures in the future.”

In a report submitted to the US Senate Judiciary Commit-tee (November 1, 1971) Senator Edward Kennedy further confirms this persecution of Hindus: “Field reports to the US government, countless eye-witness journalistic ac-counts, reports of international agencies such as World Bank and additional information available to the subcommittee document the reign of terror which grips East Bengal (East Pakistan). Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community, who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked ‘H.’ All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad.”

An article in Time magazine dated August 2, 1971 titled Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal (external link) categorically concluded: “The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Muslim military hatred.”

All this evidence clearly indicates that the Hindu community of Bangladesh was the specially culled out by the Pakistan army for this inhuman treatment. Coming to specifics, let us see whether we can ascertain with a fair degree of accuracy, the ball park figures for the Hindus killed or driven from their homes.
In the senate judiciary committee report, Kennedy indicates that 80 percent of the refugees were Hindu that is 8 of the 10 million; a figure in line with the Time magazine report that suggests that three-fourths of the refugees were Hindu.

The percentage figures follow the same pattern when we look at the people killed. Shrinandan Vyas in an article in The Hindu titled Hindu Genocide in East Pakistan uses population statistics from the Bangladesh Ministry of Planning, Bureau of Statistics to extrapolate the number of Hindus killed by the Pakistan army: a mind-numbing figure of 2.4 million equivalents to 80 percent of the overall total of 3 million emerges.

While this is not an attempt to underplay or trivialize the sacrifices of Bangladeshis as a whole (Muslim intellectuals were also killed in large numbers), it cannot be denied that the Hindu community of Bangladesh accounted for an astronomically disproportionate share of the dead and paid a price that was more than its due.

A crime like genocide usually involves established institutions like governments or nations. For the criminals to be brought to book one needs a dedicated champion like the legendary Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, or a driven community who share a commonality with the victims and will not let the perpetrators to rest. The Hindu community has neither.

Logically it would fall upon the Bangladesh government to relentlessly pursue the executors of this horrific massacre. After some half-hearted attempts in the immediate post — 1971 periods, the Bangladesh government has relegated this issue to a back burner. Why they have done so is intriguing? Does it have to do something with Islamic brotherhood and the fact that the victims happened to be predominantly Hindu?

What about the Hindus themselves? The Hindus, wherever they maybe, are afflicted with a strange psychic malady that inhibits them from standing up for their rights or highlighting atrocities committed against them. Moreover those Hindus, who do so are shouted down by their own brethren. However, in defense of Bangladeshi Hindus, I must say that the continued oppressive religious environment in that country makes any such protest impossible, especially with their limited numbers.

The only other lobby with a special interest in this matter was predominantly Hindu India. I have always felt that India owes a moral responsibility to the Hindus left behind in Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1947. While the Muslim minority of India became a part of a secular republic with equal rights, the Hindu minority of Pakistan (and later Bangladesh) were relegated to second class status through no fault of theirs.

Could India with its famed free and secular media have played a key role? Yes, it certainly could have. And should have. But did not.

To side with Hindus even if they are right is akin to blasphemy in the vaunted circles of the free Indian media. How else can you explain the relentless crusade against the Gujarat riots that persists even to this day in comparison with the near total silence on the monumental genocide that obliterated 2.4 million Hindus from the face of the earth or the shoddy treatment meted out to the continued ethnic cleansing of a quarter million Hindus from Kashmir?

All atrocities regardless of the color, caste, creed or religion of the victims must be condemned fair and square and the perpetrators relentlessly pursued till eternity if need be and brought to book. When we can raise your voice for 2,000 Muslims, (the official figures are much less) killed in Gujarat and we should, we must cry from the roof tops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?

As far as I know any separatist movement would be quashed down by the state, of which it has the full right to. Pakistan did the same in 1971 civil war and balchistan insurgency. Why the incessant blame on india?

communal riots every year which results in thousands of muslims/christians dead are not a separatist movements they are just hatred for muslims/christians living in india.

Its a joke who says hindus and muslims cannot live together.

so says a Facist hindu hiding behind a muslim name can't get more funny than this :rofl:

The Hindu genocide that Hindus and the world forgot
When we can rise your voice for 2,000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not? Why were the guilty not brought to book? A crime like genocide usually involves established institutions like governments or nations. For the criminals to be brought to book, one needs a dedicated champion like the legendary Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, or a driven community, who share a commonality with the victims and will not let the perpetrators to rest. The Hindu community has neither.

