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India’s Vaccine Colossus Is a Model for the World to Follow


Jan 23, 2019
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India’s Vaccine Colossus Is a Model for the World to Follow

Serum Institute to manufacture vaccines not just for the world’s second-most populous country, but likely many others too
Covid-19 Vaccines Are Coming—So Are Hackers

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Coming—So Are Hackers
As drugmakers distribute Covid-19 vaccines, cybersecurity experts are warning against the growing threat of tampering and theft by organized crime networks. WSJ explains how hackers are targeting the vaccine rollout during the pandemic. Illustration: George Downs
Jan. 6, 2021 6:01 am ET
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India has authorized two Covid-19 vaccines for use, putting its enormous vaccine-manufacturing capacity in the spotlight. Large parts of the rich world may have something valuable to learn.
The Serum Institute of India is the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines by volume, founded over 50 years ago by now-multibillionaire Cyrus Poonawalla. It will likely provide not only almost all the vaccines administered in India, but many elsewhere in the world too, once exports are permitted later in the year.
Research by Fitch Solutions outlines three groups of Asian economies this year: Those that can plausibly vaccinate most of the people in priority groups such as health-care workers and the elderly by June, those that can do so by September and those that will take longer. India is by some distance the lowest-income country in the first group of economies, which includes Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Malaysia. Wealthier South Korea and Thailand will take longer.
The Serum Institute’s work requires a reliable and large domestic supply of the vials in which the vaccines are sealed and transported, ensured by companies such as Schott Kaisha and Piramal Glass. The existence of the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer helps to establish the basis for a domestic network of suppliers.
Global supply chains and international trade have actually held up remarkably well under extreme circumstances over the past year. There is no need to reshore enormous amounts of manufacturing capacity, and any attempt at even halfway autarky will make all parties involved—importers and exporters—less prosperous.

Covaxin production has been doubled, so I hope that Congress governed states now don’t rant that fake news “vaccines not available”.

Indian Pharma company Gennova‘s mRNA vaccine is going for trials, J&J, Novavax under trials after which Serum Institute will manufacture both and Sputnik-V is under mass production by various Indian pharmaceutical companies. Just hope this pandemic gets over anyhow.
indian vaccine colossal is indeed a model for the world follow as an example of how NOT to make & distribute vaccines! just think about it, the dhotti doctors can't even provide vaccines for their own country that has surpassed 260,000 daily infections with more than 20,000 daily deaths let alone the rest of the world.

indians are genetically incompetent nincompups!

I also believe we should have followed the Pakistan model. 'smart vaccination'
last 24 hours 2,000 Indians dead and 300,000 infected (and by many accounts this is a massive under count) and Indians on this forum bigging themselves up. Wow.

India has vaccinated millions. You have vaccinated pretty much none.
indian vaccine colossal is indeed a model for the world follow as an example of how NOT to make & distribute vaccines! just think about it, the dhotti doctors can't even provide vaccines for their own country that has surpassed 260,000 daily infections with more than 20,000 daily deaths let alone the rest of the world.

indians are genetically incompetent nincompups!
Ohh Please, you have vaccinated only around 0.4% of your population yet, we have vaccinated 10% of our Population.

You have administered 0.8 million doses while we have administered 130 million doses and are the fastest country to do so.
Inappropriate Language
last 24 hours 2,000 Indians dead and 300,000 infected (and by many accounts this is a massive under count) and Indians on this forum bigging themselves up. Wow.
Atleast we made our own vaccine , what did you beggars make ? As usual wait for your masters Chinese to make it for you and then give it for free to you beggars , your katora took a Chinese vaccine shot and became Corona +ve ...we can still mass produce vaccines and get our situation under control, what will you international beggars do ? Go to IMF , USA , China or your Arab brother this time ?
Ohh Please, you have vaccinated only around 0.4% of your population yet, we have vaccinated 10% of our Population.

You have administered 0.8 million doses while we have administered 130 million doses and are the fastest country to do so.
They can’t even make a vaccine , they are relying on China and Allah to save them ..their katora took a Chinese vaccine and tested positive , no one takes these jokers seriously
Covaxin production has been doubled, so I hope that Congress governed states now don’t rant that fake news “vaccines not available”.

Indian Pharma company Gennova‘s mRNA vaccine is going for trials, J&J, Novavax under trials after which Serum Institute will manufacture both and Sputnik-V is under mass production by various Indian pharmaceutical companies. Just hope this pandemic gets over anyhow.
modi is lord?
will take 2-3 years to vaccinate the entire globe
i remeber reading that it will take some countries including Pakistan 10 years to vaccinate everyone. so i think covid is not going anywhere it will stay with us like say polio.
They can’t even make a vaccine , they are relying on China and Allah to save them ..their katora took a Chinese vaccine and tested positive , no one takes these jokers seriously
Funny thing is the 3rd wave in Pakistan itself and the number of tests they do everyday. Yesterday they did 40 Thousand tests while we did more than 1.5 million tests yesterday. No wonder how did they control COVID-19 and why so less cases :coffee: .


Serum institute is license manufacturing the vaccines.It isn’t their R&D.
Funny thing is the 3rd wave in Pakistan itself and the number of tests they do everyday. Yesterday they did 40 Thousand tests while we did more than 1.5 million tests yesterday. No wonder how did they control COVID-19 and why so less cases :coffee: .

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I feel sorry for you guys. India is in the worst situation in the World on Covid by any standards and you guys are going around with your bluster and silly comparasions. They are burning bodies literally on the streets as the ghats have reached capacity. In places they cannot even find wood to burn the bodies. Why this need for self promotion? Is the inferiority complex so deep in you individually or inherent in your culture? I would suggest you guys to relax for a while and try to understand the tragedy. These are somber times not times for chest thumping. Your leader did that a few months and see where your country is today. Your country was suppose to be the savior of the world, remember.
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I feel sorry for you guys. India is in the worst situation in the World on Covid by any standards and you guys are going around with your bluster and silly comparasions. They are burning bodies literally on the streets as the ghats have reached capacity. Why this need for self promotion? Is the inferiority complex so deep in you individually or inherent in your culture.

we would not have been in this situation if China had not let loose the virus form the wuhan lab.

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