When we can rise our voice for 2,000 Muslims killed in Gujarat, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?

Public memory is short and fleeting. Events register momentarily like a blip on a radar and are then consigned to some dark corner of our cerebral galaxy. The brain needs to be bombarded with repetitive stimuli or jolted by a single moral turpitude of seismic proportions to evoke a strong and sustained re-sponse. In the absence of such reinforcement, a thought fades away from ones mind and that is the unfortunate tragedy of the Bangladesh genocide.

To ascertain the etiology of this amnesia or selective attention deficit we need to delve deeper into the details of this gory chapter of South Asia. In a massive military operation, code named Operation Searchlight aimed at crushing Bengali aspirations of autonomy, the Pakistan army in March of 1971 unleashed a deadly reign of terror that killed about 3 million Bangladeshis and forced another 10 million to seek refuge across the border in India.

Estimates of the actual numbers vary from a ridiculous low 26,000 put out by the Pakistan government (Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission) to a high of 3 million circulating in the international media. In a preface to this massacre, Yahya Khan, the military dictator of Pakistan at that time is supposed to have remarked: “Kill 3 million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands.” (Pierre, Stephen and Robert Payne (1973), Massacre, New York: Macmillan, p 50). The official position from Bangla-desh concurs with the figure of 3 million.

R.J. Rummel in his book, Statistics of Democide: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 (ch.8) concludes: “Consoli-dating both ranges, I give a final estimate of Pakistan’s democide to be 300,000 to 3,000,000, or a prudent 1,500,000.” Even this figure of 1.5 million places this massacre high up in the list of notable world genocides. While the number killed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (in excess of 2 million) may top the Bangladesh genocide, it was carried out over a period of four years in comparison to the nine-month deadly rampage of the Pakistan army: a chilling testimony to the awesome brutality of this massacre.
Who bore the brunt of this genocide? Was it the Bengali Muslims? Were the Bengali Hindus selectively targeted? Or did both communities suffer equally? It is important to know the actual distribution of the casualties for therein may lay the clue to the big unanswered question: Why were the guilty not brought to book?
The killings were not random acts of response to a mass uprising but a meticulously crafted strategy of selective victimization as Rummel indicates in his book: “In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) (General Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan and his top generals) also planned to murder its Bengali intellectual, cultural, and political elite. They also planned to indiscriminately murder hundreds of thousands of its Hindus and drive the rest into India. And they planned to destroy its economic base to insure that it would be subordinate to West Pakistan for at least a generation to come. This despicable and cutthroat plan was outright genocide.”

A report in the Sunday Times, London (June 13, 1971) corroborates the existence of such a diabolical blueprint: “The government’s policy for East Bengal was spelled out to me in the Eastern Command headquarters at Dacca. It has three elements: 1. The Bengalis have proved themselves unreliable and must be ruled by West Pakistanis; 2. The Bengalis will have to be re-educated along proper Islamic lines. The — Islamization of the masses — this is the official jargon — is intended to eliminate secessionist tendencies and provide a strong religious bond with West Pakistan; 3. When the Hindus have been eliminated by death and fight, their property will be used as a golden carrot to win over the under -privileged Muslim middle-class. This will provide the base for erecting administrative and political structures in the future.”

In a report submitted to the US Senate Judiciary Commit-tee (November 1, 1971) Senator Edward Kennedy further confirms this persecution of Hindus: “Field reports to the US government, countless eye-witness journalistic ac-counts, reports of international agencies such as World Bank and additional information available to the subcommittee document the reign of terror which grips East Bengal (East Pakistan). Hardest hit have been members of the Hindu community, who have been robbed of their lands and shops, systematically slaughtered, and in some places, painted with yellow patches marked ‘H.’ All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered and implemented under martial law from Islamabad.”

An article in Time magazine dated August 2, 1971 titled Pakistan: The Ravaging of Golden Bengal (external link) categorically concluded: “The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Muslim military hatred.”

All this evidence clearly indicates that the Hindu community of Bangladesh was the specially culled out by the Pakistan army for this inhuman treatment. Coming to specifics, let us see whether we can ascertain with a fair degree of accuracy, the ball park figures for the Hindus killed or driven from their homes.
In the senate judiciary committee report, Kennedy indicates that 80 percent of the refugees were Hindu that is 8 of the 10 million; a figure in line with the Time magazine report that suggests that three-fourths of the refugees were Hindu.

The percentage figures follow the same pattern when we look at the people killed. Shrinandan Vyas in an article in The Hindu titled Hindu Genocide in East Pakistan uses population statistics from the Bangladesh Ministry of Planning, Bureau of Statistics to extrapolate the number of Hindus killed by the Pakistan army: a mind-numbing figure of 2.4 million equivalents to 80 percent of the overall total of 3 million emerges.

While this is not an attempt to underplay or trivialize the sacrifices of Bangladeshis as a whole (Muslim intellectuals were also killed in large numbers), it cannot be denied that the Hindu community of Bangladesh accounted for an astronomically disproportionate share of the dead and paid a price that was more than its due.

A crime like genocide usually involves established institutions like governments or nations. For the criminals to be brought to book one needs a dedicated champion like the legendary Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, or a driven community who share a commonality with the victims and will not let the perpetrators to rest. The Hindu community has neither.

Logically it would fall upon the Bangladesh government to relentlessly pursue the executors of this horrific massacre. After some half-hearted attempts in the immediate post — 1971 periods, the Bangladesh government has relegated this issue to a back burner. Why they have done so is intriguing? Does it have to do something with Islamic brotherhood and the fact that the victims happened to be predominantly Hindu?

What about the Hindus themselves? The Hindus, wherever they maybe, are afflicted with a strange psychic malady that inhibits them from standing up for their rights or highlighting atrocities committed against them. Moreover those Hindus, who do so are shouted down by their own brethren. However, in defense of Bangladeshi Hindus, I must say that the continued oppressive religious environment in that country makes any such protest impossible, especially with their limited numbers.

The only other lobby with a special interest in this matter was predominantly Hindu India. I have always felt that India owes a moral responsibility to the Hindus left behind in Pakistan and Bangladesh in 1947. While the Muslim minority of India became a part of a secular republic with equal rights, the Hindu minority of Pakistan (and later Bangladesh) were relegated to second class status through no fault of theirs.

Could India with its famed free and secular media have played a key role? Yes, it certainly could have. And should have. But did not.

To side with Hindus even if they are right is akin to blasphemy in the vaunted circles of the free Indian media. How else can you explain the relentless crusade against the Gujarat riots that persists even to this day in comparison with the near total silence on the monumental genocide that obliterated 2.4 million Hindus from the face of the earth or the shoddy treatment meted out to the continued ethnic cleansing of a quarter million Hindus from Kashmir?

All atrocities regardless of the color, caste, creed or religion of the victims must be condemned fair and square and the perpetrators relentlessly pursued till eternity if need be and brought to book. When we can raise your voice for 2,000 Muslims, (the official figures are much less) killed in Gujarat and we should, we must cry from the roof tops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?


communal riots every year which results in thousands of muslims/christians dead are not a separatist movements they are just hatred for muslims/christians living in india.

so says a Facist hindu hiding behind a muslim name can't get more funny than this :rofl:

u guys have been brought up upon feelings that hindus are enemies. u can hate, but the reality is that muslim countries are sufferring while india is growing.
communal riots every year which results in thousands of muslims/christians dead are not a separatist movements they are just hatred for muslims/christians living in india.

so says a Facist hindu hiding behind a muslim name can't get more funny than this :rofl:


1-Riot's every year - backup your claim

2-so says a Facist hindu hiding behind a muslim name can't get more funny than this-you can't take it it's gone above your head.

3-propaganda..... you scientist:rofl:
India is a weak and fake country, at the end of the day. It's the fault of Muslim majority countries that they have failed to form a union of Islamic countries that would share a common foreign policy, common defense, common economy, common politics after a decade or more of unity.

A united Muslim world could easily act to reverse the course of all these injustices, by the Grace of Allah (SWT).
India is a weak and fake country, at the end of the day. It's the fault of Muslim majority countries that they have failed to form a union of Islamic countries that would share a common foreign policy, common defense, common economy, common politics after a decade or more of unity.

A united Muslim world could easily act to reverse the course of all these injustices, by the Grace of Allah (SWT).

yes u should form a united muslim ummah, but how? muslim countries are on both sides of india and inorder to become one u will have to run over hindu india. do u wanna get killed and ur country enslaved??? if u do then i guess ur country should give it a try.
baat ye hai bhaijaan ki pakistan was formed on the principle that hindu muslim can't live together in peace but baring few incidents we are proving them wrong and its raising question on their identity is liye unge ye baat hazam nahi hoti

Sahi kaha aapne ... who cares we are blessed with inida

Sahi kaha aapne ... who cares we are blessed with inida

miss spelled---- india

India is a weak and fake country, at the end of the day. It's the fault of Muslim majority countries that they have failed to form a union of Islamic countries that would share a common foreign policy, common defense, common economy, common politics after a decade or more of unity.

A united Muslim world could easily act to reverse the course of all these injustices, by the Grace of Allah (SWT).

The prob with u guyz is ,,, u feel like a torch bearer of islam being living in a muslim majority country.... that's why BD remains backward
i disagree. i think they grudgingly "allowed" the hundred million+ muslims who didnt migrate to pak to stay behind. there is still clearly a resentment for these people as many of the members u note constantly ask the remaining muslims to leave to pakistan. they havent been accepted into mainstream society (segregation/ghettoization) and even after 60+ years have to prove their loyalty to bharat.
they r taught some weird historical "facts" in their textbooks that muslims opressed them during the mughal reign...the kids read this as "all muslims are evil"...when the truth is that a few muslim emperors invaded our lands and oppressed both them and us...nobody except the princes/kings had any power...the common muslim did not commit atrocities on the common hindus...we actually lived peacefully side-by-side for the most part

on the flipside the same thing happens in pakistan where muslims are indirectly taught to hate hindus through our textbooks. i just wish we both would take a step back, fix these rhetorics, and stop poisoning the minds of our children. yet another generation of hatred is blossoming.

Sitting in canada and talking B'S Will make u a self proclaimed hero nothing else . being a muslim in india is same as being a muslim in any part of the world ,get that straight. we do not have to prove our loyality to any one as we belong to this soil and those who were disloyal already left India long ago. we are never treated in a way u think Which is absolutey B.S .... Bangladeshi is stiill living in a medival world that y they remain so back ward.
Sitting in canada and talking B'S Will make u a self proclaimed hero nothing else . being a muslim in india is same as being a muslim in any part of the world ,get that straight. we do not have to prove our loyality to any one as we belong to this soil and those who were disloyal already left India long ago. we are never treated in a way u think Which is absolutey B.S .... Bangladeshi is stiill living in a medival world that y they remain so back ward.

Fake Indian Muslim.
fake & whiny bangladeshi...

Fake Indian Muslim.

same old victim mentality. :devil:.. the possibility of formation of Union of Islam is same as Bangladesh coming out of poverty- that is Zero...

India is a weak and fake country, at the end of the day. It's the fault of Muslim majority countries that they have failed to form a union of Islamic countries that would share a common foreign policy, common defense, common economy, common politics after a decade or more of unity.

A united Muslim world could easily act to reverse the course of all these injustices, by the Grace of Allah (SWT).
Now lets see, and please answer seriously, who are more succesful as a whole- Indian Muslims or Minorities (Sikhs/Christian/Hindus) in Pakistan?!!

We all know the answer so before you start pointing fingers understand you've got your own issues that are far more pressing that are in urgent need of addressing before you take the moral high ground and attack others.

Wake me up when a Sikh/Hindu/Christian is made President of Pakistan (just like India has had Muslim and Sikh Presidents).
Muslim Bangladeshis do Pole Vaulting in India in large numbers from your Shonar Bangladesh and present everywhere from Assam to Delhi-Kerala and again whine that India is not suitable for Muslims, what a joke, Liar Bangladeshi. :cheesy: :cheesy:

Fake BS propaganda by Hindu Nationalists to dehumanize and harass Bengali Muslims in India. This is how well they take care of their Muslim minority and bring fake posters to show off their loyalty.
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